Chapter 73

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"Almost at the bottom of the mountain." Yan Feng saw that Xie Jing Xing kept his eyes closed: He reminded: If he still carried Xie Jing Xing behind his back when he got to the bottom of the mountain: It would be bad for Xie Jing Xing's reputation to be seen.

Xie Jing Xing seemed not to understand: "My name is Zhou Jin: my family is the Zhou family in the east of the village: I'm in trouble for Big Brother Yan."

He naturally knew that the man was concerned about his reputation, but he always had to give Meng Yuan an excuse to let him go. He broke off the marriage, he didn't want to be tied to Meng Yuan all the time, wouldn't it be an excellent excuse to have skin-to-skin relationship with other men: He believed that with Meng Yuan's eagerness: he would not let go of the opportunity he specially created for him to break off the marriage .

As for his reputation: he was carried by Yan Feng because he was injured: The matter is urgent, and the villagers can say a few gossips, but it will not be too harsh. Only people with other motives like Meng Yuan can do so Hold on. Moreover, he was almost certain that Yan Feng was his lover. As long as Meng Yuan broke off the marriage, Yan Feng came to his house to propose marriage: the influence of fame was nothing at all, after all, the people in the village were not as particular as aristocratic families.

Yan Feng already had a good impression of Xie Jing Xing, but seeing that Xie Jing Xing did not understand what he meant: he did not explain anymore, and continued to walk forward behind his back, in his heart he wished he could not bear Xie Jing Xing for the rest of his life.

"Brother Jin, who are you?" After going down the mountain: When the villagers on the road saw that Yan Feng was carrying him, they couldn't help but ask.

Xie Jingxing said, "I met a wild boar on the mountain and sprained my foot. I happened to meet Big Brother Yan, and he kindly took me down."

"Wild boar? You have entered the deep mountains, how can you be so reckless as a child?" , but there was obvious concern in his words. Although the people in the village gossip, most of them are still very simple and kind.

"I didn't go into the deep mountains, I was chopping firewood on the outside like usual, I don't know why the wild boar rushed out, I was so scared at the time, but fortunately Big Brother Yan showed up in time to save me." Xie Jing Xing looked like he had lingering fears, he took advantage of others Not paying attention, she gave Yan Feng a playful wink.

A smile flashed across Yan Feng's eyes, knowing that Xie Jing Xing didn't want people to know that he killed a wild boar, after all, such a brother is too sturdy, most men don't like it, watching Xie Jing Xing lie without changing his face, Not only did he not find it annoying, on the contrary, the feeling that he was the only one who knew Xie Jing Xing's secret made him secretly happy.

"What? There are wild boars on the outside? Then what will we do when we chop firewood and cut grass? If the wild boars go down the mountain, what will we do?" The villagers were shocked when they heard the words. I won't encounter it on one side, and now it even has the periphery, and it's hard to guarantee that it won't come down the mountain.

"The two wild boars have already been killed by Big Brother Yan, they should be fine, everyone don't need to worry." Xie Jing Xing said.

The villagers breathed a sigh of relief and praised Yan Feng. Yan Feng is a taciturn person. After he came back, he didn't communicate much with the villagers. The villagers felt scared when they saw his angry face with a scar on him, and they didn't dare to approach him. Now they see that Yan Feng can save next week. Jin, his heart should not be bad, and he is less afraid of him.

Xie Jingxing said: "These two wild boars are still on the mountain, please help everyone to move them down. Big Brother Yan said that one of them will be used to distribute to the villagers who helped, isn't it, Big Brother Yan?" He will be with his lover in the future. Living in this village, he doesn't want his lover to face fearful eyes wherever he goes, but even to help his lover and the villagers have a good relationship, he won't send the wild boar out directly. He still understands the truth of hatred.

Yan Feng nodded in the expectant eyes of the villagers, and the villagers burst into cheers. The life of the farmers is not easy. If you can eat a meal of meat in ten days and a half, you can be considered a wealthy family in the village. The villagers were unhappy even if they helped lift the wild boar and could get the meat.

