Chapter 82

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When Xie Jingxing and Yan Feng went to the county town with chili, they happened to meet Meng Qing who was also going to the county town.

As soon as Meng Qing saw the chili pepper in Xie Jing Xing's hand, his eyes lit up: he tried his best to restrain the excitement in his heart, and asked casually, "Brother Jin: What is this plant in your hand: why have I never seen it before?"

Hearing this, Xie Jing Xing rolled his eyes in his heart, how could Meng Qing not know what this is, if you want to act, you must first take away the eagerness in your eyes: It is so unprofessional.

Since Meng Qing wants to act, how can he, a former actor, not be accompanied by him: Xie Jing Xing's eyes flashed a hint of slyness: Then he shook his head as if I didn't know, "I don't know what this is, I and I My man went hunting in the mountains, and when he saw that it was very beautiful, he dug it back."

Xie Jing Xing did not intend to conceal the origin of the peppers, let's not say whether Meng Qing dared to go to the back mountain, even if he went: the back mountain is so big , he might not be able to find it, if he did find it: it was also Meng Qing's luck, Xie Jing Xing did not intend to stop it, the most important thing was that he had enough confidence: even if Meng Qing found chili peppers, it would still not be in business. his opponent.

Yan Feng felt that the words "My man" came out of his lover's mouth very pleasantly. He knew his lover best, and knew that his lover was addicted to drama again, and there was a smile in his eyes.

"In the mountains? Is it deep in the mountains? Is there still such a plant there?" Meng Qing asked.

The business of his restaurant has been very bleak recently. If there are no more good dishes to attract diners, I am afraid that it will close soon. Recently, Meng Amo was very dissatisfied when he saw that he didn't take the money home, and has asked him several times to close the restaurant and go home to farm. Where is he willing to go to the ground, and he works hard and can't make money. Unexpectedly, when he was at a loss, he was actually shown Chili, and God still favored him.

If he has chili as the seasoning, he can launch many new dishes, and I believe the business will boom again. Xie Jing Xing definitely had more than this one in the mountains, he wanted to see how many there were and whether it could meet the needs of the restaurant in a short period of time, as long as he could spend this period of time and have income, then he could persuade Meng Amei to plant it himself. There is no need to worry in the future, so even if he knows the danger in the deep mountains, he is reluctant to give up.

Xie Jing Xing said truthfully, "I dug up that place and there are still several plants. As for whether there are any other places in the mountain, I don't know."

"Brother Jin, can you show me there?" It is dangerous in the deep mountain. , Meng Qing did not dare to go alone, and the mountain was so big, without Xie Jing Xing to lead the way, he might not be able to find a place where peppers grow.

Xie Jing Xing gave Meng Qing a very surprised look, why did this person think he would be willing to take him into the mountains, doesn't he know how bad his relationship with the Meng family is? Where did the face come from asking such a thing?

Xie Jing Xing's eyes were so understanding, Meng Qing was a little embarrassed to see, but it was impossible for him to give up, he glanced at Yan Feng beside Xie Jing Xing, his heart moved, and said, "I know you are still complaining about my brother, but My brother doesn't like you, and you won't be happy if you marry him. Look, aren't you having a good time marrying Yan Feng? If that's the case, why bother holding on to the past, won't it be? Can't let go of my brother?" He deliberately used this to provoke Xie Jing Xing, he thought, in front of his husband, in order to prove that he had no feelings for his ex-fiancé, how could Xie Jing Xing agree.

Hearing this, Xie Jing Xing curled his lips into a smile, he did not expect Meng Qing to play such a small trick with him, he deliberately made an appearance of being wronged, looked at Yan Feng with tears in his eyes, and explained excitedly, "Husband, I didn't, You believe me."

Although he knew that his lover was acting, but when he heard his "husband", Yan Feng's bones were still brittle. Looking at his lover's tearful eyes, he couldn't help but imagine that his lover was being forced on the bed. When he had to call his husband, his eyes suddenly darkened.

He raised his hand, his rough fingers rubbed back and forth on Xie Jing Xing's lips, his Adam's apple rolled, suppressing the desire to kiss, and said in a hoarse voice, "Of course I believe you."

Xie Jing Xing didn't know him when he saw his appearance . What was he thinking about, he rolled his eyes in his heart, he didn't say anything just now, why did this man suddenly get into heat? He glared at the man fiercely, motioning him to look at Meng Qing, and there were still others watching.

It turned out that there were outsiders, and the baby was shy.

He turned his head and gave Meng Qing a cold look, and said with disdain, "Xiao Jin will never forget Meng Yuan? Just him? He also deserves it? Get out!" He hates anyone who tries to destroy his relationship with his lover.

Meng Qing looked at Yanfeng's cold eyes, and remembered the bloody aura on his body when he first met this man at the jewelry store, his face turned pale, and he left in a hurry.

After running for a distance, Meng Qing couldn't help but look back, just in time to see Yan Feng pushing Xie Jing Xing against a big tree by the road, then lowered his head and kissed Xie Jing Xing's lips. The man's brows and eyes are gentle, and his eyes are full of love and obsession, which is completely different from the man who just looked at him with cold eyes. Such a fierce and indifferent man, but he did his best for that person, Meng Qing couldn't help but feel a trace of envy towards Xie Jing Xing.

The relationship between him and Luo Tianchen has always been at an ambiguous stage. Luo Tianchen is a foodie. Since the restaurant launched new dishes, Luo Tianchen has come to him less often. It is useless for him to be so eager to get this pepper. The novelty food attracts Luo Tianchen. Luo Tianchen's kindness to him always seemed to be based on food, and sometimes he even felt that in Luo Tianchen's eyes, there was not a dish that appealed to him, and he felt a little sad.

