Chapter 38

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Ji Xin watched the servant come downstairs: The two looked at each other: Seeing the servant nodded: Ji Xin raised the corner of her mouth. She stood there and waited for a while: Estimated time was almost up: She went upstairs: Just happened to meet Ji's father, Ji's mother and Ji Huan who were going to Cheng Keke's room to pick her up at the banquet.

She walked behind the three with excitement in her eyes. According to her estimation: Now is the time when the medicine is most powerful: Just open the door: Ji's parents and Ji's mother will see Cheng Keke and Cheng Nuo naked Rolling together scene. Although the two are not brothers and sisters, they are better than brothers and sisters: In the face of such a scene that is equivalent to sex, she does not believe that Ji's father is still willing to announce Cheng Keke's identity at the banquet. , the eldest miss of the Ji family can only be her forever.

In Ji Xin's excited and expectant eyes, Ji's father finally pushed open the door, and she stood behind: looking forward to Ji's father's rage, looking forward to everyone's consternation, looking forward to Cheng Keke crying and falling into the dust Appearance: As long as she thinks of such a scene, she can't hold back the smile at the corner of her mouth.

She was immersed in her own imagination, but everything she expected did not happen. After a while, she saw Cheng Ke standing in front of her ridiculously: The unwillingness in her heart made her questioning words blurted out: "Why are you all right?"

Cheng Keke frowned when he heard the words, what does Ji Xin mean? She looks like she can't wait for something to happen to him. What should happen to her? Her brother asked her to guard against Ji Xin, she naturally believed her brother, and she also believed that Ji Xin was not a good person, but her living environment has always been very simple, and the biggest malicious thing she encountered was only the girls who were jealous of her at school said some ugly things behind their backs. Bad words, she never thought that some people were more vicious than she imagined, and they would destroy her as soon as they shot.

Ji Huan looked at Ji Xin coldly, his dark eyes were like a bottomless abyss, unable to show her shadow, as if she was already a dead thing in his eyes. He even dared to plot against his youth, courting death!

Ji Xin was so frightened by his eyes that she shuddered, and her face turned pale in an instant. Although Ji Huan was indifferent to her before, she had never had such a terrible look, as if she was going to kill her. Does he know what he's doing? She was flustered, not knowing what to do for a while.

Ji's father frowned at Ji Xin's panicked appearance. He was not a fool, so he naturally saw the tricks in it, but this was not the time to investigate, he gave Ji Xin a deep look and said, "Go down first, The banquet is important." After speaking, he took Ji Huan and Cheng Keke downstairs.

Ji's mother stayed behind and asked Ji Xin worriedly, "Xin'er, are you alright." She actually saw that something was wrong just now, but in her heart, Xin'er was always gentle and kind, and would never do anything bad, let alone do anything bad. It may be harmful, she must have asked that because she was worried about Cheng Keke, and now Ji Huan is also frightened by this.

"Mom, I'm a little uncomfortable. I'll go back to my room first." Ji Xin now just wants to be alone and think about what to do next.

Upon hearing this, Ji's mother said quickly: "Where is it uncomfortable, do you want to call a doctor."

Ji Xin was a little impatient: "It's just a headache, you don't need to call a doctor, just sleep and it'll be fine."

Ji's mother didn't see her impatience, Seeing that her expression is not right, it is only considered that she is uncomfortable, and she does not dare to quarrel with her: "Well, you have a good rest." Facing Ji Xin, she is indeed an excellent mother.

Ji Xin heard the words and quickly went back to the room and locked the door.

She paced back and forth in the room, Cheng Keke was fine, Ji Huan's look just now, the drug in the drink should have been discovered, but how can Ji Huan be so sure that she did it?

She just instructed the servant, but she didn't do it herself. As long as the servant didn't tell him, no matter how much Ji Huan doubted him, there was no evidence. The servant had information about her and should not dare to tell her, but to be on the safe side, she I still have to find someone to talk about it, and give him another sum of money.

As for the medicine, it was brought to her by Brother Wei. Brother Wei needs her to keep him now, so he shouldn't tell her. Moreover, since the last time he was threatened by Brother Wei, she has always been careful when meeting with Brother Wei, and others should not know about it.

Even though she thought so, Ji Xin still couldn't feel at ease. Ji Huan's eyes just now were so terrifying, it seemed that she had already been sentenced to death. Does he have any definite evidence?

Thinking of this, Ji Xin couldn't sit still. She quickly walked out of the room and came to the hall. At this time, Ji's father had introduced Cheng Keke as Miss Ji's family to everyone, watching Cheng Keke being held by a group of people. Yue's was surrounded by her, smiling sweetly and pleasantly, like a carefree little princess, which was really enviable.

Ji Xin looked around and saw Ji Huan and Xie Jingxing walking out of the hall side by side, walking towards the garden, and followed quietly, she wanted to see if she could overhear what evidence Ji Huan had in his hands , but did not expect to see the scene of the two being affectionate.

