Chapter 142

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After Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun left Estan Star: Instead of returning to the main star, they continued their honeymoon trip. During this period, they encountered several Zerg invasions by coincidence: there were two people, and the result was self-evident.

Xie Jing Xing's strength has been affirmed by the people of the whole empire in this Zerg invasion: no one doubted that an omega should not go to the battlefield.

Netizens' nickname for Xie Jingxing also changed from little fish to little koi. Their logic was very simple: If Xie Jingxing hadn't married His Royal Highness: They would not have had this honeymoon trip: And without the two of them, this The casualties caused by several Zerg invasions must be countless, so in their hearts, Xie Jing Xing is like a koi carp that can bring people good luck. Whether it is fish or koi: All are fish: Xie Jing Xing has no opinion, but he can't understand: Why did he add a small character, he really wanted to tell these netizens: No matter it's his real age or anything else, he doesn't care at all. Not small. Three months later, Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun ended their honeymoon trip and returned to the main star. When Xie Jing Xing saw Qiao Zhiyan, a trace of surprise quickly flashed across his eyes. He is proficient in Chinese medicine, and he is naturally very proficient in the art of seeing, hearing, asking, and cutting. Anyone can guess with their toes. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect Yan Lai to be so cruel, how to say he loved Bai Yueguang all his life, he thought that even if he didn't like it, he would be indifferent to the original owner, but he didn't expect Yan Lai to want Qiao Zhiyan's life, could it be? This is what is called the deeper the love, the deeper the hatred. Xie Jing Xing looked away as if nothing had happened, but he was not so kind to remind Qiao Zhiyan that he had prepared a third gift for Qiao Zhiyan - mental breakdown potion, Qiao Zhiyan was so kind to the original owner's family, he naturally It is necessary to use the way of the person to repay the person's body, but now it seems that it is saved. A month later, a battle report came from the border. The Zerg has been active on the border very frequently recently. Yan Xun, as the main general, must personally rush to the border to sit in town. In the original plot, this Zerg war lasted for half a year, and it didn't end until Yan Xun and the Zerg Queen perished together. This was Yan Xun's death and Xie Jing Xing would naturally follow.

Qiao Zhiyan and Yan Lai both knew what this war meant, no matter what their relationship was, but they both had the same expectation for this war, but when they heard that Xie Jing Xing was going to follow Yan Xun to the battlefield, their relationship The reaction was quite different. Yan Lai thought Xie Jing Xing's thoughts were well concealed, but Qiao Zhiyan was able to grasp his thoughts so accurately in the past life, so he naturally knew him very well. During the month that Xie Jing Xing returned to the main star, Yan Lai met Xie Jing Xing from time to time, watching Xie Jing Xing's eyes were obsessed, the funny thing was that Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun were inseparable, they didn't even give him a look, maybe he didn't even notice his thoughts. But this did not prevent Qiao Zhiyan from hating Xie Jing Xing even more, now that he knew that Xie Jing Xing was going to die on the battlefield, he could not wait to applaud. In the previous life, even Yan Xun, the most powerful star in the galaxy, could not survive this battle, so Qiao Zhiyan never thought that Xie Jing Xing could come back alive, much less that Xie Jing Xing could turn the tide of the battle, although Xie Jing Xing had shown his strength many times. , but maybe it was subconsciously unwilling to admit that at this time, he still regarded Xie Jing Xing as Gu Ziyu who was easily tricked by him in his previous life. Yan Lai thought more, he didn't want Xie Jing Xing to take risks, but he was more worried that Xie Jing Xing would change the outcome of Yan Xun's death. "Big brother, judging from the level of activity of the frontier Zerg, this battle is not a petty fight you encountered during your honeymoon. No matter how strong the sister-in-law is, she is also an omega. Do you really want to let the sister-in-law take risks this time?" Even if he was too jealous, Yan Lai had to admit that Gu Ziyu had deep feelings for Yan Xun, and it would definitely not work to persuade Gu Ziyu to give up going to the battlefield, so he had to persuade Yan Xun. Gu Ziyu will not be allowed to take risks. Yan Xun has always been sensitive to Xie Jing Xing's affairs, Yan Lai's thoughts, Qiao Zhiyan can sense it, and he can sense it too. Among the four of them, the only person who did not know was Xie Jing Xing. It was not because Xie Jing Xing was slow, but because he basically ignored Yan Lai. Naturally, Yan Xun would not take the initiative to tell Xie Jing Xing that although Yan Lai would not pose a threat to him, he did not want Xie Jing Xing's attention to be given to others. Yan Xun stared at Yan Lai, seeing that Yan Lai felt guilty and his palms were sweating, then he said, "I will never stop what Ziyu wants to do."

Yan Xun's eyes were too sharp, and Yan Lai only felt that he had seen through all the thoughts in his heart. He pulled out a smile to hide his guilty conscience: "Really, then your relationship is really good."

Yan Xun nodded: "We really have a good relationship."

His tone was very flat, but Yan Lai always felt that what he said was meaningful. He made an excuse and left in a hurry, for fear that Yan Xun would find out if he stayed any longer. In his own mind, he even forgot the original intention of looking for Yan Xun.

No matter what Qiao Zhiyan and Yan Lai thought, Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun eventually left the main star and rushed to the border smoothly.

