Chapter 103

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"You!" Qi Yue raised her head angrily: She didn't expect Xie Jing Xing to actually record it, let alone that she apologized, Xie Jing Xing still refused to forgive her: Who cares about his brother, if it wasn't for Huo Yu's support, this man What kind of!

Her eyes revealed exactly what she was thinking, Xie Jing Xing sneered in his heart: I don't know how such an idiot Qi Family taught him: he couldn't even manage basic expressions.

Huo Yu's icy voice sounded as if he had a good heart, "Take your eyes away, since you're going to play, you should pretend to be a bit more thorough: Idiot!"

Huo Yu's words instantly made everyone's eyes focus on Qi Yue. : Sure enough, seeing the resentment in her eyes that she hadn't had time to put away, they all shook their heads in their hearts: Isn't that right: Now that you've apologized, no matter if it's true or false: You should pretend to be thorough.

Although these rich second-generation are arrogant on weekdays, it is also towards people: they actually know the pros and cons very well, and under normal circumstances, they will never provoke people they can't provoke: Even if they do: they can be very embarrassed. Apologize. Bullying the soft and fearing the hard, or being able to bend or stretch, this is their law of survival. If you don't want to see anyone's face, unless you are as strong as Huo Yu. Someone who is incompetent like Qi Yue: He is not a top-notch family, and he is blindly arrogant and looks down on his form. Isn't he an idiot?

Being pointed at the nose and scolding an idiot so bluntly is something that Qi Yue has never experienced before. If it were someone else, she could scold her back without any scruples, but Huo Yu was the one who scolds her, not even Qi's father and Qi's mother. Those who dare to provoke are angry, aggrieved, and afraid. Many emotions are mixed together, and eventually they become tears.

She cried pitifully, if it were ordinary people, I would probably be soft-hearted, but Huo Yu did not show any emotion, seeing that Qi Ze wanted to say something to Xie Jing Xing, he looked at Qi Ze with cold eyes and said, "Qi Yue dares to taunt Qi You three or four times. , I am afraid that you are a big part of your connivance as a brother; you will have a car to pick you up when you go out to Qi's house, but Qi You doesn't have it. Is it possible that even the servants dare to bully him in Qi's house? You know that Qi You is not a member, but you want to Let him come alone. Don't say anything, forget it, all the negligence is just because you don't care, so put away your hypocritical expressions, the appearance of your good brother is really disgusting, and Qi You doesn't need you. False family." He said it firmly, but no one knew that he was actually very uneasy, he couldn't help but glanced at Xie Jing Xing's expression from the corner of his eye, and when he saw that there was no sad expression on his face, he was relieved, proud in his heart, sure enough It's the person he likes, and it's transparent enough.

Just a face to face, Huo Yu guessed Xie Jing Xing's situation in Qi's family, he would be stupid when facing Xie Jing Xing, but at other times, he was so shrewd that no one could hide.

"Qi You is my savior, since your Qi family doesn't value it, he will be protected by me from now on." After saying that, he took Xie Jing Xing's shoulders and walked into the clubhouse.

It turned out to be the savior, no wonder Huo Yu was so protective. Everyone looked at Xie Jing Xing with envy in their eyes, with such an identity, even without the Qi family, no one would dare to despise him in the future.

Only the drivers and the greeters of the clubhouse who knew how the life-saving grace came, looked at the envious expressions of these people, and it was useless to envy in their hearts. You don't have the charm to make the boss take the initiative to take the life-saving grace.

After being revealed by Huo Yu, Qi Ze panicked in his heart. He immediately went to see Ji Mohan and said aggrieved: "Mohan, I don't have it."

Ji Mohan and Huo Yu are the same age. From childhood to nature, many people like to compare the two together, but since Huo Yu turned the tide when the Huo family went bankrupt ten years ago, such a comparison has never happened again, because everyone thinks that Ji Mo Han is indeed excellent, but he is not on the same level as Huo Yu.

Ji Mohan was unconvinced. He never thought that I was inferior to Huo Yu. In the Ji family, Ji's father was unwilling to let go of power. His right to speak was limited. He just didn't have the chance to prove himself.

Originally, he had a secret desire to compare with Huo Yu, but now his lover was humiliated by Huo Yu in public, how could Ji Mohan bear it?

"Huo Yu, take back what you just said!"

Huo Yu didn't want to pay attention, but seeing Xie Jing Xing's slightly raised eyebrows and seeing the interest in his eyes, he turned around and said, "Take it back? It

's up to you?" The contempt completely stimulated Ji Mohan, and he blurted out: "I dare not compete with me, if you lose, you must apologize to Qi Ze and remove Qi Yue from Huo's blacklist."

This kind of aggressive tactics was useless to Huo Yu, he just leaned over to Xie Jing Xing's ear and asked softly, "Youyou, do you want me to compare with him?" This gentle appearance was the same as when he was facing Qi Yueqi just now. Ze's cold words are almost like two different people.

Xie Jing Xing was already accustomed to his familiar name: "Comparison! But he has to come up with a bargaining chip."

Huo Yu looked at Ji Mohan and said, "On Youyou's face, I can compare with you, but you must first I have to come up with the bargaining chips that make my heart move." Then he said to Qi Ze, "How can Ji Mohan also give you a head start, shouldn't you also come up with some bargaining chips?"

