Chapter 130

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 Xie Jing Xing finished receiving the plot: He also received the memories of the two original owners. Yes, the two lives, I don't know if it was too exciting: the original owner actually awakened the memory of the previous life before he died. The original owner's death was mainly due to his physical weakness: but it was not without the cold marriage life in his previous life that made him feel hopeless.

The original owner left two wishes, one is to never marry Yan Lai in this life: the other is to keep the Gu family.

At first, Gu's mother was stimulated to give birth prematurely by the news of Gu's father's death: Later, it was confirmed that this was fake news to confuse the enemy. On the one hand, Gu's mother was happy that her husband was safe, but on the other hand, she blamed herself for not being able to hold her back, which led to the premature birth that harmed the original owner. Congenital insufficiency of the body: Even the original owner's physical and mental strength was low: Mother Gu also blamed herself. After Father Gu came back from the battlefield, he looked at the little baby lying in the nutrition barn, and knew the cause and effect and blamed himself.

Not only did the two not dislike the original owner's aptitude, but they gave all their favors to the original owner. The original owner also has two alpha elder brothers: The original owner, the omega younger brother who is not in good health, is also very caring. On weekdays, he protects him like an eyeball, for fear that he will bump into him. The original owner grew up in the family's favor and has a very simple personality. Different from the declining family like the Qiao family, the Gu family is at its peak. Gu's father is a powerful figure in the army: while Gu Ziyu's two older brothers are the best of the best in physical and mental strength: They entered the army early to practice: They already have military skills, and as long as they add time, their achievements will not be comparable to that of others. Gu's father low: No accident, the prosperity of the Gu family can be maintained for a long time. Unlike the Qiao family's concern for Qiao Zhiyan mixed with interests, the Gu family really loves Gu Ziyu, as long as he is happy and happy, he does not need him to exchange benefits for the family. Qiao Zhiyan has been sought after by people because of his aptitude since he was a child, and he disliked the original owner whose physique and mental strength were only F. In his opinion, the original owner was a waste in the omega, but it was such an existence that he looked down on, not only the family background He is good, and he is loved by his family, which makes Qiao Zhiyan very jealous. Qiao Zhiyan, who has high eyes and high self-esteem, can't bear the next person he looks down on to live better than him, so he did not hesitate to calculate the original owner. Of course, there are also reasons why the original owner is simple and easy to deceive. .

In the previous life, after the original owner had a relationship with Yan Lai, the Gu family were not satisfied with Yan Lai, the second prince who had a marriage contract and belonging, but an omega could only be marked by one alpha in his life. There is no way to blame Yan Lai, plus Yan Lai's reputation is not bad, the Gu family can only pinching their noses and let the two get married.

The Gu family's attitude of not pursuing it instead made Yan Lai believe that the original owner or even the Gu family had a plan. The original owner didn't want to worry the family, and every time he reported the good news to the family, but not the sorrow, this made the Gu family always think that the original owner was doing well.

Yan Lai had a grudge against the Gu family. When he was a prince, he could only tolerate it. Later, when Yan Xun sacrificed, he became the emperor instead. How could he not use the power of the emperor to deal with the Gu family. At that time, it was a time of peace, and Yan Lai used this as an excuse to propose that there were not so many soldiers in the army, so he directly disbanded the corps under Gu's father, which weakened the power in Gu's hand and made it easier to deal with the original owner's brother. Make stumbling blocks, hinder the development of the two. The emperor's obvious target, the Gu family are not fools, and they also guessed that the original owner's married life might be very unfortunate. Can't see the original owner. After this incident, the original owner, who still had a trace of friendship with Yan Lai, completely gave up his heart. He used the inhibitor to survive even the estrus period, and never let Yan Lai get close. Lai also avoided seeing each other. If he hadn't been reluctant to bear his two children, he would probably have died earlier than Qiao Zhiyan. In this life, the original owner died directly. How could it be possible to give up because of the importance attached to the original owner by the family, and it is bound to be investigated to the end. Qiao Zhiyan was worried that he would find out about him, so he planned to attack first. Using the identity of the original owner and friend, he visited many times under the banner of visiting Gu's parents and Gu's mother. After gaining the trust of Gu's family, he repeated his old tricks and gave Gu's family a mental breakdown medicine. The family's mental strength collapsed, and the Gu family's huge family business became a piece of fat, which made people envious. In the end, most of the Gu family's assets were taken into the pockets of the Qiao family, and the Gu family was forced to leave the main star. It can be said that the Gu family were all cannon fodder in Qiao Zhiyan's story in their past and present lives.

