Chapter 18

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With a certain goal, the Kuti pups, covered with light red feathers, flapped their wings, and the two small claws that stood on the top edge of the locker left.


Not far away, the other two cubs and the Cotto race cubs came over. The two chubby babies stood side by side on the ground, raising their heads to look at the Kuti pups that were taking off from the top of the locker, and then Send a few extraordinarily tender and crisp buzz.

These two puffy feathers are also cheering for the Kuti cubs, black beans like the squinting eyes of the light red scorpion that is flying towards the youth, while watching the flying Kuti cubs Going over to the youth.

Due to the rich feathers, the body of Kuti's cubs is of course a chubby group. The small wings that are fluttering are smaller than the body. This type of flying in the air is very easy to worry about this cub. Will it fall because the body is too heavy?

However, the actual races that resemble birds in the early years are like this, because the fluffy feathers are very rich, so it seems that the round body shape is well developed and healthy.

Flying out of the distance of nearly two meters, the original Kuti cubs who had been flying well did not consciously slow down the speed of flapping their wings, and the flying height also decreased slightly.

From the perspective of a bystander, this landing is very obvious.

Seeing it is the trend of gradually falling to the ground, but seeing the young man who is still opening his hand to the front, this Kuti cub suddenly flutters its wings again. After the height rises, it continues to fly forward. .

This distance is not far away, it is very close, just stick to it and you can fly over it -


Flying over and slamming the whole body into the arms of the youth, the Kuti cub, who finally reached the destination, snorted while arching in the arms of the young man, and the small wings that were behind him could be seen easily. Out of this Kuti cub is now obviously high spirits.

The arms in the arms slammed into such a round ball of hair, and the size of the Kuti cub was not too big. The impact of this weight can still withstand Xie Tao.

Steadyly caught the Kuti cub, Xie Yan reached out and touched the back feather of the cub, waiting for the Kuti cub to raise his head to see him, he said: "You see It is completely possible to fly over."

The black eyes of the black slick have the ignorance of the cubs, or a cub. Although this little fat cockroach can understand what Xie 栾 said, it can only understand the meaning of the surface, and can't understand Xie Zhen. What I really want to tell it.

Xie Tao also understands this, so he made his words clearer. He looked down at the Kuti cub in his arms and said, "You have learned to fly, and you can fly better than other babies." You can fly as far as you want, without limiting yourself."

Why did this Kuti pup always fly two meters before it began to land, and Xie Tao thought about it and thought it was still a psychological reason. At first, this Kuti cub could not fly at all. This is because when the cub wants to learn to fly, there is no support from the surrounding people. This is the time from this Kuti cub. It can be seen from the changes.

And it was more likely that it was not only not encouraged, but also blamed or ridiculed when learning to fly.

Because of this, this Kuti cub will later resist learning to fly. I don't really want to learn, I just don't want to be blamed when I study.

Over time, learning will not fly this judgment will stay in this Kuti baby.

For this reason, probably, after learning to fly, this Kuti cub is still affected by this subconscious mind deep inside.

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