With the benefit of the benefits, the villagers also became enthusiastic about Yan Feng's attitude. They felt that although he was a little fierce in appearance and a little taciturn, he was still a good person.

Feeling the change in the attitude of the villagers, Yan Feng still didn't know Xie Jing Xing's intention and looked at him with a softer look.

In order to distribute more meat, the villagers went home and called their family members to help. The village was not big, and soon the news that Yan Feng wanted to distribute wild pork spread throughout the village.

The Meng family naturally also got the news. Dad Meng and Dad Meng hurried out when they heard that there was a pork distribution, and they didn't even have time to tell the whole story.

When Meng Yuan heard the words "wild boar" and "on the mountain", a light flashed in his eyes, with anticipation hidden in his eyes, he pulled the villager and said, "Are there wild boars on the mountain? Is anyone injured?"

Then the villager realized that Zhou Jin was Meng Yuan's fiancé patted his head: "Look, I only remembered about dividing pork, but I forgot about such an important thing, go and see, Zhou Jin met a wild boar on the mountain, I'm afraid Are you scared?"

"Is he okay?" Meng Yuan asked.

The villager just thought that Meng Yuan was worried about Zhou Jin, and said quickly: "Don't worry, it's just a sprained foot, it's nothing serious, it's because he was lucky, he happened to be rescued by Yan Feng, otherwise I'm afraid today... oh, yes, Zhou Dad doesn't know about this yet, I'll go tell him now." After speaking, he hurriedly ran away, not noticing that when Meng Yuan heard that Zhou Jin was all right, there was not a trace of reassurance in his eyes as a fiancé. Instead, there was a touch of regret.

He had attracted a lot of beast fans, but he didn't expect that Zhou Jin was so lucky to be rescued, but he just sprained his foot. He felt regretful and at the same time annoyed that Yan Feng was meddling.

In order not to fall into place, he still followed Meng A-Daddy and Meng A-Mei to the foot of the mountain. When he saw that Zhou Jin was being carried on his back by Yan Feng, and the clothes on his body were obviously not his own, he rolled his eyes and thought again.

He and A-Daddy Meng and A-Meng Meng whispered a few words in a whisper. After listening to the two, their eyes lit up and they nodded frequently. A-Meng Meng whispered, "Just do this, why do you want to close this door this time? The marriage is dismissed." As soon as the

three approached, Meng Amei asked sharply, "Zhou Jin, you are our Meng Yuan's fiancé, how can you lie on the back of another man."

Xie Jing Xing heard the words and thought to himself. . He followed the sound and saw three people walking towards him, one of them was gentle in appearance, fair-skinned, dressed in a long gown, completely different from the surrounding men who were dark-skinned, dressed in coarse clothes, and dressed as peasants. It is the original owner's fiancé Meng Yuan.

"Meng's family, you misunderstood, Brother Jin encountered a wild boar while going up the mountain and injured his foot, so Yan Feng was brought down." The villagers had just received Yan Feng's benefits, and Xie Jing Xing's credit was also involved. At this time, they all helped Xie Jing Xing to explain.

"Then whose clothes are on him? He injured his feet, why do he need to change his clothes?" Meng Amo pointed to the clothes on Xie Jing Xing's body.

As soon as Meng Amo's question came out, the surrounding villagers realized that Xie Jingxing's clothes were much bigger, obviously not his own clothes, they looked at Xie Jingxing and Yan Feng, waiting for the two to explain, some people still had a look in their eyes. Ambiguous sizing.

Yan Feng heard Meng Amo's words and realized that Xie Jing Xing was actually engaged, when he thought that Xie Jing Xing was going to marry someone else, Yan Feng felt a pain in his heart, and looked at Meng Yuan with a hint of hostility and criticality in his eyes.

