Chapter 67

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With the money: Xie Jing Xing finally ate the seafood stall he was thinking of: Sure enough, he was not disappointed: The taste was good: It was also very distinctive.

The photographer ate a seafood meal with the two of them: Sigh, he really had meat to eat with the boss. In the past, when he followed other guests: Which guest is not racking their brains to make some money, even buying a bottle of water in a car has to be careful, and usually a meal is a bread or a bowl of noodles. Where are these two people like: You can earn hundreds of dollars in a few minutes: All the delicious and fun things along the way are not included: You have to eat according to your own mind: Others make money to avoid sleeping on the street, they make money to eat It's delicious, and I don't know how the guests from other groups are doing at this time?

On Zhou Yunshen and Shi Lei's side, the two disguised themselves as white-haired, wrinkled old men who took the bus to Xiamen University. The fare was 1 yuan per person, and they still had 48 yuan left. After arriving at Xiamen University: They pretended to be old alumni of Xiamen University and came back to see their alma mater. For such an old man and an alumni, the students of Xiamen University would naturally not refuse the request for a photo of the two: The task of the two was completed very quickly. .

After the task was completed, the two asked the students of Xiamen University for the route to Tong'an Film and Television City. If they took the bus, it would take nearly two hours, and they would have to transfer: but it only cost three yuan per person, so they had 42 yuan left. , So the two happily decided to take the bus to Tongan Film and Television City. For the 42 yuan, they still have to pay for lunch. The two bowls of noodles went for another 20 yuan. The two of them still have 22 yuan left. The 22 yuan is definitely not enough for the night's accommodation. Besides, they don't know whether the unscrupulous program group will provide dinner. .

It seems that making money is a must. Zhou Yunshen is proficient in a variety of musical instruments and intends to be a street performer, but it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. At this time, he does not have a single musical instrument in his hand.

The two finally went to the students of Xiamen University for help. They found the music club. Zhou Yunshen once again falsely claimed that he was an alumni of Xiamen University. He used to be a member of the music club. He played and sang by himself at the school gate with a guitar. Now that he was old, he wanted to experience it again and relive that period of youth. As for the photographer behind him, he specially recorded it as a souvenir. In his words, he said this like his dying wish, which made a group of simple students very unbearable, and finally agreed to lend him a guitar and let him play and sing at the school gate.

Zhou Yunshen played and sang for three hours at the entrance of Xiamen University with a guitar in his arms. He sang so much that his throat was smoking. Only then did he earn 206 yuan from the students he went to. Compared with his income per performance, it was even more expensive. It's not even a fraction of a cent. For the first time, he realized that making money is so easy.

Excluding the 6 yuan that was spent on two bottles of water in the middle, when the two arrived at Tong'an Film and Television City, they had a total of 222 yuan in their hands.

On the side of Fang Liang and his wife, the two felt that they were different from popular singers and movie stars, and the chances of being recognized were not high, so the two asked a makeup artist to put on makeup for them, as long as they didn't look normal. Just the same. After putting on makeup, the two of them each brought a pair of sunglasses and set off to Huandao Road. The two also spent 2 yuan to take the bus to Huandao Road.

Shared bicycles are everywhere now. When the two were about to scan the code, they remembered that their mobile phone was taken away by the program team, and the old computer in their hand did not even have WeChat. The two couples had to look one by one, hoping to find an unlocked one with luck. The luck of the two was good, and they found one in the end. They wanted to find another one, but this time God did not favor them.

So Fang Liang had to take his wife to ride the whole road around the island, and he would say hello to the tourists who were riding the same way, and then asked for a group photo, perhaps seeing that everyone was a cycling enthusiast, most people will readily agree.

After three hours, the two finally rode for the whole journey. It took a lot of time to take photos on the road. This speed is not bad. Fang Liang is indeed a world swimming champion, and his physical strength is very good. , but his face was not at all tired.

The two spent 3 yuan to buy a bottle of water in the middle, and spent 20 yuan to eat two bowls of noodles at noon, leaving 25 yuan on hand.

After eating, the two also began to think about making money. Finally, after some discussion, the two found a restaurant with a good business on the road around the island. The two pretended that they were shooting a food show, in order to increase the authenticity. Sex, part of the program is to work in a restaurant. The boss saw the camera behind them, and finally left the two to work in the restaurant. One was responsible for washing dishes and the other was responsible for washing vegetables. The hourly salary was 20 yuan.