Qi Ze didn't expect things to develop like this. But at this time, it is difficult to ride a tiger. Although he likes Ji Mohan, he does not think that Ji Mohan can surpass Huo Yu. No one knows more than the reborn him. This person is not only good at business, but also They play better than others, as if they have no weaknesses. weakness? When his eyes touched Xie Jing Xing, his eyes lit up, maybe not without weaknesses.

"Okay, but Qi You can't stay out of it either, Mo Han is making an appearance for me, aren't you also making an appearance for Qi You? In this way, we will change the competition to two-on-two. Mo Han and I will play against you and Qi You. As for the competition. It's up to you to decide what to do."

Qi Ze's words sounded very fair, but who didn't know that Qi You grew up in the country and knew not many things. Qi Ze insisted on dragging him in just to make him drag Huo Yu. hind legs.

Huo Yu sneered when he heard this, and said to Ji Mohan, "Your lover doesn't seem to have any confidence in you. It seems that you don't behave very well on weekdays!" He deliberately emphasized the word "no", so men can't listen to these two. Character.

Sure enough, Ji Mohan's face was very bad, and Qi Ze quickly explained: "Mohan, I don't have it, I just want to fight with you." As if to prove his words, he turned his head to Qi You and said, "It was me just now. Without thinking about it, I forgot that Xiaoyou grew up in the country, and I'm afraid you won't know many things. If Xiaoyou doesn't want to, then forget it."

Huo Yu's face sank when he heard the words, Qi Ze was really good, and he even played tricks in front of him again and again. Is it because he was too talkative, that Qi Ze forgot, whether this competition depends entirely on his mood.

Xie Jing Xing squeezed his hand to comfort him, and winked playfully at him before confirming with Qi Ze, "It's really up to us to decide what to compare?"

Qi Ze nodded, "Yes."

"That's okay . , I compare. As you said, I grew up in the country, and I don't know what you can play. Why don't we compare bricks, I'm good at this! It's limited to three hours, which group Whoever moves more bricks will win, how about that?" He looked magnanimous, without a trace of inferiority, and said "I'm good at this" with pride, as if this is really a remarkable skill.

Looking at Qi Ze and Ji Mohan's shriveled appearance, Xie Jing Xing's eyes flashed a hint of slyness, wanting to plot against him, these two were still a little tender.

Huo Yu heard the words and laughed out loud, looking at the slyness in his eyes, he loved him so much, how could there be such a lovely person in this world! If it wasn't for the fear of scaring Xie Jing Xing, he probably would not be able to hold him in his arms and kiss him.

Qi Ze and Ji Mohan did not expect that Xie Jing Xing would propose such a competition. They grew up with gold and jade, and asked them to move bricks, what was the joke?

Qi Ze said: "Xiaoyou, why don't you try another game? Or choose a sport, basketball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, swimming, this club has them all, it's very convenient." He racked his brains to come up with some common As for those sports that the upper class could afford to play, they would not dare to mention it again, just because Xie Jing Xing would say no, it would be better to move bricks. Originally, it was for Xie Jing Xing to drag Huo Yu back, but he didn't expect him to play cards out of common sense, Qi Ze suddenly felt like shooting himself in the foot.

"Didn't you say that we will decide what the competition will be? Why do you regret it again? It's really troublesome." Xie Jing Xing frowned and complained, "Otherwise, you all lay out your chips first, I'll take a look first, if you are satisfied, I will Just choose one of the sports you just mentioned, if you are not satisfied, then let's move bricks."

Qi Ze was afraid that Xie Jing Xing would regret it, so he quickly said, "I will create a villa." A villa is nothing to him, but it should be attractive enough to Qi You who has no knowledge.

Ji Mohan: "Then I will give you a car and you can choose the brand."

Xie Jing Xing exclaimed in surprise, as if he didn't expect them to give such a big bargain, looked at Huo Yu with admiration and said: " It turns out that you are so powerful, but it's just an apology and a word, and it's worth so much!" To remove Qi Yue from Huo's blacklist, it was indeed Huo Yu's matter.

Huo Yuming knew that his adoring eyes were fake, but he was still very useful. He patted his hair dotingly and said, "My apology and words are more than worth it, let them overweight!"

"Did you hear? Overweight, please don't fool me, even though I don't understand, being Huo Yu is very powerful." Xie Jing Xing continued to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Qi Ze's plan failed again, so he had to continue to increase his weight: "Then I will buy a high-end apartment in the city center."

Ji Mohan said, "Then I will create a shop in the city center."

Xie Jing Xing did not speak, just asked Huo Huo Yu looked at it, as if he was completely in charge.

Huo Yu said: "Each person adds 30 million more!" There are houses, shops, cars, and money. He did not lack any of these, but if he gave it directly, he was worried that Xie Jing Xing would not accept it, but if he won the competition, Xie Jing Xing should not refuse.

"Okay!" Qi Ze and Ji Mohan said in unison, as long as they don't move bricks, 30 million is nothing to them, they didn't realize it at all, and before they knew it, they were being led by Xie Jing Xing's nose all the time. .

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-08-02 00:00:00~2020-08-03 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting mines Little Angel: 1 monologue of a cat;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Wangjie and Goblin; 8 bottles of Moyan; 1 bottle of the sunset and the forest under the stars; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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