Chapter 29

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Everyone came in: Xie Jing Xing could not drive them out again: "Thank you Mr. Ji then." The

two sat on the sofa: Ji Huan carefully poured the soup into the bowl: His movements were very clumsy: Obviously it was Not doing this kind of thing often: Then carefully handed it to Xie Jing Xing: "Drink it while it's hot."

Xie Jing Xing pursed his lips: In the end, he took the bowl and drank it in small sips. Seeing that he had finished drinking, Ji Huan was going to fall: Xie Jing Xing waved his hand and said, "No need."

At this time the doorbell rang again: Ji Huan got up and opened the door without waiting for Xie Jing Xing's action: This time it was indeed takeout.

"I ordered takeaway: Mr. Ji please bring it in for me." Xie Jing Xing's voice came from the living room.

Ji Huan took the takeaway, sent the delivery man away, closed the door, returned to the living room, took out the takeaway boxes and placed them on the dining table one by one, and then went to help Xie Jing Xing to eat at the dining table. After Xie Jing Xing finished eating: Ji Huan quickly got up to clean up again, not letting Xie Jing act at all, he was very considerate and natural throughout the whole process: Xie Jing Xing was embarrassed to show his cold face again.

"These things are not very healthy, and they are not good for your feet to recover. Otherwise, I will ask the servant to bring you cooked food tomorrow." After cleaning up, Ji Huan made a suggestion: He had wrinkled several times when he saw the young man eating. Mei, obviously I'm not used to these things. The food made by Ji's cook is okay, and the young people should like it.

"No need, my foot injury was also caused by my own failure to look at the road at the time. It's not your fault. How dare I trouble you again and again." After a meal, Xie Jing Xing also saw that Ji Huan came here probably because of what happened yesterday, and he was with him. Cheng Keke was fine, and he didn't have the initial precautions.

Ji Huan didn't say anything after hearing this, Xie Jing Xing thought he agreed, but he didn't expect Ji Huan to come again at dinner time, this time he brought four dishes, one soup and dessert after dinner, which was nutritious and rich. It has to be said that the cooking skills of the Ji family are very good and Xie Jing Xing eats very comfortably.

Speaking of which, Xie Jing Xing was always spoiled by Shen Zhan in the last world, and after Shen Zhan made money, he knew that Xie Jing Xing was very particular, the food prepared for Xie Jing Xing was the most delicate, he had been spoiled by Shen Zhan for decades, and now he let him eat every meal He is really not used to eating takeout.

Ji Huan carefully observed the young man's expression, and saw that he didn't frown the whole time, and his appetite was much better than at noon. He looked happy, and he was relieved. It seemed that the meal was served right.

In the next few days, Ji Huan delivered meals to Xie Jing Xing on time three times a day, Xie Jing Xing persuaded him not to deliver it at first, but seeing his unmoved appearance, he finally gave up the persuasion.

Ji Huan didn't talk much, he would leave every time Xie Jing Xing finished eating, and Xie Jing Xing found that as long as the dishes he didn't like never appeared again, the dishes he liked appeared much more frequently. At first, Xie Jing Xing thought it was a coincidence, but after several times, he also realized that Ji Huan did it on purpose. Xie Jing Xing had to sigh at Ji Huan's carefulness, even though he didn't like Ji's family because of Cheng Keke, but Xie Jing Xing really couldn't hate Ji Huan after getting along.

When Ji Huan came again, Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but ask, "Have you eaten?"

Ji Huan was overjoyed, this was the first time that a young man had said anything other than thank you and rejection to him these days. He shook his head and said very honestly, "No."

Xie Jing Xing frowned, this person would not come here hungry every time, he thought so and asked.

Ji Huan said, "It's true that I didn't eat, but I'm not hungry."

Xie Jing Xing glanced at Ji Huan strangely, if it wasn't for the fact that there was no trace of emotion in the man's eyes, he would have thought that a man had a crush on him. It's not that he is narcissistic, even friends are not so considerate, let alone two of them are not friends, is it really because Ji Huan feels guilty because of the car accident, isn't this sense of responsibility a little too strong.

Xie Jing Xing was no longer entangled, he did not feel any malice from Ji Huan, during this time he felt that others were not bad and it was okay to make friends, so he asked, "Would you like to eat together?"

"Okay." Ji Huan replied Soon, it seemed that he was afraid that Xie Jing Xing would go back.

In the days that followed, Ji Huan had three meals a day with Xie Jingxing, and the two began to communicate. The time in Xie Jing Xing's place was getting longer and longer, and the original polite address was changed to his first name.

Although Ji Huan delivered meals to Xie Jing Xing every day, he did not neglect Ji Shi's work. In less than a month, he used his ability to convince Ji Shi. Because he usually looks stern, taciturn, and has a great momentum, those cold eyes just look at you coldly, it makes people's back chills, and it is very deterrent. The company is actually more in awe of him than the chairman of Ji's father. .

Ji's father was very satisfied with Ji Huan's performance, but he was more curious about another thing.

