Chapter 64

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 The heaven and the earth are divided into two halves: one half is fire: the other half is water: there is a red and blue color between the heaven and the earth: a young man in red with a strange face stands in the air: his eyes are red: holding a silver spear, The head of the gun pointed directly at the young man who was also standing in the water in a blue suit and holding a sharp sword.

The two people flashed, the moment the guns and swords met: The fire and water around the two suddenly churned: A huge fire dragon and water dragon were formed: I saw the two giant dragons open their mouths: Fireballs and water balls were constantly spewing out of their mouths. , The people below screamed and ran away, looking terrified, and they were about to be hit by fireballs and water balls that fell from the sky.

When the young man in red in the fight saw this, his eyes flashed unbearably, and the fire dragon had the same heart with him: it flew to the ground quickly, and used its huge body to block the falling fire and water balls. However, while the fire dragon was distracted, the water dragon sent out countless water arrows at the fire dragon: The fire dragon was concerned about the people below and did not dare to escape. He groaned, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

He sarcastically looked at the blue-clothed youth with an unwavering expression: "What is immortal, what is demon, what is right, what is evil, immortal Tao is ruthless, and treats everyone as ants. If this is immortal, then I would rather fall into demon." Holding the silver spear and flying up, the fire dragon also followed, and the figure of one person and one dragon turned into countless fireballs, and finally formed the word "fallen devil".

This is a promotional video broadcast on the big screen of Shengshi in the central square. When the giant dragon opened its mouth, its huge body rushed out of the screen. The people watching below couldn't help screaming. They looked at the giant dragon. Countless fireballs and water balls were sprayed out, and they were about to fall on them. They even felt the temperature and water vapor of the flames. They also fled around like the people in the video. This turned out to be just a video, all fake, but the real effect is really shocking.

In order to achieve the 4D effect of the promotional video, Xie Jingxing specially arranged the layout in the central square in advance, so that the temperature and water vapor felt by pedestrians were also real, not only this city, but also the major first-tier cities in the country, Xie Jingxing arranged it like this, such a great deal Without the support of Sheng Changyi, it would be difficult to achieve this behavior.

This promotional video has been broadcast in the central square for a month. This month, the central square is full of people almost every day, just to experience the real and shocking feeling.

A month later, "Fallen Devil" was screened in more than 50 4D theaters across the country under Shengshi. The venue was full, and it was difficult to find a ticket. After watching the movie, all the people were unanimous.

"Although the promotional film of "Fallen Devil" is very shocking, I was not optimistic about the film at first, a three-minute short film is easy to do, but a two-hour film is difficult. When I entered the theater, I was At the beginning, I came with the thought of being critical, but at the beginning of the film, I forgot my original intention. The whole process I was in a dream-like world of fairy and demons, like a real scene, which was really shocking. If I had to single out the film's shortcomings, it was that two hours was too short, and I didn't have enough experience, so I watched it again."

"I watched a movie with my boyfriend, and my boyfriend insisted on watching this. What 4D movie I was thinking of at the time was just a gimmick, and it must be selling dog meat again, but after watching it, I am glad that I walked in today, I did not miss this movie that can be called a milestone."

"The first time I watched it, I was completely immersed in the shocking effect of the movie's immersion, and the second time I had a little spare energy to pay attention to the actors' acting skills. Not to mention, the actors in this movie are also very good, especially the lead actor Gu Jiu, who grasps the characters' personalities very carefully, his expressions and eyes are all in place, and his lines are also very good. He is so smooth and imposing, and I don't know if he has martial arts skills. It can be said that Gu Jiu is also the highlight of this movie."

"After watching the character list at the end of the movie, I found something shocking, this movie All the special effects of the film were completed by one person, and the music was also performed by the same person. This person is still Gu Jiu, the star of this movie. I just want to ask, are all the actors now so versatile?"

"The special effects of "Fallen Devil" It has far surpassed Hollywood's well-made blockbusters, and this is not just a movie, but also the pride of the people who grow flowers."

