Chapter 27

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Xie Jing Xing's side was flourishing, but Ji Xin's side was not very happy.

The words Xie Jingxing left when he broke Wei Ge's leg really worked, he concluded that it was Ji Xin's admirer who did it, so he went to Ji Xin, and Ji Xin did the same after listening to his narration. Guessing, there is absolutely no connection between this incident and the hacking of her computer.

It seems that Wei Ge's leg was also injured because of her. Whether it was because of the character she created or the value of Wei Ge's use, Ji Xin could not ignore it. Ji Xin apologized with shame on his face, arranged for him to be admitted to the senior ward, and was responsible for all medical expenses. He also hired a nurse to take care of him. Usually, he would visit him every three or five hours, and he was very caring.

Wei Ge was very moved at first, and felt that Ji Xin was as gentle and kind as he thought, and he enjoyed Ji Xin's care very much. I'm afraid he won't be able to stand up again. He is essentially a lazy, idle, greedy and selfish villain. When he learned that he was disabled because of Ji Xin, his shallow love for Ji Xin receded in an instant, but he hated him instead. Ji Xin.

He had a bad temper in the first place, but now he is getting more and more eccentric. In front of Ji Xin, he no longer concealed his true nature. After he was discharged from the hospital, he not only asked Ji Xin to arrange a place for him, but also asked her for money from time to time. His attitude was very natural.

As the little princess of Ji's family, Ji Xin has never suffered such grievances in her life. She wanted to quit on the spot, but Wei Ge is not a vegetarian. He threatened that if Ji Xin did not meet his requirements, he would go directly to Ji Xin's school. Tell everyone that Ji Xin hangs out with his little bastard and asks him to help her bully those girls. Although his words as a bastard are not credible, it will always hinder Ji Xin's reputation.

Wei Ge didn't know that his threat of breaking the pot and breaking the jar just caught Ji Xin's seven inches. Knowing that she is not the biological daughter of the Ji family, Ji Xin has always paid great attention to managing her own reputation. Extravagant, how could she be willing to live a poor life. She had always had a strong premonition in her heart that her identity as a fake daughter could not be concealed for the rest of her life. Ji's parents and Ji's mother may not believe Wei Ge's words now, but there will always be traces in their hearts. When their identities are revealed, if they think of them, they may become her stains, and she does not dare to take risks.

Now that she is porcelain and Wei Ge is rubble, Ji Xin doesn't dare to confront him, so she has to keep using money to appease Wei Ge. She also thought of removing Wei Ge directly, but Wei Ge seems to be suddenly enlightened and smart. He even told her that he would call several of his younger brothers every day. If he didn't call one day, it meant that he had an accident and had something to do with Ji Xin. Ji Xin had to hold back the killing intent in her heart, regretting why she wanted to save Brother Wei in the first place and brought such a big trouble to herself, but she forgot that she wanted to use Brother Wei and took the initiative to keep in touch with Brother Wei.

Although Xie Jing Xing was busy with his career, he still did not relax his surveillance of Ji Xin. Although Ji Xin read the third middle school as in the original plot, his encounter with Cheng Keke had already been swept away by him, but he was still worried that he did not know that the two were in the same place. When they met, Cheng Keke was hurt, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.

Xie Jing Xing naturally did not neglect the cultivation of his younger sister. After learning etiquette in the summer vacation, Cheng Keke's temperament has improved a lot, and there is a little more grace in his gestures. In addition, with the improvement of home conditions, the progress of learning and his own strength Cheng Keke became more confident and charismatic than before.

During this process, Xie Jing Xing did not ignore Cheng Keke's psychology. Although girls need to be rich, but too much emphasis on material things can easily make people vain, and getting rich overnight can easily make people lost. This is why Ji Xin has been raised in Ji's family for more than ten years and still can't change the greed and vanity in his bones. . Bu Cheng Ke Ke was indeed brought up well by Cheng's father and Cheng's mother. Although he was happy with the beautiful clothes and jewelry, he did not lose his heart. He focused more on his own learning and ability improvement. Xie Jing Xing was very satisfied with this. But think about it, in the original plot, the differential treatment of Cheng Keke and Ji Xin at Ji's house made her feel inferior, but she never envied Ji Xin or targeted her because of it, more because she was secretly sad, showing her nature Pure.

What Xie Jing Xing didn't know was that Cheng Keke was now his fangirl and adored him a lot, and all behaviors were based on him. With his excellent brother as an example, she would work harder and want to become excellent.

"Creak!" A harsh braking sound echoed in his ears, Xie Jing Xing who had just written the code all night walked out of the company in a trance and was almost hit by a car, but fortunately he reacted in time and quickly avoided .

Just as Xie Jing Xing was about to stand up, a sharp pain came from his ankle, it seemed that he sprained his foot when he was dodging.

