Chapter 81

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 Father Zhou always knew that Yan Feng was good to Xie Jing Xing: so he would marry Xie Jing Xing to him with confidence: After the two got married: Father Zhou had seen how much Yan Feng favored Xie Jing Xing.

Cooking, washing, cleaning the house, the housework that should have been done by a brother: He would never let Xie Jing Xing touch his hands. Not to mention going down to the ground: Yan Feng has already hired someone to take care of it: The same is true for the dozen or so acres of land that Mr. Zhou had. I don't know how many people envied Mr. Zhou.

Just these two points made the brothers in the village very envious of Xie Jing Xing, but they did not know that Yan Feng's doting on Xie Jing Xing was much more than that.

The rice that Xie Jing Xing ate was specially found by Yan Feng: The color is bright and white: The grains are round and full: Like pearls: After cooking, each grain is crystal clear, and the taste is soft and sweet. Father Zhou has been planting the land for decades, and he has also seen some high-quality rice in the rice shop in the county town, but he has never seen such good rice. He specifically asked the shopkeeper of the rice shop, and the shopkeeper said that this kind of rice was called pearl rice, and it was eaten by the dignitaries in the capital: ordinary rice shops were not sold at all.

There are always all kinds of delicate snacks at home, all of which Yan Feng specially prepared to serve as snacks for Xie Jing Xing while he was reading. Father Zhou discovered that if Xie Jing Xing praised which dim sum was delicious: this kind of dim sum would appear every day. If he frowned while eating some kind of snack, that snack would never appear again.

There is meat in every meal at home, but Yan Feng is a hunter, which is not so unusual compared to other things. Xie Jing Xing likes to eat fish: Yan Feng went down the river every three days to catch fish for him, and carefully removed all the fish bones inside. In order to allow Xie Jing Xing to eat comfortably, Yan Feng also went to Wang Hu's restaurant to learn cooking skills from the chef for a period of time.

Xie Jing Xing's clothes seemed to be no different from ordinary coarse cloth clothes, but Father Zhou knew that his underwear was made of excellent silk and was very comfortable, even the shoes on Xie Jing Xing's feet were made of excellent quality. damask is made.

This is where the husband is raised, and the average family is not so meticulous about raising a son.

Xie Jing Xing had it, and Father Zhou naturally also had it, he didn't expect that his age would be liked by his own brother, and he would live a good life that he never dared to imagine before.

At the same time, Father Zhou was very puzzled as to where Yan Feng had such great skills and money to get these things, and Xie Jing Xing did not hide the former identity of Father Zhou's lover.

Father Zhou was surprised when he heard that Yan Feng was actually the famous General Yan, if it wasn't for Xie Jing Xing's support, he would probably sit on the ground.

That is General Yan! The God of War general who has never been defeated in ten years! In recent years, because of General Yan's prestige, the enemy did not dare to invade, and the country was peaceful. When the emperor was happy, the tax was reduced or exempted, and the life of their peasants was much better. I am very grateful to General Yan.

Now the famous General Yan turned out to be his brother-in-law. He couldn't believe that Yan Feng, who spoiled his brother to the extreme and was obedient, was the rumored General Yan who made the enemy fearful. He pinched himself fiercely, and the pain in his body showed that this was not a dream.

Xie Jing Xing originally thought that Father Zhou would be worried after knowing the identity of his lover, after all, he and his lover were too far apart in terms of identity, but he did not expect Father Zhou to be more at ease than before.

Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but curiously asked Father Zhou, "Father, don't you worry that Yan Feng's status is too high, it's just for a while to see me now, will you see others and abandon me in the future? I'm afraid I won't be able to get justice?"

Father Zhou said very firmly: "No. It is because of General Yan's high status that he has been in the capital for many years, and he has never seen any brother with a high family background, good looks and good looks. If you really want to find him If he is a person who is greedy for a moment, he will not have never married a husband in ten years. General Yan's identity, not to mention a husband, should also be a brother who is willing to be his concubine. There are a lot of them, but he has never thought of anyone else. Such a sturdy man, he will do what he says, and he will always fall in love with someone."

The conversation between the father and son happened to be heard by Yan Feng who came to Xie Jing Xing. , he gave Xie Jing Xing a long look, and then left quietly.

On the bed that night, Yan Feng hit him vigorously and asked, "Darling, do you feel how much I love you? Do you feel how much I can't leave you?"

Xie Jing Xing felt that his soul would be destroyed by him Knocked away, he said intermittently: "I feel...I feel it, you...light...a little."

"Can't be light, how can you make you feel how much I want you when it's light, I think it used to be Because I acted too reserved, my baby would be so insecure, to think that I was just a novelty to you for a while, and will abandon you in the future because of others."

Only then did Xie Jing Xing know why the man was so abnormal tonight, he He couldn't help rolling his eyes, the man was clearly taking advantage of the topic.

"You did it on purpose!" He bit the man's shoulder fiercely, in exchange for a low laugh from the man and a more violent impact.

The two lived happily, but the Meng family was not so happy.