The box office of "Fallen Devil" exceeded 600 million in three days after its release. Can be filmed in 4D cinema. Many people are still not satisfied after watching it once. There are many people who have watched it twice and three times. Many people even went to other cities to watch it because there is no 4D theater in their own city. Because it was too popular, many netizens asked for an extension. In the end, Shengshi extended the film's release time from the originally scheduled one month to three months. Even so, in the last month, the prime-time attendance rate was still as high as 90%.

According to the final statistics, the box office of "Fallen Devil" is as high as 12 billion, which is unprecedented in history. Because the most critical special effects of this film were all completed by Xie Jingxing alone, and even the shooting location was indoors. Most of the investment in the film was in equipment, staff salaries and post-stage publicity, which added up to almost 2 billion, which is comparable to Hollywood's blockbuster.

2 billion is not much for Shengshi Group, but it is only used to invest in a movie. At the beginning, many shareholders of Shengshi disapproved, but Sheng Changyi has always had an absolute right to speak in Shengshi, and these people's objections are invalid. Today, the 12 billion box office results have made these people completely shut up, and they are amazed. Sure enough, Mr. Sheng is still Mr. Sheng, and his vision is as unique as ever.

Thanks to this movie, Xie Jingxing's Weibo fans exceeded 50 million, and he jumped from a third-tier little star to a top-ranked star. He is unique in that his popularity has risen so fast. Even "The Legend of Concubine Xigui", which has already been broadcast on Pineapple TV, has surpassed the 17% of the first broadcast and reached 23% during the replay.

Xie Jingxing's fans are also different from other fans. He has a lot of technical fans. He often leaves messages on his Weibo to discuss post-production special effects issues. Later, Xie Jingxing can give perfect answers. Gradually, his meagerness has become a post-production special effect exchange platform. , can be described as unique in the entertainment industry. His fan loyalty is also very high. After all, there is such a good-looking and all-round idol, and fans also feel that Beier has face.

After "Fallen Devil", Xie Jingxing received numerous invitations from endorsements, film crews and show crews. Some time ago, Xie Jing Xing was too busy for movies, and Xie Jing Xing didn't have time to spend with his lover, so he decided not to make movies in the short term, after all, one movie took two or three months.

After Liang Rui knew Xie Jing Xing's idea, he suggested that he participate in a reality show, which would not only maintain his exposure, but also allow fans to understand a side of his life and increase interaction with fans.

Xie Jing Xing naturally had no objection, he originally planned to choose a reality show about outdoor survival, but he didn't expect his lover to hold an invitation for a show called "Take a Trip with Friends" and said that he would join him.

When Liang Rui heard this, he quickly said: "Mr. Sheng, I'm afraid this is not very good. If someone knows your identity, netizens may have bad speculations on Gu Jiu."

"What bad speculations? I take care of you? Baby, are you worried?" Sheng Changyi looked at Xie Jing Xing expectantly.

Xie Jing Xing glared at the man, "I know why I asked!" He still didn't understand this man's mind, every world was like this, and he wished the whole world would know that he was his. He could think with his toes that this man would definitely make trouble on the show, deliberately let netizens speculate about their relationship, and then officially announced that everything was a routine.

What Xie Jing Xing could do, of course his man was spoiled. He said to Liang Rui, "That's it, I'm afraid we will come out of the closet by then, please prepare Brother Liang in advance."

Sheng Changyi laughed when he heard the words, and happily kissed the corner of his lover's mouth.

Liang Rui also understood that the two were planning to use this show to make it public, and they never planned to hide it from the beginning to the end. He was originally worried that this would affect Gu Jiu's star path, but after thinking about it, he was relieved. Because of Gu Jiu's excellence, the fans he attracts are also very good. Most of these people are more rational. As long as they are guided well, they will not be too repulsive to idol love. As for taking care of him, with the cherishing of Mr. Sheng for Gu Jiu, he believed that Mr. Sheng would definitely use his actions to shut up everyone. His previous concern was messed up, and he forgot about this level.

