Chapter 102

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Hearing Xie Jing Xing's laughter: The driver and the greeter in the clubhouse were shocked and amused, but at the same time they were a little worried. They did not expect that a shrewd boss would look like this on weekdays. They saw the boss act stupid: Thinking about firing them.

The man did not care about their thoughts, seeing Xie Jing Xing smiling, he knew that his attitude was relaxed and he was going to strike while the iron was hot to invite him to dinner again: A slightly apologetic voice sounded behind him: "Xiaoyou: I'm sorry, I forgot about you. It's not that the members can't get in, you have to wait for a long time." Xie Jing Xing looked up and saw Qi Ze and a handsome man walking hand in hand: Needless to say, this man must be the protagonist Gong Ji Mohan: The two of them are still standing beside them. Follow Qi Yue and his friends. Because of Qi Ze's words, everyone's eyes were focused on Xie Jing Xing: This is the second young master who was just recovered by the Qi family who had been missing for more than ten years? Didn't Qi Yue keep saying that he was a country bumpkin who couldn't get on the stage: He didn't look like that, he was obviously handsome and temperament: Could it be that people rely on clothes? After a month of conditioning by Xie Jing Xing, this body was no longer the black and thin appearance that Xie Jing Xing had when he first arrived: the skin was a little paler, and the complexion was much better; in this way, the appearance was also highlighted. As soon as Qi Yue heard Qi Ze apologize to Xie Jing Xing, there was a surge of anger in her heart, at first this person lost because he was having fun and had nothing to do with the eldest brother, the eldest brother felt guilt and blamed himself for so many years is fortunate enough: They have all been found, but the eldest brother has to take care of him because of guilt. Why is this person? "Brother, why are you apologizing? You didn't do it on purpose. Who is as idle as he is and eats free food at home all day long. Besides, this is not a place for a country bumpkin." She was provocative and disdainful after saying this. He glanced at Xie Jing Xing, he was sure that he would not dare to choke with him. idiot! Xie Jing Xing glanced at Qi Yue and then pretended that he was not interested in arguing with such idiots. He believed that in the future, the Qi family would be gone, and there would be no family support, the society would naturally teach Qi Yue how to behave.

"It's up to you to decide who can come in in my Huo Yu's club!" Xie Jing Xing didn't care, but it didn't mean Huo Yu didn't care. Seeing that he could make an appointment with his sweetheart immediately, but was suddenly interrupted, Huo Yu was originally displeased, and hearing his sweetheart being ridiculed in such a way, the anger in his heart reached its peak, and his voice was cold.

Huo Yu was originally carrying the people behind his back, but when he said this, he turned around, and the hand that was holding Xie Jing Xing's wrist was replaced by his shoulder.

Only then did everyone see what he looked like. Even those who had never seen him knew who he was from his words. They stood up subconsciously and respectfully called out, "Master Huo." He was close to Qi Yue. The people even distanced themselves from her immediately, for fear of being angered by Huo Yu. Although they didn't know how the second young master who had just returned from the Qi family knew Huo Yu, Huo Yu's attitude was obviously to stand up for Xie Jingxing and they didn't want to learn from Huo Yu. s method.

Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows when he heard the name "Huo Yu", although he didn't go out these days, he should know no less information than the natives of this world, so he understood why these people looked like this. Huo Yu, the ruler of the Huo family, the top wealthy family in the imperial capital, but he is only thirty years old now. He is the same age as Ji Mohan and only two years older than Qi Ze, but when Ji Mohan and Qi Ze go out, they are only called out. Ji Shao, Qi Shao, but when facing Huo Yu, he had to respectfully call Huo Ye, so you could see the difference. It can be said that Qi Ze and Ji Mohan are also considered to be the proud sons of heaven, elites in the business world. They entered the family business at a young age, made some impressive achievements, and were recognized by the shareholders. The halo brought by the family, but Huo Yu's current achievements are considered by everyone to be his own ability. Even without the Huo family, this person can still reach the heights he is today.

More than ten years ago, the Huo family was not special in the upper circle of the imperial capital, and it was no different from the Ji family of the Qi family. Huo's father and Huo's mother are very affectionate, and they have always been the enviable model couple in the upper circle of the imperial capital. After the two gave birth to Huo Yu, they always wanted a daughter and both children, but no matter how hard the two of them worked, Huo's mother never became pregnant. Both of them had already given up, but they didn't want Huo Yu to be fourteen, and Huo's mother to be pregnant at the age of forty-eight. Huo's father was worried that his wife would physically persuade Huo's mother to abort the child, but Huo's mother resolutely disagreed, and in the end it was Huo's father and wife Guan Yan couldn't beat Mother Huo. After Huo's mother gave birth to Huo Tiantian, her health has not been very good. In order to accompany and take care of his wife, Huo's father, who loves his wife like his life, has naturally greatly reduced his thoughts and time in Huo's family. In my mind, when Huo's father found out a few years later, the Huo family had been hollowed out by these people, crumbling, and on the verge of bankruptcy. Huo's mother's condition worsened when she found out, which made Huo's father even more unable to take care of Huo's family. Seeing that the family business that the Huo family had inherited for several generations was about to be destroyed in his own hands, Huo's father was powerless. At this time, he was only twenty years old and still Huo Yu, who was studying abroad, resolutely put down his studies and returned to China. No one paid attention to Huo Yu at first. He was too young, and no one thought that he could solve problems that even Huo's father could not solve, but they didn't want Huo Yu to come back and bring back a lot of money. The funds, everyone knows that he not only studied in foreign countries, but also entered the financial circle, and is a well-known investment master on Wall Street. With the injection of a large amount of capital, the Huo family solved the bankruptcy crisis, and then Huo Yu showed his rich personal connections, and negotiated cooperation projects with many well-known international companies, which really brought the Huo family back to life. Even more resolutely, he produced evidence and sent the people who used illegal means to deal with the Huo family to prison. As for those who took advantage of the fire, the robbery failed, but the vitality of Huo Yu's rectification was severely damaged. After this incident, Huo's father gave everything of the Huo family to Huo Yu with confidence, while he accompanied his wife to cultivate his body.

