Chapter 31

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 Ji Huan is not an idiot either: He just never thought about that: He quickly stood up and said, "You are busy: I'll go first." Then he walked to the door: The steps are a little messy: He just wants to be alone now Jing Yijing: Clearly understand your feelings for young people.

"Wait." Xie Jing Xing stopped him and pointed to the thermal insulation box on the coffee table in his nervous and flustered eyes, "You forgot this."

"Oh, forgot." Ji Huan turned around and picked up the thermal insulation box and walked out quickly Door: This time the young man didn't stop him again: He was relieved and a little disappointed at the same time.

Xie Jing Xing raised the corner of his mouth: Peach Blossom's eyes were full of smiles: A man who seemed to be cold, abstinent, and a bit domineering, actually turned his ears red with a light touch, he was so innocent and cute. The man's reaction was so obvious that it completely exposed his thoughts. I'm afraid he thought he was covering it up well. Xie Jing Xing did not intend to pick on it either, as for whether the man would approach or stay away: he did not care. He can only say that he doesn't hate Ji Huan now. As for whether he likes or even loves him, it's too early to say.

After Ji Huan got back into the car, he instructed the driver to drive home: He pulled down the front and rear seat flaps and smiled wryly on his forehead. He was really slow.

Speaking of it, starting from high school: There are really many people who pursue him, and there are even men when he is abroad, but he has never been moved by anyone, and he can't get close to anyone, except for young people.

The first time he saw the young man, he wanted to get close to him very much, and even held people in his arms regardless of his cleanliness. Ever since he was a child, he has been pleasing to others, but he is always happy to deliver meals to young people three times a day. He has always been taciturn, but he talked openly in front of young people. Now, doesn't that look like a courting peacock? There is also the situation just now. If it was other people, he would have avoided him long ago, and he would have given a chance to get close. When the young man approached, his face flushed and his heartbeat was red. Now that I think about it, isn't it the same as when the Maotou boy first fell in love?

After seeing his feelings clearly, Ji Huan never thought of giving up. Although the gay marriage law has not been passed in China, many foreign countries have recognized the existence of homosexuality. When he was studying abroad, he also met many same-sex couples. , he was just worried that the youth would be excluded. Thinking of the scene in the office just now, he was too flustered to react just now. Now that he thinks about it, he always feels that the young man is flirting with him, but he is afraid that he is being selfish. People who fall in love are apprehensive and tangled, expecting and wandering, even Ji Huan is not immune.

The next day, Ji Huan brought breakfast to Xie Jing Xing's company early, and was fortunate to see Xie Jing Xing's ignorant and cute side when he just woke up, with two big dark circles under his eyes, messy hair, and a somewhat sloppy appearance, Ji Huan But I think it's very cute, and it really is Xi Shi in the eyes of the lover.

Seeing Ji Huan like this, Xie Jing Xing understood that he did not want to stay away, but to approach, probably because he meant to boil a frog in warm water. He didn't refuse either. If Ji Huan could make him tempted, what's the harm in staying with him for the rest of his life.

In the days that followed, Ji Huan resumed delivering meals to Xie Jing Xing three times a day, and even Sheng Yuan's staff became familiar with him, even if he was cold-faced, he was not afraid, and even teased him as a good buddy of the nation.

Two months later, Shengyuan Technology launched a 3D online game called "Xiu Xian".

In the promotional video, a child in rags like a beggar was beaten by a group of people. He held his head and his eyes were full of unwillingness and stubbornness. A gust of wind blew, and all the people around him were overturned to the ground, dressed in white, with a cold expression and a dusty temperament, a man with a face like a fairy appeared in front of him, his voice was as cold as a cold stream: "Would you like to worship me? Be a teacher, follow me to cultivate immortals." When the screen turned, in the secret realm, a handsome man killed the monster with a sword, blood was splashed on his face, and there were piles of monster corpses under his feet. Vaguely seen the appearance of the beggar back then. The scene changed again, and it was the scene of his tribulation. He was covered in scars, and a purple lightning bolt hit him. The words "Xian" are displayed in the middle of the screen.

Whether it is attracted by the promotional film, or players who came in because of the good reputation of "Battle of the Gods" before Shengyuan, they can't extricate themselves after playing "Immortal". The colorful spiritual roots have different advantages and disadvantages. Different exercises, well-defined cultivation bases, large and small sects, elixir with peculiar medicinal effects, multi-functional treasures, and dangerous secret realms are very real for players to experience the fun of cultivating immortals. "Cultivating Immortals" not only continues All the advantages of "Battle of the Gods", the details are better and more perfect, which makes players more satisfied, and the immortal character design attracts many young players.

"Xiu Xian" became popular, Sheng Yuan's reputation became even more prosperous, Xie Jing Xing firmly captured the hearts of players with two high-quality games, and anyone with vision could see the value of Sheng Yuan, many people wanted to acquire Sheng Yuan, They were all rejected by Xie Jing Xing, and it was not that no one wanted to force Xie Jing Xing by means of sublime means, but he quickly counterattacked by means of hacking, so that they had no time to fight Sheng Yuan's idea. During this period, Ji Huan silently helped him to save a lot of trouble from behind, Ji Huan thought he didn't know, but Xie Jing Xing saw it.

