Chapter 41

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When they saw the marriage certificate posted by the two on the Internet: Many netizens had their brains wide open: Linking the previous matter of Xie Jingxing handing over the holographic technology to the country with the passing of the "Gay Marriage Law": There are even bold netizens Ai Special attention to the official Weibo of the Legislative Yuan: As a result, they got a response: and confirmed their guess.

Holographic technology has been leading the world for at least 50 years in science and technology: With this technology, the country of planting flowers has become the world's largest technology country, and its international status has also been significantly improved. Holographic technology can not only be applied to games, but also plays an important role in the training of soldiers and the treatment of vegetative people. In various senses: Xie Jing Xing's contribution was not that big: and all he wanted was to be able to get married with his lover in a dignified manner in China.

Now Ji Huan has become the most enviable person in the whole country and even the whole world: some foreign gay websites even rated Xie Jingxing as the best lover in the world.

Netizen 1: In order to marry you upright, I developed holography. A big guy is a big guy, and even a love affair can change the world.

Netizen 2: When I watched the reception, I thought that in this relationship, it was President Ji who favored President Cheng.

Netizen 3: You give me everything you have, and I use one of my switches to get the right to walk with you in the sunshine. What kind of fairy love is this! Tears run~~o(>_<)o~~

At this time, the two people mentioned by netizens were honeymooning on Ji Huan's private island: Xie Jing Xing was leaning on Ji Huan's arms, holding a book in his hand, his brows were frowned and stretched, those who didn't know thought he was What esoteric books are you reading: Only Ji Huan knows that he is reading online novels.

Nowadays, people in the outside world like to call their lover a big guy. They never imagined that this person likes to read online novels when he is resting, especially the time-travel texts. a lot of skills. At this time, Ji Huan likes to hold his lover like now and observe his cute little expressions.

Xie Jing Xing frowned again when he saw the book in his hand, since he was sure that he might continue to travel through time, Xie Jing Xing liked to study time travel novels when he had nothing to do, hoping to give him some reference. Although some novels are written illogically, they do have reference value. Sure enough, art comes from life.

For example, he had read a novel in which the heroine went from modern to ancient times. In it, the heroine relied on modern knowledge to open a restaurant, make soap, glass, cement, and even sex. He thought it was very useful, so he wrote down the recipes of these things, and experimented it himself to make sure that it could be made without modern machinery. There are many alternatives.

This time, he watched the story of the protagonist's entry into the primitive world. He thought that one day he might also be dressed in such a world where he was naked and drinking blood. His whole person was not good, so he decided to learn more skills. Create it yourself.

With his lover, he lived a life after marriage without shame and no shame, and he had nothing to learn skills. Xie Jing Xing had not paid attention to Ji Xin for a long time, until he received a phone call from Ji's father saying that Ji Xin had died in a car accident, Xie Jing Xing only remembered her. .

When Ji Xin was kicked out of Ji's house, Ji Huan didn't hide it from the outside world. The classmates in the school learned that she was just the wrong child of Ji's family. The change in Xin's identity is still a poor character, and everyone is reluctant to associate with her, exclude, isolate, ridicule, and she will all experience what Cheng Keke suffered in her previous life.

This is not the most desperate. There is Ji Huan on Wei Ge's side who deliberately revealed that he also knows about Ji Xin. Without Ji's family as a backer, Wei Ge has no fear of Ji Xin, and asks for money at the same time. Move your hands and feet.

Ji Xin wants to get rid of Wei Ge's entanglement, but Wei Ge threatens her. If she doesn't obey, she will tell the parents of those girls that she let him take pictures of girls before. How can she afford so many parents now? revenge? So she had to endure the nausea and endure it.

The jewelry that Ji Xin brought out from Ji's family plus cash is worth tens of millions, but it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. After being extorted by Vigo, there is not much left in the deposit after a few months.

It's not that she never thought about returning home, but at that time Xie Jing Xing received too much attention because of the holographic technology, the country was worried that some foreign forces would attack him and his relatives, not only changed them to a safe place, but also specially arranged People secretly protected him, because Ji Huan was his husband, and the Ji family was among them. As a result, Ji Xin couldn't find anyone at all. She also found Sheng Yuan and Ji Shi, but they were stopped by the security guards. She felt ashamed on the one hand, but also realized that she was just doing It was useless, Xie Jing Xing and Ji Huan clearly didn't want to pay attention to him, otherwise it would be impossible not to know that she was here.

