Chapter 70

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In a small studio: Twenty people sat in front of the computer and kept tapping: If you look closely, you will find that they are all making some black Gu Jiu remarks: To the effect that Gu Jiu's private life is chaotic: with a lot of Everyone has an ambiguous relationship: Among them there are men and women: Sheng Changyi is just one of them, and there are even some specious photos, the angle is very ambiguous: In addition, there are some ps photos: It is Gu Jiu's bed with different people Photo: Very explicit: Just looking at it makes people think.

"Boss, Sheng Changyi has already made his relationship with Gu Jiu public. Is it really okay for us to be so smug about Gu Jiu?"

"What are you afraid of? First post those photos with ambiguous angles. This is because I have been tracking Gu Jiu for half a year. It was taken from the right angle, and anyone who sees it will misunderstand. Rich people like Sheng Changyi are the most suspicious: After seeing these photos, people will definitely verify the authenticity, which is exactly what I want, as long as it is verified that these photos are Really: Even if Gu Jiu explained it was an angle issue, Sheng Changyi would definitely leave a thorn in his heart."

"We will post those ps bed photos later. With the first verification, Sheng Changyi will largely believe these. The photo is real: In addition to the thorn left in his heart before, if Sheng Changyi went to question Gu Jiu and faced his lover who repeatedly distrusted him, the two would inevitably have a estrangement. If Sheng Changyi directly sentenced Gu Jiu to death ,better."

"How can there be so many relationships that can stand the test in this world? It's even more difficult for two people who are not equal in class to reach the end. Do you see such a thing rarely in the entertainment industry? The two seem to have a good relationship now. When the relationship between the two breaks down, if someone like Sheng Changyi feels that Gu Jiu has given him a green hat, do you think he will deal with Gu Jiu, or against us?" This is still a strategy provided by the employer, and I don't know how Gu Jiu offended the employer. , as soon as you make a move, you will destroy people, ruthless!

"Then if the two of them trust each other, Sheng Changyi has no plan?"

"I'm not afraid. If I dare to do this, how could I be unprepared? I have cleaned up the traces, and ordinary people can't find us in a short time. If the wind direction is wrong, we will Immediately go abroad, hide abroad for a while, and no one can find it." As soon as

the man finished speaking, their screen went black, and then a line of words left on the screen: "I found you!"

The man was shocked , hurriedly typed out lines of code on the keyboard. He knew some hacking techniques, which was his reliance, but soon he stopped, and fine sweat appeared on his forehead. This is because he encountered a master. ! In front of the other party, his skills are at the level of elementary school students, and such a person is not affordable for ordinary people.

He forced himself to calm down and typed out a line of words with trembling hands: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Stop hacking Gu Jiu, whoever paid you to hack Gu Jiu, use the same method to hack back!

" I turned around and typed out a line of words: "We and the employer are both trading online, using pseudonyms, and we don't know who the other party is."

"Huang Xu, male, 34 years old, ID number: xxx, lives in xxx; Li Wei, male, 23 years old, ID number: xxx, home: xxx;..." The screen displayed the information of everyone in their studio.

That person, Huang Xu, also panicked at this time. They dared to spread rumors and slander others on the Internet, just because no one knew who they were. Now that the real information has been found out, how could they not be afraid? Offended a lot of people, even if there are not ten or eight stars who have been destroyed by them, the lives of these people have been completely destroyed by them, and the hatred for them is not too deep. If these people have the heart to take revenge, they can escape. several times.

Huang Xu didn't dare to play tricks any more, and hurriedly typed: "I promise you, the person who paid is Lin Yan, I'll go to black him, you must not reveal our information."

There was no response from there, Huang Xu However, Xu did not dare to neglect, and quickly instructed the people in the room to change all the remarks that Gu Jiu had not had time to send to Lin Yan's name, and the photos were also replaced by Lin Yan's. Fortunately, every time he takes an order, he will keep one hand. He is afraid that the employer will go back on it or make a rake. He will not only leave evidence of the transaction, but also specially check the employer and leave a clue. Generally, people who pay for them are not very clean. Gu Jiu's photos were taken from a special angle, but Lin Yan really had ambiguous relationships with many people, although apart from Fu Shichen, none of them had any real relationship.