Huo Yu became the head of the Huo family at the age of 20, but no one dared to despise him because of his age. He seemed to be naturally good at this, and he had no shortage of vision, resourcefulness, and tactics. He even immersed himself in shopping malls for decades. The older generation can't compare to him, and he has to sigh that the future generations are terrifying, and Huo Yu has been in charge of the Huo family for ten years, making the Huo family become the top wealthy family in the imperial capital. Now when he walks outside, everyone respectfully calls him "Master Huo". , leaving everyone of the same generation far behind.

Whether in the original plot or in the memory of the original protagonist, Huo Yu only appears in the mouths of others occasionally. He is a character with a lot of wisdom and closeness to a demon. Even the protagonist Shou has to admit that even if he is reborn once and can predict the future, he is no better than him. Go to Huo Yu.

Don't look at the fact that many people in the upper circle know Huo Yu, that is because they are in the same circle, and they will always meet on certain occasions, but in fact Huo Yu is very low-key, and I can't find a single photo of him on the Internet. Therefore, although Xie Jingxing learned a lot of information about Huo Yu through the Internet, he could not recognize Huo Yu when he stood in front of him.

After Xie Jing Xing learned about Huo Yu's information before, he suspected that Huo Yu might be his lover. After all, a lover's identity is different in every world, and he is strong enough. The most important thing is that no matter how attractive a lover's identity is, he The surroundings are always very clean, and these Huo Yu are just satisfied. Xie Jing Xing originally planned to find a chance to get close to Huo Yu to confirm, but he didn't want Qi Ze to do something good, if it wasn't for Qi Ze trying to embarrass him on purpose and making him wait at the door of the clubhouse, he and Huo Yu probably wouldn't If we met so soon, if Qi Ze found out, he wouldn't know if he would die.

Xie Jing Xing's thoughts only happened in an instant, after Huo Yu said that, he took out his mobile phone and made a call, and said to the person on the phone, "Come to the door of the club."

Soon a man in his thirties came out of After walking out of the clubhouse, Qi Ze and others often come to this clubhouse and naturally recognize him as the manager of this private clubhouse. The man walked up to Huo Yu and said respectfully, "Boss."

Huo Yu pointed at Qi Yue and said, "This is Qi Yue, Miss Qi's family, and she was put on the Huo family's blacklist, and all the industries under the Huo family will be swayed by it from now on. will never be entertained."

"Yes, Boss." The man glanced at Qi Yue. He didn't know how this man offended Boss and gave him such a severe punishment. Someone made trouble in the club before, but Boss just blacklisted him in the club. It was the first time that Qi Yue was included in the entire Huo Clan's blacklist.

Everyone present, including Qi Yue herself, knows that the impact of Huo Yu's words is not just that she can't consume in the Huo family's industry. This matter will soon spread, and Qi Yue will appear in the upper class. On the list of society's refusal to communicate, after all, no one would offend Huo Yu for the insignificant person Qi Yue.

Qi Yue's face turned pale and her body was shaky, how could she still look arrogant and proud when she taunted Xie Jing Xing just now. Looking at Qi Yue like this, no one of her friends who played well with her stepped forward to help her. They were more of a group of people who came together because of family interests. The already unstable friendship boat was a little turbulent. It can capsize, not to mention the shock of a dead tsunami like this.

Others can ignore it, but Qi Ze, as a big brother, can't ignore it. Besides, Huo Yu's words not only affect Qi Yue, but also affect the Qi family. He knew that the key to this matter was Xie Jingxing, so he supported Qi Yue and said to Xie Jingxing, "Xiaoyou, what Yueyue said just now is really too much, I asked her to apologize to you, you will forgive her this time, and I will Make sure she won't dare again." What he hated most in his heart was Qi You, but now he has to humbly in front of Qi You, no one knows how aggrieved he felt when he said these words, he didn't understand why it was so short In the time it took, Qi You climbed up Huo Yu, and it was clear that Qi You and Huo Yu did not meet at all in the previous life.

"Yueyue, don't apologize to your second brother!" Qi Ze bit the word "second brother" very hard. He believed that Qi Yue should understand what he meant.

Qi Yue really understood what Qi Ze meant, and she said to Xie Jingxing, "Second brother, I'm sorry, I just made a mistake, I will never dare again." She lowered her head to hide the hatred in her eyes, Forcing her to apologize in public like this was a great humiliation for her.

Xie Jing Xing took out his mobile phone in the sight of everyone and clicked on the voice.

"Cut! Wearing a dragon robe doesn't look like a prince, and no matter how you dress up, you're still a hillbilly. Hillbilly, let me tell you, I don't recognize you as my brother. You want me to call you brother. It must be my brother, you look like you are embarrassed to death!"

"Okay, I am not your brother."

Xie Jing Xing looked at Qi Yue and repeated, "I am not your brother." His words were never casual. just saying.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-07-31 19:50:23~2020-08-02 00:00:00~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: "Qianqian" 80 bottles; 10 bottles of Qilue Gongzi, Liunian, Qiancheng; 3 bottles of Linda; 1 bottle of Nini, Sunset and Sunset; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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