Chapter 113(Arc 8: The Golden Finger Cannon Fodder in the End Times)

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As soon as Xie Jing Xing regained consciousness, he felt a strong thrust on his back: his body rushed forward with the thrust, and in front of him was a man with a gray face, white eyes, fangs pouting, and an unknown expression on the corner of his mouth. Bloodstains, strange movements, and a humanoid monster with a rancid smell all over his body. The strong sense of crisis that he had trained through many times made him an alarm bell in an instant: Danger!

Seeing that his face was about to be caught by the hand of the humanoid monster: Xie Jing Xing immediately bent down and rolled on the ground: Then he grabbed the thing at hand and smashed it at the humanoid monster, Xie Jing Xing realized that it was a lady's cow leather bag when he smashed it. He didn't even bother to think about why there was a lady's cowhide bag on the ground. The smashed humanoid stagnates for a while: This brief one or two second stagnation gave Xie Jing Xing a chance, he immediately stood up and kicked the humanoid quickly with one kick. The kick flew three meters away. It took only a few seconds for Xie Jing Xing to go from being in danger to getting out of danger, he glanced at the few people who were running forward desperately not far away: In this direction, the person who pushed him just now should be among these people, he is not entangled with humanoid monsters, followed. As he ran, he quickly looked around, the messy streets, the dried blood, the cars parked randomly on the road: the goods scattered in the shops on both sides, the screams from time to time: the weird wandering around Humanoid monsters: The people fleeing in panic, the rancid smell in the air, this is very similar to the scenes depicted in those apocalyptic novels he had read: The end of the world? So that humanoid monster is a zombie. Xie Jing Xing's eyes widened, saying that someone wanted to harm him just now, but he didn't know whether it was intentional or not. Soon Xie Jing Xing caught up with this group of people, except for Xie Jing Xing, there were seven people in total, five men and two women. Xie Jing Xing observed the expressions of several people while running, and when several people saw Xie Jing Xing following up, their faces showed varying degrees of surprise, but there was only one person whose pupils shrank obviously when they saw him, and there was a trace of unwillingness in their eyes. , although he quickly appeared surprised, the emotional change in that moment could not be concealed from Xie Jing Xing's keen observation. It seems that this person is the one who pushed the original owner, but this reaction, Xie Jing Xing felt that he was probably more intentional.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Xie Jing Xing to see everyone's expressions clearly due to his position, but the strange thing is that when he was thinking about observing the expressions of these people, the expressions of these people appeared in his mind clearly. It's like a 360-degree high-definition camera with no dead ends. Thinking of the supernatural powers that often appear in the end-time texts, Xie Jing Xing accepted it very calmly, after all his own experience was already amazing enough, and it would not be worth making a fuss about any bizarre things. Obviously not a good time for research.

"There's a supermarket in front, let's hurry over there." The man who ran at the front said, and ran over without waiting for the others to answer.

A few people ran to the door of the supermarket, only to find that the door was locked from the inside. The boys in front slammed the door in a panic. Seeing that more and more zombies were gathering here, the door finally opened from the inside.

"Stop shooting! Don't you know that the sound will attract zombies?" The door was opened by a young man in his twenties. He was very impatient, but he still let a few people in. As soon as Xie Jing Xing entered the supermarket, he subconsciously cast his supernatural powers and enveloped everyone in it. It is said to be a supermarket, but this is actually a small shopping center. There are six floors in total. The first floor is a supermarket, which has obviously been cleaned up. At this time, there are more than 20 people here, and the man in the middle is the most striking. The man has a handsome appearance and a temperament. Precious, dressed in an elegant black suit, three bodyguards surrounded him in a protective manner, surrounded by a few young men and women dressed as white-collar workers, obviously led by men. Xie Jing Xing, who used to be the president, saw the temperament of a man and guessed that the man should be the president of a certain group before the end of the world. Although the man's hair was a little messy and his suit was a little wrinkled, his demeanor was still calm, which was different from the supermarket. Survivors with panic and anxiety on other faces. Xie Jing Xing noticed that as soon as the boy who pushed him saw the man, there was a light in his eyes, but his eyes looked at him subconsciously, with precaution and vigilance in his eyes, and his body also blocked in front of him intentionally or unintentionally to cover him, as if I don't want men to see him.

