Chapter 1(Arc 1: The Second Class of the Seventies)

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 In the fields of Hongqi Village, the villagers chatted about the gossip of the previous two days while working.

"Xia Zhiqing is really pitiful. Who can't save him, but he was saved by a bastard. You said that after this, how will you live your life if you are going to marry a bastard.

" The most beautiful."

"What's the use of being beautiful, Xia Zhiqing looks so delicate, at first glance, it's not for work, should you marry him and be a eldest lady? I said, marrying a daughter-in-law should be diligent and live a good life. "

I don't think the boys in the village think that way. Look at how many boys in the village were rushing to help out. I think they are now envious of the bastard."

"I haven't seen the bastard and Xia Zhiqing in the past two days . Two people, do you think they will get married?"

"Who knows, if the girl in our village fell into the river and was rescued by a man, and the two hugged each other wetly, it would be difficult to get married if they didn't get married, even if the object was The bastard might also grit his teeth and marry, but Xia Zhiqing is from the city, so I'm afraid it won't be so easy to let go."

"I think so too, I heard that Xia Zhiqing had a severe fever in the past two days and has been sent to the county hospital. I heard that Shen Jianguo visits every day, this Shen Jianguo is a good worker at work, every time he takes full centimeters, people don't mind, marrying him is definitely better than marrying a bastard."

"Shen Jianguo doesn't mind, what about his mother Wang Guihua? She also agrees?"

"I think she has a stinky face in the past two days, so she probably doesn't want to, but how could a mother-in-law screw her son, so I'm afraid she will agree in the end." "

You're right."

In the county hospital, Xia An'an of the gossip center suddenly opened his eyes, the emotions in his eyes ranged from daze to shock to ecstasy.

Xia An'an did not expect that she would be reborn and returned to the turning point of her fate. Thinking of the tragic fate of her previous life, in this life, she must marry Shen Jianguo.

In the previous life, Xia Anan also fell into the water at this time and was rescued by the bastards in the village. After being rescued, Xia Anan had a fever repeatedly for three days. During these three days, Shen Jianguo came to visit her every day. He was diligent and considerate and let him go down alone. Xia An'an in the township is very warm.

After being discharged from the hospital, Xia An'an did not marry the bastard. There were many bad rumors in the village. At this time, Shen Jianguo said that he didn't mind her being held by the bastard, and he was willing to marry her, but she thought she was so angry and felt that Shen Jianguo was like this. To say that in itself looked down on her, and she was all about going back to the city at the time, and never thought of getting married when she went to the countryside, so she refused. After being rejected, Shen Jianguo never came to her again, and not long after she married another female educated youth, Zhao Yan, who went to the countryside with her, and their lives never intersected.

While carrying the rumors, she studied and worked. Finally, two years later, she waited for the news that the country would resume the college entrance examination. She took the college entrance examination, and she was admitted to the university and returned to the city as she wished.

After graduating from college, she married her boyfriend who had been with her for two years. The two also lived a sweet married life, until she gave birth to two daughters one after another. She was disliked by her mother-in-law's family. After working at home to take care of her daughter, her husband became more and more busy with work. Until a woman came to the house with her one-year-old son, she didn't know that her husband who thought she loved her had cheated on her for more than two years.

After the divorce, a woman lived with two young daughters, and Xia An'an suffered a lot without a job for many years. People in their thirties looked like they were in their fifties.

One time she accidentally saw Shen Jianguo, a nearly forty-year-old Shen Jianguo wearing a suit, walking out of a luxury car, like a successful person, and the woman beside him was Zhao Yan, she looked beautiful and elegant, There was a happy smile on his face, which made Xia An'an's eyes hurt.

For some reason, Xia An'an later found out about Shen Jianguo many times, knowing that he started doing business after the reform and opening up, and later opened his own company and was very rich. He also knew that even though he was rich, he would still be devoted to Zhao Yan. Zhao Yan gave birth to a son and a daughter for him, and the two were very happy.

Xia An'an regretted it very much. If she had promised to marry Shen Jianguo at that time, she would be the one who enjoys happiness now, and she was the one who was treated wholeheartedly by Shen Jianguo, so there was nothing to do with Zhao Yan.

But now that she was reborn, everything was too late. Thinking of this, Xia Anan laughed.

No one knew that the other party involved in the drowning incident also changed a core.

