Chapter 14

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"Okay." Xie Jing Xing studied seriously, Shen Zhan treated him well, he also hoped that Shen Zhan would stand up sooner.

Seeing that Xie Jing Xing had learned about the same, Elder He stood up and said, "Come and try."

Xie Jing Xing sat down after hearing the words and pressed Shen Zhan's leg according to Elder He's teaching, from the calf to the base of the thigh, one old and one young one taught Seriously, even if he pressed it attentively, he didn't notice that Shen Zhan's eyes were reddened, and his eyes were suppressed by the surging desire. He was afraid that the young man would be frightened when he looked up, so he quickly closed his eyes, and there was a dense ooze on his forehead. Sweat, gritted his teeth, for fear that he would make a reverie sound if he didn't pay attention.

After the treatment some time ago, Shen Zhan's leg was not unconscious at first. When the old man pressed it, he only felt pain. When the young man pressed it, there was an unbearable numbness in the pain. In terms of pain, I kept reminiscing about the scene where I was alone on the mountain fighting beasts when I was a child, and almost lost my life. Only then did I restrain my body's reaction and didn't make myself embarrassed in front of the boy.

Xie Jing Xing raised his head after pressing and saw that Shen Zhan was sweating profusely, as if he had been pulled out of the water, he was startled and worried: "Brother Shen, what's wrong with you, is it too painful, isn't it? I pressed too hard."

Seeing this, Elder He hurriedly took his pulse, but he didn't notice anything abnormal except that the pulse beat a little faster: "It's okay, it should be because the legs are more sensitive, so I feel more pain, This is a good thing."

Xie Jing Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, "That's good, I'm still afraid that I'll break Brother Shen."

Shen Zhan opened his eyes, the emotions in his eyes had already calmed down, except for his eyes Some Hong could not see any difference, his business was dull and he comforted: "Don't be afraid, you are doing well."

After all, Chinese medicine was a field that Xie Jing Xing had never been involved in before, and Shen Zhan was also his first patient. It was Xie Jing Xing who had received a lot of compliments in the past and couldn't help but feel joy in his heart when he was recognized by the patient for the first time, and his face naturally brought it out, only to see his eyebrows and eyes curled up, the corners of his mouth upturned, his small face the size of a slap was full of expressions With a smile, he patted his chest and vowed: "Brother Shen, I will leave your daily massage to me."

"Okay, I will leave it to you." Shen Zhan said meaningfully.

Seeing that it was almost time for the ox cart to return to the village, the two left after saying goodbye to Mr. He. When the ox cart set off, Xie Jing Xing did not see the figures of the male and female protagonists, there were no people who were obtrusive, and the atmosphere on the ox cart was very harmonious.

A villager asked curiously, "Shen Zhan, what are you doing in the county seat?"

"Treat your legs." Although Shen Zhan's voice was cold, he didn't ignore him.

Shen Zhan didn't come back for eight years as soon as he was a soldier. This time, he didn't go out much to recover from his injuries. The villagers didn't know him, but they had seen Shen Zhan ignore Shen Jianguo and Xia An'an in the morning. Now Shen Zhan's voice Although indifferent, he answered the question seriously. Although the villagers were not flattered, there was still a kind of joy in their hearts being taken seriously. Moreover, as a former soldier, it is normal for Shen Zhan to be more serious.

So the villagers on the bullock cart smelled the questions they were interested in, and Shen Zhan could see that their questions were purely out of curiosity and not malicious.

"Didn't you give all the money for your leg treatment to your parents? How can you still treat your leg?"

Shen Zhan: "I borrowed it from a comrade-in-arms."

"You still have a comrade-in-arms in the county, what does he do?"

Shen Zhan : "Deputy Director of the Public Security Bureau."

"My mother, Deputy Director of the Public Security Bureau! That's a high official."

"I didn't expect Shen Zhan's comrades to be so powerful. Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua are afraid to regret it."

"Regret is also It deserves it!"

But no one asked how Shen Zhan's leg was being treated, they always heard Wang Guihua say that Shen Zhan's leg was crippled.

At this time, the sound of "ding ding ding" came from behind, and someone in the car looked back and said in surprise: "It's Shen Jianguo and Xia Zhiqing, they are riding bicycles."

Bicycles were very rare in this era, and the entire Hongqi Village was also There is no one, mainly because the bicycle ticket is not easy to get, and now Shen Jianguo and Xia An'an are the only bicycles in the village.

Except for Xie Jing Xing and Shen Zhan, the people in the car all showed envious expressions, although they despised Shen using Shen Zhan's money as a betrothal gift to Shen Jianguo, but seeing the real bicycle did not hinder their envy.

The bicycle quickly caught up with the speed of the ox cart, and Shen Jianguo's speed also slowed down, running in parallel with the ox cart. Sure enough, An An was right. As long as their wedding scenery is beautiful, everyone will only envy them, and who will remember what happened before.

"Jianguo, did you buy this bike today?"

