Chapter 104

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Xie Jing Xing seemed to be very satisfied with the chips: "I'm not very good at other sports you mentioned, so let's change it to swimming, there is a river in our country: I used to swim in the river a lot, I'm good at this! "Xie Jing Xing never tire of his position as a country bumpkin, Qi Ze and Ji Mohan who thought everything was under control, if they finally lost to someone he didn't like at all, their unbelievable appearance: must be very interesting.

"Pfft!" The rich second-generation who had been onlookers finally couldn't help laughing when they heard this. Qi Ze and Ji Mohan also raised the corners of their mouths. Sure enough, they were uninformed country bumpkins who thought they were good at playing in the river since they were young. Swimming: They are good at gouging: They have been taught by professional coaches since childhood, although they are not as good as professional swimmers: But they are definitely the best among ordinary people.

Xie Jingxing said, "Don't believe me: I am really good at swimming, I have never lost in the village."

"Hahahahaha~" The group of people laughed even louder.

Xie Jing Xing helplessly sighed: No one will believe the truth, he is really difficult!

Huo Yu rubbed his head and said softly, "I believe it." He was probably the only one present who could see clearly, from beginning to end: Qi Ze and Ji Mohan were always being led by Xie Jing Xing's nose: Xie Jing Xing was definitely not As simple as it looks on the surface, sooner or later these people will pay for their contempt.

"How do you compare it?" Qi Ze asked after everyone laughed enough.

Xie Jingxing said: "Don't be so troublesome, just decide the winner or lose in one round: The four of us compete together, 400 meters, no limit on swimming styles, and finally add up the time of the two people in the same group, whichever group takes the shorter time will win. "

Okay, lest anyone regret it later, let's sign an agreement." Qi Ze felt that he and Ji Mohan would win, so he naturally had to do things comprehensively.

"Yes." Huo Yu nodded.

The agreement was quickly prepared, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and the four signed their names on it.

Seeing that the four of them were about to start a competition, a group of rich second-generation people followed the four of them into the clubhouse with excitement on their faces. I didn't expect to see a good show when they came out to play today.

Qi Yue followed behind Qi Ze and was about to step into the clubhouse, but was stopped by the greeter: "I'm sorry, Miss Qi, you can't go in, your name has not been removed from the blacklist, please be patient. The result of the competition."

Only then did Qi Yue remember that she was still on the Huo family's blacklist, she looked at Huo Yu who was walking in front of her without pausing, and didn't dare to make trouble, so she glanced at the greeter angrily. , but in exchange for the other party's neither humble nor arrogant smile.

Being turned away, Qi Yue only felt humiliated: "Brother, you must win that town..." Bastard.

She was interrupted by Qi Ze before she could finish her words, and her voice was unprecedentedly severe: "Yueyue! Don't talk about your second brother like that in the future. Don't you have enough hardships today?" He brought Qi Yue out to make She tried to embarrass Qi You, but she didn't want Qi You to become Huo Yu's savior inexplicably, and Huo Yu made fun of him even with him, so she couldn't help but feel a little angry at Qi Yue.

It was the first time that Qi Yue saw Qi Ze being so stern, her face turned pale: "I see, brother."

Seeing this, Qi Ze patted her head soothingly: "Don't worry, Mo Han and I will definitely win, you Just wait outside and wait for my good news."

"Yeah." She didn't know whether she was frightened by Qi Ze's sternness, or whether today's incident taught her a lesson, Qi Yue replied in a rare and obedient manner.

The four of them quickly changed into their swimming trunks, put on their swimming goggles and swimming caps, warmed up, and took their places on the stage facing each other in their respective swimming lanes.

"Everyone is in place, bang!"

With the sound of "bang", the four of them jumped into the water in an instant, and then rushed forward like arrows. Commonly known as freestyle swimming.

"Huh? Qi You is not actually a dog planer." The man's tone was inexplicably disappointed.

"It turns out that he really knows how to swim. Why does he feel that his swimming style is quite standard."

"Qi You is actually ranked first, how is this possible?"

"Let's see first, 400 meters, what's the use of swimming fast at the beginning, it's easy to be weak in the follow-up, at first glance, there is no plan, and it is still a layman. " In the

swimming pool, Xie Jing Xing is very relaxed, there is absolutely no powerlessness that everyone thinks, his soul is powerful, every time he is possessed, his body will be transformed accordingly, not only is his five senses strong, his body's explosive power and endurance are not comparable to ordinary people, 400 meters Completely a piece of cake for him. If it wasn't for not wanting to appear too prominent, he could completely throw off the others, and breaking records would not be a problem.

After two back-and-forths, Xie Jing Xing still maintained the lead, the other three's paddling frequency was a little slower, only his speed remained unchanged.

"Qi You doesn't seem to have any power to follow."

"Master Huo and the others are the normal rhythm. They should be able to exert their strength soon. In the end, it is uncertain who will lead." Although this person said this, he was not sure at the beginning. .