Lin Yan's film was released at almost the same time as "Falling Demon". Because "Falling Demon" was only shown in 4D theaters, it did not conflict with the filming of ordinary films, and the impact on the box office was not great, but this For a while, because "Fallen Devil" was so hot, all the hot searches were occupied by topics related to "Falled Devil". Even if the movies he participated in were considered successful, his exposure rate as an actor was not high. Therefore, his fame is not as high as in the original plot, and he did not attract Fu Shichen's attention like the original plot, but perhaps because of the power of the plot, he still had a relationship with Fu Shichen by accident.

When Fu Shichen woke up, he found him lying on the same bed with a young man covered in sex. He didn't need to think about what happened to the two of them yesterday. He didn't even glance at Lin Yan on the bed, got up and went to the bathroom.

When he came out of the shower, Lin Yan was already awake, and when he saw Fu Shichen, he had just the right amount of surprise on his face: "President? Why are you here?" Although he drank some wine yesterday, he was still conscious. , When Fu Shichen took him into the room, he recognized that he was the president of Xingguang, and found that Fu Shichen was drugged, so he pretended to be drunk and rolled with Fu Shichen.

When Fu Shichen heard the words, a light flashed in his eyes. He looked at Lin Yan carefully and affirmed, "You are an artist of Xingguang?" Although he was drugged yesterday, he was conscious. When he pulled the young man into the room, The young man didn't seem to resist much. There was a trace of contempt deep in his eyes, but when he thought of the fit between the two bodies on the bed yesterday, an idea came to him.

Everything that happened in the original plot was the same as it is now, but Fu Shichen didn't notice this. Instead, he felt that his traditional Chinese medicine forced Lin Yan, and felt a little more guilt and pity for him. Without the good impression at the beginning as a filter, Fu Shichen was still the shrewd CEO of Starlight.

"Yes, my name is Lin Yan, and I'm an actor." Lin Yan seemed to be a little restrained. After all, he was a star artist. If he pretended not to know Fu Shichen, it would be too fake.

"I'm very satisfied with you, do you want to follow me?" Fu Shichen directly asked Lin Yan to take care of him, but there was not much respect in his words.

Lin Yan couldn't hear the contempt in Fu Shichen's words. He originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought of Gu Jiu, who had become a top class now, he couldn't say what he refused. With Gu Jiu's current status, and only relying on his own efforts, when will he be able to catch up with Gu Jiu.

Lin Yan really couldn't understand why Gu Jiu became so powerful once he was reborn. Although Gu Jiu in his previous life had good luck and the star road was magnanimous, he didn't show anything special.

He didn't doubt that Gu Jiu was reborn, he was reborn himself, knowing that no matter how reborn people hide, they will involuntarily bring some vicissitudes that do not match their age. He is like this, and many fans still shout This is his charm. He met Gu Jiu two times before. Although Gu Jiu was calm, he still carried the vigor of a young man. He was an actor, so he could naturally see whether others were acting. Gu Jiu's performance was very real and natural, and he didn't feel Gu Jiu Jiu's acting is good enough to fool his eyes.

Lin Yan can only attribute this to the butterfly effect brought about by his rebirth, because he robbed Gu Jiu of the role that should have belonged to Gu Jiu. During that time, Gu Jiu had other opportunities, which gave him a chance to show his talents. But in any case, Lin Yan felt that he could no longer let Gu Jiu develop like this. He had an intuition that if he didn't step on Gu Jiu, his life would eventually follow the old path of his previous life. Before he knew it, Gu Jiu had become a thorn in his heart that he wanted to remove.

Lin Yan finally accepted Fu Shichen's support. At this time, he wanted to use Fu Shichen's resources to surpass Gu Jiu, but he didn't know what he lost.

It was no surprise that Lin Yan would agree to support Fu Shichen. At this time, Lin Yan was no different from those little stars who wanted to climb up to him.

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