Chapter 33

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 Xie Jing Xing thought that after the two men told each other, the next step was to have an in-depth physical exchange: Unexpectedly, Ji Huan took him on a date like an ordinary couple.

Take him to a horror movie: The two are close together in a dark cinema: They exchange sweet kisses in a corner no one sees. Take him to a snack street: two people share the same street food on the lively street; take him to the playground to ride the Ferris wheel: kiss intimately at the highest point; take him to the supermarket, and the two share their favorite food taste, and then buy him a bunch of snacks; make all kinds of small handmade gifts by hand: two people in love for a month: 100 days: give him a half-year anniversary; specially learned cooking: give him three meals a day The food was replaced by his own cooking.

Ji Huan's serious attitude also infected Xie Jing Xing, making him take this relationship more seriously.

On this day, after Xie Jing Xing came out of school, he first went to the jewelry store to pick up the gifts he had prepared in advance, and then went to Ji's. This was the first time he went to Ji's to find Ji Huan. He had rejected the man's proposal several times before. Thinking of the look in the man's eyes every time he looked forward to it: He decided to surprise the man today, but the receptionist asked him if he had an appointment It was only then that he realized that he was thinking about giving his love a surprise: He even ignored these most basic procedures. It turned out that in this relationship, Ji Huan was never alone in this relationship.

Ji Huan was in a meeting when he received Xie Jing Xing's call, and he was very pleasantly surprised to know that he was downstairs in the company: He was looking forward to his office being full of a lover's breath. The others couldn't leave, so they had to ask the secretary to pick them up.

The secretary came downstairs and saw a handsome young man with a warm temperament. He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Are you Mr. Cheng Nuocheng?" Seeing him nodding, he continued: "I'm President Ji's secretary, Ji. He was in a meeting and couldn't leave, so he specially asked me to come pick you up, please come with me." After the

secretary took Xie Jing Xing directly to Ji Huan's office, he prepared milk and snacks for him and said, "There is about half of the meeting left. The hour is over, please wait here for a while."

The secretary was very respectful throughout the whole process, for fear of neglecting the young man in front of him. President Ji just told him specially. As an excellent secretary, he can naturally see that President Ji attaches great importance to young people. You must know that Ji always has a strong sense of territory. People, even the most important partners, always receive Ji in the reception room, but now the youth can directly enter his office when Ji is not there, which shows that Ji attaches great importance to the youth.

"I see, thank you, go get busy." Xie Jing Xing's attitude was very calm, he didn't have the slightest bit of restraint in someone else's office, so the secretary couldn't help but take a second glance, guessing his relationship with President Ji in his heart.

After the secretary went out, Xie Jing Xing took a casual look, the black and white color scheme was indeed a man's style. He came to the bookshelf, intending to find a book to pass the time, but saw a book with a pink cover that was incompatible with this office on the bookshelf.

Xie Jing Xing pulled it out curiously, seeing the title of the book "Teach You How to Date", he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, he never thought that such a stern man would read such a book.

Xie Jing Xing casually opened it and found that it was densely filled with notes that were taken very seriously. Those who didn't know it thought it was doing academic research, but from the handwriting he could see at a glance that it was written by his lover.

Looking at these, Xie Jing Xing no longer felt funny at first, the man's clumsy and sincere appearance in dealing with feelings deeply moved him. He touched the box in his pocket and felt that his decision to come here today could not have been more correct. He put the book back in its original position and sat on the sofa quietly waiting.

A quarter of an hour later, there were hurried footsteps outside, Xie Jing Xing stood up, took two steps forward, the door of the office was opened, Ji Huan strode in, seeing his eyes full of joy, he closed the door and said, "Baby, Why did you come to the Ji family today to look for... um."

Before Ji Huan finished speaking, Xie Jing Xing pressed him against the door, hooked his neck with both hands, pressed his head down, and kissed him indiscriminately. his lips. He kissed eagerly and passionately, sucking, licking and biting with the man's lips.

Although I don't know why my lover is so enthusiastic all of a sudden, there is no reason to let the delicious Ji Huan delivered to the door. He opened his mouth and dragged his lover's tongue into his own, hooked and sucked, and the two exchanged angles and kissed unconditionally. , lips and tongues intertwined, tsk tsk sound.

As the two of them kissed, their breathing gradually increased, and the two bodies that were close to each other could clearly feel the reaction of each other's body. Ji Huan had been holding the young man's thin and flexible waist tightly with his hands, He pressed hard against himself, easing his body's thirst for youth with a slight friction.

