Chapter 10

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After eating, Xie Jing Xing prepared to boil water to take a bath.

Thinking of taking a bath, Xie Jing Xing felt a little worried, Shen Zhan's legs were inconvenient and he didn't know how he did it before: "Brother Shen, how did you take a bath in Shen's house."

"My legs and feet are inconvenient, in Shen's house Wipe my body with a wet towel, I have to go to an old Chinese medicine doctor every seven days to treat my legs, and I have to take a medicated bath at that time, so I take a bath by the way." Shen Zhan explained.

Shen Zhan loves cleanliness very much. After training every day in the army, he has to take a shower no matter how tired he is, but it becomes very difficult to take a bath when his leg is injured. The Shen family never cares about him, if not every seven days. At the old doctor's place, he's probably already rancid.

Xie Jing Xing: "There is a wooden tub in my house, I don't usually use it, you can take a bath with that in a while, don't worry, it's clean."

"Okay." Shen Zhan thought that he would not bother the young man, just wipe it with a damp towel, But I thought of what the teenager said before that there was only one quilt at home, and the two of them wanted to sleep on the same bed. If they didn't take a bath, what should I do if I smelled something on my body and was rejected by the teenager.

After the water was boiled, Xie Jing Xing poured the water into the wooden basin, adjusted the temperature, then went to find Shen Zhan and pushed him to the side of the wooden basin: "The water is ready, take off your clothes, I will carry you down. "

Xie Jing Xing said it very naturally, but Shen Zhan felt a little ashamed, he did not know where such a sense of shame came from, obviously when he was in the army, he could be naked in front of a group of comrades and calm.

Even if he was too nervous, Shen Zhan's face was still tense. He was a little fortunate that he was wearing a jumper instead of a shirt today, otherwise his shaking hands would definitely be seen when he unbuttoned the buttons.

Seeing that Shen Zhan had only a pair of underwear left, Xie Jing Xing passed one hand under his armpit and the other under his knee, a standard princess hug came, and then turned and put it into the wooden tub, the whole process did not exceed ten Second: "Call me when you're done washing." After that, he left.

Seeing Xie Jing Xing leaving, Shen Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, the hug just now, although the time was short, in those few seconds, he felt that his senses were very sharp, the young man's delicate and round ears, white and smooth chin, Xin Chang The graceful neck and the light soap scent on the boy stimulated his senses.

Shen Zhan raised his hand to cover his chest, where the violent beating still made him a little overwhelmed, and when he thought of the dryness that suddenly rose from his body when he was in his room in the afternoon, he was not a fool, and he naturally understood why.

He is twenty-four years old this year, and most of the children of his comrades will run away, but he has never planned to get married. There were also many people in the army who introduced him to him, but he had never been tempted. He never thought that the object of his first temptation turned out to be a man, or a boy.

Shen Zhan thought about what he should do while taking a bath. It is best to stay away from the boy. Maybe his feelings for the boy will fade after a long time. And the teenager obviously likes women. Last time on the bullock cart, he said that he liked women with big breasts and big butts. Maybe he should let the teenager get married and have children. If he knew his feelings, would the teenager think he was dirty and disgusting? Wouldn't he never look at him with bright eyes with admiration again, but his eyes turned red with jealousy whenever he thought of the picture of the boy with a woman.

Until the boy's voice sounded, Shen Zhan hadn't figured out what to do. He has always acted decisively, and he has never been so indecisive now.

Shen Zhan packed up his mood and wiped the water off his upper body. As for his lower body, he couldn't use his legs, so he could only wait for the boy to help. His ears turned red when he thought that the boy was going to wipe his lower body for a while. He tried his best to calm down his breath, until he calmed down and couldn't see anything strange on his face, and then he asked the boy to come over.

After Xie Jing Xing came over, he did not hug him, but put a piece of old clothes on his wheelchair, then picked him up and put him on the wheelchair, and quickly said, "You wipe it yourself first, and then put on the clothes. Come on, I'll come and push you later." After speaking, he left quickly, and if you look closely, you will find that his steps are a little staggered.

Not getting the expected service, Shen Zhan was originally a little disappointed, but inadvertently saw the boy's red ears, Shen Zhan couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, he rarely smiled, and now such a smile is like the first melting of ice and snow, which is really amazing, but it's a pity But no one saw it.

After Xie Jing walked away, he raised his hand and slapped his hot cheek. He didn't even need to look at it, he knew that his face must have turned red at this time. When hugging Shen Zhan for the first time, he still wore at least one pair of underwear, although Xie Jing Xing was a little uncomfortable, he didn't think too much about taking care of the patient at that time. But Shen Zhan didn't wear anything just now. As soon as he entered, Shen Zhan appeared in front of him in a big way. The picture was too exciting. In order not to reveal his sexuality, he had to hold his face straight.

