Chapter 16

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When the two came to Xie Jingxing's house, as soon as Xie Jingxing opened the door, Wang Guihua rushed in crying, if Xie Jingxing didn't respond quickly, with Wang Guihua's size, he would probably be knocked out.

Seeing this, Shen Zhan frowned, even though he knew he was not hit, he couldn't help worrying: "Xiaoyuan, are you alright?"

Xie Jing Xing shook his head and asked, "Brother Shen, what should they do?"

Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua He had expected the two of them to come, and he was going to solve them completely today, so that they would no longer be able to disturb his life in the future: "Let them come in, Xiaoyuan, go and close the door."

Shen Zhan's words seemed to give After the two hoped, Shen Daniu said: "Ah Zhan, your mother, she knows it's wrong, she actually loves you, she is a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted, and what she said that day was because of anger, not her sincerity, you just follow us Let's go back, it's a family anyway, so the agreement doesn't count."

Wang Guihua hurriedly cried and said, "Yes, you are the flesh that fell from my body. How could I not love you? I just love you so much that I can't stand it in your heart that your grandmother is more important than me as a mother."

Shen Daniu said: "There is indeed a problem with the way your mother expresses her feelings. I have taught her a lesson. How can I say that he is also your mother, how can a mother and son have an overnight feud, do you think so?"

Seeing that Shen Zhan's expression did not change, Wang Guihua gritted her teeth and knelt down to cry while hugging Shen Zhan's thigh, Xie Jing Xing quickly pulled Shen Zhan's move back and let Wang Guihua hold him empty.

Wang Guihua didn't seem to expect this, but she responded quickly, lying on the ground crying: "Son, mother kneels down for you, you won't get up if you don't forgive mother."

Shen Daniu pleaded: "Azhan, look at you. Mother has already knelt down for you, so please forgive her."

Shen Zhan watched coldly and heard the two hypocritical crying and begging, his heart had no turbulence, he had no feelings for the two for a long time, and they cried too. Well, even kneeling, the mouth is too nice to make him feel even the slightest bit moved.

Xie Jing Xing looked at him with indignation, where did these two come to apologize, they were clearly forcing Brother Shen, parents kneel down on their children, they always want to be struck by thunder.

Xie Jing Xing felt a little distressed for Shen Zhan, he was obviously a blood relative, but he hurt him again and again, even the strongest person would be hurt. Thinking of giving Shen Zhan some comfort, Xie Jing Xing stretched out his hand to hold Shen Zhan's hand.

Shen Zhan looked at the hand he was holding by the young man, looked at the distressed and soothing eyes of the young man, shook it back firmly, lowered his eyes to hide what was in his eyes, and since he took the initiative to hold his hand, he would do it again. Nor will he be allowed to let go. At this time, Shen Zhan just wanted to hug his beloved boy, and didn't want to entangle with Shen Daniu Wang Guihua.

He raised his eyes and looked at Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua darkly, with no emotion in his eyes, his tone was cold and casual: "When I was fourteen, you asked me to drop out of school to work in the field, and I came back after a day, but you didn't. Give me food, I'm too hungry, so I had to go hunting in the back mountain, and finally came back with a hare, what did you say at that time?"

He looked at Wang Guihua, as if recalling: "You said, you are like this How can you be qualified to eat meat." He looked at Shen Daniu

again: "You were standing by, but you didn't seem to see anything, and then your family of three happily ate the rabbit, but I was hungry all night. Since then, I have never brought my prey home again."

"Because I didn't bring my prey home, you thought that I had eaten alone outside, and beat me severely, threatening the prey I hit in the future. I have to take it home, or continue to beat me. But I know I can't eat the food when I get it back, and I don't want to go hungry more than be beaten, so I've been beaten by you for two years, the stick is thick and thick Big, every stick is ruthless."

"It's still like I was fourteen years old. I went hunting in the mountains and encountered a wild boar. I almost died under the wild boar's fangs. I came back with scars all over my body. What did you say when you saw me?"

He looked at Wang Guihua again: "You said , as expected, my life is cheap, so I can't die like this. I had a high fever that night, and I barely got up and begged you to take me to the hospital. You said at the time, what hospital to go to, no money, and it's better to die."

He looked at him again. Shen Daniu: "You were watching from the side, neither giving me medicine nor sending me to the hospital."

"When I was sixteen, you knew that I was going to be a soldier, and the first sentence I said was that every Yue has to send money back, otherwise he will go to the army and sue me for being unfilial. When I left, the parents of the people in the car prepared a bunch of things for them, and I was the only one who only had old clothes."