During this period of time, Ji Huan specially asked the cook at home to prepare food to take out three times a day. Ji's father knew it. Moreover, although Ji Huan didn't smile recently, his face was obviously softer, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it. He was in a very good mood, and the Ji family, including the servants, guessed that Ji Huan was in love.

Ji's father finally couldn't help but ask: "Are you in love?"

Ji Huan gave Ji's father a blank look: "No."

Ji's father obviously didn't believe it: "Then who do you give meals to every day? "

Friend." Speaking of Xie Jing Xing, Ji Huan's face softened instantly.

Ji's father didn't believe him even more when he saw him like this. He had never seen his son look so soft when he heard it. It could be seen that the relationship was not normal. He continued to ask: "Male or female?"

Ji Huan said, "Male Ji's father asked, "

Why does a man need you to deliver food?"

Ji Huan said, "I accidentally bumped into someone before."

"Oh." Ji's father was a little disappointed: "I thought you were looking so proud of you recently. I'm in a relationship." It's naturally a good thing for a son to keep himself clean, but he has not been in love at the age of 27, and he lives like a monk. Something went wrong.

Ji Huan was stunned when he heard the words, and a thought quickly flashed through his mind, which disappeared before he could catch it. The corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, and he is in a really good mood recently, that's because he has made a good friend. Although Xie Jing Xing was young, he was very knowledgeable, knowledgeable, capable, and easy-going, chatting with him was a very pleasant thing.

After Xie Jing Xing recovered from his foot injury, he found that he hadn't seen Cheng Keke for nearly a month, so he planned to go to No. 1 Middle School to pick her up from school. He was standing in front of the school, wearing a simple white T-shirt and jeans. He was clean and clear, as gentle as jade, like a jade tree. Many girls who passed by couldn't help but look at him secretly, with shyness in their eyes.

Xie Jing Xing ignored the eyes of the people around him, and when he saw Cheng Keke and a boy walking out laughing and talking, he frowned slightly and stepped forward: "Ke Ke!"

When Brother Cheng saw him, surprise appeared in his eyes , his brows twitched. Bend, with light dimples on his face: "Brother, are you coming to pick me up from school today?"

Xie Jing Xing kept observing the boy's reaction, seeing that he looked at him with a hint of hostility at first, when Coco called him brother, he was obviously relieved With a sigh of relief, the hostility in his eyes disappeared, but instead there was a trace of tension.

Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows, there was still something he didn't understand, this was clearly a pig trying to slap his own cabbage. He rubbed his sister's head and said softly, "Brother will come to pick you up today when you are free, is this your classmate?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce, brother, this is my classmate Xiao Yifan, Xiao Yifan, this is my brother Cheng Nuo, brother, let me tell you, Xiao Yifan also lives in our villa area, you say it's a coincidence." Cheng Keke said.

"Oh~, that's such a coincidence. Hello, classmate Xiao Yifan." Xie Jing Xing stretched out his hand, his eyes were sharp, with a touch of coercion, he was considered a high-ranking person in his previous life, and his aura was naturally not weak.

"Hello, senior, I have long admired your name." Xiao Yifan also reached out his hand, neither humble nor arrogant, with a calm attitude.

"You know me?" In the first round, Xie Jing Xing was reluctantly satisfied.

"Senior is this year's No. 1 in science. No one knows you in No. 1 Middle School, and Coco often mentions you. The senior is very good." There is a photo of Xie Jingxing on the school's honor column, but Xiao Yifan just didn't recognize it right away, So treat people as rivals. His last sentence was not a compliment, but Xie Jing Xing's aura just now was indeed extraordinary, no wonder Coco admired this elder brother so much.

"Then let's go back. Since we live in a community, Xiao Yifan, let's go together." Xie Jingxing said.

"Okay, senior." Xiao Yifan said.

Xie Jing Xing cared about Cheng Keke's current situation on the way, and he was relieved after confirming that she was not in any trouble, and then chatted with Xiao Yifan without any trace in his words. Xiao Yifan is indeed smart, but he is not the opponent of the old fox who has lived for two lifetimes. After a chat, although some ideas are immature due to his age, he is much better than his peers. The most important thing is people The product was good, Xie Jing Xing was quite satisfied with him, but he did not express his attitude, both of them were still young and it was too early to talk about their relationship.

After separating from Xiao Yifan, Xie Jing Xing asked Cheng Keke unintentionally, "What do you think of Xiao Yifan?"

Cheng Keke said, "He studies very well, every time he is the first in his grade, everyone calls him to study. God, but I think that brother is the most powerful." He looked at Xie Jing Xing with star eyes.

Xie Jing Xing was amused by her cute appearance, but he thought in his heart that this girl might not be enlightened yet, so he insincerely mourned for Xiao Yifan for three seconds.

Xie Jing Xing didn't know that because of his excellent older brother, Cheng Keke's vision was also much higher, which made Xiao Yifan's path of chasing his wife a lot more difficult.

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