Chapter 35

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The previous club received two million credits from anonymous donations. After consultation with the internal staff of Yunbao Branch, it decided to use the money to build new facilities.

An outdoor venue for aquatic races. 

Not only is the number of aquatic races that will be accommodated in the clubs increased in the future, but also the existing mermaid cubs and the Mayer cubs will have a more free living environment.

If you just want to build a water area that is connected to the indoor pool and has a suitable range, you only need to spend a million or so credits to complete it.

It is also equipped with an invisible shielding barrier, which can be used to enable wind and rain when needed. It is very convenient when it is not needed.

The rest of the money is spent on the purchase of the environmental simulation device. The total price of the simulation device is even more expensive than the construction of the water. It needs to be taken from the deposits saved by the club before Xie Tao. Just buy a little to buy.

Although this is not a small expenditure, after considering all aspects, Xie Tao still spent money to buy this thing.

At present, the funds for maintaining the daily operation of the club are still sufficient. It is reasonable to spend money to build new facilities and purchase machines that are essential items. The people in the club agree.

Hiring a professional team and creating a water area outdoors has only taken a few days.

The installation of the environmental simulation device did not require much effort. It was solved on the same day. After the new event venue was officially built, Xie Tao and several other nurses came to know the new venue with their own club members.

Although this is mainly a place for the aquatic race, but the terrestrial cubs who occasionally like to play with water are not without, and there is a new fund, Xie Tao is also preparing to build a baby in this water area. Water playground.

Approaching this newly constructed event venue and entering the scope of the environmental simulation device, everyone will immediately be able to clearly feel that the breeze that has passed over seems to have changed a bit, and can smell a taste of the ocean. .

Not only the wind, but also the sound of the waves can be heard in the ear. When I walk to a place that is simulated as a beach, the cubs who come to this place with the nurses will see a blue ocean.

The actual space is certainly not that big, but the environmental simulation device creates such a scene. The flow of water and other aspects are all realistically simulated by the sea, and the rendering of the overall environment can simulate a very real marine environment in this area.

Of course, there are also safety facilities. There is an automatic rescue system in the area, so there is no need to worry about the accidental drowning of the children of the terrestrial race.

It is the sea.

For most of the cubs in the Yunbao branch, they have never seen the ocean like, but even if they have not seen it, these cubs still think this is a very beautiful and beautiful picture. For Yunbao Branch, there are only two young cubs belonging to the aquatic race. The current area that is modeled as a sea is an environment that makes them very close. Like the Moyer Cub, they have begun to take the initiative to the water. Climbing, it seems to want to climb into the water to stay.

It's a pity that I just accidentally fell over my body after climbing a few steps. The four little short legs of the Moyer's cubs smashed into the sky twice. After discovering that they were still over, they quickly smashed at the young people behind. stand up.

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