Since Xie Jingxing sold Shisanxiang's formula to all restaurants in the county, Meng Qing's small restaurant lost its competitiveness. In order to salvage the decline, Meng Qing also thought of making some novel dishes to attract diners, but with Xie Jing Xing present, Wang Hu and his restaurant could say that new dishes appeared one after another. Meng Qing was only a chef in a small restaurant in his previous life. How could his cooking skills be comparable to that of a chef in a big restaurant? He couldn't compare in terms of taste or dishes. Meng Qing saw that there were fewer and fewer customers in the restaurant and he was earning more money. Barely enough to pay the rent of the shop, secretly anxious, but helpless.

Meng Yuan's studies, his husband's repairs, his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and the occasional poetry meeting held by his classmates, all added up to a considerable amount of expenses. Before Meng Qing wore it, the Meng family lived on a budget. They worked in the fields all year round to barely pay for Meng Yuan's expenses. After Meng Qing wore it, this difficult life was improved.

Getting used to a good life, now Meng Qing's restaurant has no income, and it's time to go back to the poor days before. How could the Meng family be willing, so they logically decided to hit Luo Yu, who had a rich dowry, and Luo Yu was willing to marry him. For Meng Yuan, on the one hand, he likes him, and more importantly, he values ​​his talents. He feels that he will be able to get famous in the future and bet on it in advance. Therefore, for the sake of her husband's future and his good future, Luo Yu can only give more. Silver, not only to subsidize the household, but also for Meng Yuan to study.

Meng Yuan was arrogant and arrogant, using Luo Yu's money. On the one hand, he was grateful, and on the other hand, his strong self-esteem made him feel humiliated. At the beginning, he still liked Luo Yu very much, and his gratitude prevailed, and he vowed to study hard. In the future, after he was admitted to the court and became an official, he would let Luo Yu live a good life, and he would also have a good life on weekdays. Everything accommodates Luo Yu, but after a long time, Luo Yu often complains in his ear that life is too hard, the dowry money is getting less and less, plus Meng Ami keeps talking about Luo Yu's various things in his ear. This kind of discomfort gradually wore away his gratitude to Luo Yu, and the humiliation in his heart prevailed.

Trapped in trivial matters such as firewood, rice, oil and salt, Luo Yu, who always cares about everything and always mentions money when he opens his mouth and shuts his mouth, makes Meng Yuan feel extremely vulgar. Such Luo Yu seems to have lost the characteristics that made him infatuated at the beginning. Patience, but he has a deep scheming, and his face does not show at all, but he is more gentle and considerate to Luo Yu.

And since the last time he saw Xie Jing Xing, Meng Yuan had been thinking about Xie Jing Xing from the bottom of his heart. Occasionally in the village he saw Xie Jing Xing and Yan Feng holding hands happily and sweetly, he couldn't help but think, if he hadn't divorced Zhou Jin and the two married on schedule, would he be able to be as happy as this? Can not help but give birth to a trace of regret.

At this time, Meng Yuan did not realize that before he knew it, the positions of Luo Yu and Xie Jing Xing in his heart had been completely reversed. He treated Luo Yu just like Zhou Jin in the past. Xie Jing Xing, who was once abandoned by him like a shoe, became what he wanted instead.

In the face of a difficult life and less and less dowry money, Luo Yu also felt a trace of regret in his heart. He could only comfort himself and wait until Meng Yuan was admitted. He also kept an eye on Xie Jing Xing, expecting a miserable life after his marriage, but what he heard was how much Yan Feng favored Xie Jing Xing, not to mention how disappointed he was.

Xie Jing Xing did not need to go to the ground or do housework, his favorite thing to do on weekdays was to go hunting in the mountains with Yan Feng, and Yan Feng also made him a bow, which was very handy. Apart from the prey, there were many plants in the deep mountains, Xie Jing Xing found peppers inside.

Xie Jing Xing is like a treasure, he likes spicy food, after coming here, because chili peppers were not found in this era, and the dishes tended to be bland, he always felt a little less flavorful when eating.

He carefully dug out a few of the peppers and planned to plant them in the yard. He was worried that he would not be able to support them. He also kept a few of them. If there is no such ability as Yan Feng in this deep mountain, ordinary people would not dare to come in, and he is not afraid of being caught. Others dug it.

He also planned to send one to Wang Hu's restaurant, and at the same time wrote a cookbook again, all the dishes in it needed chili for seasoning. I believe that with this cookbook and chili, their restaurant's business will be better, but by then He is afraid to consider planting peppers in a large area, otherwise these few peppers will not be able to supply the needs of restaurants.

Seeing him so happy, Yan Feng was busy with several plants called peppers, and silently helped him, as before, he didn't ask him why he knew this.

He knows that his lover has secrets, and he knows many things that he should not know as his identity, such as recipes, such as medical skills. He fought on the battlefield all the year round, and he left a lot of dark wounds on his body. When it was windy and rainy, the pain was unbearable. After his lover took care of his body, he was much better. The wind and rain never hurt again. Hu and the others were also much better after taking their lover's medicine, and they were very grateful to their lover.

His lover would hide a thing or two in front of Adie Zhou, but he never concealed it in front of him. It can be seen that his trust in him has surpassed Adie Zhou. This kind of trust makes him very useful. At the same time, such a lover is like an inexhaustible treasure. He can always surprise him anytime and anywhere. He enjoys the process of digging the treasure and is not in a hurry to know the answer.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-11 00:00:00~2020-07-12 00:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of J; 5 bottles of Qingjue; 3 bottles of the cool summer year; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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