Chapter 9

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Xie Jing Xing pushed Shen Zhan into the room and saw Shen Zhan take out a pen and paper. Xie Jing Xing looked over curiously and found that what he had written was the agreement to sever parent-child relationship. There was no pause from writing to the end, Shen Zhan's writing was so smooth that Xie Jing Xing had no choice but to suspect that all of these were what he had thought about early in the morning, and thinking about Wang Guihua's abnormality just now, Xie Jing Xing had a bold guess in his heart.

Not wanting to be heard by outsiders, Xie Jing Xing leaned close to Shen Zhan's ear and said in a low voice, "I have a question, if you really don't want to answer you can leave it alone." The

youth's breath sprayed on his ears, Shen Zhan only felt that Not only did his ears get hot, but even his body felt dry, but his face still remained silent: "You ask."

Xie Jing Xing was unaware of Shen Zhan's abnormality: "Did you do it on purpose just now?"

Shen Zhan said in a hoarse voice, "What was it on purpose?"

"Is it that you deliberately provoked Wang Guihua to make her take the initiative to cut off her relationship with you." When he said this, Xie Jing Xing got closer and his voice was suppressed. Even lower, for fear of being heard by outsiders.

Hearing this, Shen Zhan was startled, the dryness in his body disappeared in an instant, he turned his head to look at Xie Jing Xing, carefully observed the youth's expression, and found that there was no disgust or contempt in his eyes, only pure curiosity, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, He didn't even know why he was so nervous.

If someone asked him that, he would probably deny it, but at this time he wanted to know how the young man would react when he found out the truth: "I really did it on purpose."

Xie Jing Xing's eyes were filled with pride, the corners of his mouth were raised, and he said crisply, "I knew it." The

young man's reaction was really unexpected, and Shen Zhan had to ask, "Don't you think it's wrong for me to do this?"

"No. I think, they treat you badly, isn't it normal for you to do this." Of course, the look on his face instantly saved Shen Zhan.

In this era, filial piety is so great that parents can despise their children, but children cannot say that their parents are not. He has long been cold to Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua, but because of filial piety, he has to be trapped in this suffocating family. This time the money thing is just a s**t, he doesn't want to endure it any longer, he wants to leave this family completely, but he knows that this can't be said by him, otherwise he will bear a lot of blame in the future. He is not afraid of it, but he didn't do it. Wrong, why should he bear these blames that do not belong to him? So he used some means to achieve his goal, but these were too outrageous, and the pressure on his heart was not too big.

It was just that he didn't expect Xie Jing Xing to be so smart, and he found the clue with just a few clues. What he didn't even expect was that Xie Jing Xing actually agreed with his actions, so that his tormented heart finally settled down.

Shen Zhan quickly copied two more copies of the written agreement on severing parent-child relationship, then took the agreement and the eight hundred yuan prepared in advance: "Let's go out."

Xie Jing Xing pushed Shen Zhan out, at this time the village chief , Shen Daniu, and Wang Guihua were all waiting in the main room.

Shen Zhan handed the three agreements to the village chief and said, "Village chief, this is the agreement I wrote to sever the parent-child relationship. You can see if there is any problem. If there is no problem, you should be a witness." The

village chief carefully After reading it and confirming that there is no problem, he signed the three agreements and stamped his own handprint.

Seeing that the village chief signed it, Shen Zhan said to Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua: "This is 800 yuan, you signed it, the money is yours, and I will have nothing to do with you in the future."

Seeing 800 yuan, Wang Guihua signed the three agreements without any hesitation and affixed his fingerprints. Shen Daniu hesitated for a while, and finally signed and affixed his fingerprints.

After the two signed, Shen Zhan handed over the money and one of the agreements to Wang Guihua: "I will have nothing to do with you in the future." He has one of the remaining two agreements, and the village chief keeps one. .

"Now you are no longer the Shen family, and you can't live here." Wang Guihua was delighted when she got the money, but she still didn't want Shen Zhan to take advantage of it.

"Don't worry, I will move out today." After Shen Zhan finished speaking, he looked at Xie Jing Xing, "Xiao Yuan, can I live in your house today?"

"Of course I can." Although Xie Jing Xing noticed Shen Zhan's address to him, he Did not take it to heart.

"Then you accompany me in to clean up." Shen Zhan now likes the young man to be by his side very much, which makes him feel very warm.