"Are you all right?" A cold male voice came from Xie Jing Xing's head.

Xie Jing Xing looked up and saw that the man in front of him was about 1.88 meters tall, with a handsome face without a concubine, his face was carved with distinct features, his eyebrows were sharp, his whole body was indifferent and noble, but his eyes were filled with a hint of worry, his nose was high and his body was full. The black suit wrapped around his strong and slender but not rough figure. Xie Jing Xing crossed his eyes with admiration and praised his good looks in his heart. There was a middle-aged man standing beside the man, looking at the man with respect, it should be the man's driver.

It was his responsibility to talk about this matter, the man did not sit in the car and wait for the driver to deal with it, Xie Jing Xing had a good impression on him, he waved his hand and said, "It didn't hit me, it's just that my foot was sprained, it was me who was wrong just now, I I was in a trance and didn't pay attention to the road." He obviously felt that the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief after speaking.

"I'll take you to the hospital." After the man finished speaking, he bent down to help Xie Jing Xing up without waiting for Xie Jing Xing's answer. Seeing his frowning, he pursed his lips and hugged Xie Jing Xing horizontally in the middle-aged man's surprised eyes.

Xie Jing Xing's body suddenly jumped into the air, his heart was startled, he subconsciously hugged the man's neck, raised his head to meet the man's slightly deep eyes, Xie Jing Xing's heart skipped a beat, he only thought that he was caught off guard by his sudden action, and he didn't. After thinking more, he looked away casually, and said in a low voice, "Thank you." Although he could treat it by himself, it was really inconvenient for him to walk on one foot to buy medicine or something. It would be better to go to the hospital.

The man nodded expressionlessly, his expression was cold, Xie Jing Xing didn't take it to heart, this man looked indifferent, it was a good intention to send him to the hospital.

There was no words all the way, after arriving at the hospital, the man picked him up again, although Xie Jing Xing said on the way that it was not his responsibility at all, he could go first if he had something, the man still accompanied him to finish the examination.

Xie Jing Xing's foot was only slightly sprained, no bones were injured, he just needed to apply some medicine and recover for a while.

The man asked, "Where do you live, I will take you back?"

After a while, Xie Jing Xing also saw that the man had a strong sense of responsibility, and he had already received a lot of help from the man today, so he gave an address. .

On the way home, Xie Jing Xing remembered that he still didn't know the man's name and said, "My name is Cheng Nuo, thank you sir today." Although the man should have known his name when he registered before, he still introduced himself politely.

"Ji Huan." The man said two words succinctly.

When Xie Jing Xing heard this, his eyes flickered and he never spoke again. After the car stopped downstairs in the apartment, Xie Jing Xing politely thanked him again. When the man was about to get out of the car and carry him upstairs, he quickly opened the car door, and then jumped and jumped. went upstairs.

Ji Huan looked at the back of the young man jumping and jumping, his thin lips pursed slightly, and there was a rare layer of doubt in his eyes. After he noticed that he said his name, the young man's attitude changed from being polite and estranged to being evasive, but the young man was obviously seeing him for the first time. Could someone offend the young man in his own name? I don't know why, but when he thought of the young man's fear of avoiding him, he felt very uncomfortable, and he always felt that the relationship between the two should not be like this.

"Master, do we still have to go to the airport?" the driver asked.

Ji Huan frowned slightly and said, "Go home." A voice in his heart told him that if he went to the airport now, he might miss something very important to him. It seems that after meeting the youth, he became a little strange. If his driver hits a person, his treatment should be to send the person to the hospital, pay the medical bill, and then leave the contact information. It is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to hug someone, accompany them considerately throughout the whole process, and finally send them home.

Xie Jing Xing showed an annoyed look after returning home, he did not expect to meet Ji Xin's eldest brother Ji Huan so by chance, what a broken fate, in the original plot, Cheng Keke was hit by Ji Huan's car and was found to be holding the wrong thing, Now it's him again. Because he often worked overtime in the company, Xie Jingxing deliberately rented an apartment near the company so that he could rest easily. Fortunately, what he just reported was the address of this apartment. If it was the address of his home, he might meet Cheng Keke, which would be a lot of fun.

The original owner was injured because of his face, Cheng Keke didn't go when he recognized the kiss, and naturally he never saw Ji Huan, but Xie Jing Xing only had the original owner's memory, but the plot was just some words and there was no video, so it was no wonder he didn't know Ji Huan.

Although Cheng Keke's tragedy was mainly due to Ji Xin's scheming, but it had nothing to do with Ji's mother's cold treatment and Ji's father's neglect, so Xie Jing Xing had no good impression of Ji's family. As for Ji Huan, although in the original plot he recognized Cheng Keke and brought her back to Ji's house and went abroad, this incident has nothing to do with him, but who made him the Ji family? angered.

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