chapter 2

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Friday, June 9th:


„Hey, buddy!", Owen greeted Logan who had knocked on his office door. "What are you doing here?", he wondered, although he knew that the boy's parents were currently working, meaning he had to stick around until one of them finished their shifts which, according to plan, would be Amelia.

"Hi! My mom wants me to do my homework in her office, but I texted her and asked if I could do it in your office, of course only if you're fine with that as well. She doesn't mind.", the ten-year-old explained with a smile.

"Be my guest.", his counterpart invited him in, watching him take the seat he had taken last week. "What subject do you have homework in?", he questioned curiously, sitting down himself on the other side of the desk.

"Math and English.", the young brunette replied, noticing new candy in the bowl, and innocently glancing at the redhead, who chuckled and nodded, allowing him to take some. "Don't tell James, he'll kill both of us."

"Don't worry, it's our secret.", the trauma surgeon promised softly. "I happen to notice that you don't really like your stepfather.", he pointed out. "But he's not that bad. I like him as a colleague. What makes him a bad dad?"

"Well, for starters the fact that he's not my father. And he keeps trying to be and acts like he is, which I hate. Also, he's such a clingy person. He actually checks my mom's phone every night before bed to make sure she doesn't keep any secrets from him and she lets him, Owen! She lets him...", Logan shared, realizing what he had just called his mother's boss. "Oh God, I'm sorry! I know it's Chief Hunt.", he quickly apologized.

"It's fine. I'm not calling you Mr. Shepherd either.", the redhead joked. "You can call me Owen.", he gave his permission. "She lets him check her phone? As in he reads all her mails and text messages and goes through her calls?"

"YES! You think that's crazy too! So does Uncle Derek, but she doesn't let anyone explain to her why this is not normal. So, my uncle is just glad that we're living here now and he kind of gets to keep an eye on my mom and me.", the boy continued. "I am just so angry because she could have anyone if she wanted to, and James is the guy she chooses to settle for. You like her, don't you?"

"What?", his counterpart asked. "I...I mean, as a colleague? Yeah, sure. Maybe as a friend.", Owen answered uncomfortably. He hadn't dated anyone since Cristina and was currently married to his work.

"No, I asked if you think my mom is hot.", the ten-year-old went into detail. "The question isn't if you're into her, although James does think so by the way so I would be careful around her whenever he's around since he can get very protective of her. It's just if you think she's hot."

"She definitely is. Your mother is a very attractive woman that my trauma surgeon thinks I have a crush on?", the redhead questioned again to have it confirmed, which Logan did by nodding his head. "Great, I'm glad I am his boss and that it's not the other way around."

"Yeah, if jealousy was a person it would be James. That's why we never go anywhere. He can't stand it when other people look at my mom because he immediately reads more into it than there is. I just want to see the city in the evening when it's dark and mom says we'll get to it at some point but then she never acts on her promise because James doesn't allow it.", Logan sighed.

"Alright, here's a suggestion. James is pulling the night shift tonight, which means he can't be with you guys for dinner. Let's get some takeout and I can take you two to a beautiful place. It's June, so it's warm enough until later this evening.", the trauma surgeon presented his plan, causing the boy's face to light up.

"I'd love to, and I think my mom would, too! We just have to ask her in person once she comes and picks me up because you know, the phone thingy. I want to do this so badly, but I would never want to get her into trouble.", the ten-year-old informed his parents' boss.

"Deal.", he agreed softly, letting the kid do his homework now, ready to help him in case he needed it, but he soon realized how crazy smart Logan was. He finished his homework in no time and then started continuing his drawing of a dragon.

"Hey!", Amelia beamed at her son, who had opened the door for her after she had knocked. It was now 6pm, the perfect time to leave and have dinner soon. "Hi, Chief Hunt! Thanks for letting him stay in here with you."

"Honestly, I think you can call me Owen considering the bomb we're about to drop on you.", the redhead shrugged cutely. "Come in! Logan will tell you. He's really excited.", he added as a small manipulation for the woman to actually agree if she knew that he knew how happy this trip would make her child.

"Okay, Owen.", the neurosurgeon slowly responded, kind of curious. "So, what's the bomb, honey?", she wanted to know from her son, who told her about the plan and that they couldn't have asked her earlier because of James checking her phone. "You know I hate when you criticize him for taking my phone and checking everything and I am also not the biggest fan of sneaking around like this. But I can also see how badly you want to do this.", she sighed.

"So, it's a yes?", the young brunette wondered, his eyes sparkling with hope. "It's a yes!", he excitedly exclaimed and highfived her boss once his mom had agreed to doing it. "Let's go then!", he grinned.

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