Chapter 48

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In the Great Jing Dynasty, there were two meals a day: Xie Jing Xing was not used to it: After he came here, he still kept the habit of three meals a day: After Emperor Jingxuan found out, he would have the secret guard bring him food from the imperial pantry every day: Later, he came here too Hospital study: Emperor Jingxuan would send Fuquan to take him to the imperial study for dinner.

In the imperial study: Xie Jingxing likes to eat the whole table of dishes, Emperor Jingxuan sat by the side and served him the dishes diligently: I didn't eat a few mouthfuls myself: There is no imperial pretence at all: Those who don't know their identities will see At this scene: I am afraid that Xie Jing Xing who is being served is the emperor.

The people serving in the imperial study were all the confidants of Emperor Jingxuan, and they had long been accustomed to this scene. They all had a consensus in their hearts, that is, in this palace, the person who could not offend the most was not their master, Emperor Jingxuan, but this Lu Gongzi, who was placed on the apex of his heart by his master.

In the past six months: Emperor Jingxuan has never put on the air of an emperor in front of him, the two of them get along like equal friends, so Xie Jing Xing always ignores the identity of a man: Moreover, in the first two worlds, he was used to being served like this by his lover, Now Emperor Jingxuan did not feel wrong to serve Xie Jing Xing like this.

Emperor Jingxuan liked his natural appearance the most. Seeing him eating with satisfaction, his eyes rolled up unconsciously: Very cute.

After lunch, Xie Jingxing routinely checked Emperor Jingxuan's pulse. After several months of recuperation with medicinal diets, Emperor Jingxuan's body had already recovered to normal, but Xie Jingxing still insisted on taking his pulse every day, he didn't want to be lazy for a while The negligence made Emperor Jingxuan end up with the same ending as in the original plot.

Emperor Jingxuan looked at Xie Jingxing's serious and serious appearance, his heart was warm and sweet, if he initially liked the young man in front of him was more influenced by those dreams, then the more he got along with Xie Jingxing, the more his love for Xie Jingxing would become. become more real and intense.

For the sake of his body, Xie Jing Xing has been in and out of the Imperial Hospital every day for the past six months, rain or shine, he is clearly a person who likes to eat, drink and have fun, but he can read those difficult and difficult medical books patiently, and supervises the cook to prepare medicinal meals for him every day, never neglecting and slack. , and his body was indeed getting better with Xie Jing Xing's recuperation.

If ordinary people have such merit, and he has such a high regard for connivance, how can they seek power and benefits for themselves and the family, but Xie Jing Xing did not at all, he was kind to a person, he was always sincere, power, position and wealth were never there within his consideration.

Xie Jing Xing was just treating his former friend as good to him now, one could imagine how wholeheartedly he should treat his lover, how happy he should be as his lover, thinking about it like this, he couldn't help but feel jealous of the previous two lives He was treated wholeheartedly by Xie Jing Xing.

"Ziyan, the people I sent overseas have come back, and they have brought back what you asked for." His lover was so desireless that he couldn't help but want to use all means to please his lover.

Xie Jing Xing was pleasantly surprised: "Really? Let's go! Take me to have a look!"

Emperor Jing Xuan saw that he was so happy and felt that it was worthwhile to spend a lot of manpower and materials to go out to find the food that his lover wanted, now he just thinks it is In order to satisfy Xie Jing Xing's appetite, he did not know what kind of surprise Xie Jing Xing would bring him in the near future.

"Why don't you go in person, I'll have someone bring the things over. Fuquan!"

Fuquan immediately understood, and soon returned with two eunuchs, each holding a box in his hand.

Xie Jing Xing hurriedly stepped forward to open the two boxes, it was indeed the potatoes and sweet potatoes that he wanted, he excitedly said, "Yes, it's these two!"

Emperor Jing Xuan said, "They brought back a lot, and the rest are in the warehouse."

Xie Jing Xingdao: "Fourth brother, I will have someone help me tomorrow at the village in the suburbs. I will be useful."

"Okay." Although he did not know what Xie Jing Xing was going to do, he would never refuse any request from his lover.

"Fourth brother, you haven't tasted these two things yet, I'll tell you how to do it, let the imperial kitchen make it, and let's try it together." Xie Jing Xing said.

"Okay." The

imperial kitchen quickly made several dishes using potatoes and sweet potatoes according to the method described by Xie Jing Xing. Potatoes are soft and glutinous, and sweet potatoes are sweet and glutinous. Although they are not delicious for two people who are used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, Emperor Jingxuan found that these two kinds of food are very easy to satisfy and can be used as staple food. It would be great if the land of the Great Jing Dynasty could also be planted, at least it would allow the people to fill their stomachs, he thought so and said so.

Xie Jing Xing said in his heart, worthy of being an emperor, he immediately thought of the key, he leaned into the man's ear and said mysteriously, "A surprise for the fourth brother in three months."

Emperor Jingxuan's heart moved, and he thought about what Xie Jingxing was going to do. There are guesses.

The next day, Xie Jing Xing started to stay in Zhuangzi, and took the servants of Zhuangzi to plant potatoes and sweet potatoes. The servants had never seen these two things, and they just thought that these two servants got some rare food from nowhere, and wanted to do it by themselves. Try all kinds. They didn't dare to neglect and did exactly what the second son said, but they were worried that if they couldn't grow anything at that time, they would be blamed by the second son. Later, they saw that the second son seemed to be quite familiar with farming. Also calm down.