Meng Qing knew that it was impossible for Xie Jing Xing and Yan Feng to take him into the mountain, but he didn't dare to go into the mountain alone, and it was impossible for him to give up the pepper, so he thought of Daddy Meng and Meng Yuan.

Men and brothers in this world have different physical abilities. Even though Meng Yuan is a scholar, his body is still much stronger than his brother. Although Daddy Meng is older, he works in the fields all year round and has great strength. He also had some hunting experience. With the two of them around, Meng Qing felt that he could feel more at ease.

When he returned to Meng's house, he told his family about it. As soon as Meng Amei heard that he could make money with this thing, his eyes lit up, and he agreed without even thinking about it.

Meng Yuan was a little hesitant: "You are really sure that you can make money with this thing. We don't know this plant, so how do you know."

"I didn't say before that I had a dream, and there was someone in the dream. Teach me to cook, one of the seasonings is this thing, it is called chili, with it, you can make a lot of new dishes, then the business of the restaurant will be better, brother, you will have money to study." After he came in, he wanted to do the food business. In order to explain his sudden cooking skills, he made up this set of rhetoric at the time.

Meng A-Daddy and Meng A-Mei did believe it. Although Meng Yuan was a little suspicious, he saw that he really made food that he had never heard of before, and he also made money with it. He also had money for his studies. Say no more.

Now Meng Qing wants to let him go into the mountains to take risks, but he is unwilling. Seeing what he wants to say, Meng Qing takes the lead: "I see that Yan Feng often takes Zhou Jin into the mountains, and every time he comes back unscathed, Could it be that you and daddy together can't compare to Yan Feng alone?"

Meng Yuan had some secret thoughts towards Xie Jing Xing, and he would naturally have a desire to compare to Yan Feng, but now Meng Qing has been so provoked by him, how? Ken admitted that he couldn't compare to Yan Feng, and agreed as soon as his brain became hot.

After Xie Jingxing and Yan Feng entered the city, they handed over the peppers and the recipe to Wang Hu. The chef of the restaurant, when he got the recipe, could not wait to try the new dishes, and warmly invited Xie Jingxing to stay for the tasting. After Xie Jingxing tasted it, he nodded and said. Well, it can be launched as a new dish, and he continues to try the next dish.

It was already evening when Xie Jing Xing and Yan Feng returned to the village. When they approached the house, they found that there was a lot of noise at the house, and there were many people around.

"Yan Feng and Brother Jin are back!" Someone in the crowd said loudly when they saw the two.

"Brother Jin, please let Yan Feng go to save people." As soon as Meng Amo heard that the two had come back, he rushed towards Xie Jing Xing, Yan Feng hurriedly hugged Xie Jing Xing and dodged away.

Meng Amo fluttered, if Luo Yu who was beside him hadn't caught him in time, he would have thrown a dog and eaten shit.

Xie Jing Xing was guarded by Yan Feng, he ignored Meng Ah, his eyes swept around the crowd, but did not find Zhou Ah, so he asked, "Where is my aunt?"

At this time, the door opened from the inside, Zhou Ah Dad came out: "I'm here, you guys are back." Xie

Jing Xing looked him up and down, and when he saw that he was okay, he asked, "What happened?"

Pieces together the whole story from their words.

Meng Qing persuaded Dad Meng and Meng Yuan to accompany him into the mountain to find peppers. The three of them went into the mountain in the afternoon. If it was dark today, they hadn't come back. Meng Amo was worried that something would happen to the three of them, so he asked the villagers to help them go into the mountain to find them.

The villagers heard that the three of them had entered the deep mountains, but they did not dare to go in rashly, so they planned to find the experienced Yan Feng, hoping that Yan Feng would take everyone in, but they were told by Zhou Ada that they were not at home.

Zhou Amo didn't believe it. Fei said that Zhou Afa still resented the previous divorce and refused to help, and wanted to break in to find someone. When Zhou Amo heard it, he got angry and simply shut the person out.

Meng Amo was crying and crying outside and the villagers were trying to persuade him, so Xie Jing Xing and Yan Feng came back and saw such a noisy scene.

Meng Amei pleaded, "Brother Jin, in the past, our Meng family was sorry for you, but now life is at stake, you should let your man go up the mountain to save them, I beg you."

Xie Jing Xing was not in any trouble . He simply agreed: "Okay, Yan Feng and I will go in and get the tools."

Meng Amei thought that Xie Jing Xing would decide, but he had already thought about it, if Xie Jing Xing disagreed, he would kneel here today I can't afford it, but I didn't expect that he would agree to be so straightforward. Facing Xie Jing Xing who didn't care about his past grudges, he rarely felt ashamed. He said gratefully, "Okay, thank you so much." The

villagers also followed suit . Complimenting Xie Jing Xing for his stamina, Xie Jing Xing and Yan Feng came out with bows and arrows on their backs, they looked at each other, and a dark light flashed in their eyes at the same time.

They will definitely save him, Meng Daddy and Meng Qing aside, but if Meng Yuan is safe or only slightly injured, the two of them don't mind hurting him a little more, so they should avenge the revenge for attracting beast fans. .

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-07-12 00:00:00~2020-07-13 00:00:00~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: 12 bottles of Taoyue Linzhi; 4 bottles of Trepaion; 1 bottle of Sunset Afterglow and Wuwei; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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