Chapter 44

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The old family of the Hodi family personally went to the Hiloin Star, and attended the Supreme Court of the Star Alliance, which appeared on the stars and other information platforms of the Star Network.

This was operated by the Hoddy family. The purpose was to pave the way for the follow-up events after the trial, and to take back the cubs who developed the mutants in the family.

The Star Court is different from the many processes in the modern court. Xie Yan's expression sat quietly on the seat. He had already urgently supplemented this part of the common sense a few days ago.

The voice of the beginning of the trial has already been heard. Now everything in the court is under the cover of the recording system. After the trial, a permanent record will be kept in the Supreme Court of the Star Alliance.

This filing will be shared with all the courts that are members of the Star Alliance. If there is no plaintiff, they will not choose to stand up directly.

The same is true of the rules of who advocates who gives evidence. After the trial began, the person on the floating platform opposite Xie Tao was in the first place of speech.

Putting the black cane against the ground, the old Huddi's owner sitting on the table looked very calm. Without any comments, the man standing next to the other side began to present evidence and gave an overview of his own views.

I don't think there is any difficulty in this trial. After the man finished the draft, he only grasped the simplest core point and stepped on the top: "There is evidence that the cub is clearly attributed to the Hodid family. Next, the other party still insists on refusing to cooperate. This behavior is absolutely unreasonable in the Star Alliance law. In other words, this is an act that violates the laws of the Star Alliance."

The evidence presented is sufficient to prove the other's point of view, confirming that there is no forgery in the documents presented as evidence, and that the eleven judges who are distributed around the circular venue in the higher seats have almost a slight bias.

The trial requires justice, but before the trial officially begins, the judges present actually feel that there should be no suspense in this trial, because this is indeed a very simple and intuitive case.

On the Horde family side, the man who ended the speech even thought that the speech of the opposite person could not be heard at all, and no matter how much the other party would swear, it would not be possible to explain this point reasonably.

Although the judges and the big judges who are now in the upper seat have not made any statement, the inadvertent nodding movements and expression changes of several judges can also clearly show the attitude.

But in any case, the people on both sides of the floating platform have the right to speak. When receiving the speech, Xie Tao stood up from the seat.

"A cub care team needs to be responsible for all the cubs in the club. Based on this principle, I can't let the people sent by the Hoddy family take the cubs away." Sincerely and calmly said this, Xie Wei The eyes of a group of judges stood up straight.

If the light is from a state of mind, the judge can't really say that the other's state is a little bit bad. The young people on the floating platform on the right are very calm from beginning to end, and they are calm and persuasive. Just simply indicating his position, Xie Tao entrusted the remaining tasks to the defender next to him, while moving his gaze to a closed wooden door below the circular building.

In the door, there are more than one witness who followed them to Hiloline.

"According to the Star Alliance law, a family deliberately abandoning a cub is judged to have lost the custody of the cub, and this also violates Article 39 of the Star Alliance Law, which is a bad behavior that requires punishment." The defender said In this passage, not only did the face of the opposite seat change slightly, but all the judges present at the scene heard the abandonment of the cubs and their expressions became more serious.

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