With thin skin and tender meat, it looked like a weak chicken, how could he protect Xie Jing Xing? Modest on the surface, but arrogant in his eyes, just like some of the hypocrites he had seen in Beijing, how could such a person be entrusted to him for life? Most importantly, as Xie Jing Xing's fiancé, seeing Xie Jing Xing was not the first time he cared about his safety, but instead allowed his relatives to accuse him like this, without saying a word to him, it was too unqualified! In his heart, he thought that Meng Yuan's approval was worthless, and he was thinking about how to break the marriage contract between the two.

Xie Jing Xing didn't know what Yan Feng was thinking and continued, "This is Big Brother Yan's clothes."

"Look, he said it was Yan Feng's clothes, maybe the two of them ran into a wild boar at a private meeting in the mountains, and they were in a hurry. You are wearing the wrong clothes." Meng A-mo grabbed Xie Jing Xing's words and said quickly.

These words were really ugly, Yan Feng gave Meng Amei a cold look, just as he was about to speak, Xie Jing Xing hurriedly said, "It's not like this, it's because I can't wear my clothes, otherwise it will attract more beasts, because There's..." He said that he deliberately paused here, seeing Meng Yuan's pupils shrinking, his eyes were obviously nervous, and then he said: "The blood of wild boars."

Meng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it turned out that he didn't find the above. The beast fan was attracted, but he did not know that both Xie Jing Xing and Yan Feng saw his reaction in their eyes.

The animal powder on Xie Jing Xing's clothes was actually sprinkled by his fiancé, when he thought that Xie Jing Xing almost died under the wild boar's mouth, Yan Feng looked at Meng Yuan with a murderous look in his eyes.

"How can I trust you? Besides, even if you have nothing to do with Yan Feng, but you two are like having skin-to-skin relationship, how can we have the face to let our Meng Yuan marry you, we don't want you such an innocent brother. !"

"Then break the marriage!" Father Zhou suddenly interjected with an angry voice. He had just heard from the villagers that Brother Jin met a wild boar on the mountain, and his feet were softened with fright, so he hurried over to hear it. When it came to Meng Amo, his face turned black.

Since his family's downfall, the attitude of the Meng family is obviously wrong. He saw that Meng Yuan's attitude towards Brother Jin was the same as before, and he thought it was a good one. Totally disliked him. It's like this now, if Brother Jin really gets married and has a conflict with his father, how can he protect Brother Jin? It's better to break off the marriage early, his favorite child is not to go to someone else's house pissed off.

"If you retire, don't go back." Meng Amo said quickly, his attitude was too eager, and the villagers were not all fools. This out is just an excuse.

Meng Yuan felt the subtle eyes of the villagers, and was a little annoyed that Meng A-mei was too impatient, but since the words had been said, he simply called off the marriage. He planned it for so long, wasn't it for this purpose? As for the suspicions of the villagers, he would always find a way to eliminate them afterwards, so he stood by and said nothing.

Father Zhou looked at Xie Jing Xing worriedly, he knew that his brother liked Meng Yuan, so he was afraid that he would not agree.

Xie Jing Xing looked at the dense sweat and worried eyes on A-Daddy Zhou's head, his eyes softened, he gave Meng Yuan a deep look with a proud expression on his face: "Since the Meng family does not look down on me, I am Zhou Jin. Let's break the marriage."

Meng Yuan thought that Zhou Jin would explain, keep, and even stalk him, after all Zhou Jin liked him so much, but he didn't expect Zhou Jin to agree to break off the marriage so easily. Can not help but feel a little uncomfortable. He would come up with such a vicious plan, on the one hand, for his reputation, on the other hand, he was worried that Zhou Jin would pester him and cause more troubles. At this time, Zhou Jin's attitude seemed to be mocking his self-righteousness. Maybe Zhou Jin didn't like him as much as he thought. And such a proud Zhou Jin is something he has never seen before. The proud look and the noble temperament he exudes are not even comparable to Brother Yu. Such Zhou Jin makes his heart beat faster.

