Chapter 85

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Desire to get Xie Jing Xing back: Meng Yuan actively cooperated with the treatment: Taking medicine and applying medicine bath: He didn't take it once: But this time God didn't take care of him: The miracle the doctor said did not happen to him: He finally lame.

In the Meng family's yard, Meng Yuan practiced walking again and again, trying to make his strange walking posture look normal: but no matter how hard he tried, his legs seemed to not obey him: Always limping.

"Crack! Slap! Slap!" Meng Yuan beat his lame leg fiercely: He looked at this leg like he was looking at a mortal enemy.

"A Yuan! What are you doing!" Meng A-mei, who was standing by the side, quickly stepped forward to stop him: "Your leg is just right, what if you beat it like this, and it's serious?"

"So what, I'm lame anyway. It's over!"

Meng A-mo saw him with a disheartened, broken-hearted appearance, for fear that he couldn't think of it and found a short-term opinion: He quickly comforted: "It doesn't matter if you're lame, you can still get a job title, even if you can't do it in the future. Officer: You can still be a master, don't you think Yan Feng can live a good life even if he ruins his face?"

Meng Yuan raised his head suddenly, yes, Zhou Jin is by no means such a superficial person: Since he doesn't dislike the disfigured person Yan Feng, wouldn't he dislike his crippled self, then would he still have a chance to win Zhou back?

"A Yuan, where are you going?" Seeing Meng Yuan ran out of the house without saying a word, he hurriedly chased after him and shouted.

Luo Yu, who had been watching from the side, was indifferent. Ever since he learned that Meng Yuan's legs were not getting better, Meng Yuan lost his attraction to him. At this time, he was thinking about how to get Meng Yuan to agree to reconcile. He went back to find his father and used his power to pressure people, so that Meng Yuan had to agree if he disagreed.

Being disabled for life and having a hopeless future, Meng Yuan regarded Xie Jing Xing as the last straw, as if he could still have hope in his life as long as he got Xie Jing Xing back. He limped to Yanfeng's house, ignoring Meng Amo's cry behind him, and knocked on the door eagerly.

I don't know if it was Meng Yuan's luck or if God saw that he wasn't miserable enough, and he had to give him a heavier blow, it happened to be Xie Jing Xing who opened the door for him.

Meng Yuan, who was eager to grab the life-saving straw, had already lost his mind at this time, completely disregarding where he was standing at this time, let alone seeing Yan Feng who was following Xie Jing Xing, as soon as he saw Xie Jing Xing, he said eagerly, "Brother Jin, I regret it, I found out that I still like you, you come back to me... er..." Before he could finish speaking, Yan Feng grabbed his neck, and all the words that followed were stuck in his throat.

How dare this man coveted his lover, courting death!

Meng Amei, who was chasing Meng Yuan, also heard what he said, but when he reacted, he saw that Meng Yuan was pinched by Yan Feng. He hurriedly stepped forward to rescue Meng Yuan. He used all his strength to break Yan Feng's hand, but Yan Feng remained motionless. He raised his head and was about to question Yan Feng, but met his dark face and With eyes full of murderous intent, he suddenly remembered the rumors in the village. Yan Feng had killed people before. Could it be that he really planned to kill Meng Yuan?

He did not dare to beg Yan Feng, so he turned his head to beg Xie Jing Xing: "Brother Jin, please let Yan Feng let go of A Yuan, he will die if he continues like this?"

Xie Jing Xing looked at Meng Yuan blushing due to poor breathing With the added face, he felt that his appearance was much more pleasing to the eye than the affectionate look just now.

How did this person have the face to say that he liked him? Even delusional about him coming back to his side! Even if the original owner is standing here, it is impossible. Did Meng Yuan completely forget how he despised the original owner in the first place, how he betrayed the marriage contract with the original owner and Luo Yu's secret song, and how did he murder the original owner in the end? It should be said that Meng Yuan and Meng Qing are worthy of being two brothers, the big face is really like a retreat.

Xie Jing Xing stepped forward and patted Yan Feng's hand lightly, the hand that Meng Ame couldn't shake no matter how hard he tried was released so easily.

As soon as Yan Feng let go, Meng Yuan took a deep breath, Meng Amo hurriedly stepped forward to support him and asked about his condition, but Meng Yuan ignored Meng Amo, his eyes were still fixed on Xie Jing Xing, and he was still in his heart. With the last glimmer of hope, Zhou Jin is willing to save him, does he still have love for him?

Xie Jing Xing's next actions completely knocked him down to the bottom. Xie Jing Xing took out a handkerchief and gently wiped Yan Feng's hand, "Dirty!" With just one word, the three present could hear that he was right. Meng Yuan's dislike and disgust.

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