Chapter 28

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Deliberately raised his body, in order to let his father see the small gold medal on his body more clearly, but this Kuti baby cub obviously has a little lack of confidence. When the chest is raised, the small wings behind him are close together. Tight. 

This may be the last courage of this Kuti cub. If you don't get a good response this time, this light red chubby cockroach will probably never be able to show his courage to show himself in front of the other side.

This kind of courage is a momentary thing. Only when you get a good response can you continue, and vice versa.

Before Xie Tao came, another parent who listened to this Kuti cub told him about the father of the cub.

To sum up, it is probably that the other party's education methods for the young children at home have been too strict, lacking praise and encouragement, and not guiding the growth of the young people in the right direction.

Parents are too harsh, and they always blame the cubs for not doing well. It is a matter of course that this Kudiao cub will be extra timid when facing his father.

Seeing that this light red chubby is so hard to show up the courage to express himself, the man still has a long face and no expression, and Xie Tao can't help but feel a little worried.

But now he can't just say "You can boast this pup", you can only hint with your eyes, and then continue to stand still and watch.

And if Xie Wei is worried, the Kuti woman behind the man is anxious.

It was clear that the other party had promised to be good in the study, and she nodded to her. Now the cubs are so active in their arms that they are obviously praising, and how can they not say a word in the other mouth? ?

Very anxious, afraid that the young cubs of the family will soon change back to the way they were born, and Fuya suddenly pushed the front person.

They all deliberately showed off the small gold medals on their bodies. The Kuti cubs who were unable to wait for the response moved their wings uneasily. The original squinting eyes that were still slightly lighted gradually disappeared. The small head is also ready to go down again.

But at this time, this light red chubby cockroach suddenly felt that his back feather was touched by someone.


Just as I heard that I was in the first place in the flight contest, this Kuti cub snorted a little, and the black eyes were looking at the face of the cold-faced parents.

Touch it, there is a second. Being touched by a palm with a body temperature from the head to the back feathers, this Kuti cub has not been able to react, and it looks like a chubby chicken in the arms of the parents.

It's strange to hold the cub, so Donner's body is stiff and unfamiliar to the stalking, so Don's movements are stiff.

But fortunately, he was originally an unspoken image, and the two blunt performances did not seem too awkward.

According to the behavior of the young celebrity who showed the little medal to him, he should give a compliment now, but Donner opened his mouth twice and felt like something in his throat seemed to be stuffed. Living. Can't think of the praise of the cub, Donna recalled his memory, and suddenly found that he had never praised the other party since he was born.

Even if he has realized his mistake, as a parent and an adult, it is difficult for Downer to make changes at once.

Adults have a good face, and it is sometimes more difficult to take the initiative to admit mistakes, especially when it is necessary to admit mistakes to the younger brothers at home.

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