The two worked hard in the restaurant for three hours, and finally earned 120 yuan. After removing the fare to Tongan Film and Television City, when they arrived at Tongan Film and Television City, they had a total of 139 yuan in their hands. On the side of He Zhengqing and Lin Yan, the two of them deliberately put on the clothes of a travel agency and the hat of a travel agency, dressed as ordinary tourists, put on simple makeup on their faces, made their complexion darker, and put on their faces. I got some spots, lowered the brim of my hat, put on sunglasses, and spent 2 yuan to take the bus to Nanputuo Temple. He Zhengqing is worthy of being the best actor. He is slightly hunched and his walking posture has also changed. Although his appearance has not changed much, he looks a lot mediocre at this time compared to the bright and bright stars in normal times. He is placed in the crowd. Unremarkable at all. Lin Yan was originally reluctant to play ugly, although this would ensure that he would not be recognized, but it would not be conducive to attracting fans, but He Zhengqing had already proposed that if he objected, it would show that he did not respect his predecessors, so he could only agree. He thought he was covering up well, but He Zhengqing was the best actor, and he didn't like him in the original plot. He didn't have filters in his eyes, so he could naturally see his reluctance. If he said it frankly, He Zhengqing would give him a high look. After all, everyone has a love for beauty, but the expression on his face that this idea is awesome only makes He Zhengqing feel hypocritical. In fact, this can't be called ugly, it's just ordinary at most. There are many tourists in Nanputuo Temple. The two pretended to be ordinary tourists, asked other tourists to take pictures for them, and then took the opportunity to take a group photo while thanking them. Most tourists would agree. Halfway through, the two spent 6 yuan to buy two bottles of water. After the task was completed, the two spent 20 yuan and ate two bowls of noodles nearby, thinking about how to make money.

He Zhengqing had a play before he became the best actor in which he played a barista. In order to make this role well, he went to learn how to make coffee and how to pull flowers, so he decided to work in a cafe.

The two found a very petty-bourgeois cafe nearby. He Zhengqing found the boss and told the boss that they were recording a poor travel show and needed to earn hot money by themselves. His coffee was well brewed and he could pull flowers. Hire them for three hours, and Lin Yan is a waiter.

The boss glanced at the camera behind him, looked He Zhengqing up and down, his eyes were thinking, and he always felt a little familiar, but in the end he didn't connect the seemingly inconspicuous person in front of him with the actor He Zhengqing.

The boss asked He Zhengqing to make a cup of coffee and pull flowers for it, confirming that he did a good job, and agreed to the request of the two. Give He Zhengqing an hourly salary of 30 yuan, and Lin Yan an hourly salary of 15 yuan.

Three hours later, the two had earned 135 yuan. After removing the fare to Tong'an Film and Television City, when they arrived at Tong'an Film and Television City, they had a total of 151 yuan in their hands.

Xie Jingxing and Sheng Changyi spent 300 yuan for a seafood meal. Afterwards, the two of them had a leisurely stroll on Gulangyu Island. They spent 18 yuan to buy a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice. They took the ferry back when it was almost time. , and then spent 45 yuan to take a taxi to Tong'an Film and Television City, with a total of 667 yuan in hand.

After all the guests arrived at Tong'an Film and Television City, the program team took the guests to a nearby homestay, a single-family villa, where He Chang and Xu Yiyi were waiting.

He Chang said: "Congratulations to all the guests for completing their tasks. Now let's see how much money each group of guests has left."

Zhou Yunshen Group: 222 yuan.

Fang Liang Group: 139 yuan.

He Zhengqing Group: 151 yuan.

Gu Jiu Group: 667 yuan.

"The program team has prepared four kinds of rooms for the guests, and the guests can choose according to their own funds."

"The first type is the 300-yuan deluxe room. It's in this villa. You can come and see it with me." He Chang introduced and led the crowd upstairs to visit. The 300-yuan deluxe room was very spacious, with at least 40 Square meters, the interior decoration and furnishings are equivalent to the standard of a five-star hotel.

"The second one is an ordinary room of 138 yuan, which is also in this villa." He Chang launched a deluxe room and opened the door of another room. The ordinary room is about 20 square meters, which is equivalent to the standard of a convenient hotel.

"The third type is a 60-yuan log cabin, and the last type is a 30-yuan thatched cottage. They are no longer in this villa, but a nearby homestay. Guests can take a look at the photos first." Xu Yiyi heard the words and took it. The photos show that the 60-yuan log cabin has 12 to 3 square meters, with wooden beds on the upper and lower bunks and a small bathroom. The 30-yuan thatched cottage is only 78 square meters, with only one bed and mottled walls. , very simple, not even a bathroom, if you want to use the bathroom, you have to go to the hut outside, and the guests who hold more than 60 yuan in their hands directly skip this choice.

