Chapter 123

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Qin Shuo has always been sensitive to Xie Jing Xing's emotional changes: he naturally felt his anger, the two of them had a tacit understanding, he thought for a moment and knew that Xie Jing Xing must have seen a scene that made him unbearable when he detected this village.

Qin Shuo had seen a lot of dark sides when he was a mercenary: this was the case in peacetime, not to mention in the last days when morality was lost and humanity was devoid of humanity. Sooner or later, they will encounter all kinds of people and things that trample on the bottom line of human beings: He has long been mentally prepared: But the kitten grows up in a simple environment, and he doesn't want the kitten to touch these things, lest his eyes be dirty.

He has a strong personality and is reckless: but he is willing to walk with this group of people: even at the expense of slowing down and delaying the time to meet his teammates, it is not because of human care for the weak: it is because this group of people has various All kinds of small problems: But he has not lost his humanity because of the arrival of the end times, and he is very friendly to kittens, and can create a relatively relaxed and peaceful environment for kittens in the end times.

The thing he was trying to guard against was thrown in front of the kitten by Meng Fanze so unexpectedly. It would have been an accident or a coincidence: But Meng Fanze harbored great malice towards the kitten: The purpose behind it is self-evident: He looked at Meng Fanze His eyes were extremely cold, and he only regretted that the arrow he had missed at the time was shot straight through Meng Fanze's head.

Seven or eight cars were parked at the entrance of the village: It was really eye-catching. When the few people were talking, a simple-hearted man in his forties brought a few young men to the entrance of the village, and his eyes swept over the whole group. , with vigilance on his face: "So many of you, why do you come to our village?"

"This uncle, I am a roommate of Li Mu University, my name is Meng Fanze, I heard him talk about his hometown here before, today we are I happened to be passing by here, I want to see if Li Mu is back and if his family is okay." Meng Fanze took the initiative to stand up and say.

When the man heard the words, a light flashed in his eyes, he quickly grabbed Meng Fanze's hand, and said excitedly: "You are a friend of our shepherd boy, so do you know where he is now?"

Meng Fanze looked down at his hand that was caught. , there was a touch of disgust in his eyes, he twitched, but the man grabbed too tightly, he didn't break free: "Uncle, don't worry, let me go first." The

man quickly let go of Meng Fanze's hand when he heard this, no He rubbed his hands embarrassingly, and said at a loss, "I'm sorry, I'm Shepherd's father. This is the first time I've heard about him after the end of the world, so I'm so excited."

Meng Fanze: "It turned out to be Uncle Li. When the end of the world broke out, I was not at school, but at a friend's house." He pointed at Xie Jingxing who was standing beside Qin Shuo, and introduced, "His name is Ye Mian, and he is with Li Mu. It's also the same bedroom."

Several people looked at Xie Jing Xing, when they saw his face clearly, they breathed a suffocation, a lustful light flashed in their eyes, compared to Meng Fanze with a gorgeous face, Xie Jing Xing's innocent face like a baby is more attractive Arousing their interest and making them sadistic, so clean and unsullied always makes one want to dye him dirty. But it was not the time yet, several people quickly restrained the lewd light in their eyes, they thought they were well concealed, but Xie Jing Xing and Qin Shuo had long since caught them.

After Xie Jing Xing got out of the car, he used his mental power to add a barrier to himself, deliberately reducing his sense of existence, if someone hadn't mentioned it deliberately, most people would not have noticed him, but he didn't want Meng Fanze to have his heart on him, so he couldn't wait to introduce him to a few people.

Xie Jing Xing held Qin Shuo's hand to stop his upcoming attack, Qin Shuo took advantage of the situation to hold him in his arms, turned slightly to cut off a few disgusting sights, and there was a cold light in his lowered eyes, Meng Fanze could Really kill.

This is just a common action for couples, and it does not arouse suspicion from men. He is very confident in his acting skills. With this simple and honest appearance, he does not know how many people he has deceived. But today is really lucky, so many people and materials are automatically delivered to the door, especially this one called Ye Mian, who has a great appearance, and is his favorite kind of pure and lovely appearance. Seeing that little face is white and tender, it is simply superb . Thinking that such a superb product would soon be his own, the man couldn't even breathe a little heavier.

Meng Fanze saw that a few people were really interested in Xie Jing Xing, he tried his best to suppress the corners of his upturned mouth, not letting his gloating show appear, his tone was three-pointed apologetic, "Actually we don't know what happened to Li Mu, but we just happened to pass by here. , I thought maybe Li Mu had already come back, so I came to have a look and see his family by the way."