Lin Yan looked at Gu Jiu and Sheng Changyi's official Weibo announcement and the following comments that matched the two of them. A sarcastic arc appeared on the corner of his mouth. Be proud, how proud you are now, how desperate you will be in the near future!

So what if he truly loves each other, he has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years in his previous life, and he has seen these things a lot. Which of those celebrities who married into a wealthy family didn't really fall in love with the wealthy and noble son at the beginning, and how many of them had a good ending in the end? In the eyes of ordinary people, celebrities are bright and beautiful, but in the eyes of wealthy families, they are not on the stage, so as long as there is a little scandal, these wealthy sons can be suspicious and suspicious, and then the two who were originally in love can become strangers or even hate each other.

In Xie Jing Xing's apartment, Sheng Changyi watched his hands quickly type line after line of instructions on the keyboard, and soon hacked into the other party's computer, and with a slightly arrogant tone that seemed familiar, he firmly said, "You are X!"

Xie Jing Xing He typed a line of words, nodded and said, "Have you guessed it?"

Sheng Changyi looked at the young lover in front of him for a long time, with admiration and obsession in his eyes, he hugged Xie Jing Xing's waist from behind and exclaimed, "You still want to give it to me? What a surprise!"

Xie Jing Xing was not surprised when he saw Lin Yan's name on the screen, he ignored the person who was frightened by his simple words, turned around and put his arms around the man's neck, their foreheads were touching : "Don't worry, you have a lifetime to explore."

These three words of a lifetime were so sweet to say from the mouth of a lover, Sheng Changyi couldn't help licking Xie Jing Xing's lips, it was really sweet, no wonder this mouth could always say words that made him feel sweet. He put his tongue into Xie Jing Xing's mouth and stirred it up, tickling his little tongue to suck, greedily grabbing the sweetness in his mouth.

Xie Jing Xing's tongue tingled from his sucking, but he liked his slightly greedy kiss very much, the feeling of being deeply loved and longing by the man in front of him, no matter how many times it made people fascinated.

Both of them could feel each other's desire as their bodies were close to each other, Sheng Changyi's lips were pressed against Xie Jing Xing's, his voice was hoarse and ambiguous: "I want to explore and explore in all directions now."

Xie Jing Xing raised his chin slightly, The same voice said in a hoarse voice: "Go to bed." At this time, his eyes were full of autumn water, and his eyes were like silk, which was extremely fascinating.

Hearing that, Sheng Changyi immediately wanted to get an order and picked up Xie Jing Xing back to the bed in the bedroom, it was another hot night.

The next day, Lin Yan was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone, and he answered the phone half-asleep: "Hello?"

"You haven't woken up yet? Are you still in the mood to sleep? Now the whole Internet is your scandal, He didn't hurry to call President Fu to explain, if he is willing to help you, you might be saved!" The manager's anxious and irritable voice came from the phone.

Lin Yan immediately woke up when he heard the words: "What scandal? I'll take a look first!" After speaking, he hung up the phone immediately, then opened the entertainment news, and saw his name was on the headline: Actor Lin Yan was ambiguous with many rich people .

His heart sank, and he clicked in to take a look. There were ambiguous photos of him and many rich people, including men and women, and Fu Shichen was among them.

How could this be? Shouldn't it be a scandal in Gu Jiu's chaotic private life? How did it become his? He knew that this wasn't the time to worry about these things, so he quickly dialed Fu Shichen's number, which turned into a busy tone after a single ring. Did he not want to answer his call?

When Fu Shichen came to the company today, he found that the employees in the company peeked at him from time to time, and their eyes were very subtle, even those female employees who usually admired him. Zhi's assistant took the phone and saw today's entertainment headlines.

Fu Shichen never thought that one day he would be on a hot search in this way. When he saw Lin Yan's ambiguous photos with different people, he only felt that the green cloud covered the top. His relationship with Lin Yan is not a secret in the company, no wonder people in the company look at him like that.

