Chapter 80

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In a blink of an eye, it was the wedding day: Yan Feng came to Zhou's house in a red ox cart: This ox cart was bought by him in the city a few days ago: Yan Feng originally planned to buy a horse to welcome the marriage: Xie Jing Xing felt that since Getting married in the village: Then according to the custom in the village: In the end, Yan Feng compromised and bought a cow.

In Yan Feng's eyes, the ox cart is extremely shabby, but the brothers in the village are very envious: The ox cart is very precious in the farm family: If the brother of the farm family can get married in an ox cart: It is a very beautiful thing.

Father Zhou carried Xie Jing Xing out the door: When Yan Feng saw his lover coming out, he hurriedly stepped forward and slapped him horizontally, picked him up and gently placed him on the ox cart, causing the surrounding villagers to boo. In order to make his lover sit comfortably, he also carefully placed a cushion under his buttocks.

At this time, Yan Feng's brows and eyes were gentle, and the corners of his mouth were smiling: the corners of his eyebrows were full of joy, his eyes looking at Xie Jing Xing were full of love, and his always fierce face softened: even the scar on his face did not seem so bad. Terrified, everyone realized that Yan Feng was actually very handsome. Such a fierce and indifferent man was so considerate and gentle towards his husband, the brothers around him couldn't help but cast envious glances at Xie Jing Xing.

When they saw it, they were all startled: When did Zhou Jin become so good? At this time Xie Jing Xing was also dressed in red with a smile on his lips, he was sitting on the ox cart, his posture was obviously the same, but he had an indescribable charm. The villagers did not understand what his temperament was. Jin looks very noble, people can't take their eyes off. When Luo Yu got married, they were also onlookers. They unconsciously compared the two, and found that Luo Yu's demeanor was completely incomparable to today's Zhou Jin.

The villagers didn't know that this body had been replaced with a new core. It was only because Zhou Jin got married today that he dressed up a little, and that people were in good spirits during happy events, so it was naturally different from usual.

If the brothers were envious of Xie Jing Xing, then the men were envious of Yan Feng at this time. If they had known that Zhou Jin was so good, they would have rushed to Zhou's family to propose marriage after Meng Yuan's divorce, how could Yan Feng be cheaper?

Yan Feng did not know the thoughts of these men, otherwise he might hide Xie Jing Xing from anyone, he drove the bullock cart back to his house, parked the bullock cart at the door of the house, he picked up Xie Jingxing horizontally again and hugged him He walked into the door step by step, and from now on this person is his. His steps are extremely steady, but the movements on his hands are somewhat gentle, and his solemn and cautious appearance, as if he is holding some fragile peerless treasure.

After walking into the main room, Xi Lang, who was in charge of the marriage process, saw that he was reluctant to let him go, and joked: "The groom hasn't let the groom go down to worship, so it's rare to have time at night." As soon as

he finished speaking, the surrounding villagers They all let out a burst of good-natured laughter, but Xie Jing Xing felt a little embarrassed for being cheeky, and his face flushed slightly.

Only then did Yan Feng put Xie Jing Xing down gently, but he didn't feel embarrassed at all, his eyes were glued to Xie Jing Xing's body all the time, seeing his rare shyness into his eyes, his eyes couldn't help but be stained with a scorching heat.

After the two of them stood up, Xi Lang sang,

"Worship the heavens and the earth!" The two turned around and bowed to the door.

"Two bows to the high hall!" The two bowed to the beaming father Zhou who was sitting directly above.

"Husband and husband!" Both of them looked at each other with the same fiery love, and bowed deeply to each other, pious and firm.

"The ceremony is done! Send it to the bridal chamber!"

Yan Feng took Xie Jing Xing's hand and walked into the two's new room, placed him on the bed and sat down. Smile: "Baby, I'm so happy to finally marry you."

Xie Jing Xing looked at him with a smile and quickly pecked his lips, "I'm also very happy."

Yan Feng's eyes suddenly darkened, he was about to lean over to embrace his lover's lips, but Wang Hu walked in with a group of men at this moment, not feeling the ambiguous atmosphere of the two in the room at all, and said carelessly: " Boss, we are here to congratulate you and your sister-in-law." Everyone in the village knows that Yan Feng has been providing prey to the restaurant, and now that he has come to attend the wedding banquet as Prince Hu and others, the villagers are not surprised. good.

Yan Feng's face was a little dark. For the first time, he felt that Wang Hu was so lacking in vision, he didn't want to pay attention to Wang Hu at all, and he was annoyed that he forgot to lock the door just because he was too eager. Xie Jing Xing was amused when he saw his slightly childish appearance, he squeezed his hand comfortingly and Yan Feng greeted everyone reluctantly.

Yan Feng took Xie Jing Xing's hand and introduced him to everyone, "This is my husband, you will call him Brother Zhou from now on."

"Hello Brother Zhou!" He must be full of momentum on the battlefield, and in this new house, inexplicably added a bit of joy, which makes people feel a little funny.

Xie Jing Xing resisted the urge to laugh and nodded to everyone.

"Xiao Jin, these are the brothers who have gone to the battlefield with me before." Yan Feng's voice towards Xie Jing Xing was a hundred times gentler, which shocked everyone who was used to seeing his cold face like a Rakshasa on the battlefield, Tie Han's tenderness That's probably what it says.