At the last 100 meters, Huo Yu and the others did start to exert their strength as everyone expected. Originally, Huo Yu, Qi Ze and Ji Mohan were very close to each other, but after a few breaths, he pulled away from the two of them. , those who watched could see that he had obvious reservations before. Being overtaken by Huo Yu was within Qi Ze's expectation, as long as he and Ji Mohan surpassed Xie Jing Xing, they would still win, but no matter how hard they exerted, the distance between Xie Jing Xing and them did not shorten, Xie Jing Xing was invincible for everyone In the eyes of confidence, the first to reach the end, followed by Huo Yu, then Ji Mohan, and finally Qi Ze. It is clear who wins and who loses, but the referee still dutifully reported the results: "First place Qi You, 3:51.09; second Huo Yu, 3:53.22; third Ji Mohan, 3:58 13 seconds; fourth place Qi Ze 3 minutes 59 seconds 48." "Yeah! We won!" Xie Jing Xing excitedly gave Huo Yu a high five. "So he's not a pig teammate!" "Could it be that he hides himself, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger."

"No way, if you really hide it, you will fall into the road and move bricks?"

Qi Ze naturally doubted, he walked up to Xie Jing Xing and looked at him with probing eyes: "You did it on purpose?"

Xie Jing Xing crooked His eyes were full of doubts: "What is it on purpose?"

Qi Ze accused: "You obviously know how to swim?"

Xie Jing Xing nodded and said innocently, "Yes, didn't I say that I am very good at swimming? The river in our country is not only 400 meters long, I can swim back and forth without any problem, these 400 meters are naturally not difficult for me, I have never lost swimming with others." When he said that his tone was particularly proud, everyone felt inexplicably. What he looked like at this time overlapped with what he looked like when he said, "I'm very good at moving bricks".

Hearing this, Qi Ze choked, this person did say it, but who knows if what he said is really good, he carefully observed Xie Jing Xing's expression, but still could not see the element of acting from above.

Xie Jing Xing thought to himself, after all, he used to be a movie king, so it was easy for people to see through, he didn't want to lose face, didn't he?

Huo Yu was so cute that Xie Jing Xing tilted his head so cute that his heart trembled, naturally he had no good feelings towards Qi Ze, who was hostile to Xie Jing Xing: "You You made it clear from the beginning, it's you who don't believe it, but you Don't think I don't know what you're thinking about letting Youyou join the competition, can't you afford to lose like this now?"

Huo Yu didn't look at him after he finished speaking, but said to Ji Mohan, "If You can't afford to lose, I can pretend that today's test doesn't exist, and Huo Yu doesn't even see your chips in my eyes." He could see that Qi Ze was very concerned about Ji Mohan and dealt with his most concise The way is to let Ji Mohan come forward, and Ji Mohan has a strong self-esteem and has a desire to compare with him. Ji Mohan's face sank when he heard the words, and he said to Qi Ze, "Okay, don't talk about it, I'd like to admit defeat." He was also a little dissatisfied with Qi Ze, if it wasn't for him and Qi Yue, he wouldn't be here today. Be seen as a joke.

Seeing his dissatisfaction, Qi Ze couldn't help but think of his previous life, Ji Mohan was affectionate towards him on the surface, but in fact he had been accumulating dissatisfaction with him, used his trust to annex the Qi family, and finally told him cruelly that he liked him It has always been Qi You, is this the case in this life too?

If Qi Ze could let go of Ji Mohan before he forgives and accepts Ji Mohan, but now that he has fallen in love with Ji Mohan again, even if the two of them may become like the previous life again, he can't let go, he will use it. The advantage of rebirth stifled all the factors against him in the cradle.

Qi Ze looked at Xie Jing Xing, there was a trace of resentment in his eyes, the first thing to solve was this younger brother who might change Ji Mohan's heart.

Keenly feeling a malicious gaze, Xie Jing Xing looked up and saw the resentment in Qi Ze's eyes that he had no time to put away. He was startled, but turned his eyes away calmly, as if it was just a casual glance. .

But he filtered what had just happened in his mind, and finally knew why Qi Ze did this. In this life, although Qi Ze has forgiven Ji Mohan, he does still love Ji Mohan, but because of his past life, his trust in Ji Mohan is very weak, as long as Ji Mohan shows a little bit similar to his previous life, It will make him suspicious and fall into the nightmare of the previous life. He is uneasy and resentful, but instead of venting on the culprit who caused all this, he instead targets innocent people. In the original plot, he was the original owner, but now he is the one who replaced the original owner. place".

Xie Jing Xing really didn't understand Qi Ze, he was obviously rich and handsome, living a new life, whether to develop his career or have a sweet love life, how could he be better than his previous life, why did he have to tie himself to Ji Mohan On this scumbag, isn't this looking for abuse?

However, there is the hatred of the original owner, even if Qi Ze does not consciously seek abuse, Xie Jing Xing will still abuse him, as for the resentment in Qi Ze's eyes just now, this was already in his expectation, sooner or later, nothing to be afraid of.

Qi Ze was relieved to see that Xie Jing Xing did not notice his abnormality, and fulfilled the agreement under Huo Yu's urging.

Huo Yu proposed to give all the winning chips to Xie Jing Xing, but Xie Jing Xing did not refuse and accepted it without any burden. Soon he had a villa, an apartment and shops in the city center, a luxury car, and a deposit of 60 million.

"From now on, I am also a rich man who owns a car, a house and a house." Xie Jing Xing laughed so hard that he had never seen the world, which completely dispelled the doubts of those who had suspected him before.

Xie Jing Xing looked at the expressions of everyone, there was a hint of slyness in his eyes, he couldn't let go of the hillbilly character, he didn't have enough fun!

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