Chapter 112

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 Lover invites like this: If you can hold back, you are not a man. Not being serious enough at the office for the first time? Who decides? What is a face slap, does it smell like his baby?

Huo Yu kissed Xie Jing Xing fiercely and picked him up in this posture: From the sofa to the lounge: The two's clothes were scattered all over the floor: Soon, an ambiguous moan rang out in the lounge. It was already an hour later when the clouds and rain began to rest: fortunately, no one came to disturb them in the middle.

The two are sweet here, but Qi Ze is very difficult.

The onset of drug addiction came unexpectedly, in order to allow Xie Jing Xing to become addicted at one time, he had given a lot of doses at the beginning: Now he is eating the bad results, the feeling that the skeletal muscles of the whole body are chewed by insects and ants: Although it is not violent, it is fine and delicate. The density is unbearable.

Qi Ze knew the symptoms of this new type of drug addiction, and knew that he was being counter-calculated. It turned out that the anxiety he felt at the banquet because of Huo Yu's words was not an illusion. At the beginning, Qi Ze was still sensible. Although he still had some stocks in his hand, he knew that he must not compromise and take drugs: otherwise, he would be really finished. He hated Xie Jing Xing even deeper in his heart, he pulled Xie Jing Xing out thousands of times in his mind: He wanted to use this to divert his attention: But the most important reason for him to choose this drug in the first place was because once he became addicted to this drug, it would be extremely dangerous. It's hard to quit, the painful and itchy feeling that seems to come from the depths of the bone marrow is more unbearable than pure pain. Every second of the drug addiction seemed to be stretched out, and Qi Ze thought that a long time had passed: but only a few minutes later, he couldn't help but dig through the white powder he left behind... He comforted himself, Just this time, next time he will definitely not smoke again, but I don't know that his mentality is no different from those of addicts.

The moment he inhaled the white powder, the pain in his body disappeared instantly, followed by a feeling of fluttering that he had never experienced before. He even felt that his soul was a little lighter. The hatred and pain of the past life that only he knew in his heart seemed to be far away from him. This felt too comfortable. When he came back to his senses, he felt a little unfulfilled. Qi, who was originally determined to throw away the remaining white powder In the end, Ze somehow managed to keep it again, and properly found a location where it would not be discovered and hid it.

Looking at the messy room, and thinking of his ugliness just now, Qi Ze is glad that he didn't go out on a date with Ji Mohan tonight.

His body returned to normal, and Qi Ze's sanity began to return. The glass of wine that Huo Yu gave him was what he had originally prepared for Xie Jing Xing, and Huo Yu's words were clearly a warning to him, no wonder he asked him Xie Jing Xing to study with him, but Huo Yu refused. Is this because he is worried that he will be disadvantageous to Xie Jing Xing, is he guarding against him? Besides, looking at Xie Jing Xing's innocent appearance, it doesn't mean he doesn't know anything, right? Huo Yu protected people too well.

He was alone in his room, and the jealousy on Qi Ze's face didn't hide it. It wasn't because he had any thoughts on Huo Yu. He loved Ji Mohan in both his lifetimes. There is no doubt about it, he was jealous of someone in Qi You. Guard, can always maintain that simplicity. In his previous life, he was also a person who simply didn't know how to calculate. He gave Ji Mohan full of sincere love, but what he got in return was Ji Mohan's ruthless hurt. Once again, even if he fell in love with Ji Mohan, he would not Maybe he loved Ji Mohan as sincerely and unreservedly as he did in his previous life, and that simplicity could never be found again. Qi You is much luckier than him. In his previous life, he was a young master who was Jin Zunyugui who did not know the sufferings of the world. In this life, after he was lost under his calculations, although he had no clothes and food, some kind people regarded him as his own son Ruzhuru. Treasures are raised. After recognizing Qi's family, he has not yet experienced the conspiracy of the rich and powerful, and Huo Yu is protecting him under his wings, so that he does not need to see the darkness of society. This person is like God's own son, taking all the benefits, how can people not be jealous, even if there is no hatred in the previous life, he will not like Qi You.

When Qi Ze was jealous of Qi You, he never thought that he was the luckiest one who could be reborn. If he really wanted to count, he was God's own son, but others were not good enough in character and IQ, and they were too obsessed with previous lives. , obviously a good hand was played by him to a pulp.

Even though Huo Yu had already discovered his actions, Qi Ze didn't plan to stop and let him watch Qi You get better and better, then what's the point of his rebirth? Always guarding Xie Jing Xing, just as Huo Yu expected, under the influence of drugs, Qi Ze's madness and paranoia were gradually amplified, making him gradually lose his mind.

Before Qi Ze could deal with Xie Jing Xing, he received a photo on his cell phone, when he saw the person in the photo, he swept the items on the desk to the ground with a grimacing expression, gritted his teeth and said, "Ji—Mo—Han !" The

furious Qi Ze suddenly trembled, and the familiar itching swept his whole body, he took out the white powder prepared in advance and sucked it without much struggle this time.

"Hehehe~" Looking at the white powder in his hand, Qi Ze suddenly laughed nervously, his eyes full of madness. Ji Mohan, I will make you pay for the deception of the two worlds.

