Chapter 131

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 Xie Jing Xing has been temporarily marked by Yan Xun: At this time, his body is full of the smell of Yan Xun pheromone, if he is seen, he is afraid that gossip will spread. Yan Xun took Xie Jing Xing directly back to the Gu family: and ordered someone to inform the Gu family so that they would not find anyone to worry about.

Before leaving: Xie Jing Xing deliberately used his mental ability to detect the positions of Qiao Zhiyan and Yan Lai, and gave them the first gift thoughtfully.

After Xie Jing Xing woke up, he realized that his spiritual power had followed him into this world. He checked it: water-based abilities and space did not follow. He guessed that this was probably because the original owner of the water-type power was inspired: it does not belong to him, and the space is more of a foreign object. Although he recognized the master with blood, it was not bound to his soul: so he brought both of them with him. don't go. And psychic powers are more like his own skills: as in all previous worlds, learned skills are not lost as the world changes. Xie Jing Xing is not greedy, his spiritual ability has already surprised him very much.

Father Gu got the news of his younger son from Yan Xun's personal guard: I don't know what happened that made the two people who have no intersection together: Worried in his heart, he found an excuse to leave the banquet early and returned to Gu's house. The Gu family hurried home and saw Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun sitting next to each other. Their attitudes were not particularly close, but they gave people a feeling that no one else could intervene: But they were more It should be noted that Xie Jing Xing clearly had the smell of alpha pheromone on his body: he didn't need to ask to know who the pheromone belonged to. "His Royal Highness, shouldn't you give me an explanation?" Father Gu tried his best to calm himself down, but his anger was suppressed in his eyes: His pampered little son was marked so inexplicably, how could he not be angry, if not The other party is His Royal Highness Prince, whose character is still trustworthy, and he may have already punched the other party. "Dad, I broke out in heat earlier at the banquet today and was almost bullied. It was Yan Xun who saved me, he didn't do anything to me, and the temporary marking was to make me sober." Xie Jing Xing knew that the family attached great importance to the original owner. The extent, if he didn't make it clear, I'm afraid he would really beat Yan Xun. Didn't he see that the two older brothers were already gearing up for it?

Father Gu's face softened a lot when he heard the words: "Thank you, His Royal Highness." Although the temporary marking still made him uncomfortable, but he was not unreasonable. In that situation, if Yan Xun was not there, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The temporary marking is different from the permanent marking. After a period of time, the marking will disappear when the pheromone that does not belong to the omega is metabolized in the body. Therefore, at this time, Father Gu did not think about pairing his youngest son with Yan Xun. On the contrary, the omega's mother Gu noticed the unusual atmosphere between the two.

Yan Xun waved his hand: "No need to thank you, this is what I should do."

He turned his head and looked into Xie Jing Xing's eyes and said very solemnly, "I didn't mark you to make you sober, if the person in front of me today is any other person. omega, I will only let people inject him with inhibitors, and I will never mark him. I mark you because I want you to be my omega, and I don't want to marry you because I mark you to be responsible, It's because I like you, don't think about it, and don't hide and cry alone." He was glad that he came back with the little omega today, otherwise he didn't know that the little omega was so sensitive, and he misunderstood his affection. He wasn't clear enough before. The guards all said that omegas are sensitive, and it seems that they are.

Xie Jing Xing, who was originally quite moved, instantly widened his eyes when he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help but dig his ears, what did this man say? have a bee in one's bonnet? Hiding and crying alone? Is it him? What is his image in a man's mind? "How could I cry! Did you forget how I hit you just now?" Xie Jing Xing felt that it was necessary for him to remind the man of his own strength and wash away the impression of being weak. The little omega was shy, and a smile flashed across Yan Xun's eyes, but he was smart enough to know that he could never say these words, or the little omega would be blown away, so he whispered without a teacher: "Remember, you are the most incredible."

Xie Jing Xing glanced at him suspiciously and always felt that there was something wrong with this person's tone. Xie Jing Xing at this time would never have imagined that in this world, no matter how arrogant and cool he will act in the future, in Yan Xun's heart, he will always be the delicate image who is coquettish in his arms and begging for relatives, so the first impression is very important.

The two of them felt that they were talking about something very important, but in the eyes of the Gu family, they were flirting and flirting with each other.

"Cough!" Father Gu coughed lightly, seeing the two of them looking over: "What did His Royal Highness say just now?"

Yan Xun's back straightened as her back straightened, "Uncle, Aunt, I think To marry Ziyu, tomorrow I will bring a dowry gift to formally propose marriage, I hope my uncle and aunt can marry Ziyu to me, and I will be good to him for the rest of my life."