Here Yan Xun looked at the little omega who looked like he was lost in thought just after he said that he was going to propose a marriage, and his heart was immediately raised. The little omega did not refuse, indicating that there was still hope, but after thinking for so long, is it What's wrong with him?

That's right, I marked someone when I first met. No matter how I looked at it, it looked like the behavior of a prodigal son. I knew that I should let the little omega blow out a few times. Looking at the strength of the opponent, they actually fought like this. Not only playing a hooligan, but also fighting, what will the little omega think of him? But the little omega just saw his eyes full of admiration, shouldn't he be hated? Speaking of which, they don't even know each other's names, so it's natural for the little omega to hesitate. It was also because he was in a hurry that he forgot about this. I didn't expect to have such a frizzy day, which is not like him at all. Why don't I introduce myself first, and I heard from his guards that omegas like alphas with good qualifications. In terms of qualifications, he has never lost since he was a child, so he should be able to attract the other party, right? His Royal Highness, who had never pursued anyone and only wanted to become stronger, thought uncertainly. "Cough, let me introduce myself first, my name is Yan Xun, I am twenty-seven years old this year, with 3s in physique and 3s in mental strength." Xie Jing Xing was immersed in the memory of the two original owners, and suddenly heard the man's words like the opening remarks of a blind date. Some cannot be converted. Seeing the little omega looking up at him, Yan Xun, who was quite confident at first, became nervous for some reason: "Actually, if you keep exercising more, your physique should be able to improve." He said this lightly, as if breaking the limit of physique is It was a very easy thing, and there was no mention of how much sweat I would have to pay for it. The little omega still doesn't respond, is this dissatisfaction? In his mind, he quickly recalled the words that the guards said before that he thought was not nutritious, and there!

"I have some industries on the main star, and there are still a few unmined planets under my name." The guard said that omegas like rich alphas. Look at the temperament and dress of small omegas, and they should be able to attend royal banquets. The family background should not be bad. I don't know if this property of him can't be seen by the other party.

Thinking of the soft appearance of the little omega in his arms just now, how can such a cute omega endure hardship, of course, it should be used to enjoy the best of the world, so there is nothing wrong with the omega liking the rich alpha. At this time, His Royal Highness completely forgot how he sneered at this in the past, thinking that he had to work hard to earn more money in the future, and how to support his little omega when he was so poor.

If his asset manager knew what he was thinking, he would probably roll his eyes wildly. There are industries all over the empire, and the planets under the name are all rare ores that have not been mined, and one is worth a thousand pieces of gold. If His Royal Highness is poor, then the entire empire will be poor.

Seeing that the little omega still didn't respond, His Royal Highness was a little flustered. Neither his qualifications nor financial resources could impress the other party. Yan · the only 3s alpha in the entire interstellar space · crushed all the heaven's favorites since he was a child · the dream lover of all the interstellar omegas. His Royal Highness Prince · Xun found that he had no other place to impress the little omega. I heard that omegas like romance. I wonder if it's too late for him to start studying now?

Xie Jing Xing finally remembered what the man said before he accepted the plot, and also realized that he was showing both his aptitude and his financial strength, but these are not important, the important thing is: "His Royal Highness?"

"En." Finally got a response, Yan Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

It was confirmed that his lover turned out to be His Royal Highness Yan Xun, the prince who died with the Zerg Queen in two lifetimes. But now that he's here, he won't let him do anything. It is impossible not to let the lover go to the battlefield. The Zerg Queen can only be reluctantly dealt with by the lover. If the lover does not go, the others will only suffer more casualties. It can't be stopped, but it is possible to make some preparations in advance. There is still a year left, and there is still time. At that time, he will think of a way to fight side by side with his lover. If the Zerg Queen is really strong enough to destroy her lover, at least this time with him.

The worst was planned in his heart, Xie Jing Xing thought that he and his lover might only be together for a year in this world, so he didn't want to waste another minute: "My name is Gu Ziyu, the youngest son of the Gu family, I am eighteen years old this year. , Tomorrow you will come to the Gu family to propose marriage, I love you and want to be with you sooner."

Yan Xun looked at Xie Jing Xing with burning eyes, the other person's eyes were full of unrecognizable love. Who can resist being watched by such a pair of eyes, not to mention Yan Xun doesn't want to resist at all. Xie Jing Xing's boldness and frankness surprised him very much, he just felt that the other party seemed to be tailor-made for him, and everything fit his heart. At this moment, Yan Xun's heart beat faster, and his chest was full of turbulent emotions. He had a lot of things to say, but they all converged into a slightly hoarse word "good".

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