Chapter 87

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In the current interstellar wars, Gaia Star is one of the rarest environments in many planets. 

The neighboring planets were destroyed by the army led by Yayi, leaving Gaia Star alone, and the other parties did not know whether or not they got any information. Later, they avoided the planet in unison.

The Ark ship opened the invisible force field, and the whole process of moving to Gaia Star did not attract any attention.

Most of the soldiers stayed on the Ark ship and stood by, and there was only a small, unobtrusive force that landed on Gaia Star with Xie Tao.

The time point of this parallel world line is the future after decades. After the Ark ship came down, Xie Tao saw a planet that made him feel intimate.

The planet does not seem to change much. In the current city, Xie Tao saw his impression of the streets and various stores, many of which are exactly the same as in his memory.

Although he left Gaiastar while destroying the nearby planet, Yai was not interested in the planet he was born in. He just skipped it very casually.

Gaia Star is also one of the planets to be destroyed sooner or later, but he chose to put the planet behind and solve it.

He didn't have a good memory of the planet.

"It should be this way." Xie Yu went to the destination with memory, and the urban planning has not changed much, which makes his activities on the planet more convenient.

The place where Xie Tao wants to go is the Yunbao branch. The Yunbao branch of the world has not been able to run for many years. Now I don't know what it is. Xie Tao wants to see it for himself.

Because there is an adult Muka group, Xie Tao and his party are still receiving some attention. Several people who share the memory know where they are going. The face without much expression seems to be involuntarily changed.

The cub nursing care club, which is called "Yunbao", has closed down and closed, is where they were born.

Not long after, after a commercial street, Xie Tao arrived at the destination, where he saw a familiar and strange scene.

A semi-opened rusty iron gate, no one at the door, and the building inside was in a state of being dismantled in half. It is obviously a place that has been abandoned before Xie Zhen's eyes.

Abandoned and no one guarded, there is no sign prohibiting entry, Xie Wei went in from the half-opened iron gate.

The entire place was empty, except for the buildings that were laid off halfway, and the areas within the walls were only randomly growing weeds and some trees, which looked very desolate.

There is a gap between the foreground of the eye and the picture shared by Ravi. On the other side of the world, the Yunbao branch that should have been in this place is like their home. The young cub lives and learns here, every day. Young people and other caregivers are caringly cared for and carefree.

But in their world, this place has been abandoned, and there is no such a nursery care club called Yunbao in StarCraft. Here is where everything starts.

Xie Tao took out a custom-made golden medal from the pocket of his clothes and held it in his hand. He waved to the young blonde next to him.

Seeing the young man waving to himself, he immediately ignored the abandoned environment around him. Ravi quickly approached the young humans who were standing nearby, and then approached two steps. The standing position in front of Xie Zhen was like a small squatting Fat.

Xie Wei loosened his hand and put this golden medal with a sunflower shape on the body of this Kuwei.

Because it is a humanoid form in adulthood, an adult Kuwei has a small medal that is particularly childlike and looks a bit uncoordinated in style.

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