Father Gu did not doubt Yan Xun's words, he knew that this man had always made a promise. What you say will do. In terms of personality, ability, family background, Yan Xun is top-notch in everything. The most important thing is that the younger son obviously likes Yan Xun very much, and he can't seem to find a reason to refuse. But when he thought of the Chinese cabbage that he had worked so hard to raise, he was about to be bullied by a pig. Even if the pig was unrivaled, he still felt a little uncomfortable. Unable to find a reason and not wanting to agree immediately, Father Gu simply changed the subject, he turned his head and asked Xie Jing Xing worriedly, "Why is the estrus period earlier? Is there something wrong with the body?" Father Gu originally just wanted to change the subject, but after he asked, he Really worried, the rest of the Gu family and Yan Xun also looked over worriedly. Xie Jing Xing shook his head: "It's not a physical problem, I just drank a drink at the banquet, and Qiao Zhiyan handed it to me." This is equivalent to telling the people present directly that he believed that this was done by Qiao Zhiyan, This was somewhat inconsistent with the original owner's simple and soft character, but Xie Jing Xing did it anyway, firstly, he could not imitate the original owner all the time, he had to change all the time, this was the best opportunity. Second, he wanted the Gu family to be wary of Qiao Zhiyan. One of the original owner's wishes was to protect the Gu family, and then he must first protect the Gu family. No matter how careful he was to guard against the protection, it was not as effective as the Gu family's vigilance against Qiao Zhiyan. The Gu family were not weak, and they were both cannon fodder because they never thought that Qiao Zhiyan and Yan Lai would be so malicious towards them, and they had no defense against them.

Gu's father didn't think that someone was trying to kill his younger son, and immediately became furious: "Qiao Zhiyan! Dare to harm my son, I will kill him!" Gu's father had murderous intent in his eyes. He fought on the battlefield all the year round. Very gentle and refined, but he was never a person to be messed with when he was touched against the scales. Big Brother Gu Gu Ziheng's eyes flashed fiercely: "I saw him and younger brother playing well before, thinking about making younger brother more friends, but I didn't expect him to be so vicious. We were negligent too. Fortunately, younger brother is fine this time." Gu Er Brother Gu Zichen: "It's all right! My younger brother has always been in bad health, and I don't know what the sequelae of the drug will cause. This matter must not be left alone, otherwise it will only make Qiao Zhiyan think that my younger brother is easy to bully, and it will worsen in the future." Gu's mother: "The drink he handed to Ziyu himself, without anyone else passing in the middle, he can absolutely refuse to admit it. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to find evidence for this. Maybe others will think that we Ziyu framed him, and Qiao Zhiyan must have something to rely on if he dares to do this." When she said the last sentence, she gave Yan Xun a meaningful look. Gu's father said angrily: "What evidence do you need, there are many ways to kill someone secretly. Relying on? No matter how much reliance you have, a person's death is worth nothing! " Xie Jing Xing's words were convinced, it was no wonder that the original owner's wish was not revenge, but to protect the Gu family. "Cough!" Mother Gu coughed lightly and glanced at Yan Xun, implying that the other people, His Royal Highness, were still here. Gu's mother's action reminded the Gu family, yes, Qiao Zhiyan is Yan Lai's fiancé, and Yan Lai is Yan Xun's younger brother. They are also very curious about what Yan Xun will do? At this time, their thoughts were very unified. If Yan Xun's attitude towards this matter made them dissatisfied, no matter how good he was, they would not let Gu Ziyu marry him.

The Gu family did not know that Yan Xun's anger was no less than theirs because he saw with his own eyes the scene of Xie Jing Xing surrounded by several alphas, he knew better than them how critical the situation was. If he hadn't walked out of the room at that time, when he thought of what would happen next, he couldn't control his killing intent: "Qiao Zhiyan? Yan Lai's fiancé? So he relies on S-level mental power and Yan Lai? Then Let him lose these reliances." He said it lightly, but there was a real killing intent in his eyes.

The real killing intent of the double 3s powerhouse is not just talking about it. The Gu family obviously felt a sense of oppression in the whole space. Sore throat.

The Gu family looked at each other with shock in their eyes. This is the strength of a double 3s powerhouse. If Yan Xun's personal guard is here, he will tell them that His Royal Highness has been very restrained. His appearance when facing the Zerg is more terrifying than this, but it can make His Royal Highness show the state when facing the Zerg, which shows that Yan Xun has completely classified Qiao Zhiyan as an enemy like the Zerg, and needs to be eradicated mercilessly.

Although shocked, Gu's family was very satisfied with Yan Xun's response. They could trust Gu Ziyu without any doubt, and stand by Gu Ziyu's side without hesitation. Only such people can trust Gu Ziyu to him.

"Come and propose tomorrow."

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