Chapter 133

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His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire did not expect that one day his eldest son would come to tell him with a smile on his face: He fell in love with an omega and wanted to come to propose a marriage.

His eldest son has always been repulsive to omegas, and the genetic matching ratio is not even 50%: He has already prepared for the worst, if the eldest son is over fifty and still can't find a suitable omega: The big deal is to let the eldest son If you marry ba and have more than one child, you will always inherit the excellent genes of the eldest son. In the interstellar era, the lifespan of human beings is about two hundred years old, and fifty years old is just a youth.

"Whose child?" His Majesty the Emperor was very curious about which omega was so powerful that he could make the eldest son, who was suspected of having misogyny, say the word "love" bluntly.

"It's the youngest son of the Gu family, his name is Gu Ziyu." Referring to Xie Jingxing: Yan Xun's expression was very soft, with tender affection in his eyes, the Emperor was amazed by his tsk tsk tut, this is still his mind full of strength, steel straight Alpha's eldest son?

"The youngest son of the Gu family? The upbringing should be very good: I heard that his health is not very good: can he bear your mental power?" Although His Majesty the Emperor is happy: but he has not lost his mind, but he knows it, generally speaking The omega can't bear Yan Xun's mental power at all. If they can't pass this test, what's the use of falling in love with each other again: Do you want to see each other across the Milky Way like the Cowherd and Weaver Girl? Then how to have children.

"We stayed together for at least 3 hours last night: he was not affected at all." Thinking of last night, the corners of Yan Xun's lips turned up slightly.

"3 hours! Good! Good! Good! Great!" His Majesty the emperor stood up from his chair happily, and he didn't even care about the emperor's calmness: he said again and again.

"When are you going to come to the house to propose marriage? I tell you to be fast, don't look at your talent is good, but you are cold, you may not be liked by omegas, if you don't act fast, what if you get caught first, good omegas are all It's very sought-after." His Majesty the Emperor seemed to be more anxious than Yan Xun, and it's not his fault that things that were hopeless suddenly turned around.

In the past, Yan Xun would ignore His Majesty's words like this, but today he nodded in agreement: "You are right, I will propose marriage today."

His Majesty the Emperor thought that his eldest son would propose marriage after listening to his own words. The day is set for today, and he patted him on the shoulder with a look of teachable face: "That's right, you don't have to worry about the dowry, your mother and I have already prepared it for you, you still need it. What, go to my warehouse and pick it up, I heard that the Gu family is very fond of this youngest omega, and the dowry must not be less. No, then I will go with your mother to show the importance."

Yan Xun's heart warmed, and his expression became softer: "Thank you, Royal Father."

His Majesty the Emperor waved his hand pretending not to care: "Thank you, thank you, isn't this all right?"

Compared with the younger son with ordinary qualifications, he must admit that he is indeed more partial to the eldest son with excellent qualifications, precisely because of his qualifications. Excellent, the eldest son was taught from an early age to take on the future of the entire empire, such a responsibility for a child.

Don't look at the fact that Yan Lai is a gentle and jade-like gentleman now. Yan Lai was very naughty when he was a child.

Unlike Yan Lai, Yan Xun has been very sensible since he was a child. Everyone envies him for his excellent aptitude, but they don't know that he is exercising in the training room at a young age. He was blue and purple, but he never cried out in pain, and he never broke for a day.

As His Royal Highness, who has high hopes in the empire, Yan Xun has to learn a lot since he was a child, and he has almost no time to play. Even adults have a hard time persevering in such high-intensity study, but Yan Xun has amazing self-discipline at a young age. Will not complain.

When Yan Xun was 18 years old, he offered to go to the battlefield to practice, but in just three years, he was recognized by the lieutenants and soldiers in the army. His Majesty the Emperor has also been on the battlefield. Naturally, he knows that in the army, no family background can convince these warriors who fought bloody battles at the forefront. Only their strong strength and tenacity can gain their approval. Yan Xun's bloody and terrifying aura was formed by stacking countless Zerg corpses, and it was definitely not something that could be easily carried by just the word of aptitude.

For Yan Xun, His Majesty the Emperor has always been distressed, and usually condones him a lot, but Yan Xun rarely asks him, so he naturally has to think more about him.

Yan Xun didn't know that in His Majesty's heart, he was a poor little person who had to bear the burden of the future of the empire. Instead, he felt that he was living a very reckless life, because everything he did was what he wanted to do. Before he met Xie Jing Xing, except for the matter of becoming stronger, other things could not arouse his interest, so he concentrated on using various ways to become stronger, physical training, and very closely arranged courses, or even going to the battlefield later. It was the way for him to become stronger, but unexpectedly, His Majesty the Emperor thought it was his effort for the empire.

