Chapter 119

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Noon: On the main road of C city, a modified Hummer drove away like a suburb, facing the oncoming zombie brothers: The man in the driver's seat didn't even frown: Past: Knock them away one by one. Every so often, the man would take a look at the cat-like young man sitting lazily in the co-pilot, and make sure that he was not uncomfortable because of the bumps caused by the impact before he was relieved.

When we set off: Xiao Xiangheng politely suggested that Qin Shuo come to open the road for Qin Shuo's car after discovering that Qin Shuo's car was a modified Hummer. It's not that he went back on his word, but that the three cars in his team were off-road vehicles, but they were not modified: They are definitely not as good as Qin Shuo's car in terms of crashworthiness, and there are many zombies in the city: If you want to get out of the city as soon as possible, Qin Shuo's Shuokai Road is the best choice. Xiao Xiangheng's statement is reasonable. Qin Shuo never thought of taking advantage of Xiao Xiangheng. Besides, he always likes to control everything in his own hands. Although the leader is the most dangerous, he is also the most flexible. An accident was blocked, but it was troublesome. So Qin Shuo readily agreed. After getting in the car: Qin Shuo found all kinds of parts from hidden corners of the car: Then he quickly assembled them into two pockets. Although he came to C city for vacation, it was impossible for him to have no self-defense weapons: This Things are not very useful against zombies, so he didn't bring them with him before. Guns are not something that ordinary people can own in country Z. Qin Shuo was worried that the kitten would be afraid, so he carefully explained his pre-apocalyptic occupation, but he didn't want Xie Jing Xing not only not afraid, but asked about his previous experience with great interest, He told Xie Jing Xing about the mercenary missions he had performed in the past as if he was telling a story, and he was glad that he had always adhered to the bottom line when picking missions before, and had not done anything inappropriate for the sake of money. Along the way, listening to Qin Shuo's rich experience as a mercenary and the deeds of his interesting teammates added a bit of relief to the originally suppressed escape from the end of the world. Xie Jing Xing used one heart and one mind all the way. While chatting with Qin Shuo, he used his mental power to collect the crystal core of the killed zombie into the space. He had already told Qin Shuo about the crystal core and the cultivation method. He found that only zombies who were killed and completely incapacitated could use mental power to pick up crystal cores, but "alive" zombies could not.

In the original plot, a psychic can control low-level zombies, Xie Jing Xing experimented, with his current level, he still has room to control 20 or 30 junior zombies. There is no problem with the zombie tide, no wonder mental ability is the most feared ability. In addition to zombies, the cars blocking the road in all directions have become their biggest obstacles along the way. If there are no people behind, they can directly move the blocking cars to the space and clear a way, but it is obviously impossible now. Even though Qin Shuo was highly skilled, he still had to get out of the car from time to time to clean it up, which took a lot of time. By the time the group arrived at the gas station in the suburbs, it was already four in the afternoon. After reaching the gas station, Qin Shuo got out of the car with a steel pipe and took care of the zombies that were swaying outside. His powers were not suitable for use at the gas station, but Xie Jing Xing seemed to be refueling the car, but his mental power was extended. Go to the storage room at the back, and put all the oil drums full of oil into the space. Gasoline is not too much in the last days. Meng Fanze went straight to the storage room under the protection of Xiao Xiangheng when he got out of the car. Looking at the empty storage room, Meng Fanze was dumbfounded, why not? Before the apocalypse, there was a limited purchase order for gasoline. He had long known that they would pass this gas station on the way. In the previous life, there were many oil drums filled with oil in this storage room, all of which were put into the space by Ye Mian. In this life, he has long regarded these as his own. Now that these things are gone, how can he not be depressed because Qin Shuo opened the way, they arrived at the gas station earlier than in the previous life, and it stands to reason that those oil drums should still be here, but now they are gone, looking at the marks on the ground, There was indeed an oil barrel, and there was nothing wrong with his. That is, someone took away the oil barrel before him. Who was that person? Why wasn't there such a person in the previous life? Could it be the butterfly effect after his rebirth? Speaking of the butterfly effect, he couldn't help looking at Qin Shuo. He was very frightened when the last apocalypse suddenly erupted in his previous life. Later, when he saw Xiao Xiangheng, all his attention was on Xiao Xiangheng, and he didn't pay attention to the other survivors at all. Qin Shuo only felt a little familiar to him. He must have seen him in this group of people, but he was like a passer-by who had no sense of existence in his previous life, but now he is guarding Ye Mian like a protector.

Could it be that this damn butterfly effect is also unsatisfactory, so that all good things happen to Ye Mian, while everything is unsatisfactory for himself.

After refueling, the group didn't stop for much and continued to move forward. Two hours later, seeing that it was getting dark, Qin Shuo's car turned and drove into a small village on the side of the road.

