Chapter 95

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Xie Jing Xing finally found out about the post: it was indeed Xu Mo's handwriting, in order to avoid being discovered, Xu Mo could disguise himself and post in an internet cafe: But how could this little trick be concealed from Xie Jing Xing. Xie Jing Xing checked the ip where the post was posted and located it in the Internet cafe, then hacked into the Internet cafe's surveillance, found the image of the person who posted the post, and compared the pupil membrane with Xu Mo: Needless to say, the results were very consistent.

As for the school's post: Xie Jingxing ignored it, but Chi Xiao couldn't bear others maliciously misrepresenting his feelings for Xie Jingxing, he left a message on the forum for the first time: "The person I like is Lin Yuran from beginning to end." He As soon as these words came out, those messy rumors really disappeared: Now I think about it: Who is Chi Xiao, who needs to be secretive? Do you still need to beat around the bush when chasing someone? This is too inconsistent with his school bully. But I don't know if it's because Xie Jing Xing is too fat: It's hard for people to have ambiguous associations: Chi Xiao's words have been said so bluntly, but no one thinks in that direction: Everyone including Lin Yu'an thinks that he has a relationship with Lin Yu'an. Yu Ran's liking was the liking of his brother for his younger brother, which made Chi Xiao who wanted to take the opportunity to take the oath of sovereignty, not to mention how depressed he was: Then he was aggrieved and asked several relatives from Xie Jing Xing before it stopped. Xu Mo saw that his calculations had failed, and Lin Yu'an was not affected at all: Very unwilling: He had other bad ideas in his heart, but soon he no longer had the energy to do them. When a small pimple appeared on his face at first, Xu Mo didn't take it to heart at all. Who does not have a few pimples in a boy of this age, but the pimple seems to spread after a few days: All over his face, dense and dense, it makes people feel goosebumps, very infiltrating, as if he has some strange infectious disease. Xu Mo didn't dare to delay, and rushed to the hospital. The doctor said that he was allergic to something, and prescribed external and internal medicine for him. After a few days of taking the medicine, the acne on his face was significantly reduced, and he felt at ease, but just when he thought his face was about to heal, when he looked in the mirror the next morning, he was horrified to find that his face grew again. Full of pimples.

He went to the hospital again, and the doctor gave the same diagnosis as last time, and advised him to screen for allergens, but in the end nothing was detected. He thought that the diagnosis might be wrong in this hospital, and he changed several hospitals, but they all got the same diagnosis. He had to go home with the same medicine and watch his face improve day by day only to relapse at the last minute, and so on.

His face is covered with acne for at least 20 days a month, even with a mask and sunglasses. Walking out the door with such a face, both passers-by and classmates are afraid to avoid him, for fear of infecting themselves. Facing the disgust and disgust and even looking at dirty things in the eyes of the people around him, Xu Mo gradually became unwilling to go out, not even going to school, and people became more and more gloomy. The most he does every day is to hide in the room and keep applying medicine. He knows that these medicines can't cure his face, but he can't use them. Although the improvement is only for a few days, it is better than a face full of acne. The acne is better, and he always holds such a little hope in his heart, thinking that it will not recur this time. Xie Jing Xing did it on purpose, his prescription was a secret palace recipe specially collected by the world where he used to be the queen. The concubines and concubines in the harem have always used extremely ruthless means to compete for favor. Among them, there are many drugs that are harmful, and this drug is one of them. He deliberately studied it out of curiosity at the time. This drug obviously ruined people's faces, but it still left people with a glimmer of hopelessness, making people keep busy, wandering in hope and disappointment until despair. Xie Jing Xing also developed a treatment method at that time, but why did he treat Xu Mo? Xie Jing Xing used this medicine to make Xu Mo put all his energy and time on his face, so that he would no longer have any extra thoughts to harm others. Neither Lin Yu'an nor Yin Hao linked Xu Mo's matter with Xie Jing Xing, they only thought that Xu Mo had a strange illness. Only Chi Xiao saw his methods, or Xie Jing Xing never concealed it in front of him. Not only was Chi Xiao not afraid at all, but he was delighted by Xie Jing Xing's trust.

When he was sixteen, he personally sent his biological father to prison without the slightest disturbance in his heart. At that time, he knew that his nature was a very cold and indifferent person, and over the years, Xie Jing Xing was the only one who could make him take care of him carefully. A person, simple or vicious, as long as he is still his little cutie, no matter what he looks like, he loves him.