Xie Jing Xing took a jade pendant from his neck and handed it to Meng Yuan: "This is the token of the engagement back then. I'll give it back to you now. You can also return my jade pendant to me." Yuan's favorite.

Meng Yuan held the jade pendant with Zhou Jin's body temperature in his hand, and for a moment he had the idea of ​​going back on it.

Seeing that his son was hesitating, Meng Amo gently tugged at his sleeve. Meng Yuan looked back, saw Meng Amei's urging eyes, and thought of Yu Ge'er, and finally suppressed the reluctance. Zhou Jin is just a farmer brother, how can he compare with Yu Ge'er? , What a look of contempt, noble temperament, but Zhou Jin's strong support.

After persuading himself, Meng Yuan took out the jade pendant from his sleeve and handed it to Xie Jing Xing. He was always ready to break off the engagement and naturally took the jade pendant with him.

In this world, engagement is all based on jade pendants, and there is no money involved. Besides, there are not so many rules in the farm family. Now, in front of so many villagers, both families have returned the tokens of the original engagement, even if the marriage is completely withdrawn. .

When the marriage broke off, Xie Jing Xing and Yan Feng both breathed a sigh of relief, finally they/the sweetheart no longer had to be tied to other men, but Meng Yuan, who had always wanted to break off the marriage, was not as relaxed as he imagined.

Just at this time, the villagers who went up the mountain to move the wild boar came down. One of the villagers came to Xie Jing Xing with a blood-stained clothes: "Brother Jin, this is your clothes."

Xie Jing Xing took the clothes and nodded: "It's mine." The

villagers also saw the blood on it, which proved that Xie Jing Xing had not lied before and that he and Yan Feng were innocent. They turned to look at the three Meng family members, and all three were a little embarrassed.

Father Zhou was startled when he saw the blood-stained clothes, he quickly surrounded Xie Jing Xing and said, "Brother Jin, are you okay? Where are you injured? Why is there so much blood on this clothes?" Brother Jin hurried over when he encountered a wild boar in the mountains, and did not listen to the villagers' words.

Xie Jing Xing comforted: "Dad, don't worry, these are all the blood of wild boars, I just sprained my foot, it's not serious, thanks to Big Brother Yan who arrived in time to save me."

Upon hearing this, Father Zhou hurriedly said to Yan Feng, "Yan Feng, thank you so much, I really don't know how to thank you."

"Uncle Zhou is too polite, no matter who encounters such a thing, he will not stand by and watch." Facing Xie Jing Xing Relatives, Yan Feng has changed his usual aloofness and behaved very modestly.

Father Zhou patted Yan Feng's shoulder with satisfaction after hearing this: "Good job." Seeing Xie Jing Xing on his back, he quickly said, "Yan Feng, Brother Jin, let me carry it." Dad's here, where else can I let other men carry Brother Jin on their back.

Yan Feng had to put Xie Jing Xing down when he heard the words: "Then I will leave first." After he finished speaking, he glanced at Xie Jing Xing, carried a wild boar and left. Although he really wanted to leave this wild boar to Xie Jing Xing to make up his body, he did not dare to be too attentive at this time, for fear of spreading more rumors that would be bad for Xie Jing Xing.

"Father, let's go back too." Xie Jing Xing said.

"Father Zhou, I will divide the meat later. I will send the pig's trotters of this wild boar to your house. Brother Jin's foot is injured, so eat the pig's trotters to make up for the shape." Father

Zhou said, "Then Thank you everyone."

"What thanks, it's thanks to Brother Jin that we were able to get the pork." Father

Zhou left with Xie Jing Xing behind his back, and neither of them looked at the Meng family again. Seeing Zhou Jin's retreating back, Meng Yuan felt empty in his heart, always feeling that he had lost something precious.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-07-03 00:00:00~2020-07-04 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting mines Little Angel: J, 1 Fenglin Remnant;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Little Goblin, 6 bottles of Fenglin Remnant; 3 bottles of Taoyue Linzhi; I am very grateful for everyone's support to me, I will continue to work hard !

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