After the kiss, both of them were out of breath, and their foreheads were touching. Ji Huan's voice was hoarse: "Baby, you hook me like this, I can't help it." And metaphor.

Xie Jing Xing leaned in his arms and panted slightly, his handsome face was flushed, his eyes were blurred, his lips were red, he took out a black velvet wrapped box from his pocket, opened it with the man's surprised and happy eyes, and took out a slightly larger one. One was put on the man's hand, and the voice was also unbelievably hoarse: "This way, you don't have to bear it."

Ji Huan stared at his hand with the ring for a while, then raised his head to look at the young man, his eyes surging. Suffocating crazy love, he kissed the young man fiercely again, only to feel that his heart that was about to burst due to love and ecstasy was a little comforted.

Xie Jing Xing obediently endured the man's passionate kiss and felt a cold touch on his fingers. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the man slowly put another ring on his finger, and then the finger passed through the gap between his fingers and met with him. He interlaced his fingers.

In the end, Ji Huan stopped with difficulty. Although he really wanted to integrate with the youth now, the office was not a good place for their first time.

After the kiss, the two hugged tightly until each other's breath calmed down. Ji Huan took Xie Jing Xing's hand to the safe, opened it in front of him without hesitation, and then took out a stack of Documents and a box wrapped in dark blue velvet, then led him to the sofa and sat down.

He spread the documents out in front of the young man one by one, and looked at his indescribable tenderness in his eyes: "This is the document I asked the lawyer to draw up some time ago, and in a few days it will be the first anniversary of our relationship. I'm going to propose to you that day."

He said with a low laugh, opening the box and saying, "The ring is ready, but I didn't expect it to be snatched by you, baby." This sounds like a pity, but The corners of his eyes and brows are full of joy and satisfaction. There is nothing in this world that is more satisfying than a lover who has a heart with you, especially if this heart-to-heart thing is still with you for a lifetime.

Xie Jing Xing also laughed when he heard the words, he did not expect the two to propose to each other at about the same time, he picked up the document curiously and found that the man had transferred all the property in his name to his name, as long as he Signing takes effect immediately.

Xie Jing Xing picked up the brush and signed his name without hesitation, his attitude was extremely calm and there was no pretentious refusal.

Ji Huan laughed softly, and hugged the young man in his arms: "Baby, I am so glad that you didn't refuse."

He thought about the reaction of many young people before, or felt that he looked down on him. Reject, or think that the relationship between the two does not need these things to prove and refuse, or refuse because it is too precious, no matter which kind, he has thought out a reasoning to persuade the young man to accept it, but he did not expect the young man to accept it. So calm and unburdened, he was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

In the past year, the young Shengyuan Technology has become a leading company in the game industry. It has also launched smart home appliances, which are gradually changing people's lives, and the prospects are promising. At the same time, the youth also founded Shengyuan Pharmaceutical. The drugs developed by the company have excellent efficacy. In order to prevent someone from harming them, the youth specially sent a special gold sore medicine and hemostatic medicine to the country for use in the army, which effectively reduced casualties. With a country as the backer, Shengyuan Pharmaceutical has occupied a place in the pharmaceutical industry in just one year, and its development is not slow. The youth's ability is amazing. I believe that if the youth is given a few more years, the youth's Shengyuan Group will surely develop into a behemoth no less than Ji's.

The market value of all the property under his name is not over tens of billions but also several billions, which is a huge wealth for ordinary people, but he knows that it is only a matter of time before young people create such wealth. He did this not so much to give the youth a guarantee, but to reassure himself, because he knew that with the pride of the youth, as long as he accepted all this, he was indirectly promising him a lifetime. In a veiled way, he asks young people for a promise of a lifetime. In the face of love, no matter how powerful people are, they will feel uneasy. So the young man's acceptance without hesitation surprised him, because the young man not only understood his unease, but was willing to appease his uneasiness and give him the promise he wanted.

"Why should I refuse what you gave me." Xie Jing Xing took it for granted.

In the last world, Shen Zhan liked to hold all the good things in front of him. Later, after Shen Zhan founded the company, he was like Ji Huan and transferred all the property to his name. He was reluctant to accept it at the time, but Shen Zhan said That was to make him feel at ease, and it was only right and proper for his husband to give his money to his wife. Although he no longer has feelings for Shen Zhan, his memory is still clear. He has already had an experience, and he can naturally understand Ji Huan's mind. Speaking of which, Ji Huan and Shen Zhan are surprisingly consistent in this respect. He is a very domineering person, but he is always worried about gains and losses when facing him.

Ji Huan heard the words and laughed softly again, for the indiscriminate attitude of his words.

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