Chapter 108

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Because of the relationship between Huo Yu and Xie Jing Xing: Father Qi decided to hold a banquet temporarily to formally introduce Xie Jing Xing to the outside world. Although the banquet was held in a hurry, the people who received the invitations all came on the day of the banquet without exception.

What happened in the club at the beginning: Huo Yu did not prohibit it: It has been spread long ago, and the youngest son that the Qi family had just found was Huo Yu's savior, and it was widely known in the circle. There are many people who want to climb up Huo Yu: But Huo Yu is too difficult to get close to, and let those who have come forward and succeeded come back in vain, Xie Jingxing is the first person Huo Yu has publicly defended except the Huo family in these years, which shows that this life-saving benefactor The weight in Huo Yu's heart was not light: So Xie Jing Xing became a breakthrough for these people, I heard that Xie Jing Xing was an uninformed country bumpkin: This is better and easier to handle.

Thinking that Huo Yu might attend the banquet, many people also brought the juniors of the marriageable age at home, both men and women. Although Huo Yu has never been around anyone in these years, he has lived like a frigid life, but in case they meet each other's eyes what? In Xie Jing Xing's room: Huo Yu, who was thought by everyone to be indifferent at this time, was pushing Xie Jing Xing against the wall and kissing him inextricably: Until there was a knock on the door: Huo Yu let go of Xie Jing Xing's lips with a sigh of relief. "What's the matter?" Huo Yu's hoarse voice contained a hint of displeasure when he was disturbed. The servant across the door didn't hear it at all, and said respectfully outside the door: "Mr. Huo: It's time, the guests are here, sir, please go down with the second young master." "Understood, you go and tell President Qi. We'll all go down in a while." Such banquets are usually attended by the elders and the juniors, but Huo Yu didn't want to give his lover to anyone, not even for a few minutes, so he discussed with Father Qi that he would bring Xie Jingxing to the show, He said it was a discussion, but he expected that Father Qi would not refuse. Huo Yu looked at Xie Jing Xing who was kissed with spring water in his eyes and flushed cheeks, his eyes darkened, he wanted to kiss again, but in the end he just restrained and gave Xie Jing Xing a light peck on the lips, He said in a hoarse voice, "Wait for me." Then he turned around and walked into the bathroom, and soon came out again, holding a damp towel in his hand and gently wiping Xie Jing Xing's face.

Xie Jing Xing let him do what he did, the cold temperature of the towel gradually reduced the heat on his face, Huo Yu saw the flushing on his face subside and made sure that no one could see his seductive appearance before putting the towel aside. , and then sorted out his messy clothes.

Although this body is thin, but the proportion of the body is excellent. Now wearing this white suit that Huo Yu specially prepared for him, the tailored fit complements his posture, and the waist design outlines the curve of his waist. Because of his thinness, his waist is very thin, giving people a feeling of not being able to hold it, and people can't help but want to hold it to see if such a slender waist will break when it is broken. Huo Yu couldn't hold back his grip just now, his hand felt like it was stuck, and he couldn't bear to let it go. In the end, somehow it turned into a scene of a passionate kiss. If it wasn't for the servants knocking on the door Reminder, he had forgotten the banquet downstairs, facing Xie Jing Xing, the self-control he used to be proud of seemed to be a decoration. Huo Yu put a kiss on Xie Jing Xing's cheek and said softly, "Baby, let's go down." Without any special reminder, when Huo Yu and Xie Jing Xing appeared side by side at the entrance of the stairs, the guests' gazes were unconscious. Just focus on these two. Huo Yu is still wearing a black suit today. He is a natural clothes hanger. No matter what clothes he wears, he is better than an endorsement star. He is tall, imposing, and has a strong sense of presence. Anyone standing beside him will become a foil, but Xie Jing Xing stood next to him, dignified and elegant, although his style was different, he was equally eye-catching, not only did he not become a As a foil, they complement each other and are extremely harmonious, as if these two people were born to stand side by side. Is this Qiyou? That's the temperament, hillbilly? In the end who spread it out, blind? This was the voice of the guests present who had never seen Xie Jing Xing at this time. Huo Yu held Xie Jing Xing's hand in front of all the guests, Xie Jing Xing who was held by the hand immediately understood Huo Yu's mind, this person is like this in every world, he can't wait to swear sovereignty to the whole world, but he didn't expect this time Do you think he would disagree? Xie Jing Xing glanced at Huo Yu with a smile, but he firmly shook his hand back, the corner of his smiling mouth was condoning, Huo Yu's stern eyebrows instantly filled with tenderness.

Holding hands, the two walked down the stairs step by step, Huo Yu raised the hand that was held together with Xie Jing Xing and solemnly introduced to everyone, "This is Qi You, my lover." After learning that there were any guests at the banquet? When there were fewer marriageable men and women, he had this plan, no matter whether these people came for him or Xie Jing Xing, he did not want to give them any chance, even though these people could not destroy the relationship between him and Xie Jing Xing , but it's always a slap in the face.

"Brother You, you are so handsome today!" Huo Tiantian came to Xie Jing Xing regardless of whether everyone was shocked or disappointed, and looked at him with star-filled eyes.

