Chapter 90

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 Last class in the morning: Xie Jing Xing found Chi Xiao standing outside his classroom. After the teacher's get out of class: Chi Xiao strode in and looked him up and down: "Ran Ran: Did anyone bully you when I was away?" He then glanced at Li Qiang, who was about to leave the classroom. : He didn't forget that the teacher said before that his little cutie was often bullied. Xie Jing Xing did not know: Because of the teacher's words, for a long time, Chi Xiao regarded him as a poor man.

Li Qiang was swept away by Chi Xiao's stern gaze: His body froze: He did not dare to go: He held his breath and waited for Xie Jing Xing's answer.

Xie Jing Xing's heart warmed when he heard the words: Regarding Chi Xiao's familiar name, he did not deliberately correct him because of his doubts in his heart: "Don't worry, no one is bullying me."

Li Qiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words and quickly left the classroom.

Xie Jing Xing was amused when he saw his back as if he was running away, is Chi Xiao so scary?

"Of course, shall we also go to eat?"

Xie Jing Xing took out a transparent lunch box from his schoolbag: "I brought lunch from home."

Chi Xiao saw the vegetable salad in the box and frowned, "You can leave it at noon. Eat this?" How can this be enough to eat?

Xie Jing Xing nodded, "Well, I am losing weight."

"You are so cute, why do you need to lose weight?" Chi Xiao blurted out what was in his mind.

As soon as Chi Xiao came in: The classmates who were going to have lunch in the classroom all slowed down. Although they were a little afraid of Chi Xiao, they couldn't control the gossip, and their eyes drifted involuntarily to the direction of the two: Listen to the conversation between the two. Now that they heard Chi Xiao's words, they all showed a ghostly expression, and some people even stumbled under their feet.

They couldn't help but look at Chi Xiao's expression. Could this man be sarcastic at Lin Yuran? However, seeing his calm expression and sincere eyes, and looking at Xie Jing Xing with affection, obviously he really thought so.

They couldn't help but look at Lin Yuran again. Could it be that they were clumsy and couldn't find his shining point in Lin Yuran's huge size, but no matter how they looked at him, they couldn't associate the word cute with Lin Yuran. stand up.

Xie Jing Xing twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard this, it was confirmed! This person must be his own lover. With such a body type, he can be considered cute, a proper true love! Apart from his lover, he couldn't think of anyone else, it couldn't be another older brother with this body out of the house, a younger brother like Lin Yu'an.

Just at this moment, Lin Yu'an also came in, and just heard Chi Xiao's words, his impression of him was better, and he patted him on the shoulder friendly: "Have vision, thank you for helping Xiaoran this morning. ."

Chi Xiao said: "No need to thank you, but he is so cute, who would have the heart to see him being bullied." Lin Yu'an nodded in agreement.

A school bully, a school girl, the two knew each other before, but they never had an intersection, and they never spoke even if they walked past each other. Now the two are standing together, one is rebellious and indifferent, the other is sunny and handsome, and both are equally handsome and compelling, which is really eye-catching, but unfortunately the eyes of the two handsome guys don't seem to be very good.

"Cough, brother, why are you here?" Xie Jing Xing hurriedly interrupted the conversation between the two, although he was complimenting him, he somehow felt a little ashamed, how to break it?

Lin Yu'an shook the same lunch box as Xie Jing Xing's, which contained the same vegetable salad, and said softly, "Brother come to have lunch with you."

Xie Jing Xing really didn't notice when Lin Yu'an prepared it. Vegetable salad, his heart warmed: "Brother, you don't lose weight, you don't need to eat the same as me."

Lin Yu'an said, "It's okay, eat this healthy."

Xie Jing Xing did not persuade him any more, and said to Chi Xiao, "Chi Xiao, hurry up and eat, I won't go to the cafeteria."

Chi Xiao shook his phone: "I just asked Gao Chengpeng to bring me something to eat, and it will be there in a while." But there is pantothenic acid in his heart, and the cute name is Lin Brother Yu An's name is so sweet, but he is called with his first and last name. This is discriminatory treatment!

Gao Chengpeng moved quickly, and within ten minutes he brought a box of fruit and a box of vegetable salad into the classroom, panting, "Brother Xiao, the fruit and vegetable salad you want."

"Thank you." Chi Xiao took the box and handed the box containing the fruit to Xie Jing Xing, "You can keep this, eat it in the afternoon when you are hungry, eating this will not gain weight, nor will it affect your weight loss."

"Okay. "Xie Jing Xing took the box with a smile.

When Chi Xiao saw that Xie Jing Xing did not politely decline with him, the original sourness in his heart was instantly swept away, only joy was left, the corners of his mouth were upturned, and his always cold and arrogant face softened.

"Let's eat, forget it today, you don't have to eat the same vegetable salad as me in the future." Seeing that the two of them wanted to refute, Xie Jing Xing deliberately said with a straight face, "If you don't agree, I won't have dinner with you in the future. "

This threat is obviously very useful, and the two quickly said, "Okay, okay, Xiaoran/Ranran says what they say."

Gao Chengpeng looked at him in amazement, and the two major figures in the school were so obedient in front of Lin Yuran. , Lin Yuan is just fine, after all, he is his own brother, does Brother Xiao also hide his brother-control attributes, think Lin Yuan is too cute, and want to be raised as a younger brother?

He has known Brother Xiao for so many years. He has seen him send his father and stepmother to prison without changing his face. The indifference and coldness in his eyes are shocking. The attitude of going out makes people tremble. He has also seen him extremely coldly rejecting confessions from men and women, but he has never seen such a gentle and easy-going brother Xiao.

