Chapter 75

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After Father Zhou left: Yan Feng looked at Xie Jing Xing with a serious expression: "Before you met wild boars in the mountains: it was because you were sprinkled with animal powder on your clothes: I suspect Meng Yuan did it?" he finished Afterwards, he glanced at Xie Jing Xing nervously: I was afraid he would not believe it: Although Xie Jing Xing and Meng Yuan have broken off their engagement now: but he heard from the villagers that the two had been engaged for more than a year and their relationship has been good, compared to the person he just met: Xie Jing Xing He should believe Meng Yuan more.

The reason why he told Xie Jing Xing: On the one hand, he wanted him to take precautions against Meng Yuan: lest he be harmed by Meng Yuan again. On the other hand, he also had selfish intentions: he wanted Xie Jing Xing to see Meng Yuan's character clearly, so that he would give up on Meng Yuan completely. As long as he thought that Xie Jing Xing had liked other men, that the two might have held hands and hugged, or even had more intimate actions, his heart became sour and his eyes were red with jealousy: he hated himself for not coming back two years earlier, If he wanted to cut off Meng Yuan immediately, he might hold Xie Jing Xing's hand. Xie Jing Xing looked at the reddish eyes of the man, and knew that the man was afraid of making up something else: He deliberately made a disheartened look: "Actually, I also suspect that he did it, I just went out to chop wood today and only I met him and talked to him for a while, only he had the opportunity to sprinkle the beast powder on my clothes: I deliberately mentioned that clothes in front of him before, just to see his reaction, I didn't expect... "..." "I saw him holding hands with the elder brother of the county magistrate's family in the county town before. At that time, I deceived myself and thought I was wrong. Now that I think about it, after the engagement, he seemed to be very gentle to me, but in fact I don't want to get close to me at all. We have been engaged for more than a year, and we haven't even held hands, and he has never taken the initiative to find me. If he really likes someone, why would he be like this? I'm afraid he has long been with the elder brother of the county magistrate's family. I just didn't expect him to be so cruel, he didn't want to marry me, but he wanted to kill me." "Brother Yan, do you think I'm bad, otherwise why does Meng Yuan dislike me so much?"

The sweetheart raised his head and looked at him with wet eyes, with self-doubt in his eyes, and a bewildered look that was very pitiful and very cute. Yan Feng couldn't help but stepped forward and held Xie Jing Xing's face, and dropped loving kisses on his eyes one after another, comforting his mouth, "You are the best, Meng Yuan has no vision, don't feel sorry for such a person, it's not worth it ." In his heart, the killing intent towards Meng Yuan increased, but he was glad that Meng Yuan had no vision, and at the same time he couldn't help but be overjoyed by the meaning revealed in Xie Jing's words, it turned out that he and Meng Yuan didn't even have a hand. If you take it, then his baby will be his from the inside out.

When the man's kiss fell, Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart, his current thoughts were the same as Zhou's father, this man must be taking advantage of him, if he was not sure that this man was his lover, He will definitely kick him over.

Xie Jing Xing rolled his eyes, the slyness in his eyes flashed away, he pushed away the man who kissed him emotionally, his face was full of panic: "Brother Yan, how can you kiss me?" Speaking of the last two When he wrote the word, two blushes appeared on his face, and his slightly shy appearance looked extremely attractive in the eyes of men.

Xie Jing Xing saw the man staring at him with burning eyes, he was very familiar with this look about to be in heat, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes again in his heart, this man was still just as nonchalant.

He continued: "Is it because I was divorced and you look down on me, so you are so casual and light on me?" His expression was full of sadness and a trace of grievance.

Xie Jing Xing was an actor in his previous life, his expression changed very naturally, how could Yan Feng know that he was acting, seeing him look so sad and wronged, he was very distressed. He wanted to go forward to comfort him, but was afraid of Xie Jing Xing's misunderstanding, so he had to stand where he was, because he was too anxious, sweat appeared on his forehead, he explained at a loss, "No, I like you very much, I really want to marry you. Husband, I couldn't help it just now, I didn't mean to belittle you." He was obviously a tall and rough man, but at this moment he looked a little pitiful.

Xie Jingxing held back with all his might, so that he didn't let himself laugh out loud. After being addicted to the show, but he was reluctant to see his lover's pitiful appearance, he raised his chin slightly and said to the man, "Come here."

Yan Feng walked up to him obediently after hearing the words, Xie Jing Xing said, "Squat down."

Yan Feng He squatted down obediently again, Xie Jing Xing leaned over and placed a loud kiss on his forehead with a "boom".

Yan Feng, who thought he would be slapped in the face, raised his head suddenly, his face full of disbelief. After a while, he looked at the young man with ecstasy: "Darling, is that what I thought? You accepted me, right?"

Xie Jing Xing glanced at him, "Why, do you think it's too fast? Or do you think I'm too hasty? Now? Since that's the case, then forget it, I still wait for my dad to help me see a few more men, and then choose carefully."

Yan Feng grabbed his hand and said, "Not fast, not fast at all, not rash at all, but the first time I saw baby, you wanted to marry you back home. A more cautious brother."