I saw Ji Huan brought Xie Jing Xing under the big tree in the corner of the garden, pushed the person against the tree trunk, leaned over and kissed Xie Jing Xing's lips, Xie Jing Xing raised his arms around Ji Huan's neck, it was clear from Ji Xin's point of view The tongues of the two can be seen intertwined.

Ji Xin opened her eyes in shock, then took out her mobile phone and quickly took a few photos, then quietly left.

After the kiss, Xie Jing Xing glanced at the direction Ji Xin was leaving and asked, "You did it on purpose?"

Ji Huan put his arms around his waist and said innocently, "What did you do on purpose?"

Xie Jing Xing rolled his eyes and raised his eyebrows. He started to squeeze the flesh on his face and pulled outward: "Stop pretending, it doesn't look like it at all, I don't believe you didn't find her behind."

Ji Huan carefully observed his face and saw that he was not angry, He breathed a sigh of relief: "I admit, I did it on purpose." He wanted the world to know that the youth was his.

Xie Jing Xing withdrew from the man's arms, spread out his hands and placed his hands in front of him, seeing his puzzled face, he said, "What are you doing, let's see how those photos are taken, I don't want to be put on the ugly side. Internet."

Ji Huan grabbed the young man's hand in ecstasy, and whispered in his ear, "You look good in everything, especially when you are in love."

Thinking of this, Ji Huan regretted it . Let Ji Xin take pictures of those young people being kissed emotionally by him. Those young people are too tempting, and he doesn't want to be seen by anyone.

He rubbed the young man's face in a pleasing manner and said, "Baby, if you change the photo at that time, it will not only let people see our relationship at a glance, but also prevent people from seeing your emotional appearance." He knew that My baby is a top-notch hacker.

Xie Jing Xing glared at him, he should really let his staff see his shameless appearance.

After the banquet, Ji Xin came to Ji Huan with the photo as expected, threatened him to hand over the evidence in his hand, and asked Ji Huan to promise not to tell Ji's father, otherwise she would upload the photo online.

Ji Huan looked at the photos and admired Ji Xin's good shooting skills.

In the photo, under the hazy moonlight, the tall and handsome man pressed the slightly slender handsome young man against the tree trunk, his lips were pressed together, the man had a possessive hand on the waist of the imprisoned young man, and looked at the young man with hot eyes. There was deep love in his eyes, the young man raised his head and endured the man's kiss, but he took the initiative to wrap his arms around the man's neck, his cheeks were flushed, and the shimmering peach blossom eyes were filled with the same heavy love.

Although it is two men, the picture is very beautiful, and people can feel the deep feelings between the two at a glance.

Ji Huan put away the photos gently and said to Ji Xin, "Go out!"

Ji Huan's reaction was completely unexpected to her, Ji Xin frowned and said, "It's useless for you to destroy these photos, I can do it at any time. Print more."

Ji Huan glanced at Ji Xin with the eyes of the mentally retarded, which one of her eyes saw that he wanted to destroy these photos, he obviously wanted to collect them himself.

He said coldly again: "Go out!"

"Don't regret it!" Ji Xin left a harsh word and walked out angrily.

After she went out, Ji Huan took out the photo again and admired it carefully.

That night, Ji Huan knocked on Father Ji's door with a stack of documents and said straight to the point: "Ji Xin can't stay at Ji's house any longer."

Father Ji looked at the documents in his hand, completely disbelieving that the gentle and kind-hearted daughter was behind her back. In the photo, Ji Xin is leaning on different boys, her look is charming, how can she still be innocent. Hanging out with a group of gangsters, whoever is not pleasing to the eye, will destroy people's appearance and shoot people. Over the past year, Ji Xin has stopped because of these gangsters.

What annoyed him the most was that she actually got a strong sex through the gangster named Wei Ge, and planned to give it to Coco and Cheng Nuo today. It will lose face in the upper class, and at the same time, Coco and Cheng Nuo will also be ruined.

Ji Xin's dealing with Coco can also be understood that she feels that Coco stole everything from her, but Cheng Nuo is her own brother, she can do it mercilessly, completely ignoring the relationship between siblings, too cold and let me Heartbroken.

Ji's father rubbed his forehead tiredly and said, "Let her go tomorrow, and let her take all her things." Don't dare to keep her in Ji's house, for fear that she will hurt Coco, and even more afraid that she will ruin Ji's house. When Ji Xin was in Ji's house, she bought a lot of jewelry every year. She still has a card and she should have a lot of savings. With these things, as long as she doesn't waste her money, it will be enough for the rest of her life. The Ji family is also considerate to her. .

Ji Huan looked at Ji's father's face that suddenly seemed to be several years old, and comforted him rarely: "Don't be sad, you still have a daughter, Coco is very good."

Unexpectedly, the indifferent son would still comfort others, Ji's father He felt a lot more comfortable, but he didn't know that soon this proud son would drop a big bomb, which almost caused him a myocardial infarction.

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