Now the person she admired the most had become Xie Jing Xing, even Huo Yu, his own brother, had to stand aside. Although Xie Jing Xing gave Huo Mu's treatment for only three days, Huo Mu's health was obviously getting better. The doctor asked Huo Mu to walk for half an hour every day. In the past, every time she walked down, Huo Mu was out of breath, but these two days she was completely out of breath. No, my appetite has improved a lot, I can eat half a bowl of rice every meal, my complexion is not as pale as before, but a lot more rosy. This made the Huo family see hope, and even the mother Huo, who had no hope, became active. This attitude changed, and the whole person became more energetic.

She has been determined to study medicine since she was a child. At first, it was to treat her mother's illness, but over time it became her dream. Seeing that Xie Jingxing was so good in Chinese medicine, she pestered Xie Jingxing to teach her, and then she realized that Xie Jingxing was not only proficient in Chinese medicine, but also He is also proficient in Western medicine and can flexibly integrate Chinese and Western medicine. In just a few days, Xie Jing Xing squeezed out Huo Yu and became her most admired person. As for how Xie Jingxing grew up in the countryside, the Huo family did not ask. Xie Jingxing was Huo Yu's identified lover and benefactor to their family. Xie Jingxing's sincere efforts should not lead to doubts, they believed that Xie Jingxing would not hurt them, so these Neither matter. Xie Jing Xing was very moved by the consideration of the Huo family, and in turn, it was better for the Huo family. In this world, his relatives in the body and blood were the best, but he was really lucky to have the lovely Huo family to give him affection. "Tiantian is also very beautiful today." Xie Jing Xing looked at Huo Tiantian softly.

"My parents asked me to apologize to you. They really want to come in person, but my mother's body is not suitable for attending the banquet. My mother also asked you to go to Huo's house tomorrow. She prepared a lot of delicious food for you, all of them are Brother You. I like it, now that I have Brother You, my status at home has plummeted." Speaking of the back, Huo Tiantian wrinkled her nose cutely, her tone sounded dissatisfied, but she had a smile on her face.

"Okay, I will definitely go tomorrow." Xie Jing Xing's heart warmed when he heard that, he would go to Huo's house every day, but Huo Tiantian deliberately said this in front of the guests to let everyone know that he was not only the lover that Huo Yu believed , is also recognized by the entire Huo family, this is because he is worried that he will be looked down upon. Sure enough, the guests saw that Huo Tiantian and Xie Jing Xing got along so naturally and harmoniously, and when they heard the meaning of her words, they looked at Xie Jing Xing with a little more seriousness. Although it was a banquet of the Qi family, but with the Huo family brothers and sisters doing this, Xie Jing Xing was labelled as the Huo family by everyone. Not only was Father Qi not annoyed, but he was very excited. He looked at Xie Jing Xing with unprecedented satisfaction. He did not expect this young son to be so powerful, and he would be recognized by everyone in the Huo family without saying anything. Father Qi was already in his heart. He started to think about what benefits the Qi family would get if Xie Jing Xing was married into the Huo family. But these few days he could also see that Xie Jing Xing did not have a strong sense of belonging to the Qi family. Father Qi was considering whether to give Xie Jing Xing some shares to show his respect. Although he held the shares of the Qi family tightly, for the sake of greater He is still willing to take out the interests of the child, and he still understands the reason why he can't bear the child's inability to trap the wolf. It is about interests. Father Qi is a very decisive person, so in the original plot, he could make a deal with the death of the original owner without hesitation, and he did not feel any guilt afterwards. At this time, he decided to use Qi's shares in exchange for greater benefits from the Huo family in the future, and his action force was amazing. He walked to Xie Jing Xing, gave him a loving look, and then said to the guests, "Everyone present knows that my youngest son Qi You has been missing for more than ten years, I have not given up searching for him all these years, fortunately Huangtian pays off, I finally got him back. Xiaoyou has suffered a lot outside these years, I feel distressed and blame myself, and decided to transfer 10% of Qi's shares in my name to him. A little compensation for being a father."

Hearing this, Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows, after a little thought he understood Father Qi's plan, sooner or later he would destroy the Qi family, holding the shares of the Qi family was meaningless to him, but Xie Jing Xing did not intend to refuse, he didn't care , some people care a lot.

I don't know if it was because the Qi family was annexed by Ji Mohan in the previous life, and the bankruptcy of the Qi family became the beginning of Qi Ze's tragic fate. Therefore, it became Qi Ze's obsession to keep the Qi family after rebirth, and he cared more about Qi's shares than Qi's father. very.

Now that the things he cared about were easily obtained by his enemy, Qi Ze must have hated in his heart that he could block Qi Ze, Xie Jing Xing expressed that he was very happy, he glanced around and saw Qi Ze standing with Ji Mohan, His face was really ugly, Xie Jing Xing raised the corner of his mouth in satisfaction.

Qi Ze really hated it in his heart, how could Qi You be so lucky, he had been missing for more than ten years and could still be found, and when he came back, he was obviously not seen by his family, but he climbed up Huo Yu in a blink of an eye, and now he even got it With the approval of the entire Huo family, seeing the situation and getting married to Huo Yu is a matter of time, the most unwilling thing for him is that Qi's father gave Qi You a 10% stake, and he worked hard for the Qi's for so many years, but it was not enough. Only 10% of the shares.

A figure fell into Qi Ze's eyes, and the corner of Qi Ze's mouth was upturned, revealing a malicious smile, Qi You, I was so miserable because of you in the past life, if you don't live miserably in this life, how can you quell the hatred of my two lives.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-08-07 00:00:00~2020-08-08 02:12:50~

Thank you for casting mines Little angel: Meow, 1 goblin; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of halberd; 1 bottle of sunset and afterglow; thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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