Chapter 17

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When Xie Jing Xing was called by his so gentle voice, he felt that his ears couldn't bear it, he was a little dazed now, wondering why the atmosphere between the two suddenly became ambiguous.

The affection in Shen Zhan's eyes made him a little overwhelmed. He felt that he should be alone at this time. He suspected that Shen Zhan was using a handsome man against him, otherwise why would he not be able to say no.

"I...uh" Xie Jing Xing wanted to say let me think about it, but his mouth was blocked and he used his mouth.

Shen Zhan was afraid that the boy would say refusal, so he subconsciously blocked the boy's mouth with his mouth, but now his lips were touching, he didn't know what to do, he should parted immediately, but the boy's soft lips The flap seemed to have a strong adsorption force, making his lips stick to it tightly, unwilling to leave.

Because he had just drank wheat milk essence, he could still smell the fragrance overflowing from the boy's mouth. He couldn't help sucking the boy's lips. It was fragrant and soft, so he couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking it. sweet. Then he licked it, sucked it, sucked it again, and sucked it again.

Xie Jing Xing was dumbfounded by his puppy-like actions of licking people, this was too innocent. Taking advantage of Shen Zhan to indulge in it, he pushed hard with his hand and stepped back, finally breaking free from his embrace.

The sweetness on his lips left, Shen Zhan finally woke up, he grabbed Xie Jing Xing's hand and begged, "Xiao Yuan, don't reject me."

Xie Jing Xing looked at the pitiful appearance, his heart softened and he wanted to agree. The good word had already reached his lips, and he was holding it back for a long time. This man actually pretended to be pitiful to him.

He glared at Shen Zhan angrily: "Give me time to think about it."

"Okay, I'm going to cook now, you can think about it slowly, and if you're hungry, take out the snacks yourself." Although Shen Zhan said so, he held He held the boy's hand but didn't let go, as if he held it this time, there would be no next time.

Xie Jing Xing was really upset by him and he lost his temper. He shook the hands that were held together and said, "Okay, let it go, I will think about it carefully."

Shen Zhan released his hand and pushed the wheelchair in. In the kitchen, there was a gentle smile in his eyes, and there was no repulsion and disgust in the eyes of the young man from beginning to end, and he could even be said to be very indulgent, which made him more confident.

Xie Jing Xing was sitting in the yard, he really did not expect that Shen Zhan would like him, but at this time, when he recalled his thoughtful behavior in his usual days, it was not unfounded, it was only because he was too slow, mainly because he did not think much about this age. .

As for whether or not to accept Shen Zhan, Xie Jing Xing was a little confused, although he couldn't say he liked Shen Zhan's feelings, but there should be some good feelings, otherwise he wouldn't feel distressed because he sold badly. Yes, he had already realized that Shen Zhan had deliberately sold his misfortune before. Even so, he didn't have the anger of being deceived, and he didn't reject the previous kiss at all. Only then did he realize his tolerance for Shen Zhan. Extraordinarily high.

If you accept it, the love between the two is bound to be hidden in this era. Can such a love that is not open to the world really last long? If he is found out, he is from later generations, so he can ignore those rumors, can Shen Zhan not care? Two men will definitely not have children together. People in this era attach great importance to inheriting the lineage. If one day Shen Zhan also has this idea, what should we do? What if one day the two have no feelings for each other?

"Xiao Yuan, it's time to eat." Just when Xie Jing Xing was in a tangle, Shen Zhan's voice came, and at this time he realized that Shen Zhan was always very gentle when calling his name.

Shen Zhan came out and saw his frowning appearance, some distressed and some happy, distressed that he was troubled by himself, and glad that he was troubled for himself. He came to the boy's side, took the boy's hand gently and said, "Eat first, then think about it later."

Xie Jing Xing followed Shen Zhan to the dining table, with the things Feng Weimin brought, today's meal was rice and braised pork. , Spicy fried rabbit, fried vegetables, mushroom meat soup.

Shen Zhan served Xie Jing Xing with vegetables as usual, and Xie Jing Xing ate them one by one. He usually didn't pay attention to these details, but at this time he realized that Shen Zhan had already invaded his life. Eat the vegetables he picked, drink the water he drank, sleep in the same bed, pick up the toothbrush he squeezed with toothpaste in the morning, wipe his face gently, sit together, read books, bask in the sun, and hunt together. He actually enjoyed the days with Shen Zhan very much.

Xie Jing Xing suddenly felt that he was too forward-looking and fearful. Even in the 22nd century, when homosexuality was legal, there was no guarantee that two men would end up together, even if they got married or divorced. At the beginning of a relationship, who knows if it can go to the end, the only thing he can do is to love hard when he wants to love, turn around handsomely when he doesn't love, and enjoy the process of love. We can't get together at that time.

After making the decision, Xie Jing Xing felt a lot more relaxed, the hesitant and hesitant person just now was not like him, and he was still confused.

