Chapter 157

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Fu Linyuan has been waiting outside the secret: to stop the demon cultivator who robbed Xu Baijing, it was easy for Fu Linyuan in the Mahayana period, but he and Xie Jingxing had the same mind: how could he possibly make a move: So he directly ignored Xu Baijing's eyes asking for help.

When Xie Jing Xing returned to the Qingyun Sect, he no longer suppressed his cultivation. He entered the Nascent Soul Stage, and his life experience had tempered his state of mind: Moreover, he had merit and a strong sense of spirituality: The Thunder Tribulation in the Nascent Soul Stage was for him Not enough to fear. After the calamity was over, Xie Jing Xing's cultivation level jumped to the late Nascent Soul stage. This speed was astonishing, but it was the result of his accumulation over the past three years.

After Xie Jing Xing consolidates his cultivation base: as soon as he opened his eyes, he was thrown over by Fu Linyuan who had been standing beside him, Xie Jing Xing was quickly pulled into extreme joy by Fu Linyuan. Fu Linyuan always remembered that Xie Jing Xing disliked his age and worked very hard to let Xie Jing Xing experience the physical strength of an old man. This pair of cultivation lasted for half a year, and finally Xie Jing Xing couldn't take it anymore: it ended by kicking the tireless Fu Linyuan out of bed.

The two here are sweet: Xu Baijing's life in the past six months has been like hell.

After several demon cultivators kidnapped Xu Baijing, he immediately wanted to abolish his spiritual roots: The means were very cruel, and at a critical juncture, Xu Baijing did not care about the exposure of the space: he hid in the space.

He originally planned to take Zhu Guo in the space, quickly improve his cultivation and then return to the Azure Cloud Sect. He believed that as long as he returned to the Azure Cloud Sect, there would be Chu Haotian and others: He would be safe, but he found that although the space could be entered, it was still a piece of land. Mist, he couldn't touch or touch anything he had put into the space. He shouted in the space until his voice was hoarse, and he didn't get any response. He didn't understand how a space that had been upgraded successfully could become like this. Fortunately, there is still some monster meat he hunted in the secret realm in his Qiankun bag, which can barely last a few days.

A few days later, he estimated that several demon cultivators had already left, and he came out of the space and took his sword in the direction of Qingyunzong, but soon he was attacked by cultivators. I don't know who recorded the picture at the entrance of the secret realm on the photo stone, and spread it out. Now the entire cultivation world knows that Xu Baijing, the outer disciple of Qingyunzong, is carrying a fairy weapon, and his appearance is also well known. This means that As soon as Xu Baijing appeared, he was in danger of being murdered and stealing treasures. After all, there are a few people in this world who can resist the temptation of fairy weapons.

There was nothing in the space, so Xu Baijing had to come out for food at intervals. He was chased and killed several times when he left the space. Xu Baijing became a frightened bird. As soon as he saw people, he would hide in the space subconsciously. Physically, he was not injured, but mentally he was extremely tired.

While Xu Baijing complained in his heart that the space had brought him into such a situation, on the other hand, he hoped that the space would change and bring him help. At the same time, he hated even Chu Haotian and others with the Qingyun Sect, and resented why they didn't come to save him. His heart was filled with fear and resentment, and he couldn't even calm down through cultivation.

It's not that he didn't think about handing over the space, but on the one hand he was reluctant, he always had a little hope in his heart that the space would get better, on the other hand, he was worried that even if he handed over the space, those monks would not necessarily let him go. Moreover, the space has become like this now, who would believe that this is the so-called fairy weapon.

After half a year, Xie Jing Xing was free and finally remembered Xu Baijing, so he checked the current situation of Xu Baijing through the space. Compared with half a year ago, Xu Baijing lost a lot of weight, and his brows were full of depression and gloom. How could he still have the high spirits of half a year ago, and his sense of superiority as a transmigrator was gone.

Xie Jing Xing shook his head, the space is an absolutely safe place, while in the space, Xu Baijing can fully cultivate every minute and every second to improve his cultivation level, if he encounters people who chase him out of the space, he can use these people as sparring. The target, improve the actual combat ability, anyway, you can hide in the space if you can't beat it, there is no fear of life at all, there is nothing to fear, wait until your own strength is enough to fight back. In a crisis, Xu Baijing fantasized about the space getting better, looking forward to Chu Haotian and others to save him, but never thought of relying on himself. However, these are all within Xie Jing Xing's expectations. In the original plot, Xu Baijing relied on space to obtain the chaotic spiritual root, and relying on double cultivation with men to improve his cultivation, there were always several men who would handle the crisis for him, but in fact he never solved it independently. Any problem, he's essentially just a dodder.

Xie Jing Xing moved his consciousness and erased the connection between Xu Baijing and the space.