Because of the previous recipes and spice recipes, everyone had a very good impression of Xie Jing Xing, but now seeing the general's gentleness towards Xie Jing Xing, the emphasis on him has increased a bit. When they saw Xie Jing Xing's handsome appearance and good temperament, they admired it in their hearts, as expected of the general's fancy, compared to those brothers who had been carefully trained by noble families they had seen in the capital, they were not inferior. Although everyone was surprised that a farmer brother had such a temperament, they did not doubt it, because Xie Jing Xing was identified by the general, they would never question any decision of the general. It's just that they had the same thought as Yan Feng at this time, whether the scholar named Meng Yuan had a problem with his eyes.

In addition to Wang Hu and others, there are villagers outside who want to greet him. As the bridegroom officer, although Yan Feng is reluctant, he also knows that he cannot stay in the room all the time. He drove Wang Hu and the others out of the room, then hugged Xie Jing Xing and kissed him deeply, the two exchanged a lingering kiss, a little relieving their greed, then he reluctantly let go of Xie Jing Xing and stayed in his ear The next sentence "Wait for me", and then strode out of the room.

Not long after Yan Feng left, two young brothers walked in with food, one of them said familiarly: "Brother Jin, Yan Feng really has nothing to say to you, he is worried that you are hungry, and he is worried that you will be left alone. I was bored in the room, so he specially asked us to accompany you. These meals were specially brought in by him. You like them. I didn't expect him to look so fierce, but he was so considerate to you."

"Yes, you don't . I know that now you are the envy of all the brothers in the village." Another brother teased.

The one in front was Brother Yue, and the one in the back was Brother Yu. Both of them had a good relationship with the original owner. Xie Jing Xing stayed at home with a broken foot after being divorced and never went out. The two of them also came to visit him, worried that he would not be able to think about it because Meng Yuan broke off the engagement, and they often comforted him, only after seeing that he really didn't care about Meng Yuan. Rest assured, he was a very sincere friend to the original owner, Xie Jing Xing also kept in touch with them after he came through.

Xie Jing Xing also ridiculed and went back: "It's okay for others to envy me, you two have always been spoiled by your husband, how could you still envy me?" Xie Jing Xing's words were indeed not compliments, both of them became relatives, even though they were both married to crops Guys, the family conditions are also average, but it is really good for them. They are only allowed to do simple housework and never let them go to the fields. This is already very favored by farmers.

When the two heard the words, thinking of their own man, they couldn't help showing sweet smiles on their faces.

The two chatted with Xie Jing Xing about gossip in the village, but they were very measured and did not mention Meng Yuan and Luo Yu, and mentioned their ex-fiancé and husband on a happy day, wouldn't this add to the frustration? Although Xie Jing Xing didn't care about these two people at all, he could see the deliberate avoidance between the two of them in their conversations, knew why, and silently kept the two people's kindness in his heart, waiting for the opportunity to return it later.

The time passed quickly in the chat between the three, the two looked at the sky and felt that the time was about the same and the voices outside gradually became quieter, so they got up to leave and gave Xie Jing Xing an ambiguous look before leaving.

Not long after the two left, Yan Feng entered the house full of alcohol, but his eyes were clear and his steps were steady, showing that he was very sober. After he entered the door, he locked the door and then walked into Xie Jing Xing step by step, every step he took, his eyes darkened a little, his eyes were fixed on Xie Jing Xing, like a beast ready to catch its prey, focused and coveted .

As he walked in, Xie Jing Xing could smell the strong smell of alcohol on his body, it actually made him feel intoxicated, his face could not help flushing, that appearance added a bit of temptation against the background of the red candles. The man who had been staring at him was breathing heavily. The man's footsteps seemed heavy, but there was almost no sound, only his heavy breathing could be heard in the silent room.

As if it was contagious, Xie Jing Xing's breathing couldn't help but become heavier, this voice instantly alarmed the beast that was ready to go, the man suddenly quickened his pace and then violently threw his prey under him.

As the prey, Xie Jing Xing was not afraid at all, he raised his arms around the man's neck and pressed the man's body towards him, he opened his lips slightly, stretched out the tip of his pink tongue and licked it on his lips. Full of air.

The lover was so provocative and inviting, the man couldn't hold it any longer, and he kissed deeply, first biting on his lips, as if he was carefully tasting the taste of the gift, and then he Sticking out his tongue and breaking into his lover's mouth, he greedily licked every corner of it, just like a beast patrolling its own territory, leaving its own scent in every corner.

That wine-flavored and domineering kiss made Xie Jing Xing fascinated, and even the end of his eyes were flushed with a misty water light.

Yan Feng looked at him closely, taking a panoramic view of his state at this time, not letting go of the slightest bit.


Afterwards, Yan Feng was holding his sweaty lover with a satisfied expression. He looked at his lover who had fallen asleep from exhaustion in his arms. At this time, his face was still flushed, and his long and dense eyelashes were still hanging on Tears, he lovingly placed a kiss on Xie Jing Xing's forehead, then hugged his lover and fell asleep.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-07-10 00:00:00~2020-07-11 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting mines Little angel: radish head, j 2;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 7 bottles of Mo Yan; apple picking under the bayberry tree, 1 bottle of sunset afterglow; thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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