Chapter 32

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Ji Huan's heart was sour: Seeing the young man end the call, he couldn't help but ask: "Is that your girlfriend just now?"

Although he tried his best to hide it, Xie Jing Xing still heard the sourness in his words: Xie Jing Xing who wanted to tease him originally: Touch The sourness in his eyes and the fleeting pain: suddenly his heart softened, so he said the truth: "It's my sister, I don't have a girlfriend." Seeing the joy in the man's eyes instantly: Xie Jing Xing dropped a bomb in a very wicked way : "I don't like women."

Ji Huan suddenly raised his head when he heard the words: Just as he was about to ask him what he meant: By this time the car had arrived at the destination: Xie Jingxing said: "It's here." He opened the door and got off the car, leaving a face Ji Huan was shocked.

Hearing the sound of the car door closing, Ji Huan came back to his senses. He quickly got out of the car, caught up with the young man, and wanted to ask: But seeing that the waiter from the western restaurant had come out to greet him, Ji Huan had to swallow the words on his lips.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the two entered the box and sat down to order food. Xie Jing Xing also ordered a bottle of red wine with great interest.

After the waiter went out: Ji Huan couldn't wait to ask: "What did you mean when you said you didn't like women?" Because he was confused by the young man's words, he could no longer hide his thoughts, and the expectations in the words were undisguised. .

Xie Jing Xing stared straight at him for a long while, his red lips lightly parted: Just as he was about to speak, the waiter came in with the red wine and the meal.

After being interrupted by people three or four times, Ji Huan was so well-trained that he couldn't help but glared at the waiter coldly.

The waiter was stunned by his stare, and for a moment forgot what to do.

Xie Jing Xing was a little amused when he saw this, this man has always been mature and restrained, calm and self-controlled, yet there are times when he is so naive. This waiter is also considered a disaster, he reminded aloud: "Let's have dinner." The

waiter came back to his senses, quickly set the meal, poured red wine for the two, and was about to go out. Ji Huan stopped him and said coldly. Said: "We have something to talk about, no one should come in to disturb."

"Okay, guest." The waiter replied, and then stepped out of the box.

Ji Huan looked at the lazy young man holding the goblet, took a deep breath and asked again, "What did you mean when you said you don't like women?"

Xie Jing Xing shook the wine glass, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed lightly, then slowly After taking a sip of red wine, he said, "It means literally,"

Ji Huan's eyes burst with joy, and he confirmed again: "You mean you like men?"

Seeing the young man nodding, Ji Huan picked up the wine glass in front of him, After drinking, he stood up and walked to the youth's side to sit down. He stretched out his long arms on the back of the youth's chair, as if he was holding the youth in his arms. This subtle movement showed his domineering possessiveness.

He looked at the young man with burning eyes, and the affection in his eyes no longer concealed: "What do you think of me?" Although he asked, he made up his mind that no matter how the young man answered, he would not let go. Before, he thought that the young man was heterosexual, and was afraid of being disgusted by him, so he did not dare to express his thoughts. Now that he knew that the young man liked men, how could he let go. If the young man fell in love with someone else, he could not guarantee what he would do.

Being wrapped in the arms by Ji Huan's domineering, he was attracted by his undisguised male hormones, and after drinking some wine, Xie Jing Xing was a little sullen, he turned to look at Ji Huan, raised his hand to wrap it around Wrapped around his neck, kissed his lips in his ecstatic eyes, and left with a touch: "I think you're just right for my boyfriend." Now that he's moved, he won't wiggle.

How could Ji Huan allow him to evacuate like this, he lifted his hand on the back of the chair to hold the back of his head, the other hand tightly wrapped around his thin and flexible waist, and pushed his body into his arms. Pressing, holding his lips and turning to kiss, then prying open his lips and teeth, swept his big tongue in his mouth, greedy not letting go of any place, hooking his slick little tongue, licking, sucking and biting, the inside of his mouth Full of the mellow taste of red wine, Ji Huan couldn't stop.

Not to be outdone, Xie Jing Xing hugged his neck tightly and kissed back, in the quiet box, the two of them kissed tsk tsk.

It was not until Xie Jing Xing was out of breath that Ji Huan let go of him and pecked and kissed his lips a few times.

Xie Jing Xing leaned against Ji Huan's arms and breathed lightly, his cheeks were flushed, the shimmering peach blossom eyes were filled with misty water, and the corners of his eyes had a slight blush, as if he was drunk but not drunk, his lips were slightly open, as if he was inviting him. Like a kiss, alluring.

Ji Huan looked at the ecstatic youth in his arms with burning eyes, only to feel dry mouth, hot all over, a heat flow straight down to his lower abdomen, feeling the reaction of his body, he folded his legs unnaturally. He glanced at the attractive red lips of the young man and couldn't help swallowing, but he didn't dare to kiss any more, for fear that he could not hold back the young man.

Thinking of what the young man had just said, Ji Huan tightened his hand on the young man's waist and asked, "Darling, did you already know that I like you?" That voice, which was completely different from his personality and was extremely sweet, "baby" Son" naturally blurted out, only he knew that he had called the young man like this countless times in his lingering dreams.