The game has been launched and Xie Jing Xing also intends to fulfill his previous promise, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Ji Huan.

Ji Huan was in a meeting at this time, and when he heard the ringing of his mobile phone, the people in the conference room looked at each other. I don't know who was so careless, but he forgot to turn off his mobile phone when President Ji was in a meeting. Don't you know that it's particularly scary for President Ji to put on the air conditioner? Everyone was still lamenting for that person, when Ji Huan, who was sitting in the first place, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, his face softened visibly.

This was the first time that a young man had called him actively. Ji Huan thought about it while connecting to his mobile phone: "Hello?" Just one word was uttered by his deliberately low and magnetic voice. It was extremely sexy. During this time, he had already discovered Young people are not immune to a voice like his.

The female employee in the conference room was not showing her face, but she was screaming in her heart, ah~, her ears are going to be pregnant.

Xie Jing Xing rubbed his ears and said, "Didn't I say before that I would invite you to dinner when I was done, are you free tonight?" Is the

young man inviting him? Ji Huan raised the corner of his mouth and said softly, "I'm free."

"Then I'll wait for you downstairs in your company at six o'clock in the afternoon."


"That's it, I'll hang up."

"Okay. "When the phone hangs up over there, Ji Huan hangs up here.

He raised his head and continued the meeting. At this time, the smile on his face had been put away, but everyone could see that he was in a happy mood. His usual cold eyebrows softened, and the air-conditioning on his body also dissipated a lot. The portraits of the people in the conference room Is it because he was amazed by what he saw, Mr. Ji was in love? President Ji is also in love?

In order to cope with emergencies, Ji Huan's office has always prepared several sets of clothes. At four o'clock in the afternoon, Ji Huan started to take care of himself, tried on several sets of clothes, and after confirming that he was really handsome, it was almost time, and then he walked out of the office and took the elevator downstairs.

Standing at the gate of Ji's family, he was slender and tall, handsome in appearance, noble and indifferent, and people who came and went couldn't help but stop at him. He didn't look at anyone, his eyes focused on Xie Jing Xing's direction.

When a car stopped in front of him, revealing the young man's face he had always dreamed of, his eyes lit up.

Xie Jing Xing leaned over and said, "Get in the car."

Ji Huan opened the car door and sat in the co-pilot, Xie Jing Xing saw him fasten his seat belt before driving: "I ordered a western meal, I don't know if you like it or not."

Ji Huan said, "I It's ok."

Xie Jing Xing scanned the man's clothes, the two of them only met at noon, the man was not wearing this suit, did he change his clothes for this evening meal? It was just a meal, I didn't expect men to take it so seriously, but I had to admit that Xie Jing Xing was very useful to be taken so seriously.

"You are very handsome today." Xie Jing Xing praised. During this period of time, the man was unstoppable by delivering meals to him every day, silently solving troubles for him, obviously wanting to pursue him, but never said any sweet words, and the way to please people was clumsy and cute. It was undeniable that Xie Jing Xing was somewhat moved.

Hearing this, Ji Huan turned his head to look at the young man, and saw that his eyes were looking straight ahead with a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if the words that had just stirred his heart were just casual words.

"You look good too." Ji Huan replied naturally. His words were definitely not sweet words, but what he really thought in his heart. In his eyes, young people are indeed the most beautiful people in the world.

Xie Jing Xing glanced at the hand he put on his lap and clenched it into a fist, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened, he wanted to tease him, but the phone rang.

Xie Jing Xing regretfully connected the phone and said, "Hello?"

"Brother, I have seen the game released by your company. Many students in our class are playing and they all say they like it very much. Brother is amazing." Cheng Keke's excitement came from the phone. the sound of.

Xie Jing Xing laughed and said indulgently, "Little sycophants!"

"No, brother is the most powerful in the world. But brother, have you been working overtime a lot recently? You lost a lot of weight in the last game, you should pay attention to your body."

Xie Jing Xing could hear the worry in her tone. Concerned, my heart warmed, the little sister didn't feel pain in vain, she said softly: "Okay, I will pay attention."

"Then I won't disturb my brother, I will hang up."

"Okay, goodbye."

Ji Huan's eyes did not change . Xie Jing Xing moved his body away and looked at the way he was talking on the phone. The young man is always polite and estranged when dealing with others on weekdays, and he has never seen such a gentle and doting expression on the young man's face. Who is it that can make a young man show such an expression? Could it be that the young man had a girlfriend when he didn't know it? He spends three meals a day with the young man, didn't he see him getting close to that female colleague? Yes, he forgot that young people are still college students. Today's female college students are all young and beautiful, and it seems that it is not strange for young people to fall in love.

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