Chapter 97

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After school: Xie Jingxing walked out of the classroom and found Lin Yuan waiting at the door of his classroom with a schoolbag on his back: "Brother, aren't you going to study at night?"

Lin Yuan rubbed Xie Jingxing's head: "The college entrance examination will be in a few days. Now, the teacher said that the evening self-study for these few days has been canceled: let us rest well, raise our spirits, and face the college entrance examination."

Xie Jing Xing's brows jumped when he heard that, no wonder Lin Yu'an in the original plot would come to the original owner at this time.

Along the way: As long as it is crossing the road: Xie Jing Xing held Lin Yu'an's hand tightly and watched the passing vehicles vigilantly.

Lin Yu'an was a little funny, but his heart was warm, this younger brother didn't hurt in vain: "Brother is such an adult: how could he not even cross the road: Xiaoran doesn't have to be so nervous."

Xie Jingxing said: "Be careful, there is no big mistake, As long as you don't enter the house: You can't be completely relieved: Brother, don't

take it seriously." Lin Yu'an smiled and said, "Okay, listen to Xiaoran."

Being left out by his lover for a day: Chi Xiao's heart is sour. Just as he was about to say what he was about to say: A person suddenly rushed from behind and hit Lin Yuan angrily, just at this moment a car came galloping on the road: Xie Jing Xing jumped up and pushed Lin Yuan away without thinking. Seeing that the oncoming car was about to hit Xie Jing Xing: Chi Xiaofei rushed over and hugged him and rolled over, narrowly dodging the oncoming car, everything happened between lightning and flint, and it was extremely thrilling.

"You're going to die!!" Chi Xiao angrily roared: There was fear in his eyes, his eyes were red, and blue veins appeared on his forehead, he was angry with Xie Jing Xing for the first time.

Xie Jing Xing knew that he was right, but worried about whether his lover was injured: "I'm fine, nothing happened, are you injured?"

Chi Xiao hugged him tightly as if he didn't hear what he said, Xie Jing Xing knew him This time, I terrified my lover, and I didn't care that being in the middle of the road would obstruct traffic, so I kissed his lips soothingly, patted his back lightly, and kept repeating: "Don't I'm afraid, I'm fine."

The warm touch on his lips awakened Chi Xiao, who had fallen into fear, he stared at Xie Jing Xing for a long time, as if to confirm that he was alive, then buried his head on the side of his neck, his voice choked and hoarse: "You scared to death. I'm gone." Just a little bit, as long as he hesitated for half a second, his lover might leave this world forever, thinking of this, his heart clenched, the blood all over his body was cold, and tears involuntarily fell from the corners of his eyes.

With the cold touch on his neck, Chi Xiao actually cried, Xie Jing Xing felt more and more guilty, he spent several lifetimes with his lover, his lover has always been strong, he has never seen his lover cry, "I'm sorry, it will never be like this again."

Lin Yu'an had long since recovered from the accident just now. He was also afraid and wished to rush up to hug his younger brother in his arms, but when he saw the two hugging each other, he finally couldn't bear to come forward and disturb him. Hearing that his brother said he was fine, he felt a little at ease. If something happened to his brother to save him, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life. He looked to the side of the street, and the man who hit him had already escaped.

The owner of the car braked a long time ago. He wanted to scold the three people who were dying, but when he saw this scene, he couldn't scold him no matter what. Although it was a little out of place, he was envious of the direct feelings of these people. When the accident happened, no one thought about his own safety. Instead, he wanted to save others.

Feeling that Chi Xiao's emotions had calmed down, Xie Jing Xing coaxed softly, "Let me see if you are injured, okay? I'm very worried."

Only then did Chi Xiao raise his head and loosen his grip on Xie Jing Xing a little. , but still did not let go, shook his head: "I'm fine."

Xie Jing Xing saw that he still didn't return to his senses, he doubted what he said was okay, and kissed his lips again: "Good, let go first. Let me see if it's okay, otherwise I'm not at ease, if you want to hug for a while, I'll let you hug him enough."

Only then did Chi Xiao let go of him slowly, Xie Jing Xing saw a large bruise on his arm at a glance, it should be It was torn by the ground when he rolled while holding him. Xie Jing Xing pinched his arm carefully, confirming that there was no bone injury, just skin trauma, then he felt a little relieved, he groped around him again to confirm that there was no injury elsewhere, then he was completely relieved.

As soon as Xie Jing Xing finished the inspection, Chi Xiao immediately put him in his arms, Xie Jing Xing saw that he was still frightened and did not struggle, he brought him to Lin Yu'an and asked, "Brother, are you alright?"

Lin Yu'an shook his head: "I'm fine." He rubbed Xie Jing Xing's head: "Xiao Ran, promise my brother that I will never do such a dangerous thing again, even to save my brother, and my brother does not want Something happened to Xiaoran."

Xie Jingxing nodded, "No, brother, don't worry."

He turned his head and looked at the owner apologetically, "I'm sorry for causing you trouble, and thank you." In front of them, how could they comfort each other leisurely in the middle of the road.

The car owner waved his hand: "It's fine, only one person was slightly scratched in such a car accident. It's really fortunate. If it wasn't for the two of you, I'd be dead today." He looked at Lin Yu'an and said : "It's too dangerous for you to suddenly rush out like this, don't do it in the future." He didn't see the scene where Lin Yu'an was hit by someone, so he said this.