After solving Xu Mo, Xie Jing Xing's weight loss career continued. In the past year, he has lost weight from a fat man of more than 300 kilograms to 65 kilograms, and his height has grown by 3 centimeters in the past six months. Now he is 1.78 meters tall and weighs 65 kilograms, which is quite standard. The classmates in Xie Jing Xing's class had witnessed him lose a little bit of weight with their own eyes, and the face that had been squeezed out of shape by the fat gradually revealed his original appearance. Eyebrows as slender as willow leaves, eyes as clear as water, straight and beautiful nose, lips as beautiful as cherry blossoms, and skin as delicate as porcelain, all of them are exquisite, like a beautiful teenager who walked out of a cartoon. Seeing Xie Jing Xing like this, everyone couldn't help but sigh, sure enough, every fat man is a potential stock. Apart from the appearance, this year, Xie Jing Xing's grades have also gradually increased from the back of the crane, and finally he was firmly ranked first in the grade, from a big fat man at the back of the crane to a beautiful young scholar, this was simply a counterattack of the actual version of the fat man. Now that everyone looked at Xie Jing Xing and Chi Xiao again, they suddenly realized the relationship between the two, obviously they were full of love, how could they turn a blind eye in the first place? It turned out that they had always been blind, not Chi Xiao. The Lin family, Lin's father, Lin's mother and Lin Yu'an looked at Chi Xiao and Xie Jing Xing with serious expressions. Father Lin asked, "You are in a puppy love." The two looked at each other and nodded, "Yes." "When did it start?" "We were together eight months ago."

Lin's father and Lin's mother glanced at Chi Xiao with a complicated look. Eight months ago, Xiaoran was still a big fat man. He was with Xiaoran at that time, which showed his sincerity to Xiaoran. Besides, they all saw how good Chi Xiao has been to Xiaoran this year. To be honest, even Lin Yu'an, his own brother, is not as good as him, but no matter how good it is, it is still a puppy love. Xiaoran is only seventeen years old, and Chi Xiao is only eighteen years old, and they are not yet adults. Can you be responsible for your own future?

"Uncle, auntie, you don't want us to fall in love early. I think on the one hand, I'm worried that it will affect our studies. On the other hand, I think we are too young and our relationship is too rash, so I'm afraid it won't last long. My grades should be enough to dispel your concerns in this regard."

"If it is the second item, you also know my family situation. I lived alone at the age of sixteen, earning money to support myself, and my experience made me mature earlier than my peers. , and I know what I want better than others. I have made some money by starting my own business in the past two years and bought some properties. When Ranran and I were just together, I transferred all these properties to the name of Daoranran. As he spoke ,

he took out a stack of documents from his carry-on bag and spread them out on the coffee table, his eyes were sincere and firm: "I don't want to use money to measure my feelings for Ranran, I just want to tell you, All my life, I know it clearly, my feelings for him have never been taken lightly, please don't deny our feelings because of our young age."

Lin's parents and Lin's mother looked at the documents on the coffee table, three houses, one villa, two A shop, a small trading company, and even the house where Chi Xiao lives now. If the two really broke up, Chi Xiao would really be homeless.

Lin's father and Lin's mother were just ordinary working class, and they were a little stunned when they suddenly faced Chi Xiao's sudden hand. Are today's 18-year-olds so good and bold? At a young age, he relied on his own small assets, not to mention his small assets, and sent them all out without blinking an eye.

Although Chi Xiao's action was unexpected, it has to be said that it was very effective. It really made Lin's parents and Lin's mother feel how serious he was about this feeling, and his worries were relieved a lot.

"Xiao Ran, what about you?" Father Lin asked. The relationship is a matter of two people. He always has to look at Xiao Ran's attitude.

Xie Jing Xing's eyes were equally sincere and firm: "Dad, Mom, I have identified him in my life, he came to me without disdain when I was the fattest, and took me to become a better version of myself, he is me A light in my life, apart from you, I can only trust him in this world. In this world, apart from him, I will not fall in love with anyone."

He turned his head to look at Chi Xiao beside him, and the two of them looked at each other. When they met, the same heavy love flowed from their eyes.

"Cough!" Father Lin looked at the affectionate expressions of the two of them and said, "Since you are so firm in your feelings, we have no objection, but you must agree to two conditions, otherwise you will be separated temporarily."

"Dad/Uncle, you say."

"First, your grades can't drop. Second, before Xiaoran is an adult, you can't do intimate things, can you do it?"


"Chi Xiao, you and me Come out." Lin Yu'an, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, he moved his wrist, and looked at Chi Xiao with a bit of gnashing of teeth, don't think it's enough to pass the parents' test, he's still here Waiting.

He has been busy preparing for the college entrance examination. Seeing the pool to take care of your brother. It was really hard to dispel the hatred in his heart.

The corners of Xie Jing Xing's mouth were upturned and he gave Chi Xiao a gloating and helpless look, there was no way, who would let him have a younger brother to control his older brother.

Chi Xiao glanced at him helplessly and dotingly, then followed Lin Yu'an downstairs. As soon as he got downstairs, Lin Yuan punched Chi Xiao without saying a word. Chi Xiao was already mentally prepared, neither fighting back nor dodging, so he took the punch abruptly.

After punching someone, Lin Yuan felt a little more at ease, but he still felt unhappy with Chi Xiao who had kidnapped his younger brother, he rolled his eyes and said to Chi Xiao, "You don't know yet, Xiaoran used to But I said that I like this brother the most." Looking at Chi Xiao's jealous eyes, Lin Yu'an felt completely at ease this time.

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