Xie Jing Xing himself is a homosexual, this is a very common thing in the 22nd century, when the whole world passed the same-sex marriage law for nearly a hundred years, but in this age, it is not allowed to be secular, and homosexuality is widely accepted in this age. Most people think it is a disease.

Although Xie Jing Xing knew that he was right, he did not want to challenge the world in the past. When he first knew the era he had passed through, he had already decided to hide his sexuality and be single for the rest of his life. He never thought about what he would do if he really fell in love with someone. He is actually a very selfish person. It is not easy for such a person to take the initiative to fall in love with someone, unless someone gives him a lot of love and at the same time can make him tempted. It is only possible for him to fall in love with each other. As for secret love or unilaterally paying for love, it is basically impossible.

When Xie Jing Xing went to push Shen Zhan again, Shen Zhan was already dressed and neither of them mentioned what happened just now.

When Xie Jing Xing returned to the room after taking a shower, he found that Shen Zhan was already sitting on the bed. He said earlier that there was only one quilt at home and it was not nonsense. It was not autumn yet, and it would not be cold without the quilt, but the original owner's parents' room It has not been cleaned up for a long time, so when Xie Jing Xing brought Shen Zhan back, he really wanted to let Shen Zhan sleep in the same bed with him. He didn't think about it that much at the time, but it's a little inappropriate to think about it now.

He is nothing, after all, although he is the same, he doesn't have that kind of mind for every man. He felt that his reaction just now was just because Shen Zhan was too good-looking and his capital was too strong, and he was stimulated when he saw it suddenly. It's like straight guys get emotional when they see a hot woman. What he was worried about was that his sexuality would be exposed in the future, and Shen Zhan would feel disgusted.

"If you are not used to sleeping with others, I can go and clean up my parents' room. You sleep in that room, but seeing that the room has been unoccupied for a long time, the smell may not be very good." Xie Jing Xing suggested.

"No, there's nothing unaccustomed to. When I first joined the army, I slept with a bunch of people, and didn't I only have one quilt? I can't catch cold on my legs, so I still have to cover the quilt." Shen Zhan said seriously, The reasons given made Xie Jing Xing unable to sleep in separate beds with him for a short time. In this era, it is not so easy to make a quilt. Money and cloth tickets are fine, but cotton is not so easy to get.

Shen Zhan originally planned to stay away from the boy, but the boy's previous reaction gave him hope, and maybe the boy didn't feel completely unaware of him. He is not a person who is good at giving up, not to mention it is the first time he is tempted, he still understands himself, this is probably the only tempting time in his life, and more importantly, he just thought about the young man getting married and having children. He couldn't stand the situation, so as long as there was a little hope, he wanted to try hard.

Even after Shen Zhan said so, Xie Jing Xing didn't have any idea what to say: "Alright then, you go to bed first, I have to read some books."

"What books are you reading?" Shen Zhan was a little curious, he knew that Xie Jing Xing didn't read much. over the book.

"Medical book." Xie Jing Xing handed the book in his hand to Shen Zhan.

Shen Zhan flipped through the books and found that it was a Chinese medicine book: "You are interested in Chinese medicine."


"These are all in traditional Chinese characters, can you understand?" Shen Zhan's words did not mean to look down on Xie Jing Xing.

"Understandable, there used to be a professor in our village Niupeng who was a professor at Beijing University. He passed away two years ago. In fact, I have been quietly studying with him before." Xie Jingxing told Youshen Zhan about the excuse he gave to Zhong Aimin. once again.

No wonder, Shen Zhan always felt that Xie Jing Xing's temperament was really not like a little gangster from the countryside, it would make sense if he was taught by a professor at Beijing University since he was a child. Maybe he didn't go to work before, just to study.

"The one who treated my leg was an old Chinese doctor, I will take you there next time, if you have anything you don't understand, you can ask him for advice." Shen Zhan said and handed the book back to Xie Jing Xing.

"That's great, thank you." Studying medicine can't be done behind closed doors, it's natural to have someone teach you.

"You don't have to be so polite with me." Shen Zhan's tone was very gentle, not his usual coldness. Xie Jing Xing smiled, stopped talking, and concentrated on reading the book, Shen Zhan stopped talking when he saw this, and sat quietly beside him. Looking at him quietly, I saw him fiddling with the hair on his forehead from time to time. The hair was too long and almost covered his eyes.

Seeing him fiddling with it several times, Shen Zhan couldn't help but say, "Don't look today, your hair is covering your eyes, it hurts your eyes, when I cut it for you tomorrow, you are watching."

Xie Jing Xing turned his head and said in surprise: "You can also cut your hair." He felt that Shen Zhan was very powerful and had a lot of skill points.

"A little bit."

Xie Jing Xing closed the book and said, "That's fine, then I will leave my hair to you."


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