On the other side, Xu Baijing was suddenly ejected by the space. He wanted to enter the space again, but found that the connection between the sea of ​​consciousness and the space had disappeared. what happened? Where is his space? He quickly touched his neck and found that the black stone was still there.

He took out a black stone, cut his fingers, dripped blood on it, held his breath and waited, one second, two seconds, three seconds... After about three minutes, the blood still hadn't been absorbed, and there was obvious panic across his face.

How could this be? Is ordinary blood useless? Yes! Definitely need blood! He used his spiritual power to force a drop of blood essence onto the stone, but it was still not absorbed.

Does it need blood? He almost didn't hesitate to stab his heart with a dagger. At this time, his eyes were full of madness. He seemed to have no pain, and quickly wiped the blood from his heart on the stone, but to his despair, there was still no pain. absorbed. Xu Baijing

sat paralyzed on the ground, holding the black stone tightly in his hands. His face was pale and his eyes were dull. He muttered to himself, "It shouldn't be like this. I'm obviously the protagonist."

A place of hiding that he hated before, but when he really lost it, he felt terrified. The experience of this period made him doubt that he is the protagonist, and the existence of space is the last support for this belief. Now that the space is gone, and the meager belief that Xu Baijing had is gone. It turns out that he is nothing, a protagonist, just his fantasy. He is still the mediocre otaku in his previous life, and he thinks about his current situation again. The situation, how could he not collapse.

Suddenly, a powerful pressure overwhelmed Xu Baijing. He wanted to raise his head to see who it was. A hand was placed on top of his head. Clothes.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in the sea of ​​consciousness. The feeling that his soul was about to be shattered made him scream. This process lasted for an unknown amount of time. Then he was thrown out like a rag doll by someone who came. With the last breath, I wanted to see who killed me, but I only saw the upward curvature of the corner of the other party's mouth, and then completely lost my breath.

Although Xie Jing Xing erased the connection between Xu Baijing and the space, but there was a trace of his consciousness on the black stone, he could still see the situation of Xu Baijing, he originally just wanted to see what would happen to Xu Baijing who lost the space, but he did not expect to see the demon Respect Palace Mo.

In the original plot, he loved Xu Baijing so much that he was even willing to let go of his pride as a demon and shared Xu Baijing's Gong Mo with other men, but now he has performed a soul search on Xu Baijing at the first meeting, and his soul search method is very rough , actually killed Xu Baijing directly.

Xie Jing Xing watched Gong Mo walk to Xu Baijing's corpse and took the black stone from his hand: "Traveling through is really an interesting experience, but such a thing is delusional to be the protagonist, it's really over his own power." His voice was penetrating. With contempt, he stopped watching Xu Baijing Yujian leave after speaking.

Xie Jing Xing withdrew his consciousness, and at this moment he was playing with a photo stone in his hand. The moment he saw Gong Mo, he came up with a plan, and quickly took out the photo stone to record the situation at that time.

Among the remaining consciousness of the original owner, there were two people who hated the most, one was the ungrateful Xu Baijing, and the other was Gong Mo who killed his master Yunhe Renren, Xu Baijing was dead, and now it was Gong Mo's turn.

In less than a day, the photo stone in Xie Jing Xing's hands spread throughout the cultivation world, and everyone in the cultivation world knew that the immortal artifact originally belonging to Xu Baijing had fallen into the hands of Mozun Gongmo.

Gong Mo is a demon cultivator, how can the righteous monks allow the immortal weapon to fall into the hands of the demons, no matter if these righteous monks really want to replace the Tao, or kill and capture the treasure in the name of the Tao, anyway, in the end, Gong Mo Can't please.

In the face of the pursuit of the righteous monk, Gong Mo was very aggrieved. The broken stone was not a fairy weapon at all, but he said, who would believe it.

Gong Mo's cultivation base was not weak in the integration period, but the cultivation base who dared to come to the door was naturally not low. In the end, Gong Mo died under the siege of many righteous monks.

At the same time, Xie Jing Xing did not spare Chu Haotian, Wei Yichen, Chu Zhan and the others. He passed out the photo stone that recorded the intercourse between the three of them and Xu Baijing. The reputation of the three was ruined, and this also affected the Taoism of the three. Dao's heart was unstable, the three people's path of self-cultivation quite stopped there, and after that, without Xie Jing Xing doing anything, they would not be able to ascend as smoothly as in the original plot, the punishment for the cultivators who pursued the Dao was not too heavy.

A hundred years later, Xie Jing Xing and Fu Linyuan rose through the calamity, when the golden light shone on them, the pictures of each past life were displayed one by one in front of their eyes, the two looked at each other and smiled, with love flowing in their eyes.

(End of the full text)

The author has something to say: This article is finished here. Some time ago, due to personal reasons, I asked for leave frequently. I am here to apologize to everyone. Thank you for your support and tolerance, you are me The biggest motivation for writing articles, I love you~~ I will continue to cheer for the next article!

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