This was a large-scale war launched by the Zerg Queen with all her strength. Even with Xie Jing Xing present, the battle lasted for four months. In the end, Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun joined forces to kill the Zerg Queen to end the war.

The news quickly spread throughout the interstellar space, and at this moment, all the human beings in the interstellar space were revelling.

"Ah~~~~~~ words can't describe my excitement at this moment."

"There will be a day when I see interstellar peace in my lifetime. [I can't help but leave tears of excitement.jpg]"

"I feel like I have a small koi carp. Afterwards, there are always good things going on."

"This is not luck, it is the strength of the strongest husband."

"The strongest husband, the hero of all mankind!"

"The strongest husband, the strongest in history!

" mansion.

Qiao Zhiyan has been paying attention to the situation of this battle, but he didn't want to hear the news that the Zerg Queen was killed by Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun together, he was so excited that he spurted out a mouthful of blood. This mouthful of blood seemed to have taken away his vitality, his body quickly decayed, and the whole person fell to the ground weakly.

Feeling the passing of life, Qiao Zhiyan's mind became unusually clear. He immediately wanted to understand why he was like this, and a strong hatred burst out in his eyes: "Yan Lai, you are so cruel!"

Yan Xun didn't die, which was originally bad news, but turned into good news for him at this time: "I am dead, you still get nothing, the throne, Gu Ziyu, are all Yan Xun's, hahahaha... "..." He smiled and lost his breath.

In the study, with a "crash", Yan Lai swept the items on the desk to the ground. His face was full of disbelief, and he murmured, "How can you not die? How can you not die?" No one in the study answered his question.

After a long while, Yan Lai raised his head, his eyes were gloomy and his expression grim, how could there be a little bit of the second prince's original gentleness. He opened the door and strode towards Qiao Zhiyan's room. The servants along the way were startled when they saw him.

It's all Qiao Zhiyan, if he hadn't been reborn early and changed his original trajectory, Gu Ziyu would be his, Yan Xun would die like his previous life, and the throne would be his.

He violently kicked open Qiao Zhiyan's door, and when he saw Qiao Zhiyan lying on the ground, all his words were stuck in his throat, and he never had a chance to say it again.

His own poison had prepared for Qiao Zhiyan's death, but he didn't expect it to be today. He stepped forward to probe Qiao Zhiyan's breath, but it was gone. Seeing the smile on the corner of Qiao Zhiyan's mouth was too weird, it made Yan Lai feel horrified, and his back was chilled. After all, he has been an emperor all his life, and he knows what to do at this time.

Omega's death is not a trivial matter, not to mention that Qiao Zhiyan is still a concubine, the emperor immediately ordered an investigation, and the murderer who poisoned was quickly found. It was the servant that Qiao Zhiyan brought from the Qiao family. The other party claimed that Qiao Zhiyan He has been beating and scolding him all the time, and he can't take it anymore before poisoning Qiao Zhiyan. Seeing that the case was about to be concluded, Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun came back. Xie Jing Xing knew who the murderer was, but he did not intend to persuade the emperor to re-investigate. After all, Yan Lai has been an emperor all his life. Since he dares to act, he will not leave evidence. He didn't intend to let Yan Lai go, so he simply and rudely hypnotized Yan Lai and let him tell the truth himself.

The laws of the empire are biased towards protecting omega, Yan Lai murders omega, even if he is the prince, he will be punished. His sentence came down soon, with a 150-year prison term and a demotion of mental power. Yan Lai basically spent his entire life in prison.

Maybe it was because he couldn't bear the huge gap between the past and the present, Yan Lai went crazy. He kept repeating "I am the emperor" in prison, but he was only regarded as his crazy words.

With Xie Jing Xing's conditioning, although the Emperor and Empress were stimulated by Yan Lai's affairs, they did not hear the news of Yan Xun's sacrifice as they did in their previous life.

The emperor intended to abdicate, but was rejected by Yan Xun, he did not forget that he promised Xie Jing Xing to take him to travel around the interstellar space. Now that the interstellar space is peaceful and there are no Zerg invasions, it is a good time. So His Majesty the Emperor discovered one day that his eldest son, who had always been calm, had left a letter and left with Xie Jing Xing.

Yan Xun took Xie Jing Xing to the outside world for fifty years before coming back. After coming back, Xie Jing Xing was encouraged by his elders for the first time and he also experienced the messy feeling in the wind for the first time.

It is impossible to have a child, it will never be possible, but who is Xie Jing Xing, he quickly found a solution.

The emperor is nothing more than wanting descendants with good qualifications. At this time, the emperor and queen are less than one hundred years old. In the interstellar era, they are in their prime, and they can regenerate one or more. As for aptitude, he disclosed the cultivation method of spiritual power. Spiritual power can be improved by cultivation, and aptitude is not so important.

The emperor could not persuade Xie Jing Xing, but was finally persuaded by Xie Jing Xing. A year later, the queen gave birth to an alpha with double s, named Yan Ming, and Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun carefully taught him.

Five years later, the emperor abdicated, Yan Xun became the emperor, and Xie Jing acted as the queen.

Thirteen years later, the original little alpha Yan Ming had grown into a man who stood tall enough to take on the responsibility of the empire, so Yan Xun left behind the edict that he had been sitting in Yan Ming, and took Xie Jing Xing out again, this wave was More than a hundred years.

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