"Please choose carefully according to the funds in each group of guests. A warm reminder that the remaining funds in your hands will be your hot money tomorrow."

Gu Jiu chose the luxurious room of 300 yuan without hesitation. Zhou Yunshen's group and He The Zhengqing group chose the ordinary room of 138 yuan, and the Fang Liang group finally chose the ordinary room of 138 yuan, but Fang Liang and his wife looked at the only one dollar left in their hands, and they only felt that there was a long way to go tomorrow.

"In order to reward the guests for successfully completing their tasks, the program team prepared a wealth of ingredients for the guests, but the guests need to make it into dinner in person." He Chang said, "Ah? I can't cook, who can?" Zhou Yunshen asked.

Except for Fang Liang and his wife and Sheng Changyi, the others shook their heads, although Sheng Changyi did not shake his head, everyone except Xie Jing Xing took it for granted that he could not cook, the President of 100 Billion would cook by himself, what a joke!

So Zhou Yunshen, Shi Lei, He Zhengqing and Lin Yan all looked at Fang Liang and his wife: "Can you two do it?"

Fang Liang rolled his eyes and revealed a slightly sinister smile: "My wife and I both know how to cook home-cooked food, do you want us to cook it for you?

" But they still nodded. After a tiring day, they didn't want to deal with it casually.

"A group of 10 yuan, my wife and I will cook a few more dishes, and we will eat together, how about it?" Fang Liang said, he also had no choice, who made them have only one dollar left, and the two sat in a row. There are not enough cars, so he can only find a way to make some money in this kind of place. He Zhengqing and Lin Yan don't have much money, so he only needs 10 yuan.

"Okay." Zhou Yunshen still has 84 yuan in his hand, so it's not too distressing to give 10 yuan out.

He Zhengqing and Lin Yan discussed it. At this time, they still had 13 yuan in their hands. They thought that they couldn't do anything with this money tomorrow. block, at this time they only have 3 blocks left, which becomes the least.

Fang Liang found the two groups of money, looked at Gu Jiu, and Gu Jiu shook his head and said, "We don't need it."

"You can still cook, which is so versatile." Fang Liang said, to be honest, he admired Gu. For a long time, obviously so young, but it seems to be able to do anything.

Gu Jiu shook his head again and pointed to the man beside him: "I won't, but he will." Sheng Changyi has always cooked for him since the two were together.

"President Sheng can actually cook?" Fang Liang was surprised, and the others looked at Sheng Changyi in shock. What was even more surprising to them was that Gu Jiu knew that Mr. Sheng was cooking, and what did it mean? It meant that Gu Jiu had eaten Mr. Sheng's cooking before, and it seemed that the relationship was really good.

Sheng Changyi ignored their shock, walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to see what ingredients were there, and then looked at the various seasonings that were prepared very well, he walked up to Xie Jing Xing and said, "I think there is beef, you like spicy food. I'll make you boiled beef, with some ingredients in it, meat and vegetarian, and then make a tomato egg soup, seafood at noon, and casual at night."

"Okay, I'll give you a fight." Xie Jing Xing said, he can't cook, he can still fight, he's come here for several generations.

After hearing Sheng Changyi's words, the others instantly turned into lemon essence. In order to save money at noon, they only ate a bowl of noodles. As a result, the two even ate seafood, and the boiled beef and tomato egg soup were very hungry for a day. It is also an excellent dish for them, how can it be eaten casually.

"It's been a long time, or you can let President Sheng do a little more casually, we also want to eat some boiled beef casually." Zhou Yunshen said to Xie Jing Xing quickly, he looked at Xie Jing Xing pitifully, he also saw it, as long as he looked at Xie Jing Xing After agreeing for a long time, Mr. Sheng will never refuse.

Xie Jing Xing laughed as he looked at Zhou Yunshen, a 30-year-old man who pretended to be pitiful, and nodded, "Okay."

"Yeah! Jiu Jiu, you are so good." As he said, he was excited to go forward and hug Xie Jing Xing, Sheng Changyi He stretched out his long arms and hugged Xie Jing Xing into his arms, and gave him a warning look, although Sheng Changyi could see that Zhou Yunshen had no intention of Xie Jing Xing, but his lover belonged to him, how could he be hugged by others casually.

Zhou Yunshen was shocked by the look in his eyes, and he knew that he had gotten carried away. Seeing that Sheng Changyi was holding Gu Jiu very possessively, Gu Jiu also leaned in his arms very naturally. Although he is a straight man, after all, this kind of thing I have seen a lot in the entertainment circle, and naturally I can see the ambiguity between the two: "I'm sorry, I'm too excited."

