Chapter 140

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The natural features of Estan Star are very peculiar: the entire planet is divided into two parts, the inner and outer parts, the outer part is the desert, which is called the outer city: also known as the sand city, the four seasons alternate in the inner: picturesque, known as the inner city: also known as the Four Seasons City. There is a 100-meter-wide ring that alternates between the inner and outer areas: it is covered with blue spar: like a blue river that divides the Estan star into two parts, called the aquamarine river.

The aircraft that Xie Jing Xing and the others were riding on was suspended high above the Blue Crystal River. Xie Jing Xing stood on the aircraft and looked down, and easily had a panoramic view of the inner and outer cities.

On his left is the Sand City: Although it is a desert, human beings still built cities on it: the towering castles are integrated with the yellow sand: under the sunlight, they appear resplendent and magnificent. To his right is the Four Seasons City: At this time, it is spring in the Four Seasons City, and the flowers in the city are in full bloom: colorful and dazzling. In order not to destroy the natural scenery in the Four Seasons City, most of the houses in the Four Seasons City will be built on sturdy trees. These tree houses with different shapes are also the characteristics of the Four Seasons City. Just below him is the Azurite River, the blue spar shines brightly under the sunlight, dazzling and beautiful. Jewelry made of these blue spar is very popular with tourists and is regarded as a special product of Estan Star. "It's so beautiful!" The original owner seldom went out because of his health. Although Xie Jing has traveled through many worlds: he has seen countless beautiful scenery, but he has never seen such a peculiar natural scenery as Xiang Estan Star. At this time, his eyes are full of It's exclamation, his lips are slightly open, and he looks like a bumpkin who has never seen the world. It's very different from his usual calm and calm appearance, but he looks good, so he looks like a dull and cute feeling, which will not make people at all. disgust. Yan Xun had never seen him look like this before, with a bit of innocence and simplicity, very cute. Thinking that he didn't have the opportunity to go out before because of his health, he felt a little distressed and said softly, "If there is a chance in the future, I will take you around the interstellar space. You will definitely like it. " "Okay." Since the two of them traveled, except for private events, the live broadcast has been on.

"Ah~~~~~~ The cute little fish looks so cute! (*▽*)" "The cute

little fish has taken a screenshot!"

"Owoooo~~~ His Royal Highness is so pet!"

"It's sour! I also want to travel around the stars, but I don't dare, for fear of encountering star thieves."

"Double 3s husbands are powerful and have no fear of star thieves!"

"I don't dare to go, but I can watch the live broadcast. I beg you. The live broadcast of Xiaoyuer's Journey Around the Stars!"

"Kneeling for +1."

"Kneeling for +2."

Xie Jing Xing watched the lively barrage in the live broadcast room, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, he still liked these lovely netizens very much, and Willing to fulfill their little wishes, he chuckled: "Okay, we will show you the live broadcast of our trip around the interstellar space in the future."

"Ah~~~~~~ Xiaoyu'er agreed! I've been ripped off by Xiaoyu'er. [Excited.jpg]"

"Xiaoyu'er's voice is so sweet to Su. [Blushing.jpg]"

Xie Jingxing and Yan Xun got off the aircraft, causing passersby to exclaim, "Ah~~~~ It's His Royal Highness and Xiaoyu. Son!"

"Wow! His Royal Highness and Xiaoyuer really came to Estan Star for their honeymoon."

"I originally planned to go back two days ago because I knew that His Royal Highness and Xiaoyuer were coming, so I deliberately stayed here longer. After a few days, I didn't expect that I was really waiting."

"Fortunately, the royal family limited the number of people who came to Estan Star, otherwise Estan Star would be crowded during this time."

Yan Xun is the future emperor, the most star in the universe. The strong man has made many achievements in battle and has always been admired by people. Xie Jing Xing is the only omega with double 3s in the entire interstellar space. The two are husbands and their nationality is comparable to that of stars, but maybe it is because of the power of the strong double 3s on both of them. It was too strong. Although these tourists were excited, none of them stepped forward. Instead, they consciously took a step back and left a passage for the two of them to pass.

Xie Jing Xing looked at these smiling tourists. At this time, their eyes were full of excitement and admiration for seeing heroes and idols. Most of these people died in the mouths of insects and beasts in the previous life, but this time, with him and Yan Xun, naturally they would not would make them end up like that. "Two days later, His Royal Highness will take the garrison of Estan Star to conduct a military exercise. We will set up a viewing point in the central square of Four Seasons City. Everyone is welcome to come and supervise." "As expected of His Royal Highness, during the honeymoon period. Do n't forget the military parade." "The military exercise, I'm looking forward to it!" "I don't know if Xiaoyuer will participate. I want to see Xiaoyuer driving the snow blade to kill the Quartet." "Go, definitely go, I'm the first. This is the first time to watch a military exercise at such a close distance." Xie Jing Xing saw that everyone was enthusiastic about the military exercise, and his eyes flashed with satisfaction. This was what he and Yan Xun had thought about for a long time. The Zerg invasion started from the outer city. They used military exercises as an excuse to gather troops in advance to prepare for the enemy. The people gathered to protect, keep away from insects and beasts, and minimize casualties. A month ago, Xie Jing Xing told Yan Xun about the imminent invasion of the Zerg on Star Estan, Yan Xun did not ask how Xie Jing Xing knew about it and quickly responded. He sent a team of his own guards to Star Estan to strictly train the garrison on Estan Star, conduct various military exercises, and improve their camp capabilities and vigilance. The soldiers of the empire are strictly provoked, and their combat power is not bad. The garrison of Estan is naturally not weak, but their long-term peaceful life has made them slack, so they were defeated by the sudden Zerg invasion in the previous life. . Now after a month of intensive training, it can be said to be very effective, there should be no problem with the Zerg invasion after the confrontation, but just in case, Yan Xun finally decided to go to Estan Star to sit in person, and Xie Jing Xing's physique was also improved to 3s. When it was time to practice and accumulate experience in killing insect beasts, the two came to Estan Star under the pretext of their honeymoon.