It has been two days since Xie Jing Xing came here. Two days ago, the original owner of this body went into the water to save people and developed a high fever that night. The original body had no relatives, and the reputation in the village was not good. No one found out. The original body did not survive and went like this.

Xie Jing Xing came at this time. At that time, this body was still suffering from a high fever. If he didn't deal with it, he might die again. Xie Jing Xing dragged his weak body to find a small bottle of wine in the house and wiped his body with the wine. Falling asleep.

When he woke up again, the fever of this body had subsided, and there was no discomfort except that the body was a little weak, so Xie Jing Xing started to sort out the memory of this body.

The original owner was Wang Zhiyuan, but almost no one in the village called him that name, and everyone used to call him a bastard. The original owner's parents died when he was eight years old, leaving only the original owner alone. In order to survive, the original owner usually steals two eggs from the owner's house and two vegetables from the western family. This kind of thing is not done less often, but the original owner also knows the proportions. He knew that he was going to stay in the village, so he couldn't offend the villagers, so other than that, he didn't do anything too bad, and the villagers didn't care too much when they saw that he was pitiful.

Two days ago, when the original owner passed by the riverside, he saw someone thumping in the river. Although the original owner was not usually calm, he was still grateful to the people in the village, so when he saw someone drowning, he jumped down to save them without even thinking about it. Thinking of this rescue took his own life into it.

Xie Jing Xing discovered that in addition to the memory of the original owner, there was another memory in his mind, it was a story called "Rebirth: The Little Wife in the 1970s", which was about the rebirth of Xia Anan, who had experienced a tragic life, to the age of seven In the 1900s, in order to change the fate of the previous life, the story of marrying Shen Jianguo and then making a fortune, including all kinds of fighting extremes, showing affection, in short, is a cool, sweet and sweet article.

Although Xie Jing Xing had never read online novels, Xie Jing Xing, who was transcending, knew about it, thinking about it, he had just transmigrated into a book. So Xie Jing Xing went through the plot in his mind carefully again and found that his body still had some ink in the book.

In the original plot, the bastard didn't die after saving Xia An'an, and wanted to use rumors to force Xia An'an to marry him. Neither succeeded, but in the past life, because Xia An'an did not marry the bastard, nor Shen Jianguo, the bastard felt balanced after knowing it, so the rumors dissipated after a while. In this life, Xia An'an married Shen Jianguo. The bastard was unwilling and harassed Xia An'an many times. Shen Jianguo and Xia An'an sent the bastard to prison for hooliganism.

Xie Jingxing was born in the 22nd century. His family was wealthy and talented. He had won countless awards since he was a child. He completed his studies at the age of 18, and his great life had just begun. took lives.

Parents should be very sad about their sudden death, but fortunately, there are still excellent brothers and lively and lovely sister Cheng Huan in the family, and parents should be able to get out of their sadness soon.

Xie Jing Xing didn't know why he was transmigrating into a book, let alone why the plot in the book appeared in his mind, but he could feel that all this was not malicious to him, so Xie Jing Xing was very grateful for all this, He also didn't bother about whether the world of books was real. Since he was already here, he was just asking for trouble.

This body has not eaten for two days, and filling the stomach is the top priority. Coming to the kitchen according to the original owner's memory and looking at the earthen stove, Xie Jing Xing felt that he had encountered the first problem in this world - how to use the earthen stove to make a delicious meal.

Fortunately, the original owner was someone who knew how to cook. According to the original owner's memory, Xie Jing Xing was very skilled in lighting a fire, and finally made a pot of mushy white porridge after stumbling two hours later.

When did Xie Jing Xing eat something like this, but he was not someone who couldn't recognize reality, he endured the discomfort of the taste and ate the whole pot of porridge, only then did he feel his body recovered. It was also because the original owner was in good health, and it was like a normal person for a while.

When he was full, Xie Jing Xing started to think about how to go in the future.

It is now 1975, and the college entrance examination will resume in just over a year. Xie Jing Xing also thought about whether to take the college entrance examination two years later. After all, college students in this era are very valuable, but thinking about Xie Jing Xing, he gave up. , how could he not be suspected, if he was accidentally caught as an enemy special agent, it would be completely over.

During this period of time, the domestic situation was relatively sensitive, and Xie Jing Xing did not plan to make any big moves. After the two years of reform and opening up, he could let go of his hands and feet and make a big deal. In this era, as long as he seized the opportunity, he would do it. Fan business is not so difficult.

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