"Okay, let's go in and cook." Xie Jing Xing said, then dragged Sheng Changyi into the kitchen , As for how others would speculate about his relationship with his lover, he didn't care at all.

Others in the living room also saw Sheng Changyi's very possessive actions, and they also had speculations about the relationship between Gu Jiu and Sheng Changyi, but it was still on the show, and everyone tacitly did not say it.

"Let's go watch Mr. Sheng cook. Such an opportunity is very rare." Xu Yiyi suggested excitedly. She knew the relationship between the two early on, and now she is not as shocked as others, but even more I'm curious about how Sheng Changyi cooks. Jiujiu is so beautiful. It's normal not to know how to cook. Mr. Sheng cooks for Jiujiu himself. He performed well and deserves extra points!

"This proposal is good, let's go and have a look." Zhou Yunshen said, although he guessed the relationship between the two, he didn't feel disgusted, because he could see that President Sheng was very serious about Gu Jiu, and the two were definitely not fostering a relationship. , which gold master have you seen who came to participate in a variety show for the little lover he took care of? Which gold master have you seen cooking for the little lover he raised in person?

Lin Yan walked behind, thinking of Fu Shichen's contempt for him and comparing what Sheng Changyi had done for Gu Jiu, he was so jealous that his expression was a little distorted. He Zhengqing, who was standing beside him, saw him, The impression is even worse. Not only are they different from the outside, but they are also not greedy enough. Since they are with Fu Shichen, whether it is because of love or what they need, at least during the relationship, they should be at peace and not think about others.

In the kitchen, Sheng Changyi had already cooked the rice and cut the beef, ready to marinate, Xie Jing Xing was washing the vegetables.

Sheng Changyi said: "Baby, help me get an egg, I'm inconvenient now."

The crowd who came to watch happened to hear Sheng Changyi's words "baby", but they didn't expect Mr. Sheng to be so cold on weekdays, but he actually turned to Gu in private. Jiu's name is so sweet, and the two of them didn't hide it at all, but thinking of Sheng Changyi's identity, such a picture would be reduced in the later stage of the show and would not be broadcast. They could not have imagined that the two had planned to Make it public through this show.

"Okay." Xie Jing Xing turned around and saw everyone at the door of the kitchen, he didn't feel embarrassed, he continued to open the refrigerator and took out an egg and handed it to Sheng Changyi.

"Brother Fang, you and Sister Nie Meng also come in to cook, the kitchen is quite spacious and the four people will not be crowded." Xie Jing Xing said clearly, if he did not speak, he was worried that Fang Liang and his wife would be embarrassed to come in, if they waited for him After the two of you and your lover are done, they will do it again, and everyone waiting to eat is afraid that they will starve.

"Oh, good." Fang Liang took Nie Meng into the kitchen.

"Brother Fang wants to cook whatever vegetables, I can also pick and wash vegetables for you, I will still know that." Xie Jing Xing said, he intends to liven up the atmosphere, after all, it is a variety show, so it shouldn't be too cold.

"That's great, Jiujiu, you don't know. I washed the dishes for three hours this afternoon, and now I can't help shaking my hands." Nie Meng teased herself, she is not stupid, why not Knowing Xie Jing Xing's intention.

"Sister Nie Meng, you are working in a restaurant to make money today?"

"Yes, Fang Liang washes the dishes and I wash the vegetables. The boss is not bad. He even gave us an hourly salary of 20 yuan. How do you make money?"

"We ..." The

two chatted quickly, and then Fang Liang joined in. Although Sheng Changyi wouldn't take the initiative to speak, he would answer whenever he was asked, and the four of them were very harmonious.

When Sheng Changyi was making boiled beef, everyone saw that his technique was professional and smooth, and the final dish was full of flavors and tastes. They all looked at Xie Jing Xing with longing eyes, hoping that he would ask Mr. Sheng to fry the rest of the dishes as well, in the end of course it was Sheng Changyi couldn't bear the embarrassment of his lover, and took the initiative to serve as the head chef, and soon made a table of delicious and delicious dishes.

Except for Xie Jing Xing and Sheng Changyi, everyone else was really hungry. Today, they exercised a lot, so they just ate a bowl of noodles. Even the only girl, Nie Meng, couldn't handle it, not to mention a few big men. When the food came up, although they couldn't gobble it down, they were obviously dissatisfied with the speed of the food.

As if at home, Sheng Changyi naturally put Xie Jing Xing's favorite dish into his bowl and watched him eat it with a smile. Lin Yan sat opposite the two of them. He only felt that this scene was very annoying. The jealousy in his heart made him

unable to help but say: "For a long time, I don't think Mr. Sheng has eaten much, so don't worry about eating for yourself."

