Chapter 36

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 "Father: Mom: Brother: I..." Cheng Keke didn't say a word just now: Seeing the three of them leaving now, she whispered. She wanted to say that she wanted to go back with them: but she couldn't say it, on the one hand, her biological parents, who were kind to her, and her adoptive parents, who were kind to her: She didn't know what to do?

The reluctance in her eyes gave Cheng's father and Cheng's mother a little comfort: they were also reluctant to part with her: but as Xie Jing Xing said: Keke is the child of Ji's family, they are not qualified to keep her.

Xie Jing Xing knew what she wanted to say, he gently touched her head: "Don't be embarrassed, no matter if you are your parents' biological or not, you are my sister, and your parents will always be your parents. Stay at Ji's house: Get along with your biological parents and brother. If things go wrong, come back. Cheng's house will always be your home. If you have any problems or grievances, call your brother: Brother promises to come and help immediately You, don't report the good news but not the bad news because you are afraid that my parents and I are worried, do you know?"

"I know." Cheng Keke was moved by his words with tears in his eyes: Sure enough, my brother is the best brother in the world.

Cheng's father and Cheng's mother didn't feel wrong when they heard what their son said. The two brothers and sisters have always had a very good relationship, especially for more than a year, the son is even more doting on his daughter. As for why his son didn't treat Ji Xin so well, firstly, his feelings were unfamiliar, and more importantly, he was just hurt by Ji Xin. No need for Xie Jing Xing to accept it, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother have already found a reason for his partiality.

Ji's father was satisfied when he saw that he was so kind to his own daughter, and he didn't take his words seriously.

Ji's mother frowned a little displeased when she heard the words. Is this man's Ji's family a place to eat people? He is still wronged, and even if he is really wronged, he is a powerless and powerless person, and he really can't do anything. What to say, come to help you immediately, it's really shameless, Ji's mother is a little disdainful.

Ji Xin also felt that this brother was a bit outspoken, but also a little angry and unwilling. He was obviously his own brother, and he treated Cheng Keke gently and considerately, but he was aggressive towards himself, which was extremely eccentric.

If Xie Jing Xing knew what Ji Xin was thinking, he would definitely tell her, you are right, I am extremely biased.

In the end, Xie Jingxing took Cheng's father and Cheng's mother to leave Ji's house. Before leaving, Ji's father wanted to give Cheng's father and Cheng's mother a sum of money to thank them for raising his daughter. He was stopped by Ji Huan who knew his thoughts before he even mentioned it. , With a lover, the Cheng family is not short of money, not to mention that with the character of Cheng's father and Cheng's mother, no matter how poor they are, they will not ask for this money, so why use it to insult people?

Before leaving, Xie Jing Xing quietly said to Cheng Keke, "If you have any business at Ji's house, just ask your brother Ji Huan, he will help you and be on guard for Ji Xin." Then he gave Ji Huan a look and asked him to take good care of him Cheng Keke, Ji Huan nodded knowingly.

The eye contact between the two did not avoid Cheng Keke this time. Only then did she know that her two brothers actually knew each other. She was a little surprised, but more at ease. It turned out that her brother had arranged for her. As for her brother asking her to guard against Ji Xin, Cheng Keke knew that her brother would never aimlessly, and silently took this in his heart. There was still a hint of secret coursing in my heart. Compared with Ji Xin, my sister, my brother still loves her more.

After the three of Xie Jingxing left, Ji Huan immediately called up all the servants of the Ji family, pointed at Cheng Keke who was standing beside him and said, "This is the real eldest Miss Ji family, my sister Cheng Keke, soon after. It will be renamed Ji Keke. She had a mistake with Miss Ji Xin before, and she will return to Ji's house in the future. I don't want you to perfunctory or make things difficult for her because she came back halfway, you know?"

"Yes, young master." The servants responded in unison. Ji Huan is indifferent, and the servants have always been in awe of him. Besides, he is the sure-fire heir to the Ji family. His words have more weight than Ji's mother's words. Now that he clearly supports Cheng Keke, they dare to neglect him.

Ji Huan's movements were so fast that the other three did not react at all. Ji's father felt that Ji Huan's actions were right, of course his daughter could not be neglected, but he realized once again that his son attached great importance to Cheng Keke, and unconsciously he also increased the weight of Cheng Keke a bit.

Although Ji's mother was a little dissatisfied, she couldn't say that Ji Huan was wrong, but she was worried that Ji Xin would be uncomfortable, and looked at her with a distressed expression.

Ji Xin smiled at Ji's mother with difficulty, her face was a little ugly, she always felt that the servants looked at her in a subtle way, as if they were mocking her for being a fake. She didn't understand how an indifferent person like Ji Huan could think carefully about such trivial matters as servants, which made her original plan to use servants to bully Cheng Keke to no avail. At the same time, she is very jealous of Cheng Keke. How can she get Ji Huan's sincere protection, let alone blood relationship, when she was Ji Huan's sister before, she was not so considerate to her.

Cheng Keke's heart warmed, this elder brother was also very good to him, and his elder brother (Xie Jing Xing) really did not lie to her.

Ji Huan waved back the servant, took out a black card and handed it to Cheng Keke: "This is a gift from my eldest brother, you can buy what you like."