With no money, and a vampire-like Wei Ge who haunts her, Ji Xin can only hook up with a rich second generation just like in her previous life, and this rich second generation is the male protagonist.

In this life, she lost her status as the daughter of the Ji family. The two were not equal at the beginning. The male protagonist's attitude towards her was more like a plaything, but Ji Xin didn't think so.

The male protagonist's family booked him a suitable fiancee, and the male protagonist was quite satisfied, so the two started dating, but Ji Xin bumped into them and quarreled on the spot. , Just at this time, a car drove by, and there was a car accident. The person disappeared on the way to the hospital. The doctor contacted Ji's father through her mobile phone.

Thinking that Cheng Keke was also killed by a car in the original plot, Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but think that the retribution might really exist.

Xie Jing Xing did not hide the death of Ji Xin from his father and mother, although the second old man was sad for a while, but with the company of two caring and sensible children, Xie Jing Xing and Cheng Keke, they slowly recovered.

Ji Xin's death made Ji's mother very sad. After all, she was a daughter raised by her own hands. Everyone knew her feelings for Ji Xin, understood her, and took care of her emotions, but she not only did not improve, but also expressed her anger. After Cheng Keke, she blamed her for occupying Ji Xin's position, so Ji Xin was driven out, and Ji Xin's death was blamed on Cheng Keke. When she was emotional, she even beat and scolded Cheng Keke.

After Ji's father's repeated persuasion was ineffective, he took Ji's mother on a trip at Ji Huan's suggestion. After a while, the two returned, and Ji's mother returned to normal. Perhaps she realized that her previous behavior had hurt her daughter's heart. He wanted to make amends, but Cheng Keke treated her like a stranger, without Mu Rui or resentment, until the death of Ji's mother. Ji's mother was very regretful, but Cheng Keke, who had no feelings for her, didn't care.

"Coco! Coco!" Xiao Yifan shook his wife's body, trying to wake her up, looking at his wife who was crying in her sleep and was deeply distressed.

"Ah!" Cheng Keke woke up suddenly from his sleep, with panic and fear in his eyes.

Xiao Yifan held her tightly in his arms, patted her on the back, and comforted: "Don't be afraid, it's just a dream, dreams are all fake."

Cheng Ke was reliable in Xiao Yifan's arms, listening His steady heartbeat, smelled the familiar breath on his body, felt the reality of the moment, and finally woke up from the nightmare just now.

Seeing her calm down, Xiao Yifan asked, "What nightmare did you have that made you so scared?"

Cheng Keke recalled the dream just now. In the dream, during the winter vacation, my brother was busy studying for the college entrance examination and had no time to tutor her. Her grades were only admitted to the third middle school, and then she met Ji Xin.

Ji Xin was surprised and a little flustered when she saw her face. She didn't know why in the dream, but she knew because her face looked too much like Mother Ji. Later, she was surrounded by a group of gangsters on her way home from school. One of them held a knife and tried to slash her face. At a critical juncture, her brother appeared and rescued her. She was fine, but a long line was left on her brother's face. of scars.

Her brother was ruined by him. She felt guilty and had a car accident in a trance, and the person who hit her turned out to be her eldest brother. Afterwards, the eldest brother found out her identity and took her back to Ji's house. The eldest brother and brother in the dream did not know each other. The day after she recognized her relatives, the eldest brother went abroad.

She was not happy at all at Ji's house. Ji's mother only had Ji Xin as her daughter, she was very indifferent to her, and she disliked her for not knowing etiquette and being unable to appear on the stage. Father Ji was busy with work and didn't spend much time with her, and the servants were very perfunctory towards her.

At some point in the school, there were rumors that she was the illegitimate daughter of Ji's family. She explained it, but no one believed her. Everyone pushed her away and isolated her. She was depressed and the smile on her face became less and less. She wanted to go back to Cheng's house, but every time her brother saw her in a bad mood, she didn't dare to go back. Later, the gangsters blocked her again, forced her to take pictures, and then posted pictures all over the school.