Xie Jing Xing frowned, he didn't have the heart to care about this person's weird behavior at this time, he pretended to be tired and found an inconspicuous corner, closed his eyes and fell asleep, in fact he was receiving the original owner's memory and plot, but he did not take back his differences. Yes, even with his eyes closed, the entire supermarket is under his surveillance. He does not dare to take this environment lightly.

This is indeed an apocalyptic world. Two-thirds of the world's people are infected with unknown viruses and become zombies. One-tenth of the remaining people have awakened to become superhumans. The rest are ordinary people who have not awakened. Plants mutate, and human beings face an unprecedented crisis of survival.

The protagonist Shou Meng Fanze was an ordinary person without awakening ability in his previous life. On the day when the apocalypse broke out, he was a guest at his friend Ye Mian's house. They stayed at Ye Mian's house for three days. After the food was exhausted, they had to come out to collect food. , when they came to the small supermarket in the community, they found that the food in it had been removed, and they had no choice but to go to the shopping center near the community. Although the food people encountered zombies on the way, they finally reached the shopping center smoothly, where they met Xiao Xiangheng who also came to collect supplies. At first glance, Xiao Xiangheng looks like someone who has been in a high position all the year round. Even in this situation, he is very calm, which is very different from the other panic-stricken survivors in the supermarket. Xiao Xiangheng awakened the powerful thunder-type ability, and brought three good bodyguards who had awakened abilities. In addition, there were two awakened abilities in the team. Such a team can be said to be very powerful at the beginning of the end of the world. When they left the supermarket, the survivors in the supermarket subconsciously followed Xiao Xiangheng, and Meng Fanze was no exception. Afterwards, Ye Mian, who was traveling with Meng Fanze, awakened his spatial ability and was recruited into the team by Xiao Xiangheng, and Meng Fanze, as Ye Mian's friend, was also taken along on the road. Although Ye Mian's space ability has no offensive power, the materials in the space are very important. Along the way, the team members protected Xiao Xiangheng and protected Ye Mian very much. The care for Meng Fanze, an ordinary person, was only for Ye Mian's face. superior.

Faced with such differential treatment, Meng Fanze felt very unwilling, and this unwillingness reached its climax when he heard Xiao Xiangheng confessing to Ye Mian. No one knew that he was attracted to Xiao Xiangheng the first time he saw Xiao Xiangheng in the supermarket. This attraction turned into admiration after he saw Xiao Xiangheng's powerful thunder-type ability, and Xiao Xiangheng treated him once along the way. Another protection made him completely fall. He was so jealous of Ye Mian in his heart, but he knew clearly that he was relying on Ye Mian to stay in Xiao Xiangheng's team, and he didn't dare to show it on his face. Meng Fanze accidentally discovered that Ye Mian's space was brought by the bracelet on his wrist, not the ability. After knowing this secret, he was very excited. As long as he got this bracelet, the space would be his, the person who was specially protected by the team would be him, and Xiao Xiangheng would be his sooner or later. Before Meng Fanze could grab the bracelet, a zombie wave broke out at the base, and he died under the siege of zombies. Before he died, he saw Ye Mian being protected by Xiao Xiangheng in his arms, and his heart was full of jealousy and unwillingness, and then he was reborn. Meng Fanze was reborn a month before the end of the world. On his birthday, a group of friends including Ye Mian were celebrating his birthday. When Ye Mian gave him a jade pendant like in his previous life, he moved and expressed embarrassment about the jade pendant. It's too expensive for him to accept. If Ye Mian really wants to give him a birthday present, he might as well give him the wooden bracelet on his wrist. What he sees is not the value of the gift, but Ye Mian's heart, the wooden bracelet he brought. Strings make more sense. How did Ye Mian know Meng Fanze's thoughts? That wooden bracelet was just a souvenir that Ye Mian bought at random when he traveled. It was fun. Now that Meng Fanze asked for it, Ye Mian would not refuse it. Instead, he was moved that Meng Fanze didn't value it. Property, his friendship is very pure. After all, how can the value of a wooden bracelet be compared with a jade pendant, he immediately took off the wooden bracelet and gave it to Meng Fanze. After getting the wooden bracelet, Meng Fanze quickly found an opportunity to drop blood to recognize the master. Sure enough, there was a space of 200 square meters inside. With the space, Meng Fanze began to prepare materials for the remaining month until the end of the world.