Fu Shichen had blue veins on his forehead, and the slightest affection he had for him from spending time with Lin Yan disappeared in an instant. When he thought that when Lin Yan was with him, maybe he was sleeping with other people at the same time, he felt nauseated, and he felt disgust and disgust for Lin Yan.

Just at this moment, his cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Lin Yan, Fu Shichen hung up in disgust, and then directly blocked the person.

"Let the PR department clarify, I'm just Lin Yan's boss, and I have nothing to do with it. I don't want to see any news linking me and Lin Yan, understand? As for Lin Yan's scandal this time, let me He handles it himself, the company doesn't need to come forward." Fu Shichen said to his assistant.

"Understood, President." The assistant knew that President Fu was completely fed up with Lin Yan and didn't want to care about him anymore. However, being given a green hat, Mr. Fu was just sitting by the side, and it was a good way to cultivate without falling into the trap.

Here, Lin Yan called again. The busy tone from the phone made him panic. Is it something or did he not want to answer his call and blocked him? He kept calling, and half an hour later, he sat down on the bed in despair and had to admit that he was blocked by Fu Shichen.

Fu Shichen is unreliable, what should he do? Lin Yan forced himself to calm down. He was born again and knew a lot of things that others didn't know. There must be a way. correct! He can find Huang Xu, the navy under this person in the previous life is almost always unfavorable, let him help him clarify, and he will provide some scandals of other stars to divert the attention of netizens, and he will soon be able to overcome this crisis.

He quickly turned on the computer and contacted Huang Xu, "I have a new order here. I will help Lin Yan to clean up. How much money is not a problem."

Huang Xu did not dare to act without permission when he received the news from Lin Yan, and immediately followed Xie Jingxing to stay. Contact him through the channel below and ask him what to do.

Xie Jingxing said, "Yes, charge more money, help him clean while blackmailing him. As for the strength of both sides, you should know how to do it."

What Huang Xu still doesn't understand, this is to use the money from Lin Yan. Thoroughly exploited and clean, not let him wash white. But thinking about how Lin Yan planned to deal with Gu Jiu before, he didn't think this person was too much. He guessed that this person was a hacker invited by Gu Jiu. The special effects of Gu Jiu's later period were all related to the computer. It was not impossible to know every hacker.

It took a while for Huang Xu to contact Lin Yan, the longer he delays at this time, the more anxious Lin Yan will be, and the higher the price will be: "I just checked, it's not easy to hack you this time. , I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to help you here, five million, and pay the full amount now."

Although Lin Yan was reborn, he only knew about things related to the entertainment industry and some major events at home and abroad. , I don't know the lottery numbers or which stocks make money. After all, he didn't pay attention to these in his previous life, so his money was earned from filming or advertising endorsements. Although his fame is much higher than in his previous life, his expenses are not low. After being taken care of by Fu Shichen, Fu Shichen gave him a card. He returned the card to Fu Shichen in order to show that he was not for money. Now he only has more than 800 Wan, it will cost five million this time, and he is really distressed.

At this time, Huang Xu sent a message: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to, it's okay to do business with your love and my willingness. As for the previous order, I'm afraid we can't take it. I'll refund the money to you."

Lin Yan was in a hurry. He didn't feel bad about the money anymore, so he quickly sent a message: "I'll give it to Gu Jiu, you can use Gu Jiu's scandal to divert the attention of netizens when you clean up Lin Yan, and kill two birds with one stone."

Xie Jing Xing saw Lin Yan 's words. In a word, with a sneer, he still did not forget to deal with him at such a time. It seems that this level of scandal is still too easy for Lin Yan.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-06-30 00:00:00~2020-07-01 00:00:00~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: 25 bottles of Feng Jingnan; 20 bottles of Taoyue Linzhi, I'm here to urge you to change; 12 bottles of handsomeness on your face; Fleeting Years, Talking About Time, Umbrella Emperor Invincible, Fence 10 bottles; Xingyu 2 bottles; 1 small bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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