Omegas should stay at home to have children, this is the inherent view of most alphas towards omegas, but Yan Xun has never seen Xie Jingxing like this, he knows that Xie Jingxing is an eagle, sooner or later the eagle will strike the sky and convince the world. So when Xie Jing Xing proposed to join him on the battlefield, he was not surprised at all, he agreed without hesitation, and at the same time there was a kind of excitement in his heart that he was about to fight side by side with his lover.

Everything that should be prepared was ready, for the next two days, Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun put down everything and enjoyed their honeymoon trip. The two strolled under the sunset in Shacheng, gave each other gifts on the Blue Crystal River, kissed in the fragrant flowers of Four Seasons City, and slept in a cozy tree house. The audience in the live broadcast room shouted that the dog food was eaten up, but they watched the two people spread the dog food endlessly.

Time flies, and soon two days have passed.

The central square of Four Seasons City was already crowded with people early in the morning. They looked at the giant screen not far away with anticipation and excitement. At the same time, the military exercise was also broadcast live on Xingwang.

On the screen, Yan Xun stood in front of the 30,000 garrisoned troops in Estan Star, with a dignified expression: "There is no exercise on the battlefield, so next you should treat this as a battlefield, not just an exercise, don't take it lightly, as soldiers , you must go all out at all times, remember?" Yan Xun's low and powerful voice sounded small, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of the 30,000 soldiers through mental power, as if the other party was talking in their ears. Yan Xun's hand is unheard of, only those who are in it can feel the shock. The eyes of the 30,000 soldiers looking at Yan Xun are full of admiration and awe, worthy of being the strongest in the universe! "Remember!" The 30,000 soldiers' firm and powerful answer resounded through the sky. Soldiers are strong by nature. They originally attached great importance to this military exercise. After listening to Yan Xun's words, they even made this military exercise a battlefield of life and death. Yan Xun looked at the army in front of him with soaring momentum, and his eyes flashed with satisfaction. "This aura is worthy of being a soldier of the Empire, even in Estan, which has been peaceful for many years." "Yeah, I was a little worried about seeing a non-brand army before. It seems that I underestimated the soldiers of the Empire. ."

"As expected of His Royal Highness, just a few words have boosted their morale."

"Looking forward to the next military exercise!"

When everyone on the Internet was discussing, Yan Xun had already divided 30,000 soldiers into three teams, each team of 8,000 people, And he and Xie Jing Xing each carried 3,000 people. With his order, the five teams moved in five different directions.

"Sure enough, Xiaoyuer will also participate, and he will lead the team alone!"

"With only 3,000 people, it seems that His Royal Highness the Prince agrees with Xiaoyuer's strength."

"Xiaoyuer is amazing!"

Watched on Star Online Many, of course, have different voices.

"How can Gu Ziyu be an omega on the battlefield, it's too messy."

"That is, if the estrus period comes on the battlefield, I can't imagine the scene."

"The omega of the double 3s is also an omega, if I say omega, They should go home and have children, the battlefield is not the place for their attention."

Gu Ziyu has many fans, watching Gu Ziyu's live broadcast all the way, and seeing his hard work in his eyes, how can it be tolerated by others to say that about him.

"I'm afraid it's not a straight A cancer upstairs, so the omega should go home and have a baby. I don't know if your mother is an omega. How would you feel when you hear this.

" Just to understand, even if there is an emergency, Xiaoyuer is really in estrus on the battlefield, and he has the pheromone of His Royal Highness in his body, which is enough to shock other alphas, and the scene you are worried about will not happen at all."

"Omega for the time being No matter, Xiaoyuer is a strong double 3s, as long as he has enough actual combat experience, it is very likely that he will be another Yan Xun in time, such a strong man makes him have children at home, it is a waste of talents."

There was a lot of debate on the Internet about whether Xie Jing Xing should go to the battlefield, this was completely within Xie Jing Xing's expectations, and that was the reason why he would broadcast this "military exercise" live. He must accompany Yan Xun in the battle against the Zerg Queen after that. Rather than being opposed at that time, it is better to let everyone see in advance how much he can do on the battlefield.

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