After the car owner said this, Xie Jing Xing remembered the culprit: "Brother, who hit you just now?"

Lin Yu'an said, "When I came to see the past, the man was gone."

"It turns out that someone hit you, this man Why is it so immoral, you just ran away when you hit it." Cheism was indignant.

Xie Jing Xing did not think it was an accident, although the situation was urgent at that time, he still saw that person wearing a hat and mask, and Xu Mo had been dressed like this since his face problem, he did not think it was a coincidence. Xu Mo already had hatred for Lin Yu'an, but now his personality has become more extreme because of his face.

"Now that people have run away, you can only admit that you are unlucky." The car owner said: "Since you are all right, then I will leave. The car has been parked in the middle of the road, and the traffic police should come in a while."

Farewell to the car owner, the three When he got home, he tacitly didn't mention it before his father and mother.

Next door, Xu Mo heard the voice of the three of Lin Yu'an coming back, and his eyes crossed unwillingly, how could Lin Yu'an be so lucky, so he didn't die.

Today he went to the hospital to check his face. On the way back, he saw two brothers, Lin Yuan and Lin Yuran, talking and laughing. One was sunny and handsome, the other was exquisite and beautiful, and the handsome Chi Xiao was on the side. Ah, Xu Mo felt extremely dazzling.

Why? Why is he like this now, but Lin Yuan can still live so well, with outstanding looks, excellent grades, and a happy family, is it because Lin Yuan is the protagonist and he is cannon fodder, is it as long as Lin Yuan disappears? You can change your destiny yourself.

This thought flooded his mind, and when he came back to his senses, he had hit Lin Yu'an on the road, he was so frightened that he hurriedly ran away, and he didn't see what happened to Lin Yu'an, but only heard the harsh sound of brakes behind him. .

After returning home, he locked himself in the room, thinking that Lin Yu'an had a car accident and was seriously injured if he didn't die. The original fear was replaced by excitement. As long as Lin Yuan dies, his fate will change, he will replace Lin Yuan as the protagonist, his face will get better, his outstanding appearance is his, his excellent grades are his, and his single-minded lover is him Yes, the happy life is also his, hahaha, everything Lin Yuan has is his.

Xu Mo opened the door and walked out of the room. He wanted to wait outside, waiting for the news of Lin Yu'an's accident, and then saw the panicked family next door, crying bitterly. He pressed his ear against the door, imagining the scene in his mind for a while, the corners of his mouth cocked, and he let out a nervous laugh from time to time.

Seeing him like this, Xu's father and Xu's mother looked at each other and saw worry and fear in each other's eyes. Since Xu Mo's face went wrong, his personality has changed drastically, and he is not always angry. After his disappointment in recent inspections, he is often like this, laughing from time to time, falling into his own imagination, and his neurotic appearance is scary. . Every time they wanted to take Xu Mo for an examination, he said that he was not sick, and then he lost his temper, making them dare not mention it again.

"Silent, what are you doing?" Mother Xu asked cautiously.

Xu Mo put his index finger on his lips: "Shh, don't talk! You will know soon." His face was full of morbid excitement.

Xu's father and Xu's mother did not dare to ask any more, so they could only sit and wait with him, although they had no idea what they were waiting for.

Xu Mo waited, waited, and finally heard the sound of the elevator opening on this floor. He pricked up his ears, but there was no panic or crying in anticipation. It was the same as before, everything was as usual, plain and peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

Xu Mo's face turned gloomy in an instant, and he brushed the things on the shoe cabinet beside him to the ground: "How can it be okay? I was hit by me on the road, why is it okay? Why is Lin Yu'an so lucky every time? Okay?"

"Silent, what did you say?" Mother Xu looked at Xu in disbelief: "You said you hit Lin Yu'an on the road, this is going to kill people, you are murdering, do you know?"

" I just want to kill him, only if he dies, I can get better." Xu Mo said hysterically, with his face full of pimples, his face was hideous.

Xu's father and mother were startled: "You're crazy!"

"I'm not crazy, no one in this world is more awake than me, do you know that this world is just a novel, you are all pieces of paper in a novel People, only me is real, hahaha! Even if Lin Yuan is the protagonist, he is also a paper man, why should he live better than me."

Xu's parents and Xu's mother listened to Xu Mo's strange words, and confirmed his spirit even more Something went wrong.

Xie Jing Xing entered the surveillance camera near the accident site in the afternoon and finally found the scene of Lin Yu'an being hit by someone on the road at that time. Although the person was wearing a mask and hat, Xie Jing Xing still had the acne on his face. And those eyes full of hatred and madness, they recognized that person as Xu Mo.

After confirming that it was Xu Mo, before Xie Jing Xing had time to deal with him, he heard from Mother Lin that Xu's father and mother sent Xu Mo to the mental hospital.

With a bad temper and a gloomy personality, Xu's father and Xu's mother can tolerate it, but now that Xu Mo not only talks nonsense, but also intends to kill, they can no longer let it go. The two of them took Xu Mo to a checkup forcefully. After the doctor confirmed that he was indeed mentally ill and had a tendency to kill, they reluctantly sent him to a mental hospital.

Xu's father and Xu's mother knew that Xu Mo almost killed Lin Yu'an, but they dared not say it, but they felt shameless to see the Lin family again, and finally moved. So far, the Xu family has completely faded out of the Lin family's life.

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