Chapter 126

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In the second year after the retreat of the haze, although the time was short, in the short period of more than a year, the current interstellar has changed a lot. 

The Hiloin Star, where the Star Alliance headquarters is located, has been repaired, including some historically valuable buildings, which have also been restored by the efforts of relevant technical personnel. Now, we have not seen the signs of damage, and the city construction is even more perfect. some.

Not only Hiloline, but every planet under the jurisdiction of StarCraft has developed accordingly. For example, Gaia Star, where Yunbao Branch is located, the development in recent years can be said to be very prominent in the entire interstellar.

Gaia Star is a trading planet. There are many characteristic auction houses on the planet. Each year, a large-scale auction with odd treasures or new equipment is held. It is famous in the interstellar.

But Gaia Star's development in recent years is not because of its characteristics as a trading planet, but because of tourism.

As for why the tourism industry of Gaia Star suddenly rises, it is necessary to mention the Yunbao branch.

The reason for the incident was that Xia Qi used the official account of Yunbao Branch to upload photos and videos of the children's daily life, including a short video about the group of Knox cubs.

Once this small video clip was released, the amount of viewing and forwarding was skyrocketed within a few hours, and finally it came to a rather amazing number.

There are too many people watching the video on the Stars homepage of the Yunbao Branch. For a while, the whole star has even appeared to be stuck, which has never happened in so many years.

More than 30 years ago, the Knox race was considered extinct by most people in the interstellar world. For so many years, almost no one has seen the Knox race.

The small video that was released on the Yunbao branch homepage is for most people, this is their long-lost... even some people are the first to see the Knox race.

"The two small horns on the head are so cute, ask the childcare staff to give more pictures of Knox's baby's daily life and videos!"

"The round eyes are also very cute, or this light cyan, like a Barthe gem."

"And all of them are behind the same caregiver, so it always looks good."

The comments under the dynamics of Yunbao Branch are constantly updated, and the refresh rate is so fast that people can't see it. From this dynamic heat, we can see that the people of the Stars of the Stars are now new to the Knox race. enthusiasm.

In the video, a group of plush Knox cubs are behind a young man. When the youth stops and sit down, these Knox cubs seem to be vying to fall into the arms of this young man.

If you didn't grab the position and didn't want to go, you'll be screaming at the side. The whole video, besides the small and cute corners on these Knox's cubs, the most incomprehensible is this kind of young. Soft screaming.

At present, only the Yunbao branch protects the youngsters of the Knox race throughout the interstellar, and there are still nearly a hundred. You can't see it anywhere else. People who want to see Knox's cubs can only wait for the Yunbao branch to update the star dynamics so they can see these cubs in photos or videos.

This is the descendants of the races that have protected their world. These descendants are now only a little cub, and no one in the interstellar is grateful for this race. They should care about these Knox. The healthy growth of the baby.

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