chapter 6

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a/n: This one gets a little...disturbing...towards the end. Consider yourself warned!


"Owen? OWEN?", Logan yelled as he knocked onto the redhead's trailer's door. "Please tell me you're in here! My uncle and aunt aren't home yet...Please open the door!", the boy shouted, sounding worried.

"Hey, buddy! What are you doing here? Your mom doesn't allow me to see you anymore.", the trauma surgeon explained to the ten-year-old, who suddenly started crying. "What's wrong?"

"She didn't come home. Neither of them did. James went to pick her up from work and left me at home to watch a show and none of them came back.", the young brunette shared, now sobbing. "He did something to her; I can feel it! I just don't know what caused this."

"Come in.", Owen told the child, closing the door behind them. "Logan, I need you to think back to when he picked you up from school today and if he was home the whole time until he left to get your mom from work."

"I am off early on Mondays. We had lunch and he told me to do my homework and to relax a bit until 3pm, like always. He could have left during that time, why?", Logan asked confused.

"Your Aunt Meredith thought she saw James at the hospital after your mother had left the table because of a fight about him. And then I called her into the ER, and she freaked out and I ordered her into my office. She was in there with me for a while until I allowed her to finish the rest of her work in her own office and he might have seen us and misinterpreted the situation.", the redhead realized in shock.

"So, what do we do? I don't wanna go back home, I am scared.", the ten-year-old informed his mother's boss, embracing him tightly. "Can I actually stay with you this time?", he begged.

"Yes, of course. I'll protect you, buddy.", the trauma surgeon promised him, locking the door of the trailer. Going to a hotel wasn't an option since James was so good at stalking, he would find them anywhere if he wanted to.


Amelia woke up on a mattress in a slightly lighted glass thingy. She rubbed her eyes in confusion before she realized that someone had locked her into the cage. When she looked around, she noticed James watching her from a chair outside of her personal prison.

"James, babe, what are you doing? Why am I in here?", the brunette asked, noticing the food next to her and a bucket in the corner that was obviously meant to be her toilet. "What is this?", she questioned, scared of the answer.

"This is me making sure that we get to stay together forever, love.", her boyfriend let her know with a smile. "Because I love you and I realize that I cannot trust you.", he added, watching her stand up and walk towards the glass wall in front of him.

"But you can! You can trust me, and I love you, too!", Amelia replied desperately, putting her hands against the wall as she looked at him with her innocent blue eyes, causing James to stand up and mirror her on the other side.

"Why are you doing this to me, honey? After everything I've done...everything that I am still doing for you? You just stand there and lie right into my face.", the trauma surgeon sighed in disappointment. "Do you really think I didn't see you go into his office? That your phone didn't notify me about when you walked back out two hours later? How is he in bed?"

"What are you even talking about?", the neurosurgeon wondered, still not understanding what he was accusing her of. "I didn't do anything with anyone. You're the only man in my life. The only one I love."

"You cheated on me with Hunt, and you have the audacity to look me in the eye while you continue to be a dirty liar.", James chuckled creepily, noticing the shock in her face. "See? You're definitely not made to be an actress. It's too easy to figure you out. Enjoy dinner."

"I didn't cheat on you with Owen!", his girlfriend started tearing up as she hit the glass cage. "No, don't go! Don't leave me here! James!", she screamed, falling to her knees as she cried. All she could think about was Logan.

Where was her son? What had he done to him? Was he okay? With Derek? Or with Owen maybe? Amelia wasn't hungry at all, dizzy from all the questions running through her mind. This was fine.

James was only going to punish her for a day, if even. She knew him and that he would never hurt her. He loved her more than anything and tomorrow she would convince him that his assumption about her cheating on him was just a misunderstanding.

"Actually...", her boyfriend walked back into the room. It seemed to be some sort of basement. "Can you take off your panties and bra and give them to me through the window over there? Since you and I obviously won't have sex tonight, I gotta help myself. In return, you'll get a hoodie from me, since I know you get cold during the nights. Deal?"

" actually do jerk off to fantasies about me? I always thought you were joking.", Amelia told him, which caused him to sit down and choose to do it in front of her. Well, that was awkward.

"Moan my name and finally give me your underwear.", James demanded. "You're mine and mine only and I really want to fuck you right now. Amy, would you mind? I don't have all night even if I'd love to stare at you while you look so shocked about me masturbating to my girlfriend. I mean, isn't that the most normal thing there is?"

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