Brother Xiao once pulled him at the most difficult time of his family, and now seeing the real smile in Brother Xiao's eyes, he can't help but feel happy for him, whether it's a brother's control attribute, or a unique aesthetic, at least in this world A man can make him smile sincerely.

After Lin Yuan and Chi Xiao left, many people wanted to go to Xie Jing Xing to inquire about the two, but because of their ostracism and isolation of Lin Yuran on weekdays, they could not hold back their faces. In the end, the two girls couldn't help but open their mouths out of curiosity. As for their questions, as long as they did not involve privacy, Xie Jing Xing did not hide them. If it involved privacy, Xie Jing Xing would skillfully change the subject.

His attitude was natural, he was neither hostile nor flattering. His words were humorous and meaningful. At first, the two came to Lin Yu'an and Chi Xiao, but soon they found out that chatting with Xie Jing Xing was something in itself. It was a very pleasant thing, and even many people who were listening with pricked ears gathered around and joined the chat.

They couldn't help feeling a bit of shame in their hearts. They used to be too superficial. They were prejudiced against Lin Yuran because of his size, and they even excluded him. It was really inappropriate.

The classmates in this class are really just like Li Qiang who are full of malice towards the original owner. Most of them are not hostile to the original owner. They can only be regarded as prejudice. After all, people are visual animals. You can't ask everyone to be Can see your interesting soul through your not-so-good exterior. Because of the prejudice in their hearts, they would not take the initiative to speak to the original owner, and the original owner also stuck in his own corner and was unwilling to come out. Over time, the original owner was excluded and isolated. If the original owner can open his heart and take the initiative to go out and chat with his classmates, he will find that it is not so difficult to integrate into the crowd.

After school in the afternoon, Xie Jing Xing saw Chi Xiao waiting outside his classroom again without any surprise. As soon as he saw him, Chi Xiao said pitifully: "Of course, I'm the only one in my house, and no one will cook for me when I go back. Can I go to your house to eat?

" Xie Jing Xing was still a little distressed. The lover in this world not only lost his mother at a young age, but his mother was killed by his father and the mistress. With such a scumbag and stepmother, how could he have had a better life at that time, and he had to collect evidence to avenge his mother and kill his father with his own hands. Sent to prison, no matter how precocious your lover is, it shouldn't feel good in your heart.

"Okay." As long as he thought that his lover had suffered so much in a place he hadn't seen, he wanted to be nicer to him, and why would he be willing to refuse such a small request from him.

Chi Xiao didn't care about the scumbag for a long time, but feeling Xie Jing Xing's distress for him, he still felt warm in his heart, it really was his little cutie, it was really heart-warming.

Lin Yu'an had evening self-study in the third year of high school and could not go home with the two of them.

When Xie Jing Xing brought Chi Xiao home, Lin's father and Lin's mother were very surprised, knowing that Xiao Ran had never brought her classmates home since she gained weight.

Xie Jingxing introduced: "Dad, Mom, this is my senior in the second year of high school. His name is Chi Xiao. He is the first in the second year of high school. I asked him to come back and help me with my homework." Xie Jingxing didn't want to worry Lin's parents and Lin's mother. What happened in the classroom, I just made an excuse and gave Chi Xiao extra points in front of his parents.

Parents like children with good grades, and Lin's father and Lin's mother are no exception. When they heard that Chi Xiao was the first in the grade, they had a very good impression of him, and said to Chi Xiao, "Classmate Chi, thank you for giving my family Xiaoran. Tutoring, you will come to my house to play often in the future, you are welcome."

"Uncle and aunt just call me Xiaoxiao, Xiaoran is so cute, I treat Xiaoran as a younger brother, so it is right to help him with tutoring." Facing Lin's father, Lin Mother, Chi Xiao is well-behaved and sweet-mouthed, where can you see the slightest trace of the school tyrant's arrogance.

huh, brother? It is best that you can still say this in the future, Xie Jing Xing secretly said to the side.

Who doesn't like to hear their children being praised, Lin's father and Lin's mother heard that he liked him even more: "Xiaoxiao will eat here tonight."

"Then thank you uncle and aunt, I'm welcome, anyway. I'm alone when I go back." After speaking the last sentence, Chi Xiao's voice was low and his expression was lonely.

Seeing this, Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at Xie Jing Xing suspiciously, Xie Jing Xing rolled his eyes in his heart, this person pretended to be pitiful and addicted, but he still cooperated with him on the face, who made this his lover.

He shook his head at Lin's father and Lin's mother, and then comforted Chi Xiao: "Senior, don't be sad, you can come to my house for dinner as long as you want in the future." He naturally knew that his purpose of pretending to be pitiful, in addition to satisfying him what to do.

Lin's father and Lin's mother heard the words, guessing that Chi Xiao was afraid that his parents were gone, and he felt pity for him, and quickly said: "Xiao Ran is right, good boy, in the future you will take this home as your own, when you want to come here. Come anytime, don't be polite to us."

Chi Xiao moved: "Thank you uncle and auntie, you are so kind." I am so happy that I can have dinner with his cutie every night in the future, and what makes him even more happy is him His little cutie cooperated like this, obviously welcoming him.

Xie Jing Xing was afraid that Chi Xiao would make another mess, so he quickly said, "Dad, Mom, let's go to study first, and call us later for dinner."

"Okay, you guys can go in, and mom will bring you some fruit in a while.

" Thank you mom."

"Thank you auntie."

The author has something to say: Thank you to the people who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-20 00:00:00~2020-07-21 00:00:00 Oh little angel~

Thank you to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Ziyue; 20 bottles of Yeyue; 5 bottles of Tangli Yeluo; thank you very much for your support, and I will continue to work hard!

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