Xie Jing Xing gave him a sideways look and said, "It's too obvious, isn't it, which good friend in this world will deliver meals three times a day, and the fact of delivering meals is not in line with your personality."

Ji Huan thought about it too . , he thought he was covering it up well, but in fact his thoughts were already revealed, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he said with a low smile, "Then the baby acquiesced to my approach before, did he fall in love with me long ago?" He couldn't help but ask when the other party fell in love with him, and Ji Huan was no exception.

"I really didn't hate it at the beginning, but now it's naturally—" Xie Jing Xing looked at the man's expectant eyes, and said in a long voice, "I like—I like—"

Ji Huan heard the words as if he had won the whole world, his eyes were filled with happiness and happiness. Delighted, he lowered his head and kissed the young man's lips again. After the two exchanged a warm and sweet kiss, he said in a hoarse voice, "I definitely fell in love with you at first sight, even though I didn't realize it at that time."

Xie Jing Xing thought of two things. When he first met a man, he raised his eyebrows when he thought of his heartbeat at that moment, maybe he fell in love with Ji Huan at first sight, but in order to prevent the man from being too proud, he should not tell him for the time being, Xie Jing Xing has some bad intentions thought.

After this exchange of heartfelt complaints, Xie Jing Xing was also hungry, Ji Huan called the waiter to come in to replace the cold meal, the waiter was relieved when he saw that his face was soft and there was a smile in his eyes. The cold face of this guest just now was really terrifying, but he still acted cautiously, for fear that an inattentive one would make the guest unhappy again.

Xie Jing Xing saw the waiter's look of sincerity and fear, and after he went out, he smiled and said, "You scared him."

Ji Huan laughed a little when he thought of his childish appearance before, but he had some realization in his heart. He also became lively and alive.

After the meal, because both of them drank alcohol, Ji Huan called the driver to take the young man home first. Along the way, Ji Huan pulled down the front and rear baffles, hugged the young man in his arms, held his fair and slender hands in his hands and played with them, then traced his facial features with his fingers, and occasionally pecked and kissed his lips. Xie Jing Xing saw that he looked like a child who couldn't put it down as if he got a beloved toy, his heart was sweet and soft, he let him do what he did, felt the pampering of the youth, Ji Huan's heart was sweet, even the air in the back seat of the car turned pink.

After the car arrived downstairs in Xie Jing Xing's apartment, Xie Jing Xing was about to open the door to get off the car, but was pulled by the arm of the man, the two exchanged a lingering and passionate kiss before leaving with the man's reluctant gaze.

Ji Huan leaned on the back seat, calmed his breath for a while, saw the light on the floor where his lover was, and then told the driver: "Go back."

Although the shutter was pulled down, the driver could not see the picture, but the two He could still hear the ambiguous tsk tsk when kissing. During this period of time, the young master would deliver meals to the man just now. He had already suspected it for a long time, but now he really confirmed that he actually felt that way. As for both of them being men, although he was a little surprised, he knew that this was not something he could talk about.

He has been driving for Ji's family for more than ten years, and he still has some understanding of the young master's temperament. To Mr. and Mrs., although the young master is respectful but not close, he can be said to be disdainful of the younger sister, his own sister. He once felt that the young master was too indifferent and cold. The more indifferent a person is like the young master, the more infatuated he is once he falls in love with someone.

He didn't even think about telling the husband and wife. If he told the husband and wife, they knew that the young master fell in love with a man, and opposition was inevitable, but the decision made by the young master from childhood to adulthood cannot be changed even by the husband and wife. There is trouble, but the master only has one son, the young master. With the ability of the young master, it will be a matter of time to inherit everything in the Ji family. He cannot offend the young master.

Ji Huan didn't know what the driver was thinking. He was not afraid that his relationship with the youth would be known. He pulled down the flap just because he didn't want others to see the attractive appearance of the youth after being kissed by him. He even wanted to let the world know. Everyone knows that the youth is his.

He knew that once the relationship between the two was exposed, his parents would definitely object, but he was already financially independent and was not worried about being blocked by the economy. Ji's father only knew that his foreign investment companies were doing well, and that many cutting-edge professions had his shares, but he didn't know that he had other industries, involving many industries. If they were integrated, they would be no better than Ji's. difference. He is not a person who likes to show off, so he never mentioned it at Ji's house. He still respects Ji's father very much, and does not want to confront Ji's family, but if one day, Ji's father and Ji's mother want to use Ji's family to force his youth to leave him, he also has the strength to compete with him, the driver thinks well, he Really cold and cold, the only person who really cares about it is his youth.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-05-25 00:00:00~2020-05-30 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting the deep water □ □'s little angel: 1 Peach Blossom Flowing Water;

thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 3 Zhenxiang, Leilei, and Radish Head; 1 Fatty Run, Junjun, and Fenglin Remnant; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution : 6 bottles of Fenglin Remnants; 3 bottles of Wu Ge; 2 bottles of Xingyu; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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