Shen Zhan kept observing the boy, and found that his expression changed from tangled and dazed to suddenly enlightened and finally relaxed. He knew that the boy had made a decision, but he couldn't guess what decision he had made from the boy's relaxed expression. Could it be that he decided to reject himself, after all, being with a man is not an easy thing.

Thinking about it this way, Shen Zhan's fingers that were holding the chopsticks were a little pale. If the young man was ruthless to him, he could still persuade himself to let him go, but from the realization of the young man before, he believed that the young man was not unintentional towards him. won't let go.

After the meal, the two took a bath and massaged as usual, and then lay on the same bed, Xie Jing Xing was about to tell Shen Zhan his decision, he turned to look at Shen Zhan, suddenly a little embarrassed, he pursed his lips and said : "Brother Shen, I..."

"Don't worry, listen to me first." Shen Zhan seemed to think that he was going to refuse, and interrupted him eagerly.

"I'm a man. After I fell in love with you, I never dared to show it, not because I felt ashamed of my love, but because I was afraid that you would dislike and reject you. I couldn't help kissing you in the afternoon, and I didn't see the disgust in your eyes at that time. I am really relieved, it stands to reason that I should be satisfied with this, but I am not satisfied!"

"Since I was a child, I didn't want anything special, but I want your heart and you, I want it crazy, and now I want it like crazy. Let me give up before I get it, why should I be content?"

"I will love you more than anyone else in the world, treat you better, why should I hand over you to those who are just because I am a man? The woman."

Shen Zhan took the boy's hand and pressed it on his chest, with a pleading in his eyes, "Don't rush to reject me, we can try first, if you still can't accept it then I will let you go."

Xie Jing Xing looked suspiciously Glancing at Shen Zhan, he asked, "You really want to let me go." When

Shen Zhan thought of the young man leaving him, his heart throbbed, his eyes were red, and he growled, "I don't want to, you are mine, Why should I let you go."

Xie Jing Xing looked at him like that, if he didn't agree again, I'm afraid he would actually do something to shut down his little black house, and he didn't know what he was thinking, so he firmly believed that he would reject him.

Xie Jing Xing put his hand on Shen Zhan's chest, looked into his eyes and said, "I accept you."

Shen Zhan looked at Xie Jing Xing in shock after hearing this, and said cautiously, "Xiao Yuan, what did you just say?"

Xie Jing Xing looked at him like this With a cautious appearance, his heart was sweet and at the same time a little distressed, he kissed Shen Zhan on the mouth, left with a touch, and then said, "I accept you."

Ecstasy flashed in Shen Zhan's eyes, his eyes were amazingly bright, He grinned brightly and dazzlingly. Xie Jing Xing was infected by his smile, he laughed too, his lover laughed, you laughed too, so this is the feeling of being in love.

After laughing, Shen Zhanzhen placed a heavy kiss on Xie Jing Xing's forehead and sighed, "That's great." The

two of them were sweet, but Shen Jianguo and Xia An'an had a hard time. When Feng Weimin came, the two He happened to be on a date and was not there. When it was getting dark, Shen Jianguo only learned of the whole thing from other educated youths when he sent Xia Anan back to the educated youth station.

Although Xia An'an was a college student in her previous life, she was not very clear about the laws of this era, especially the laws regarding soldiers, which she had never been exposed to in her previous life, so she was not sure whether Feng Weimin's actions were true, but Even if it is fake, she can't do anything to Feng Weimin. Should she sue him for intimidating the masses? She doesn't know if there is any intimidation crime in this era.

The most important thing is that Xia An'an knew about Feng Weimin. After seeing Shen Jianguo after his fortune in his previous life, Xia An'an paid special attention to Shen Jianguo, collected a lot of information on Shen Jianguo, and knew a lot about his fortune history.

Shen Jianguo started his business selling clothes. After making money, he bought a clothing factory in the county that was about to close down. After he took over, the clothing factory launched women's clothing with novel styles, fashionable and generous, and very popular. It not only brought the clothing factory back to life, but also Make a lot of money, which is in the eyes of competitors. The other party found someone to burn his warehouse, so that he could not deliver on time, but was caught by Feng Weimin, who came to the garment factory to find a friend. After Feng Weimin arrested the man, he confessed that the man behind Shen Jianguo's clothes The factory avoided huge losses while still missing a competitor.

Xia An'an only thought that Shen Jianguo was lucky when she watched this episode. Now that I think about it, I am afraid that Feng Weimin and Shen Jianguo have known each other for a long time. When I went to the garment factory to see my friend, I am afraid it was Shen Zhan, and she remembered that it was Feng Weimin, the chief of public security, in the report at the time.

Xia An'an suddenly became afraid. Now that she and Shen Jianguo have offended Shen Zhan to death, can the crisis of the garment factory after Shen Jianguo be resolved so easily? Will these affect Shen Jianguo to become a rich man in the future?

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