The man quickly restrained his emotions, as if he just casually glanced at Xie Jing Xing following Meng Fanze's introduction, he heard disappointment on his face, his face was full of worry about his son, and the young people behind them all said something to me. words of consolation.

The comfort of a few people made the man's mood a lot better, and then he politely said to everyone: "You are interested, where are you going, or we will rest in our village for a night before leaving."

Meng Fanze: "We plan to go to B city. The first base, should Uncle Li come with us, it's easier to inquire about Li Mu there." The

man's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he seemed to be very yearning, but his face was somewhat troubled and apprehensive: "But I don't know anything except farming, and I don't know how to live in the base, so can you please let me think about it."

Meng Fanze: "Then Uncle Li, take your time to think about it tonight, if you want to leave, go with us early in the morning. "

Okay, thank you, then you will live in the village tonight, and don't dislike it in the countryside."

"How can you dislike it? It's us who troubles Uncle Li."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Meng Fanze said a few words to the man . It was decided that the group would stay overnight in the village tonight, Xie Jing Xing just stood by and watched the performance of the two of them quietly without interfering.

The man enthusiastically led the group into the village and came to a small farmyard: "This family is no longer here, you will live here tonight, I will live there, you can come and find me if you have anything. ." He said while pointing to the house not far away.

"Okay, thank you Uncle Li."

"Then you guys rest first, I'll go back first."

"Okay, Uncle Li take a slow walk."

After the man left, the group simply ate dinner and went to rest individually, Xie Jing Xing looked at He glanced at the joke swaying in the wind on the windowsill, raised the corners of his lips, closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, with a creak, the door of the courtyard was pushed open, and during the day a man who called himself Li Mu's father walked in with a few men, and said in a low voice, "It's the old rules, tie people up, women and people who look good The good-looking man will stay, and the rest will be locked in the cellar until tomorrow to add vegetables. Send the one named Ye Mian directly to my room, and I will have a good time tonight." At this time, his face was full of anger, his eyes were evil, and he In the daytime, the simple and honest appearance is like two different people.

The man's voice was not loud, but it was exceptionally clear in this silent night. Word by word entered the ears of Meng Fanze, who was lying on the bed pretending to be asleep, making Meng Fanze heave a sigh of relief. Great, everything is going according to plan.

In a previous life, the director of the base issued a quest to find someone in his own name. The content of the quest was to find a 16-year-old boy named Jiang Cheng. The reward was very generous, and even Xiao Xiangheng was very tempted. After all, the reward was the second most important. Can get in touch with the base chief.

This task was finally completed by a mercenary group called "Suoyue". It is said that the "Suoyue" mercenary group will complete this task is also a coincidence. They happened to pass through a place called Fuxi Village and originally wanted to rest in Fuxi Village for a night. However, he found that the people in the village were not the original villagers at all, but a group of prisoners who had escaped from the prison. The man at the head was a wood-type power user. He had a mutant plant in his hand that looked like a roadside wildflower, but it could emit light. It emits a gas that causes a coma. This group of people used the function of mutant plants to stun passers-by, leaving women and good-looking men to vent their desires, and the rest were locked up as reserve food.

The gas that the mutant plant emits is colorless and odorless, making it hard to guard against, but it has a nemesis, mint. Coincidentally, there was a member of the "Suoyue" mercenary group who had the habit of chewing gum. It just so happened that he was chewing mint flavored ones that day, so he didn't get hit. So the group of people in Fuxi Village was killed, and Jiang Cheng among the rescued.

It is said that when Jiang Cheng was retrieved, his face was covered with scars, and he couldn't see his original appearance at all, but these scars were scratched by himself, because he found out that the man in the lead liked his cuteness and tenderness. In order to avoid being insulted by those beasts, he did not hesitate to destroy his appearance, and his temper was not ordinary.

Fortunately, there are mints in his space, otherwise he wouldn't dare to make such a plan, but he didn't expect the plan to go so smoothly, the man at the head really liked Ye Mian's appearance as he had heard in his previous life.

As long as tonight is over, Ye Mian will be completely ruined, and tomorrow he will find an opportunity to rescue Xiao Xiangheng and Qin Shuo. As for whether the people locked in the cellar will be eaten by these people in advance, he can't control it. What he was more curious about was whether Qin Shuo could still be as affectionate and friendly as before in the face of Ye Mian who had been spoiled.

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