She was terrified. When she returned to Ji's house, Ji's mother scolded her for not learning well, scolding her for not loving herself, and scolding her for losing face of Ji's family. She ran out of Ji's house and wanted to go back to Cheng's house to find her father. Mom, she felt helpless and hopeless, as if the whole world had abandoned her, she didn't understand how she could be in such a situation when she didn't do anything, she woke up in a trance when a car drove towards her .

Xiao Yifan listened to her narration and comforted: "Dreams are all fake. Brother Cheng loves you so much, how can he ignore you." How to be a man? When he was pursuing his wife, Brother Cheng gave him all kinds of tests, so he barely let him pass the test.

"Yeah, how could my brother ignore me? It's really a dream, and I don't know how I could have such a dream. Could it be that I haven't seen my brother recently, so I don't have a sense of security. It's my brother's fault. I'm too embarrassed to go to my brother often." Cheng Keke said and laughed to herself, already a mother of two children, she laughed like a girl, as carefree and sweet as a girl. Before marriage, she was the much-loved little princess of the Cheng family and Ji family. After marriage, Xiao Yifan was also obedient to him and doted on him extremely. Also, Xie Jingxing, the big brother and sister-in-law, doted on him. If you want to ask the women Who is the most enviable, none other than Cheng Keke.

"Big brother, if he knew that you were insecure, he would blame me for not taking good care of you." Xiao Yifan nodded her nose dotingly. Although he complained, his face was full of smiles. Falling in love with this bright and simple girl, the more people love his wife, the happier he will be.

"Hehe, my brother is really strict with you, who made you my husband!" He rubbed Xiao Yifan's chest as he spoke, closing his eyes and gradually fell asleep.

Seeing her falling asleep, Xiao Yifan moved his body to adjust a comfortable position for her, and also closed his eyes and gradually fell asleep.

The next day, Cheng Keke still came to Xie Jing Xing and Ji Huan's villa to look for him. Although she knew that yesterday was just a dream, the feeling of helplessness and despair in the dream was too real, she felt that only when she saw her brother could she Total peace of mind. She has a strong intuition that without her brother, her life would likely be as miserable, helpless and hopeless as in a dream.

When Cheng Keke arrived, Xie Jingxing was learning how to farm in the garden. He read an essay on crossing ancient farming a while ago and felt that he had to learn it, so he dedicated a piece of land in the garden to learn how to farm.

Faced with a lover who thinks that it is a lover, what can Ji Huan do, pamper him, so he also picks up the hoe and turns the ground with his lover.

When Xie Jing Xing saw Cheng Keke being brought over by his servant, he was about to walk over, but found that his back was sore from being bent, and he couldn't straighten up for a while. He didn't expect that farming would be so hard.

Seeing this, Ji Huan hurriedly hugged his waist and massaged him, and gently wiped his sweat with a towel in one hand, with a helpless and doting expression on his face.

Cheng Keke stood quietly and looked at the two people whose relationship has never changed for so many years. Suddenly, he no longer bothered about yesterday's dream. If the two people never knew each other and fell in love as in the dream, it would not be too much. Are you pitiful? So that must not be true.

Cheng Keke went home in a relaxed mood, and never had that dream again.

Although Xie Jingxing and Ji Huan wanted to keep a low profile, they couldn't bear to be surrounded by fans of the two. Photos of the two of them were posted on the Internet from time to time, and for decades, netizens were fed dog food.

This world is Xie Jing Xing leaving first, but he did not know that when he took his last breath, Ji Huan desperately stroked his closed eyes, leaned over to place a kiss on his still warm lips, and then lay down on his back. Beside him, he took him into his arms as usual, one hand intertwined with his ten fingers, the old voice was very clear in the silence in the room: "Baby, wait for me." After he closed his eyes, the original The healthy body lost its vitality in an instant.

When the white-haired Cheng Keke came with a group of children and grandchildren, what she saw was such a scene. Tears burst out from her dry eyes because of her old age, and Xiao Yifan, who was already wrinkled, held her in his arms. In his arms, Cheng Keke's

choked voice came from his arms: "I should have guessed it long ago, my brother is gone, how can the elder brother live alone?" Touched by their love, they took the last photo of the two.

When seeing this group photo, the netizens fell silent collectively. I can't stand this world without you for a second. What a deep feeling this is!

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