"Yeah, isn't this because An'an and I are about to get married in more than ten days? We went to the county town today to buy things for the wedding."

"Then your watches . Did you buy it too?"

"I bought it, and it's on An An's hand."

Xia Anan shook her wrist when she heard the words. Like Shen Jianguo, she felt very comfortable now. It stands to reason that she, a reborn person, should not cherish bicycles and watches, but when she got married in her previous life, her husband's family conditions were average. It's not that there is no regret in my heart, but I didn't expect such an ending in the end. Now that she has lived a new life, she swore that she would never let herself have any regrets. When she was in the county town before, Shen Jianguo didn't hesitate to buy these things, and it made her understand that people who really love you will not be stingy with paying you money. Just like Shen Jianguo, she was moved and her feelings for Shen Jianguo deepened.

Because Shen Zhan was sitting on the bullock cart, Shen Jianguo didn't dare to show off too much, no matter how thick-skinned he was. He said to the villagers, "Let's go first." He accelerated over the bullock cart and rode out.

Shen Zhan didn't look at Shen Jianguo the whole time, his attention was always on Xie Jing Xing, he noticed that the boy looked at the bicycle curiously, thinking he was envious, he turned his head, put his thin lips to the boy's ear, and asked in a low voice, "You Do you like it too?"

"What?" Xie Jing Xing revealed doubts.

"Bicycle, do you want it too?" Shen Zhan asked again.

Xie Jing Xing just took a few glances, mainly because he was curious about what the bicycles of this era looked like, and finally found that it was a bit bulky and not fashionable in appearance. Xie Jing Xing, who had collected all kinds of limited edition mountain bikes in his previous life, definitely disliked him, but thinking that he would not have to get up early to drive ox carts when he had a bicycle, it would be much more convenient, so he nodded.

This is the first time that a teenager has made it clear that he wants something. Shen Zhan naturally wants to satisfy him. He thinks that the next time he sees Feng Weimin, he must get one for him. Then he will say that he will use it himself. Teenagers will not doubt.

In the next two days, Xia An'an became the envy of all the women in the village because of his only dowry, and made a splash.

On the afternoon of the third day, a jeep stopped at the entrance of the village, arousing the onlookers of the villagers, and then they saw two police officers in uniform getting out of the car.

Although Feng Weimin was persuaded by Shen Zhan that day, he was still angry. Today, he deliberately wore a uniform and drove over with his cronies, just to give his brother a break.

The villagers were instinctively afraid of the police, so they only dared to stand around and watch, but did not dare to step forward. Feng Weimin deliberately engaged in such a big battle, and even the village chief was alarmed.

Zhao Mancang stepped forward and asked, "Comrade Public Security, I'm Zhao Mancang, the mayor of Hongqi Village, do you know what's going on here?"

Feng Weimin said, "Hello, village head, I'm Shen Zhan's comrade-in-arms. Today I came to see him on purpose, I don't know where he lives, can you please show me the way."

Zhao Mancang was relieved when he heard that he was here for Shen Zhan, as long as it wasn't someone in the village who did something wrong, he came to arrest people Just fine.

"Comrade Public Security, Shen Zhan lives at Wang Zhiyuan's house now, you come with me." Zhao Mancang didn't like the Shen family, so naturally he would not cover up for them.

"Wang Zhiyuan? Why doesn't he live in the Shen family?" Feng Weimin asked knowingly.

When the villagers heard that he was not here to arrest people, they became more courageous. You told him about the Shen family every word. Unlike Shen Zhan's understatement before, the villagers explained it in great detail, and even Wang Guihua's swearing words at that time were repeated clearly.

Feng Weimin exploded with anger when he heard it, and his body erupted with the momentum of going into battle: "Okay, this is blatantly insulting the soldiers. Although Shen Zhan was injured, he has not been discharged from the army, and his military status is still there." He turned his head and asked standing The young police officer beside him: "What about insulting the military?"

The young policeman understood it and said forcefully: "If you insult a soldier in service, once you report it, you will first hand it over to a military court. Comrade Shen Zhan can be sentenced to death for treason because of his previous contributions to the country, but the perpetrator is Comrade Shen Zhan. The court should be lenient, and finally changed to lifelong sex, if Comrade Shen Zhan intercedes, the sex should be reduced to 20 years."

Of course this is not true, but the young police officer's expression was solemn and his words were coherent. All the people present were stunned, but Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua, who came to watch the fun, listened straight, and it would take at least 20 years to hear it, and Wang Guihua immediately fell to the ground with a weak leg.

"Ah, it's Shen

Daniu and Wang Guihua." Feng Weimin gave Young Guoan an admiring look, then walked to Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua who were lying on the ground, looked at Wang Guihua condescendingly and said, "It's you who insulted the servicemen, then follow us first. Let's go to the Public Security Bureau."

Wang Guihua turned pale with fright, and quickly cried, "Comrade Public Security, don't arrest me, I will never dare." In the face of the police, he did not dare to be rude, but kept saying that he did not dare.

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