The car drove all the way into the village, there was not a single person in the village, not even a zombie, it was eerily quiet, Xie Jing Xing did not find any abnormality with his mental ability detection, but his instinct told him that it was dangerous here, he always believed in his own Intuition, never let down the guard. Qin Shuo parked the car in front of the house closest to the entrance of the village. This village should be relatively wealthy. The appearance of the houses is modeled after a bungalow, but the color scheme is a bit rustic, and it looks a bit nondescript. On the outer wall of the house there were traces of ivy growing, Xie Jing Xing looked at these traces, something flashed in his mind, but he did not catch it for a while. Qin Shuo took Xie Jing Xing's hand and walked into the house, walked around the house and found no zombies: "Xiao Mian, this village is too quiet, although your supernatural power has not found any problems, I am worried that it will not be safe at night. , why don't you share a room with me at night?" The worry is real, but it is more about wanting to be close to the kitten. Xie Jing Xing didn't know about his little Jiujiu, but he was an old couple, so naturally he would not refuse and nodded. This is Xiao Xiangheng who brought everyone in, and said to Qin Shuo, "Mr. Qin, you don't mind if I arrange for someone to live in, I think that Mr. Qin has a hard time driving the road today, and I will arrange for someone to watch the night, so that Mr. Qin can rest in peace. ." Qin Shuo was in a good mood, and responded very cheerfully: "Xiao Mian and I live in the room on the third floor, the rest is up to you." He has just seen it, there is only one room on the third floor, and he is not worried about being disturbed. "Ye Mian, you and Mr. though it's the end of the world, even if you want to find someone to protect yourself, you can't betray yourself like this...ah!" Before Meng Fanze finished speaking, a rocket was wiped away. His scalp was shot, and the burning sensation and burning smell of his scalp made him scream.

"Wang Wen!" Xiao Xiangheng shouted loudly, and a young man with glasses beside him immediately understood and threw a ball at Meng Fanze's hair, putting out the fire on his head.

"Watch your mouth! If there is another time, I don't mind shooting your head as a zombie head with an arrow." Qin Shuo said coldly, and after he finished speaking, he glanced at the people in the room. Many looked at his baby with disdain. Everyone was frightened by the real killing intent in his eyes, and they turned their eyes away.

"Mr. Qin, this time Ozawa can't speak, but he's just worried about his friends and has no ill intentions." Xiao Xiangheng apologized. He was also shocked by the killing intent in Qin Shuo's eyes just now. This person must have seen blood before the end of the world. Hard stubble, it is best not to be the enemy. He was fed up with Meng Fanze, but after all, he was a member of his team, so he had to come forward to protect him.

"Don't talk if you don't know how to speak. A big man is hesitant to talk. Do you think he's playing a palace fight drama? Don't drag my little Mian if you want to play it. Let's find out when it's love at first sight, what are you thinking about? They are all filthy."

Xie Jing Xing almost died of laughter at the side, how could he never know that when his taciturn lover had such a vicious tongue, it was not really enough to relieve his anger. With such an appearance, he could be considered to have torn his face with Meng Fanze, and that's fine, he was already tired of being arrogant and arrogant with this person.

Xie Jing Xing's smirking appearance made Qin Shuo think that he was feeling sorry for his friend's slander, so he held him in his arms distressedly and comforted, "Darling, don't be sad, you're hungry, what do you want to eat, I'll do it I'll give you something to eat, it just so happens that I'm a fire element, so I can use it to cook."

The person who was stern and harsh just now became soft and soft, and the people in the room couldn't react, but they were relieved because of this. The appearance of Qin Shuo about to kill is really terrifying. However, such a strong person actually wanted to wash hands and make soup for Ye Mian, which is obviously true love, betraying sex or something, and it really is Meng Fanze's prostitution. Thinking about Qin Shuo's words just now, everyone marked Meng Fanze with a "dirty mind" in their hearts.

Qin Shuo did what he said and took Xie Jing Xing and pretended to go to the car to get the ingredients. As the two left, the tense atmosphere in the room loosened.

Only then did everyone turn their attention to Meng Fanze. At this time, Meng Fanze was very embarrassed. The hair on his head was almost burned, and only a small part of it was left. After being drenched in water, it was wet and drooping on his hair, like a chicken in soup. It was really ugly.

He stood there alone with his head lowered, looking very pitiful, but when everyone thought of Qin Shuo's words, the people who wanted to come forward to comfort him also stopped. They didn't want to participate in the palace fight drama written and directed by Meng Fanze.

"Go take care of it, and don't provoke those two in the future." Xiao Xiangheng warned.

Meng Fanze's drooping eyes flashed bitter hatred towards Ye Mian and Qin Shuo. Thinking of how Xiao Xiangheng protected Ye Mian in his previous life and never let Ye Mian suffer any grievance, and comparing how Xiao Xiangheng treated himself just now, without protecting him, without helping him, without appeasement, only with warnings, his heart also rose to Xiao Xiangheng A hint of hatred.

What he didn't know was that Xiao Xiangheng in his previous life really had the intention of taking advantage of Ye Mian at the beginning, but Ye Mian was simple-minded. Once he trusted anyone, he was wholehearted. This kind of quality is very scheming and suspicious for a person like Xiao Xiangheng. It is always easy to be attracted by the qualities that he does not have. Xiao Xiangheng gradually pretended to act and really fell in love with Ye Mian. The person he loves, Xiao Xiangheng is naturally protected, and he is not willing to let him suffer any grievances. Moreover, Ye Mian will not slander others with malicious intentions like him. He only sees the different treatment between him and Ye Mian. I never reflected on myself, but hated others because of it.

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