Yan Xun came here early in the morning to inform His Majesty that he was going to propose marriage. Now that his goal has been achieved, he is ready to leave. When he came back last night, he had people prepare a betrothal gift overnight. , he didn't want to let others do these things.

"Your Majesty, the second prince asks to see you." Before Yan Xun had time to leave, the intelligent robots notified Yan Lai to ask for a meeting. Thinking of Qiao Zhiyan, Yan Xun felt the need to remind him and stopped going out.

As soon as Yan Lai came in, Yan Xun could smell the omega pheromone on him. Such a strong smell, you don't need to think about it and know how it was left, but she didn't know if the other party was Qiao Zhiyan. If so, then his reminder I'm afraid it's useless.

Yan Lai was startled when he saw Yan Xun. He didn't expect Yan Xun to be here. His high-spirited face was suddenly embarrassed. Although he and Qiao Zhiyan were fiancés, they were not married after all. Very calm, but the other party was the big brother Yan Xun, so he felt a little embarrassed.

His feelings for this eldest brother are very complicated. When he was a child, he was worshipped. When he grew up, the worship turned into jealousy. Others wouldn't compare him to the big brother in everything, but this made him even more embarrassed, because everyone thought it was a matter of course for him to be inferior to the big brother, and he didn't even need to compare, so he didn't want to fall in front of the big brother. Downwind.

His Majesty the Emperor did not realize his fragile self-esteem, and asked directly, "What's wrong with your pheromone?"

Yan Lai looked a little embarrassed. The joy of waking up with his sweetheart in the morning was long gone, but he complained in his heart. Qiao Zhiyan seduced him and made him make a fool of himself in front of Yan Xun. The attitude of the two men who did not take responsibility on this matter was surprisingly consistent.

Yan Lai gritted his teeth and finally said: "Yesterday Qiao Zhiyan was in estrus, so we... I want to marry him earlier." He felt embarrassed, but neither Yan Xun nor His Majesty the Emperor thought it was a big deal. After all, the two are fiancées.

Sure enough, it was Qiao Zhiyan. It seems that there is no need to remind Yan Lai. After all, the marriage between Yan Lai and Qiao Zhiyan is a foregone conclusion. He can't change it no matter how much he says at this moment. Seeing Qiao Zhiyan's true face clearly, then he is either blind or stupid. It is better for such a person to grow up after a somersault, so Yan Xun completely left the matter aside without any sense of guilt.

Yan Xun said to His Majesty the Emperor with a serious face: "Let's set off in an hour, with the father and mother."

"Understood, hurry up and prepare." His Majesty the Emperor waved his hand in disgust, but his eyes were full of smiles.

After Yan Xun left, Yan Lai asked curiously: "Is the father and the emperor going out with the emperor to do something important?"

His Majesty the emperor nodded with a smile on his face: "It's about your emperor's brother's life, it's true. It's important." Seeing Yan Lai's face becoming more and more puzzled, he no longer sold off: "Your eldest brother has taken a fancy to the younger son of the Gu family, and is going to come to propose marriage today."

Yan Lai pursed his lips and asked casually, "Father Royal Go with your mother?"

His Majesty the Emperor didn't notice Yan Lai's abnormality, he nodded and said, "Well, you also know that your eldest brother used to reject omegas a lot. You can feel at ease when things are done."

He understood the truth, but Yan Lai couldn't help feeling a little sour. When he and Qiao Zhiyan got engaged, the father was not so active, and sure enough, the father still prefers the big brother. At this time, he completely forgot that his marriage with Qiao Zhiyan was determined by genetic matching when he was four years old, which is very different from what Yan Xun is in today.

His Majesty's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said excitedly, "Since you two brothers are going to get married, why don't you just hold your wedding together. It's a good story for the two brothers to hold a wedding together."

Yan Lai didn't think it was a joke It's a good idea. If we do it together, he doesn't have to think about it. At that time, the object of everyone's attention will definitely be Yan Xun, and he will become a foil without any suspense. How dare you object: "Then do as the emperor said."

His Majesty the Emperor did not see Yan Lai's insincere words at all. In his opinion, because Yan Xun was responsible for the future of the empire, Yan Lai could do whatever he liked. easy man. Yan Lai was indeed like this when he was a child, but when he grows up, he will breed a lot of ambition, but he has no strength to match it, and he has a lot of thoughts, so he will become shy in doing things, and he will not even dare to say a simple rejection. exit. What Yan Lai didn't know was that as long as he refused, His Majesty the Emperor would never force him.

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