After Xie Jingxing read an ancient farming text in his previous life, he had specifically learned how to farm and naturally knew how to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes. After he came here, in order to better adapt to the ancient environment, he learned a lot of things. He found that the farmers in Dajing Dynasty mainly planted rice and wheat, and the yield per mu was only four or five hundred catties. Even though Emperor Jingxuan had reduced farmers' taxes a lot since he came to power, farmers still had a hard time.

Knowing that Emperor Jingxuan has been worrying about this time, he has always wanted to help him improve the situation, so he thought of potatoes and sweet potatoes with extremely high yields and strong adaptability. Neither of these two crops had been introduced before. He originally planned to let the people from the Hou Mansion go out to find them, but Emperor Jingxuan took the initiative to take the matter into his own hands when he found out.

Xie Jing Xing only said that he was very interested in seeing a kind of food in a travel journal, Emperor Jing Xuan spent a lot of manpower and materials to find it from overseas, in a sense, he also had the potential to be a foolish monarch.

An Wangfu.

Jiang Yuwan touched her slightly bulging belly. She is now almost four months pregnant. She is very nervous about this child. King An still has no children. If this child is a son, it is King An's. The eldest son. Dajingchao valued the direct descendant, the current emperor is the empress's direct son, and when King An ascended the throne as the emperor, it would be logical for the eldest son to be established as the prince, so that she was one step closer to her goal of rebirth.

Thinking of Jiang Yuyao, who was only a month younger than her, and was pregnant, Jiang Yuwan became nervous again. In her previous life, Jiang Yuyao was pregnant at this time, and finally gave birth to King An's eldest son.

After she married Lu Ziyan in her previous life, she was not happy with Lu Ziyan at that time, and thought that her mother said that a woman's premature pregnancy is not good for her health, so she was not in a hurry to get pregnant. The two had only a child after three years of marriage.

Now that she is married to King An, she is not only a woman in Queen An's backyard, but also Jiang Yuyao, whom she hates the most. How dare she wait, and finally get pregnant before Jiang Yuyao, but she is not sure that this child will be the same as her previous life. It is a son, if this child is a daughter, then Jiang Yuyao's child will occupy the position of her eldest son, how can she be reconciled. Thinking of this, Jiang Yuwan's eyes flashed with cruelty.

Four months later, Xie Jingxing brought Emperor Jingxing to Zhuangzi and watched baskets of potatoes dug out from the ground, the amount was so much that Emperor Jingxuan could no longer maintain his calm face: "Baby, What is the yield of this potato?" He was so excited that he called out the nickname he gave to Xie Jing Xing in his heart.

This familiar name made Xie Jing Xing stunned, he couldn't help but associate the person in front of him with Shen Zhan Ji Huan again, he shook his head, trying to get rid of the unrealistic guesses in his mind. But this title, the man's mind has been clearly revealed.

The steward Zhuangzi, who was with him, lowered his head in fear. Did he hear something he shouldn't have heard?

Fuquan, who was also accompanying him, looked at Emperor Jingxuan who was so focused on potato production that he didn't notice that he was leaking, and when he saw Xie Jingxing shaking his head, he was very anxious. Your Majesty, you are exposed! do you know? And Mr. Lu, what do you mean by shaking your head?

Now that the business was important, Xie Jing Xing took a deep look at the man and continued to answer his previous question: "The yield per mu should be at least 2,000 catties."

Rao was mentally prepared, Emperor Jing Xuan couldn't help breathing heavily, he grabbed Xie Jing Xing excitedly His hand: "Darling, thank you." Since he has taken the position of emperor, the people of the world are his responsibility, and he can be considered to be doing his best when he comes to the throne, but the problem of food has not been solved. He did not expect his lover to give him. Such a big surprise.

Seeing the man's surprised appearance, Xie Jing Xing felt contented for a while, the exhaustion from these days was instantly swept away, and at this time he was startled to realize that the man had so much influence on him unknowingly.

The steward's face flushed with excitement when he heard the words. He naturally knew what this meant. He thought he was just spending time with the second son on a whim, but he didn't expect the second son to do it quietly. For such a major event that benefits the country and the people, it is worthy of being the breed of the Hou Ye, a tiger father has no dog son!

"Fuquan, let the Imperial Army guard this area closely, and bring the harvested potatoes back to the palace." After calming down, Emperor Jingxuan began to give orders in an orderly manner.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Fuquan replied, and he was also very excited. He was sold by his parents to be a eunuch because his family couldn't afford to eat when he was a child. He couldn't help but wonder if Lu Gongzi had been born decades earlier, would he have the opportunity to marry and have children like other men, and pass on the lineage. Although he knew that such an assumption was meaningless, it did not prevent him from admiring Mr. Lu. First, he cured the emperor's illness, and then he planted a sacred object that yielded thousands of pounds per mu. Mr. Lu was simply the emperor's lucky star. what.

As for the problem that the emperor's mind is exposed, it is better to leave it to the emperor to solve it himself. Young Master Lu solves problems for the emperor like this, and he does not believe that Young Master Lu does not like the emperor.

Emperor Jingxuan's big move quickly attracted the attention of officials and people in the capital. Watching the Imperial Army escort a truckload of red silk-covered items from the suburbs to the palace, they all speculated that the emperor had found some treasure in the suburbs.

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