Because he was well prepared, there was nothing of value in Shen Zhan's room except for clothes and some books. Wang Guihua stood outside the door, and even the quilt was not allowed to be taken away by the two of them. Take away something valuable, only to feel relieved.

Xie Jing Xing pushed Shen Zhan's wheelchair out of Shen's house, seeing the villagers outside the door, he couldn't hold back the playboy and said, "Brother Shen, your mother won't even let you take the quilt, and there is only one quilt in my house. , I'm aggrieved for you to squeeze a bed with me today."

There was a smile in Shen Zhan's lowered eyes, and he cooperated: "No grievance, I am very grateful for your willingness to take it in." The "Brother Shen" also made him feel particularly pleasant. With this person, he was originally gloomy. The mood seems to have cleared up.

Xie Jing Xing: "Brother Shen is too polite, I have always admired you before, you don't know how happy I am to be able to help you now. You are a soldier who protects the family and defends the country, to be honest, your legs are also for us. The stable life of the common people is only hurt. If the army knew that you were bullied like this at home, they would definitely decide for you. Now that they have cut off their relationship with you, they are no longer your parents. If they come back in the future If I trouble you, I will report it to the army and let the army decide for you."

Shen Zhan: "If the army finds out, they will definitely not ignore me, I just don't want to make trouble too ugly, it is my parents after all."

Xie Jing Xing: "It won't be from now on." The

two walked out of the crowd singing in harmony, and the villagers' discussions were heard behind them.

"Wang Guihua is too unhuman. Even the quilt is not allowed to be taken away by Shen Zhan. How much money Shen Zhan sent to them before, and now he was kicked out, there is only one small package."

"I think the bastard is right, Shen Zhan's leg was injured to protect the family and the country. Now that Wang Guihua is so abused, the troops will definitely not ignore it."

"It's impossible for Shen Zhan to sue Wang Guihua, that's his own mother."

"What kind of mother, You didn't hear, Wang Guihua has cut off relations with Shen Zhan, and Shen Zhan doesn't sue himself, can he still manage others? Didn't you hear the bastard say that if Wang Guihua troubles Shen Zhan again in the future, he will sue? "

I didn't see it, the bastard is not bad. Before the village chief praised him for his kindness, I thought the village chief was

talking nonsense." Okay, I heard that he even sent meat to Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang before, and it was a gift of gratitude."

"We can't even compare to the bastards. From now on, we will supervise the Shen family. If they dare to trouble Shen Zhan, we will write to the troops and sue them."

"Okay, count me!"

"Also count . I am one!"

Xie Jing Xing originally wanted to ruin the reputation of Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua, and by the way scare them, because he knew that Shen Zhan would get up sooner or later, I am afraid that these people will post it at that time, he and Shen Zhan have a teacher no matter what Friendship of disciples, how could he see Shen Zhan being bullied so well, but he didn't expect the effect to be so good. He can only say that people in this era are too simple and too foolish.

"I don't know if Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua are in a panic right now, I guess they won't dare to trouble you for a long time." Xie Jing Xing's mouth curled slightly, feeling very relieved.

"En." Shen Zhan turned his back to Xie Jing Xing, his eyes were full of warmth, it turned out that there was someone in this world who was protecting him.

Xie Jing Xing did not mind when he heard this simple answer, Shen Zhan was a very taciturn person both in his knowledge and in the plot. Although it was Shen Zhan's intention to cut off the relationship, Xie Jing Xing felt that he might not feel relieved, so he changed the subject: "The food at home has already been cooked, but my cooking skills are not very good, the taste is average, how is your cooking skills? In this way, if you can, you will take care of the family's meals in the future." Because he knew Shen Zhan's secret, he felt that the relationship between the two was a lot closer, and he talked a lot more casually.

"Okay." Shen Zhan also did not remind Xie Jing Xing that his legs might be inconvenient for cooking, only then did he realize that the young man's attitude towards him always seemed to be like a healthy ordinary person, not like the pity of the villagers , unlike Wang Guihua's dislike. It has to be said that the attitude of the young man made him feel comfortable.

After tasting Xie Jing Xing's craftsmanship, Shen Zhan felt that he was too modest, Wang Guihua's craftsmanship was much worse than this, she almost didn't put any oil in her cooking, all the dishes were boiled like water, and she put a little salt, especially not. Taste, but seeing the young man frowning every time he took a bite of the dish, it was hard to swallow, it could be seen that he really found it unpalatable.

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