Qi Ze loves Ji Mohan, but has no trust in him at all. No matter how much Ji Mohan loves him in this life, in order to stimulate his words in the previous century, he subconsciously labeled Ji Mohan as cheating and betrayal. , So the moment he saw the photo, he decided that Ji Mohan was cheating without checking it, and his love for Ji Mohan also turned into hatred instantly, completely blackened. Qi Ze didn't take the photo to question Ji Mohan. He had already sentenced Ji Mohan to death in his heart. He pretended to be affectionate to Ji Mohan as he did to him in the previous century. The existing mistress planned to annex the Ji family, and at the same time made Ji Mohan addicted to drugs. In this life, Ji Mohan really loved Qi Ze. He was completely unprepared for Qi Ze. After finding out that he was addicted to drugs, he did not suspect Qi Ze. .

Ji Mohan didn't want Qi Ze to find out that he was addicted to drugs, but he didn't want to be seen by Qi Ze "accidentally" during a drug addiction attack. He thought that Qi Ze would leave him, but he didn't think that Qi Ze not only did not dislike him , and he never gave up on him, encouraged and helped him to get rid of drugs, but Qi Ze was too distressed for himself. Whenever his drug addiction broke out, he always couldn't bear to see him suffer. He couldn't stand his cry and gave him drugs, which made Qi Ze He was very remorseful afterwards, but how could he blame him.

Because of Qi Ze's efforts to fuel the flames, Ji's crisis broke out earlier than in the previous life, and then the Internet was flooded with photos of Ji Mohan taking drugs. At this time, as the heir of Ji's family, a scandal broke out, and shareholders were disappointed with Ji's family. Selling Ji's stock, Ji's stock fell sharply.

Ji Mohan was helpless, so he could only ask Qi Ze for help, but his lover who never left behind suddenly changed his face, looked at him mockingly and said, "You are so stupid. Field!"

"It's you!" Ji Mohan couldn't believe it: "Why?"

Qi Ze's eyes were full of hatred: "Why? You betrayed me twice, and you asked me why!"

The hatred in Qi Ze's eyes Ji Mohan was shocked by his intentions, but his words made him very at a loss: "Betrayal? I have never betrayed you."

Qi Ze threw the photo on his face: "What else do you have to say?"

Ji Mohan looked Glancing at the photo, he immediately said, "This is fake!" When he saw the mocking expression on Qi Ze's face, he knew what it meant. Qi Ze didn't believe him. Still don't believe him.

Ji Mohan gave a miserable laugh, and suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart, for himself and for Qi Ze: "If I told you that this photo was fake, you probably wouldn't believe it."

Qi Ze just thought he was arguing, After completing his revenge, he felt a sense of exhaustion at the same time as he was happy. He waved his hand: "You don't need to say any more, the two lifetimes between us are equal."

Although Ji Mohan didn't understand the "two lifetimes" in his mouth What did he mean, and he knew that it was useless to say more, he turned to leave, he walked on the road in a daze, he didn't understand why he and Qi Ze became like this, he walked onto the road in a trance, and a car galloped past, " Bang", Ji Mohan fell into a pool of blood and lost his vitality.

When he heard the news of Ji Mohan's death, Xie Jing Xing sighed that fate was really magical, how similar the positions of Qi Ze and Ji Mohan in the past and present were reversed.

The day after Ji Mohan died, Qi Ze was found dead in his bathtub. It was suicide. Whether it was love or hate, Ji Mohan was his obsession for two lifetimes. Now that Ji Mohan is dead, He also lost the faith to live.

After Huo Yu learned of the death of the two, he was very worried about Xie Jing Xing, he was afraid that he would feel guilty, after all these series of events were caused by that photo. How could Xie Jing Xing feel guilty? Compared with the original owner, the two of them died very easily, but in order to reassure his lover, he still followed his lover's will to go abroad with him to relax and leave the matter of Han Ziwen to Huo Yu to deal with .

When the two returned from abroad, the Han family had gone bankrupt, and Han Ziwen had been imprisoned. Huo Yu also specially asked people to "take care" of him in the prison, thinking that his future prison life would be very exciting.

After Qi Ze died, Father Qi became a lot older. After all, this son put a lot of effort into him. He wanted to train Xie Jing Xing to become the heir, but Xie Jing Xing had no interest in inheriting the Qi clan, so he refused directly, without Qi Ze , Qi's father became more and more incapable of the company's food, the Qi family gradually declined, and the Qi family also fell out of the first-class wealthy family. If it weren't for the concern about the relationship between Xie Jing Xing and Huo Yu, the Qi family would have been annexed long ago.

At the beginning, Qi Yue vomited fast, but she was not addicted to drugs. After this incident, she changed a lot and was no longer as arrogant as before. Later, she apologized to Xie Jing Xing, but Xie Jing Xing did not accept it because she really needed her apology. The original owner is no longer. Afterwards, every time Qi Yue saw him and Huo Tiantian getting along, he showed an expression of envy and regret, Xie Jing Xing didn't feel anything, being a brother and sister also had a fate, he and Qi Yue obviously did not have such a fate.

Xie Jing Xing has not made any great achievements in his life, he treats this world as a vacation, accompanies his lover, reads novels, learns skills, plain and fulfilling.

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