Intimacy, this is like a good friend complaining that you didn't take good care of your guests, but the people present are not fools who can get into today's status in the entertainment industry. His words were clearly provocative, suggesting that Gu Gu For a long time, he didn't care enough about Mr. Sheng, and moreover, there was no need for an outsider Lin Yan to talk about matters between couples. A good dinner was turned into a house fight by Lin Yan. Everyone said nothing, but their impression of him was much worse.

The lively dinner table suddenly quieted down, Xie Jing Xing did not seem to feel the sudden stagnation of the atmosphere, he still ate on his own, Sheng Changyi also had the same expression as usual, and did not even stop when he took the dishes, until Xie Jing Xing shook his head, he did not stop. He asked, "Are you full?"

Xie Jing Xing nodded, "Well, I ate a lot in Gulangyu today, so I'm not too hungry."

Sheng Changyi picked up the water cup on the side and fed it to his mouth: "Come, have a drink." After he finished drinking , Sheng Changyi naturally picked up Xie Jing Xing's bowl and ate the remaining two or three bites of him without any disdain.

After eating, he put down his chopsticks and said politely, "Everyone use it slowly, we're done eating, let's go upstairs to rest first, and I'll trouble everyone to clean up the rest."

"Okay, no problem, you go up and rest, the rest Leave it to us." Fang Liang patted his chest and said.

Zhou Yunshen said: "Yes, yes, Mr. Hard work has cooked such a big table for us today."

"This is a blessing for a long time." He Zhengqing gave Lin Yan a meaningful look when he said this.

Hearing that, Sheng Changyi nodded to the crowd, then took Xie Jing Xing's hand upstairs, the two of them ignored Lin Yan the whole time, completely ignoring him.

As soon as the two left, the others continued to eat, casually chatting with each other, ignoring the red-faced Lin Yan, as if nothing had happened just now.

When the two returned to the room, Sheng Changyi frowned and said, "He is hostile to you."

Xie Jing Xing rubbed the between his brows: "Don't worry, he can't hurt me." Seeing that he was still frowning, he placed his lips on his lips. After kissing him, he said coquettishly , "Don't I still have your golden thigh? Can't you protect me?"

Although he knew that his lover was trying to appease him, Sheng Changyi was still very fond of his lover's coquettishness. The lover exchanged a lingering kiss. Today, because of the cameras, he endured it for a day.

On the other side, in He Zhengqing and Lin Yan's room, Lin Yan's face was not very good. He was annoyed that he had lost his mind because of jealousy, which not only exposed his hostility to Gu Jiu, but also made Sheng Changyi leave him bad. If Sheng Changyi took action against him, I'm afraid Fu Shichen wouldn't be able to keep him. While he was worried, he resented Gu Jiu for ignoring him, making him look like a clown jumping on a beam, and even more jealous of Sheng Changyi's love for Gu Jiu. Yes, he now has to admit that the relationship between Sheng Changyi and Gu Jiu is not at all what he thought it was. Take other people's leftovers.

After realizing this, he didn't feel any better. Instead, he was even more jealous of Gu Jiu. Why is it that he was the one who was reborn, but all good things happened to Gu Jiu. Still wandering in the second line, I finally met a high-quality man, but regarded him as a dispensable plaything, and everything was unsatisfactory. How could he be willing to be stepped on by Gu Jiu in both his lifetimes.

He unilaterally regarded Gu Jiu as an imaginary enemy, but never thought that Gu Jiu would never feel sorry for him, and that Gu Jiu could succeed in his career, of course, with the help of Sheng Changyi, his own ability should not be ignored. No one can be like him. As for love, he had a plan for Fu Shichen from the very beginning, how could he expect Fu Shichen to return his sincerity?

He Zhengqing looked at his changing face and did not make a sound to persuade him. After getting along this day, based on his observation of Lin Yan, even if he persuaded Lin Yan, not only would Lin Yan not listen, he might even hate him for it. How could he do such a thankless thing.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-06-26 00:00:00~2020-06-28 00:00:00~

Thank you for throwing the grenade Little Angel: 1 Little Goblin;

thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Little Mo, 1 Leilei;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Awu; 18 bottles of Aci; 10 bottles of anjcop.X, the sixth generation Yuantianshi, 13641493769; 6 bottles of Konoha Wanyin; 5 bottles of Qiancheng; the medicine is Ouhuang 3 bottles; 2 bottles of apple picking under the bayberry tree; 1 small bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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