Ji Xin stared at the card, right Cheng Keke's jealousy reached its peak. She knew that card. It was a top-level black gold card with no limit. She knew that Ji's father had one, but she didn't know that Ji Huan also had it, and she gave it to Cheng Keke so easily.

"Thank you eldest brother." Cheng Keke took the card. Although she didn't know the value of the card, she also guessed that there should be a lot of money in it, but she did not refuse, after all, it came from her own brother's heart. She accidentally saw the ring on her eldest brother's hand, and a doubt flashed in her eyes. She always felt that this ring was a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Father Ji was also a little surprised that his son gave such an expensive gift, but he never questioned his son's decision. He also took out a card and handed it to Cheng Keke and said, "This is a gift from Dad."

"Thank you Dad. "Cheng Keke also took over.

After the father and son looked at Ji's mother, Ji's mother twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment. Can she say that she was not prepared for the meeting ceremony at all? In the original plot, Ji's mother was also unprepared, but because Ji Huan was also unprepared, Ji's father didn't think it was wrong, but now he doesn't think so. He told his wife yesterday that he was going to see his daughter today. Even his always indifferent son had prepared gifts in advance, but his wife had not prepared anything. His wife was too careless for his biological daughter. Is this still his gentle and virtuous wife?

Ji's mother saw Ji's father looking at her with a trace of scrutiny in her eyes, she felt a little stunned, and quickly said: "I also prepared a gift for Coco, and I put it in the safe in my room, and I'll go get it right away." Said When she was done, she went upstairs.

Ji's mother came down soon, holding a jewelry box in her hand. She opened the jewelry box, which contained a set of ice violet jewelry, including necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, unique shape, crystal clear, noble, mysterious, romantic , As a girl who loves beauty, Cheng Keke fell in love at a glance.

Mother Ji's heart hurts, and she still has a gentle smile on her face: "This is what my mother-in-law gave me when I married your father, saying that I would pass it on to my daughter in the future, and now my mother will give her as a gift to her. You." Her jewelry is not suitable for Cheng Keke's age, and the time is tight, she can't choose one by one, this set of jewelry happened to be seen by her, so she had to take out this set of jewelry.

Ji Xin saw that Ji's mother gave this set of jewelry to Cheng Keke, and the disguised smile on her face could no longer hold up. She had already liked this set of jewelry and asked Ji's mother several times, but Ji's mother was not willing to give it to her, and said In the future, it will be hers sooner or later, but now she gave it to Cheng Keke at the first meeting. She couldn't help but wonder if Ji's mother said she liked her on the surface, but she still had her own daughter, Cheng Keke, in her heart. She lowered her eyes to hide the flash of resentment in her eyes. She completely ignored Ji Mu's previous embarrassment, and could only say that she was such a person herself, no matter how good others were to her, as long as she was dissatisfied with a little bit, she could overthrow all the previous good things and hate each other, typical of vengeance but not gratitude.

Ji's mother is not a person who is good at acting. Everyone present can see that her gift is prepared temporarily, and Cheng Keke can also see that she doesn't know whether she should accept it or not. She looks at Ji Huan and fully implements it. If Xie Jing Xing had something to do, he would contact Ji Huan.

Seeing that she kept her lover's words in her heart, Ji Huan was a little more satisfied with this sister, and he said, "If your mother gives it to you, take it." Since it was given by grandma, it should have been passed on to Cheng Keke in the end, but now it's just a Just a little earlier.

Thinking of his lover's advice, Ji Huan said to Ji's father: "Dad, should we hold a banquet to announce Coco's identity, or she will live in Ji's house quietly, and people outside will probably speculate about her randomly. Your identity."

Ji's father agreed: "You are right, then this matter will be handed over to you."


Ji Xin found that her plan had failed again, and she felt that Ji Huan, the elder brother, might not be Laike. How could he just disrupt her plans every time, she was a little panicked, and she always felt that things were out of control. She always felt that she came into this world and was mistakenly held to be the daughter of Ji's family. These are all God's will. If there is no Cheng Keke, she will be the eldest miss of Ji's family, and she will marry an extraordinary husband in the future. , was pampered and loved, and lived a life that all women envied.

right! As long as there is no Cheng Keke, everything will be back on track!

She glanced at Cheng Keke, her eyes flashed fiercely, if Cheng Keke made a big fool at the banquet, the Ji family would not announce Cheng Keke's true identity again, and Ji's father and Ji Huan would not treat her again. So good, then she is still the eldest miss of Ji's family.

Ji Huan didn't miss the flickering sternness in Ji Xin's eyes, he froze in his heart, and his vigilance towards her increased again.

"Big brother, thank you." After everyone else left, Cheng Keke said to Ji Huan, although this brother looked cold, she was not afraid at all. To distinguish, she called Ji Huan the eldest brother, and the elder brother was always Cheng Nuo.

Ji Huan said: "If you want to thank your brother, thank you. He told me all these."

Cheng Keke didn't expect his brother to have done so much. He thought so thoughtfully, and his heart was warm and moved: "Big brother wants to thank you, and big brother needs more. I didn't expect the relationship between big brother and big brother to be so good." Her character probably won't care about her.

"It's really good." Ji Huan looked at the ring on his hand and said meaningfully.

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