On the day the apocalypse broke out, Meng Fanze stayed at Ye Mian's house like in his previous life. He was worried that too much change would make him miss meeting Xiao Xiangheng. Xiao Xiangheng was his obsession for two lifetimes. He didn't dare to take risks. On the one hand, he He wanted to take advantage of the chaos to get rid of Ye Mian, even if he took Ye Mian's space, he was still worried. In his previous life, he had heard Xiao Xiangheng tell Ye Mian affectionately how he fell in love with Ye Mian from first sight to long-term love. Even he had to admit that Ye Mian's appearance was indeed good, and it was easy for people to have a good impression, so he was worried that even if Without space, Xiao Xiangheng would still fall in love with Ye Mian because of his appearance, so he did not dare to let Ye Mian fend for himself. Only by watching Ye Mian die or become a zombie can he feel at ease.

Meng Fanze waited at Ye Mian's house for three days as in his previous life, and went out with Ye Mian to look for supplies. Sure enough, the supermarket in the community had been removed from the previous life, so he proposed to go to a nearby shopping center. On the way, they also met a few The survivor who came out to look for food, he was always looking for an opportunity to kill Ye Mian along the way. When he was about to reach the shopping center, he finally found the opportunity to push Ye Mian to the zombie while everyone was not paying attention.

Ye Mian's face was scratched by a zombie, but he did not turn into a zombie. Instead, he awakened the water-type ability, but in the end, a long scar was left on his face, which destroyed the original handsome appearance.

Although Meng Fanze regretted that Ye Mian did not turn into a zombie, he felt relieved when he saw Ye Mian's disfigurement. As for Ye Mian's water ability, it was only an ability with no attack power, and Xiao Xiangheng's team was not short of water. able, so he didn't take it to heart at all.

Seeing Ye Mian's disfigured appearance, Meng Fanze had a new idea in his heart. He wanted Ye Mian to watch him and Xiao Xiangheng's love and love, and let him taste the same jealousy and unwillingness as his previous life. Jealous and unwilling to die, just like his previous life.

Ye Mian, who rushed towards the zombie, didn't see who was pushing him. He suspected that someone was pushing him, but he never suspected that this person was Meng Fanze, his best friend.

Meng Fanze and his party met Xiao Xiangheng in the supermarket as in the previous life. Meng Fanze took the initiative to expose the space ability in front of Xiao Xiangheng, and he really got Xiao Xiangheng's attention and warmly invited him to join his team.

Meng Fanze dragged Ye Mian to join Xiao Xiangheng's team. Regarding Ye Mian, who was injured on his face, Xiao Xiangheng agreed to join him after confirming that he had awakened the water element ability and would not become a zombie. Meng Fanze, although the water is now polluted, there are already two water-type abilities in his team. Although he can't use water as he likes before the end of the world, he is not lacking.

Xiao Xiangheng made Meng Fanze very proud of the difference between himself and Ye Mian. After that, Meng Fanze enjoyed the same treatment as Ye Mian's previous life. Because of his understanding of Xiao Xiangheng, along the way, he poked the point in Xiao Xiangheng's heart, making Xiao Xiangheng better than Xiao Xiangheng. In the previous life, Ye Mian fell in love with him earlier, and then the two exchanged their feelings and got together naturally.

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