Chapter 4

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After packing up the room, Xie Tao had to start working right away. The nurses in the club plus him had only four people in total, and the manpower was not sufficient. 

It is time for the pups to eat.

Xie Tao was still thinking about what the young cubs of other races would look like. As a result, as soon as he walked into the feeding place of the cubs, he saw a group of fluffy velvets.

Only the second is not fluffy, only when he comes in, he approaches the Muka cubs next to him, and another mermaid cub that is placed in a small wooden bucket full of water.

The mermaid... For the first time, I saw this fantasy creature that only exists in people's illusions. Xie can't help but take another look.

The human fishtail, the upper part of the mermaid cub looks like a human baby about two years old. Maybe there is a racial advantage, looks very pleasing, but there is no expression on the face, it looks very silent, there is a feeling of being too quiet.

This eye was inadvertently seen for a little longer. When she suddenly looked at a pair of blue eyes, Xie Zhen reacted. He simply bent his eyebrows on the cub.

"Is this cub usually staying in this wooden bucket? Is there no pool in our branch?" Xie Tao walked over to the colleague who had seen him before, and asked for a question.

When it comes to mermaid, the scene that people most easily associate with should be a blue ocean, but the mermaid cub in front of Xie Zhen can only stay in a small wooden barrel with water. No matter how you look at it, I really feel a bit entangled in the childhood when I was deeply impressed by the story of the Little Mermaid.

"There is nothing." Lin Yi did not deny the previous question of Xie Tao, only nodded. "There is one in the courtyard outside the house, but the pool has already been dried up. The bottom of the pool is now full of leaf dust."

After finishing this sentence, Lin Yi looked at the human youth next to him and seemed to be thinking. He could not help but ask with a strange expression: "You should not want to give this mermaid cub to clean up the pool? Useless, that pool The circulation device is broken, even if you clean the pool and fill it with water, then you can't change the water."

Let's say that they pay 1800 credits a month, and they don't have to do their job every day. Why bother to work harder for themselves.

Xie Tao did not say that he did not say no, vaguely responded.

There are a total of twelve cubs that need to be nursed in the club. This is what Xie Tao learned from Xia Qi. Among them, there are three cubs or eggs that are not broken, and they are now in the insulation room.

There are only four nurses in the club plus the newly recruited Xie Wei. To take care of the cubs in the club, there are of course many points in many things. Some cubs will have to wait until the end. thing.

Xia Qi is busy brewing milk powder, and the other two colleagues seem to deliberately ignore the Muka cub who is next to Xie Zhen. Seeing this situation, Xie Zhen still has nothing to understand.

Xia Qi has no time to take care of this Muka cub, and the other two are unwilling to take care of them, intending to push this matter away from their hands. If they were before, the two men pushed each other and pushed them to the end. There was always someone who would reluctantly prepare food for the Muka cubs. But now, Xie Tao took the initiative to take it away.

In the past, I had to wait until the end to eat. Muka's cubs didn't really have any idea about this. It was usually watching the nurses prepare food or feeding for other cubs, and it will be it in the end.

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