"I came back from an injury this year, you see me sitting there . In a wheelchair, facing your son whom you haven't seen for eight years, your first sentence is what do you do when you come back with a broken leg? We don't have the money to treat you, so don't implicate us. Knowing that the army compensated 800 yuan, you said, no Thinking that his cheap legs are quite valuable, and you, Shen Daniu, are still standing there, saying nothing and doing nothing."

He looked at the two of them sarcastically: "Why do you naively think that as long as you apologize, I will I will forgive you. Do you know what I was thinking when I was beaten by one of you in those two years and stood by by myself?"

His voice suddenly became soft: "You know how many times I have been on the battlefield in the past eight years, killing How many people have you met?"

He stared at the two of them with dark eyes mixed with blood, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and what he said was even more creepy: "Do you know how easy it is to kill, as long as a knife is light Gently wipe it on your neck." He said while making a neck wipe: "I've done this movement countless times in the past eight years, and I'm very familiar with it.

" Wang osmanthus on the ground.

Wang Guihua looked at the big hand with sharp joints in horror, screamed "Ah", and kept moving back, shouting: "Don't come here, don't come here, don't kill me."

Shen Zhan chuckled: "How could I kill you, you are my mother, I just want to help you up. Dad, what do you think?" He looked at Shen Daniu and asked.

Shen Daniu was frightened by Shen Zhangang's appearance. He just wanted to stay as far away as possible from him, a dangerous person. He dared to think about those little Jiujiu. Wang Guihua, who was paralyzed on the ground, left, Xie Jing Xing saw that Wang Guihua's body was wet, he was really scared to pee.

Xie Jing Xing laughed and said, "Brother Shen, did you see..." Before he finished speaking, Shen Zhan grabbed his hand and dragged him into his arms, with the other hand tightly hooping His waist, just as he was about to struggle, he heard Shen Zhan's muffled voice coming from his shoulders and neck: "Xiaoyuan, let me hold him for a while."

Xie Jing Xing stopped struggling when he heard the words. Shen Zhan has always been strong in his eyes. When has he ever seen him look so fragile, and thinking of the past he just said, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pity in his heart.

He raised his hand and hugged Shen Zhan back, and kept stroking his back gently with his hand, comforting in his mouth: "It's alright, these are all over, and no one can hurt you again. Don't be sad. , they don't care about you, there are still many people in this world who care about you, such as Mr. He, Feng Weimin, and your comrades in the army."

"What about you?" Shen Zhan's voice was still dull.

"Of course I also care about you." At this time, Xie Jing Xing was so focused on comforting Shen Zhan that he did not pay attention to the strangeness of his words.

"Because I was brought up by my grandparents, they never got close to me. I always wondered if I wasn't doing well enough, so I studied hard and got the first place in the exam every year. Later, I went to work in the fields and got full work points every day. , but they never praised me."

Shen Zhan was precocious since he was a child. At first, he might have expected father's love and mother's love, but after seeing the very different attitudes of his parents towards Shen Jianguo and him, he knew that some people were Not to be expected.

Knowing that his parents were unreliable, he could only become stronger by himself, so he knew what he wanted from a young age, and he knew the benefits of reading, so he studied hard. After being forced to drop out of school, he knew that he had to find another way out for himself, and finally he decided to join the army. Being a soldier paid great attention to physical fitness, so even if it was dangerous, he would go up the mountains to hunt and eat meat, raise his body strong, and go down to the ground. Work was nothing but exercise for him.

He did all this for himself, but if he could make the young man pity him and get close to him, he wouldn't mind pretending to be pitiful.

Sure enough, the young man listened to his words and quickly coaxed: "You are very good, it's because they are blind that they can't see you."

Shen Zhan still did not let the young man go: "Then tell me what's so good about me?" The

young man He seemed to think about it seriously and said, "When you were studying, you took the first exam every year. When you were a soldier, you were able to fight the enemy and make great achievements. This shows that you can be both civil and military. Old, people like Feng Weimin help you, this shows that you are always loyal and good character. You see that people in the village look down on me, but you are willing to make friends with me, this shows that you are not mistaken by rumors, you are independent, and You are tall and handsome, and you have money and votes. You are the legendary tall, rich and handsome, and you are the most beautiful cub in our entire village." The

young man's words were still serious in the front, but they began to be playful and interesting in the back. The words made Shen Zhan, who pretended to be sad, to laugh. He raised his head and scratched the boy's nose with his hand.

Xie Jing Xing was stunned by his intimate and natural movements, looking at the tender affection in his eyes, there was a feeling of being teased by him, a sudden shyness arose in his heart and his face flushed.

Shen Zhan kept looking at him, and naturally took his shy reaction into his eyes, and ecstasy flashed in his eyes. He slowly leaned forward and gently pressed his forehead against the boy's forehead. The friendship in his eyes was no longer concealed, and poured out. , murmured in a low voice: "Xiaoyuan." The voice was gentle and swaying.

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