Xie Jing Xing glanced at him with a smile, when the man saw that Xie Jing Xing really accepted him, a smile appeared on his face, he held Xie Jing Xing's hand and kissed him, expecting He asked, "Baby, after a while, when the divorce between you and Meng Yuan is over, I will come to your house to propose marriage, okay?"

Although he really wanted to marry Xie Jing Xing home quickly, he went down the mountain with Xie Jing Xing today. The matter has already been talked about, if he proposes to Xie Jing Xing recently, there will definitely be more nasty words to come out, but he doesn't care, but he doesn't want his precious child to bear it.

He suddenly thought that Xie Jing Xing had just mentioned Meng Yuan and the elder brother of the county magistrate's secret collaborator, maybe he could start from this aspect. As long as the villagers know that Meng Yuan was with other brothers early and the divorce was premeditated, what Meng A-mo said before was slander, which was a fact, then he would propose to Xie Jing Xing again. No one will gossip. However, this would have to save Meng Yuan's life first, which was really cheap for him. Originally, he planned to kill Meng Yuan directly.

"Okay." How could Xie Jing Xing not agree, he also thought about the same thing as a man, but now his foot is injured and he can't move, but isn't there a ready-made labor force?

When Xie Jing Xing told the man what he thought, the man let out a low laugh, and gently took Xie Jing Xing into his arms with one hand, always protecting his injured foot, even at this moment, he did not forget Xie Jing Xing's injury: "We really are the best match, I was thinking the same thing just now."

Xie Jing Xing also laughed when he heard the words, it was not the first time that he and his lover had such a tacit understanding, but no matter how many times, it always made people feel happy.

Father Zhou finished the meal, and the two had separated, but Father Zhou still sensed the change between the two. Just like now, as long as Brother Jin glanced at a dish, Yan Feng would put it in Brother Jin's bowl. Brother Jin will occasionally serve Yan Feng with vegetables. At this time, Yan Feng eats it quickly, and then looks at Brother Jin with eyes that are so gentle that he can drip water. The love in his eyes is not concealed at all, even he A man felt his face blushing, but Brother Jin was calm. He originally thought that Brother Jin was too slow to find out, but as long as Yan Feng stared at him for too long, he would look at him sideways, and Yan Feng would grin as if he had received a huge benefit. Not even the horrific scars on his face could hide his stupidity.

In this way, he still can't find any tricks between the two of them, and his age is not worth living: "What's the matter with the two of you?"

"Dad, I'm happy with Big Brother Yan. / Uncle Zhou, I'm happy. Brother Jin." The two spoke almost simultaneously.

When Yan Feng heard Xie Jing Xing's words, he grinned again.

"Okay, stop laughing." Uncle Zhou couldn't help but said, such a foolish smile on such a bandit face really made him very uncomfortable.

Father Zhou looked at Xie Jing Xing and said, "Brother Jin, isn't this too fast? Shall we take another look?"

It's not that he disliked Yan Feng when he said this. He could see that Yan Feng was sincere to his brother. Compared with Meng Yuan's eyes when he looked at brother Jin, it seemed to be gentle, but there was no warmth in Yan Feng's eyes. The tenderness of affection and drowning cannot be disguised, and he is so meticulous and considerate to Brother Jin, which Meng Yuan can't compare. At this time, he was extremely fortunate to have withdrawn the marriage of Brother Jin and Meng Yuan. Although it had some influence on Brother Jin's reputation, his reputation was not as important as Brother Jin's happiness.

He was quite satisfied with Yan Feng, but he was worried about his own brother. Brother Jin liked Meng Yuan so much in the past, but now the two just broke off their marriage. Brother Jin said that he liked Yan Feng, which is really unbelievable. No matter how you look at it, it seems that Yan Feng is regarded as a refuge. He is afraid that Brother Jin will regret it in the future. , I am even more afraid that he will get into the horns. In order to prove to Meng Yuan that he still wants it, he is deliberately with Yan Feng, and he will hurt others and himself in the future.

Xie Jing Xing gave his nervous lover a soothing look, took his hand and showed it to Father Zhou, solemnly said, "Father, I know what you are thinking. I have determined that Brother Yan is not a refuge. , I don't want to prove to Meng Yuan that I still want someone, it's because I like Big Brother Yan, in my heart, Big Brother Yan is the best, and Meng Yuan is not even qualified to compare with him." When he said this , He looked at the man with the same heavy love in his eyes.

When Yan Feng heard the words, he looked at the young man with bright eyes. If he hadn't been worried that Uncle Zhou was here, he would have really wanted to kiss the young man's sweet mouth to see if it was as sweet as his words. Now he can only use his thumb to keep rubbing the slightly rough palm of the young man to quench his thirst.

Xie Jing Xing glared at him and motioned him to restrain himself, Dad is still here!

Father Zhou was relieved when he heard the words: "In this case, I will no longer oppose it, but you usually pay attention. I am afraid that there will be bad rumors about what Meng Yuan said before."

"Uncle Zhou, don't worry . , I would never let this happen." Yan Feng said so, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

After eating, Yan Feng asked the young man for a kiss while Father Zhou was away, and then he reluctantly left Zhou's house.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-07-05 00:00:00~2020-07-06 00:00:00~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: 8 bottles of Big Fatty; 4 bottles of Taoyue Linzhi; 1 bottle of Monk Hua draws water; thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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